If you're interested to be a future Penang Hokkien podcast guest, please select the ticket below.
I will email you an invitation to sign up for the next recording when it is scheduled.
If you just want to tuned in as a listener, please go to Penang Hokkien Podcast YouTube channel and subscribe to it. Be sure to click on the bell icon, that will you will be notified when we go live.
On the day of recording, I will email you directly a link to join a Skype conversation. You will need Skype to join the recording.
GETEX is the leading student recruitment event in the region and an effective platform for all education providers to achieve their student admission targets and enrollment quotas. GETEX will help Universities and Institutions engage with their target audience, laying the groundwork for successful student conversions and increased marketing visibility.
Capitalize from the smart recruitment template that GETEX has been providing exhibitors for over three decades.
Every year the exhibition attracts over 30,000 local and expatriate students who are at the threshold of college life and actively looking for higher education, professional development and training options.
Will Call is available DAY OF SHOW only with the credit card used to purchase the tickets plus photo identification and Ticketmaster confirmation number. Same Day Orders: Up to 3pm Day of Show through Ticketmaster phones, or may be purchased at any Ticketmaster outlet or Facility Box Office.
Box office number - 856-365-1300
For the safety of our employees and guests, the box office will be closed until further notice. Please keep checking back here for updates as to when we re-open. We appreciate your understanding.
Fully Accessible Telecommunications Device for the Deaf, TDD call, 856-365-1300 ext 24026
Cash; Check up to $100.00 w/Mass. Driver License; AMEX; Visa; MC; Discover; Diners Club
Pick up tickets starting 2 hours prior to event time. Customer must present the actual credit card used to place order and a photo I.D.
General Info Number:(617) 624-1000 Group Sales (only!): (617) 624-1805/1806 Bruins (617) 624-BEAR (Groups = 25+) Celtics (617) 523-3030 (Groups = 20+) Please do not contact Group Sales regarding sold out games!
Fall, Winter and Spring: Monday - Friday 10:00AM -6:00PM Saturday - Sunday: Closed unless there is an event. Box Office opens 3 hours prior to event start time. (closed Thanksgiving & Christmas) Summer: Monday - Thursday 10:00AM - 5:00PM Friday 10:00AM - 2:00PM Saturday - Sunday: Closed unless there is an event. Box Office opens 3 hours prior to event start time.
This is an accessible venue.
The United Center Box Office accepts Cash, Visa, MasterCard, American Express and Discover Card.
Tickets held at Will Call can be picked up beginning 90 minutes prior to the start of the actual event. E-TICKET /PRINT AT HOME & MOBILE TICKETING If you chose Print-at-Home as your delivery method, your tickets will be sent to the email address used at the time of purchase in the form of a .pdf and must be printed on paper in advance for entry. Print at Home tickets cannot scanned at the venue from a mobile device. Choosing mobile entry allows the convenience of using your smartphone as your game ticket. You no longer need to bring your physical tickets to the game. This includes season tickets and single game tickets purchased online or forwarded by email through authorized outlets including Chicagoblackhawks.com, Chicagobulls.com, ClickTix, Ticketmaster.com or other United Center approved outlets. Mobile entry requires a valid QR code.
(312) 455-4500 (312) 455-4519 (TTY)
Monday-Friday, 11:00 a.m. until 6:00 p.m. Saturday, closed if no performance Sunday, closed if no performance *Hours subject to change depending on event schedules.
Not only is the United Center designed to 100% ADA compliance, but each team member has been specifically trained in assisting our guests with special needs. Should you have any questions regarding the accessibility of the arena or for ticket information, please call 312-455-4653 and ask for Guest Relations (312-455-4519 TTY). Tickets in wheelchair accessible areas are available on all levels of the United Center, and the arena offers 100 disabled parking spaces located in parking Lot G off of Damen Avenue. All washrooms, restaurants, first aid station, seating areas, Cash Stations, box offices, Concession stands and drinking fountains are all wheelchair accessible.
Mau Liburan Sekolah Anak Anda Produktif dan Edukatif?Bergabunglah di HOLIDAY PROGRAM!(Program untuk anak berusia 8-19 tahun)
Apakah Anda sering melihat anak Anda sibuk bermain gadget, nonton TV atau menghabiskan waktu dengan kegiatan kurang produktif lainnya saat libur sekolah?Apakah Anda ingin anak Anda melakukan kegiatan yang lebih produktif dan edukatif?Apakah Anda ingin anak Anda memiliki kemampuan berbicara di depan umum, memiliki impian yang jelas dan menguasai teknik belajar yang efektif?Jika Anda menjawab YA, artinya anak Anda harus bergabung di Holiday Program by Merry Riana Learning Centre!Merry Riana Holiday Program terdiri dari 3 program utama:
1. Holiday Program Public SpeakingAnak Anda akan belajar teknik-teknik Public Speaking seperti Stage Anchoring, Audience Interactive Tools, dan Powerful Posture sehingga mampu berbicara di depan umum dengan percaya diri
2. Holiday Program Smart LearningAnak Anda akan belajar teknik-teknik belajar yang efektif untuk meraih kesuksesan di sekolah
3. Holiday Program Life & SuccessAnak Anda akan belajar bagaimana memiliki impian yang jelas serta bagaimana membuat Vision Board untuk mencapai impiannya
Lihat keseruannya di sini :
Apa saja yang akan anak Anda dapatkan?
Full Day Workshop (7 hari)
Free Lunch
Showcase (anak akan tampil di depan para orangtua)
Belajar teknik-teknik Public Speaking, Smart Learning, dan Life & Success
Belajar dengan enjoy dan fun menggunakan Experiential Learning Technologies atau pengalaman nyata
Penasaran seperti apa dan kapan Holiday Program diadakan?
Holiday Program
Pembicara : Merry Riana Associate Trainer
Holiday Program Life & Success : 2 - 3 Januari 2020
Holiday Program Smart Learning : 4 - 5 Januari 2020
Holiday Program Public Speaking : 6 - 8 Januari 2020
Waktu: 10.00 – 17.00 WIB
Tempat: Merry Riana Learning Centre
1. Puri Indah, Jakarta Barat
2. BSD, Tangerang
3. Kelapa Gading, Jakarta Utara
4. Permata Hijau, Jakarta Selatan
5. Palem, Jakarta Barat
6. Banjar Wijaya, Tangerang
7. Surabaya, Jawa Timur
8. Samarinda, Kalimantan Timur
Merry Riana Holiday Program diikuti oleh ratusan anak dari Jabodetabek hingga luar kota dan mereka sangat antusias selama program berlangsung.
Apa yang membedakan Holiday Program dengan program sejenis lainnya?
Diadakan saat liburan sekolah sehingga menjadikan liburan anak Anda produktif dan edukatif
Mengajarkan soft skill Public Speaking, Smart Learning, Life & Success yang tidak pernah diajarkan di bangku pendidikan formal
Dilatih langsung oleh Merry Riana Associate Trainer yang telah berpengalaman melatih hingga ribuan anak setiap tahunnya
Setiap anak dibimbing oleh Private Coach
Lingkungan yang sangat positif karena setiap anak akan mendapatkan apresiasi dan merasa sangat dihargai
Show Case. Setiap anak akan tampil di depan para orangtua
Investasi yang sangat terjangkau dan pembelajaran yang didapatkan sangat bermanfaat bagi masa depan anak Anda
Berapa Investasinya?
Untuk mengikutsertakan anak Anda di Holiday Program investasinya sangat terjangkau, yaitu Rp. 6,5 juta.
Namun khusus untuk 100 pendaftar pertama, Anda dapat mengikutsertakan anak Anda di Holiday Program, Anda akan mendapatkan DISCOUNT 50% sehingga Anda cukup berinvestasi Rp. 3,2 juta saja dan ANAK ANDA SUDAH BISA MENDAPATKAN SEMUA PEMBELAJARAN DI HOLIDAY PROGRAM!
“Jangan sampai kursi untuk anak Anda diambil oleh mereka. Ambil kesempatannya sekarang! :)”
Untuk PENDAFTARAN, bisa WhatsApp ke 0899-9241-154 dengan format :
Contoh : HP_BUDI_budi@gmail.com
Touching Hearts Changing Lives,
KHEZIA STEVI LIANA (@kheziasl)Executive SupervisorMerry Riana GroupHP : 0899-9241-154www.MerryRiana.com
Let's meet worldwide every first day of the month to share our love for Webtalk, the new social media, and invite our neighbours, friends and the passers-by to join!
Click here to see a list of all events worldwide. Learn more about Webtalk here.
If you are already in Webtalk, come and meet other Webtalkers, share your passion for Webtalk, exchange the latest tips and tricks, and come to invite the passers-by to join your team!
If you are not yet in Webtalk, or don't even know what Webtalk is about, use this day to discover the platform, create your account, write your first post and start inviting your fellow friends/family/colleagues or even the passers-by to join in your team!
The only rule is: BE CREATIVE!
If you are an artist, you can show your passion for Webtalk by organizing a happening!
If you are a musician, why not play a song about Webtalk?
Picnics are welcome too.
Don't forget to take pictures of the event to publish on Webtalk and other social media! Send us your pictures so we can publish them on our feed!
Please note that this event is self-organized. As a participant, you are the co-organizer of your own event.
This event is brought to you by the Webtalk Stars Team and webtk.co, your ticket to Webtalk. You can meet the Webtalk Stars Team on Webtalk.
New: read the story of Amara and how she overcomes the Facebook of her time in #Analog2030, the new science fiction discovery of the year.
#webtalk2019 #webtalk2020 #webtalkstars #deletefacebook #deletelinkedin #deleteinstagram
Cash, American Express, Mastercard, & Visa.
Will Call is located at the Box Office.
Box Office Telephone: 323-468-1770
The Pantages Box Office opens daily at 10am. NO ONE UNDER THE AGE OF 5 ADMITTED
There is no elevator in the Pantages Theatre. Disabled seating is reserved for the exclusive use of the disabled patron and their companion. The purchase or use of disabled seating locations by non-disabled individuals is strictly prohibited and may result in ejection and/or forfeiture of the ticket price.
MC, Visa, Discover, American Express;
Location : Intramural Field, Wofford College Hours : 1 hour before doors/gates open on event day Customer must present the actual credit card used for the purchase, a photo ID and Ticketmaster order number in order to receive tickets.
This is an accessible venue. Customers may purchase tickets and they will be accommodated at the door.
Cash; Check up to $100.00 w/Mass. Driver License; AMEX; Visa; MC; Discover; Diners Club
Pick up tickets starting 2 hours prior to event time. Customer must present the actual credit card used to place order and a photo I.D.
General Info Number:(617) 624-1000 Group Sales (only!): (617) 624-1805/1806 Bruins (617) 624-BEAR (Groups = 25+) Celtics (617) 523-3030 (Groups = 20+) Please do not contact Group Sales regarding sold out games!
TD Garden - Boston | Tickets, Schedule, Seating Chart, Directions (ticketmaster.com) The box office will open 2 hours prior to an event and remain open until one hour after the event begins. Please note the TD Garden Box Office does not sell tickets at the public on sale. All tickets should be purchased via www.ticketmaster.com *Hours subject to change
This is an accessible venue.