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Lean Six Sigma Black Belt

Dates:  Jan. 10, 11, 17, 18, 24, 25, 31, Feb. 1, 8, 9, 2020 Overview Lean Six Sigma is a two-stage approach which drives continual improvement in organizations and strives towards greater than 99% efficiency. Lean refers to maximizing customer value and minimizing the areas of waste in processes; creating enhanced customer satisfaction and less wasted resources. Six Sigma is the ongoing effort to continually reduce product and process variation through a defined project approach.  This is an 80-hour course that provides a structured approach in defining Six Sigma Project and measuring opportunities, robust problem solving, use statistical tests to measure and improve processes and tools to sustain performance. Course Outline ·         INTRODUCTIONo   Innovationo   Lean Six Sigma Green Belt Introductiono   What is Lean Six Sigma?·         DEFINE PHASEo   Voice of the Customero   Project Definitiono   Introduction to Process Mappingo   Identifying Quick Winso   Define Case Study·         MEASURE PHASEo   What to Measureo   Data Collection Plano   Operational Definitiono   Sampling Overviewo   Measurement System Analysiso   Concept of Stability & Normality·         MEASURE PHASEo   Statistical Summarizationo   Baseline Capability – Sigma Levelo   Measure Case Study·         ANALYZE PHASEo   Process Analysiso   Cause & Effect Diagramo   Pareto Analysiso   FMEAo   Hypothesis testingo   Correlation Analysiso   Regression Analysiso   Analyze Case Studyo   Box Plot Analysis·         IMPROVE PHASEo   Solution Identificationo   Implement Solutiono   Evaluate resultso   Improve Case Study·         CONTROL PHASEo   Standardize & Sustaino   Improvementso   Confirm Goal Attainmento   Project Closureo   Control Case Studyo   Final Test Who Should Attend -  Executives, Managers, Supervisors, Reports Analysts What Will I Learn A structured approach to opportunity identification and problem-solving Performance data collection, baselining and analytics Targeted interventions and improvement strategies A standard approach to sustain performance and best practices  How Will I Benefit Understand Lean Six Sigma Methodology and its application in your workplace Institutionalize usage of Lean Six Sigma Build a culture of excellence across the organization Improve bottom-line performance indicators

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5 Day Kick Start Ultrasound Workshop

Introduction to Abdominal Ultrasound  5 DAY    Physics ,Upper Abdomen Course Description  The course will cover an introduction into the Physics of Ultrasound, Basic colour Doppler, Artifacts, Knobology and instrumentation Upper Abdominal anatomy and pathology. The emphasis is on developing an understanding of the normal and abnormal pathological sonographic  patterns and appearances,   image documentation, measurements to facilitate the reading and understanding ultrasound images, to assist diagnosis. Curriculum: Physics  and Instrumentation, Artifacts and Basic colour Doppler Knobology, Probe orientation and manipulation techniques lecture and demonstration Ultrasound Terminology ,Descriptors lecture and how to interpret an ultrasound . Lecture demonstrating ultrasound appearances of  common pathologies related to the relevant anatomy Anatomy of the Upper Abdomen including Aorta, Pancreas, Liver, Gallbladder, CBD, Portal Vein, Kidneys and Spleen lecture  Ultrasound Anatomy of the Upper Abdomen including Aorta and relevant vascular anatomy, Pancreas, Liver, Gallbladder, CBD, Portal Vein, Kidneys and Spleen lecture and demonstration. Explanation of scan techniques and image acquisition Scanning and Image  Protocols  Image documentation and measurements Lecture demonstrating ultrasound appearances of  common pathologies related to the relevant anatomy Lecture demonstrating ultrasound appearances of  common pathologies related to the relevant anatomy Objectives: Upon completion of the course participants should :-   Have an understanding of  Basic Ultrasound Physics ,colour Doppler and artifacts associated with Ultrasound Have a better understanding ultrasonically of the gross anatomical structures and surface anatomy of the relevant organ systems of the upper abdomen and the anatomical relationship to surrounding organs and relevant vascular anatomy in order to read an ultrasound image Have an understanding of the protocols required  to perform an ultrasound of the upper abdomen. Have an understanding of the limitations and pitfalls of ultrasound of the upper abdomen

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6th International Conference on Humanity and Social Sciences (ICHSS 2020)

Welcome to join in the 2020 6th International Conference on Humanity and Social Sciences, which will be held in Phuket, Thailand during January 10-12, 2020. For papers submitted to ICHSS 2020, we offer the publication as following:Publication in the International Journal of Social Science and Humanity(IJSSH), which will be indexed by Google Scholar, Index Copernicus, Crossref, Electronic Journals Library, etc. There are two methods for submitting your paper:1. By our electric system: By our contact email box: Please feel free contact with us:Conference Secretary: Yoyo ChowE-mail: ichss@iacsitp.comTelephone: +86-28-86512185 For more information about international conferences, please visit our conference website:ICHSS 2020 website: CFP:Humanities and AnthropologyHuman and Social Evolutionary ComplexityHuman Development based on psychological and social conceptsHuman Rights DevelopmentHuman-Computer InteractionsHuman-Environment InteractionsInformation and Communication SystemsInnovation, Technology and SocietyInterdisciplinary Research and StudiesInternational Relations & CollaborationsJournalismKnowledge Management and Knowledge EconomyLand-Use Modeling Techniques and ApplicationsLaw and JusticeLearning and Behavioral ModelingSocial Sciences and Social MediaSocial and Organizational Networks

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New Year's Eve Concert in Rome: The Three Tenors - Concerto di Capodanno a Roma: I Tre Tenori

SPECIAL CONCERTS  DECEMBER 31TH 2019 JANUARY 1ST 2020   NEW YEAR’S EVE CONCERT   THE THREE TENORS: OPERA ARIAS, WALTZES AND CHRISTMAS SONGS h. 9 p.m.   The Opera e Lirica Three Tenors Carlo Napoletani, Emil Alekperov and GianCarlo Polizzy, from the most important Theaters in Rome, accompanied by a string quartet and piano, will perform a special programme of Opera Arias, Christmas Songs and New Year’s Eve typical Waltzes.   Enjoy the New Year’s night with The Three Tenors voices singing the best Christmas songs and Opera arias in this magic location full of mysticism, while the music of the typical Strauss Waltzes resounds within the Caravita Church golden walls. The perfect way to celebrate your New Year’s night, right in the centre of Rome.   Children under 7 and the disabled can attend the concert for free. Approximate duration (min.): 90    CONCERT AND TOAST* h. 10:30 p.m. The magic evening goes on after the concert. New Year’s Eve is a time to toast to a new beginning and usher in the New Year with hopes of joy and good health. Raise a toast to the New Year with sparkling Italian spumante together with The Three Tenors! * Toast only for EXCLUSIVE AND VIP CATEGORIES GLI SPECIALI CONCERTI 31 DICEMBRE 2019 1 GENNAIO 2020   CONCERTO DI CAPODANNO   I TRE TENORI: ARIE D’OPERA, WALTZER E CANZONI DI NATALE h. 21:00   I Tre Tenori di Opera e Lirica Carlo Napoletani, Emil Alekperov e GianCarlo Polizzy, provenienti dai più importanti Teatri di Roma, accompagnati da un quartetto d’archi e pianoforte, si esibiranno in un programma speciale di Arie d’Opera, Canzoni di Natale e Waltzer tipici di Capodanno.   Godetevi la Notte di Capodanno lasciandovi trasportare dalle voci dei Tre Tenori che intoneranno le più belle Canzoni di Natale e Arie d’Opera, all’interno di questo luogo magico intriso di misticismo, mentre la musica dei tipici Waltzer di Strauss risuonerà tra le pareti dorate dell’Oratorio del Caravita. È il modo perfetto per festeggiare la Notte di Capodanno nel cuore di Roma.   I bambini di età inferior a 7 anni e I disabili possono usufurire dell’ingresso gratuito. Durata: circa 90 min.   CONCERTO E BRINDISI* h. 22:30 La magia della serata continua dopo il concerto. Capodanno è il momento per brindare a un nuovo inizio e inaugurare l’Anno Nuovo con la speranza che sia all’insegna della gioia e della buona salute. Brindate al Nuovo Anno con calici di spumante italiano insieme ai Tre Tenori! * Il brindisi è riservato alle categorie EXCLUSIVE E VIP

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Debbie Harry and Chris Stein In Conversation

Cash, cheque, credit cards and SOLT Theatre Tokens. Tickets left at the box office for collection may be picked up on the day, during the hour before the performance starts. Please take the credit card used to make the booking and the Ticketmaster booking reference number as proof of purchase. Monday - Saturday 10:00-20:00. Madonna-Accessible tickets ONLY available,by registering for the various Fan Club,Citi or Verified Fan presales via or by calling 0800 988 4440 (we expect tickets to sell quickly out on-line). All other events apart from Madonna,please call 0207 087 7966 or email

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Let's talk about dementia

'Let's Talk About Health' is all about advancing our knowledge of normal human and animal biology, and what goes wrong in disease.

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Presseball Berlin ~ seit 1872 ~

Presseball Berlin ~ Tradition seit 1872 ~ Nach dem Ball ist vor dem Ball ... Dank phantastischer Gäste sowie toller Sponsoring- und Kooperationspartner, laufen die Vorbereitungen für den Presseball Berlin, am 11. Januar 2020, langsam an. Seit 1872 gehört der Presseball Berlin zu den schönsten und wichtigsten Begegnungsplattformen. Gerade die Mischung aus sozialer Verantwortung mit grandiosem Vergnügen, einem Mix aus Charity und Tanz, vielfältigen Netzwerkmöglichkeiten sowie Kultur und Politik macht die Besonderheit dieser traditionellen Ballnacht auf rund 5.000 Quadratmetern aus. Seien Sie live dabei, wenn Journalisten, Verleger, Politiker, Künstler und Legenden in einer rauschenden Ballnacht zusammenkommen und Differenzen auf charmante Weise für eine Nacht außer Kraft gesetzt werden. Werden auch Sie ein wichtiger Partner und Teil dieser Geschichte und unterstützen Sie mit ihrer Anwesenheit die Tradition.Wir freuen uns auf Sie, Ihr Team vom Presseball Berlin! ✫✫✫✫✫✫✫✫✫✫✫✫✫✫✫✫✫✫✫✫✫✫✫✫✫✫✫✫✫✫✫✫✫✫ Info´s und FAQ´s Wie sieht es mit Parkplätzen aus?Es stehen ca. 450 kostenpflichtige Parkplätze in der Tiefgarage des Maritim Hotel Berlin zur Verfügung. Eine Resevierung ist leider nicht möglich. Was kann ich zum Event mitbringen?Gute Laune :-) DresscodeUm festliche Abendgarderobe wird gebeten. Sind Rückerstattungen möglich?Nein, Rückerstattungen sind nicht möglich. Nach Paragraf 312g Absatz 2 Nummer 9 Bürgerliches Gesetzbuch (BGB) besteht kein Widerrufsrecht für Verträge im Zusammenhang mit Freizeitbestätigungen. Muss ich das ausgedruckte Ticket mitbringen?Nein, Sie erhalten ca. 6 Wochen vor dem Event eine personalisierte Ballkarte. Ist mein Ticket übertragbar?Ja, bis 13.12.2019 gegen eine Umschreibungsgebühr i.H. von 10,00 € pro Ticket. Ist es ein Problem, wenn der Name auf dem Ticket nicht mit dem Namen des Teilnehmers übereinstimmt?Ja, da Ihre personalisierte Ballkarte mit dem Ausweis beim Einlass abgeglichen wird. Wie kann ich den Veranstalter kontaktieren, wenn ich Fragen habe?Telefon: 030 - 812 94 126 | Mail: Weitere Infos auf der Website: ✫✫✫✫✫✫✫✫✫✫✫✫✫✫✫✫✫✫✫✫✫✫✫✫✫✫✫✫✫✫✫ Veranstalter & Ballbüro: Pikosso Berlin GmbHFasanenstraße 3910719 Berlin Telefon: +49 30 - 812 94 216Telefax: +49 30 - 812 94 217 eMail: mail@pikosso.deHomepage: www.pikosso.deGeschäftsführer: Mario KossUSt-IdNr.: DE 318763835 Finanzamt Berlin Steuernummer: 27/472/50095 Amtsgericht Charlottenburg Handelsregister: HRB 197565B  

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Hamilton (Touring)

Box office accepts all major credit cards Will Call is open during regular Box Office Hours and 2 hours prior to curtain. (480) 965-3434 - Gammage information and Charge By Phone (480) 965-6678 - Gammage Group Services Box Office is open 10am-6pm Monday - Friday and event days. The Box Office will be closed on Fridays, during the summer months. Venue is accessible to all patrons. Seats in accessible section are limited to one companion seat. THERE IS NO ACCESSIBLE SEATING AVAILABLE IN BALCONY OR TIER SECTIONS. PATRON MUST USE STAIRS TO GAIN ACCESS TO BALCONY OR TIER SEATING.

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