Arena does not accept Will Call drop off. Alternate Will Call Procedure (Alternate Pick Up) If a person (other than the person ordering and paying for the tickets) is picking up a Will Call order, the Alternate Pick-Up's name MUST be on the account. To add the name of an alternate pick-up to the account, the original purchaser must contact Ticketmaster Customer Service at 1-800-745-3000, verify their account information and request the addition an alternate pick-up.
Box office is located on North side of building at 11th and South Figueroa. Box office hours are 10am to 6pm, Monday through Saturday. It is open extended hours on event day. Phone: 213-742-7340 SUMMER HOURS Closed Saturdays and Sundays unless there is an event, the box office will open at 9am on Saturdays or 10am on Sundays only if there is an event. The box office will have extended hours on all event days.
For the sixth edition of Carnival in Love Grand Ball, i will bring you in a fairy tale...
Sourronded by fantastic characters, you will live the emotion of a Venetian fantasy tale.
Palazzo Contarini della Porta di Ferro will open like a book...the magic of Carnival will wrap you, and you will be the main character of your own story.
Give me you hand, and enter with me the Nuit Enchantée.
Visit for more information.
Blended learning programme that is intensive, fast-track learning in fulfilling required competencies of becoming competent, qualified surveyor.
By 2020 a prediction of 18 billion will be spent on construction projects across key developing markets, resulting in increasing need of Chartered Quantity Surveyors. Quantity Surveying in Practice is a specialised course designed to respond and prepare you as professional to this global demand in the surveying profession.
Whether you are professional who wish to gain practical training to understand the QS profession or an APC and Associate candidates looking to consolidate practical skills and knowledge required to be a competent, qualified Quantity Surveyor, this programme is developed for you. You can choose from the following tracks to join this programme based on your individual learning objectives.
Programme structure
The course will be delivered in blended learning approach over six (6) months.Each technical module will be offered online where you can also network, learn with other delegates, and ask questions to your trainer/assessor through discussion forums.
Each online module allows you to complete it within three (3) to four (4) weeks to follow by face to face session to be held once a month.
The morning face to face session is to meet with your peer, trainer/assessor and review the online content and discuss on its practical application. Delegates will also have face to face session on the APC workshops.
Learning outcomes
Upon reaching the end of the course, delegates have gained the required knowledge to be able to:
Evaluate forms of construction for various property types.
Assess the practices and procedures of international quantity surveying.
Compare and contrast procurement strategies.
Identify the contractual requirements and procedures relevant to construction finances.
Evaluate the factors which affect the cost of a building.
Evaluate the sources of cost data relating to construction.
Assess cost planning methods to control the financial aspect of a project.
Illustrate the quantification and costing of construction work.
Assess contract practices and administration processes.
Evaluate and forecast cost during the construction of a project.
Manage various aspects of a project including change procedures and accounts.
Demonstrate understanding of the core competencies of the Quantity Surveying APC pathway in thesummaries of experience.
Prepare case study and presentation for submission.
Sit on final assessment interview with preparedness and confidence.
End of course assessment
Your progress in the technical module content will be supportedthrough your training programme by dedicated course trainer/assessors. You will then be assessed through online final examination.The examination will take place within a one-month window periodtowards the end of the programme.
Upon successful completion of the modules, you would have completed 200 CPD hours study.
You will receive a certificate of course completion confirming you havesuccessfully attended and passed the course in Quantity Surveying Practice.
National Cyber Security Programme – Think Cyber Resilience
Cyber Pathfinder Training Seminar 6: Business Continutity and Recovery from Cyber Incidents
Cambridge: Thursday 27th February 2020: Hilton Cambridge City Centre, 20 Downing Street, CB2 3DT
Time: 09:30hrs - 16:00hrs (09:30hrs arrival for 10:00hrs prompt start)
We all know that Digital Public Services in the UK are under constant cyber-attack. The UK Government has in place a National Cyber Security Strategy aimed at protecting UK Public Services from cyber-attacks. The National Cyber Security Programme (NCSP) is responsible for delivery of that strategy and is working with cross-government partners (such as the National Cyber Security Centre) to improve cyber resilience across UK Public Services.
The seriousness of this challenge means that local government and the wider local resilience community need to build a shared understanding of the implications for local multi-agency partners in responding to a significant cyber incident.
To help with this the National Cyber Security Programme (NCSP) is sponsoring a new Cyber Pathfinders scheme to help the local public service and resilience community navigate their way through the complexities of cyber security and cyber resilience.
The scheme is running free of charge a Cyber Pathfinder Training Seminar on Business Continuity and Recovery from Cyber Incidents (see details below) for local public sector participants running from January 2020 onwards.
Aim: To enable participants to appreciate how business continuity complements cyber resilience and understands the requirement for effect recovery planning.
Module 6.1: Business Continuity: establish an appreciation of how business continuity complements cyber resilience.
Outlines the linkages between business continuity life cycle and cyber resilience;
Explain the relationship between service recovery time objectives and disaster recovery;
How to assess BCM recovery time objectives against a cyber incident;
Identify the need to assess critical suppliers’ resilience arrangements.
Cyber Security incidents often create complex problems in business continuity terms due to their nature and the length of time it often takes to fully investigate the cause and whether your organisation has eliminated that from reoccurring. Business continuity plans need to take into consideration a of range options to maintain core capabilities, whilst transitioning back to business as usual. After a cyber incident business as usual may look quite different.
Module 6.2: Recovery: to understand the requirements for effect recovery planning
Understand the need to review recovery plans in relation to cyber incidents;
Post incident reporting and how to implement lessons through a change management process;
Role of remediation planning (quick fixes for restoring to a normality);
Need to agree recovery priorities (cyber systems and prioritised services).
The recovery phase following a cyber incident can be a long journey. Whilst business operations may be restored, lessons identified built into policy, plans, procedures and staff training legacy may continue for many months if not years.
This module will look at case studies to support the lessons identified for developing a cyber recovery capability.
Senior leaders, Policy Makers and Practitioners from English Local Authorities, Local Resilience Forums, and Public Sector Partners
Focus: Senior Executives from public sector organisations responsible for policy making and strategic oversight of cyber security, information or data management, business continuity planning, and incident management handling - especially in Local Authorities; Local Resilience Forums; Warning Advice & Reporting Points; or other Local Public Sector Bodies.
These events, which are free to attend for public service delegates are aimed at Senior Executives from Public Service providers - especially (but not limited to) Local Authorities and Local Resilience Forums or their public sector delivery partners - with responsibility for:
Cyber Resilience/ Security
Information Assurance
Data Management and the impact of GDPR/NIS
Democratic and Electoral Services
Business Continuity Planning
Emergency Planning
Places are limited to 60 participants for each Pathfinder event and so early booking is advisable.
Polite Notices
Charging Policy:
This event is funded by Ministry for Housing, Communities and Local Government on behalf of the National Cyber Security Programme and is therefore FREE to attend.
Registration: There are a few questions as part of the registration process - you will be given the opportunity to request CPD etc.
Special/ Dietary Requirements: You will be asked to specify if you have any special or MEDICALLY RELATED dietary requirements when completing the registration form.
Please note: We cater for vegetarian option as standard at all our events. This does not have to be specially requested.
Cancellations: In the interest of efficiency, please let us know if you are unable to attend at least 10 working days before this event, so that we can make adjustments to the delegate list and catering requirements. Apologies given with less than 10 working days, we request that delegate substitution is made wherever possible
iNetwork's privacy notice can be found here:
« Mieux vaut prendre le changement par la main avant qu’il ne nous prenne par la gorge. »
Winston Churchill
Ce groupe annuel, chaleureux et bienveillant est conçu comme un espace mensuel de croissance personnelle et professionnelle.
On y vient pour :
- Avoir un coach et un groupe de soutien tout au long de l'année
- Faire un point d'étape à ce stade de sa vie
- Se reconnecter avec ses rêves et redéfinir ses objectifs
- Renforcer son estime de soi et sa capacité à agir en confiance
- Apprendre de nouvelles manières plus nourissantes d'appréhender la vie et ses évènements
- Développer ses compétences relationnelles pour cultiver des relations personnelles et professionnelles plus apaisées, plus nourissantes et plus stimulantes.
- Découvrir différentes approches de développement personnel pour Gérer le stress, Gérer les Conflits, Eviter la procrastination, Retrouver la joie!
- Travailler à sa paix intérieure et à son aptitude à être à l’écoute, à prendre de soi-même ET des autres.
- Développer son aptitude au bonheur et à l’épanouissement, seule garante d'un développement harmonieux en tant qu’individu mais aussi en tant que société.
• Offrir un espace d'écoute et de croissance personnelle dans un cadre bienveillant et stimulant
• Transmettre des outils de connaissance de soi et de communication interpersonnelle
• Les expérimenter pendant et entre les ateliers pour ancrer de nouvelles habitudes plus constructives
• Contribuer à créer entre les participants un groupe de soutien et de confiance
• Co-créer en s’adaptant au vécu des participants et en résolvant des situations chroniques ou d’actualité.
• Veiller au bien-être de chacun, à l'équilibre du JE et du NOUS.
• Accompagner chacun à devenir la meilleure version de lui-même
• Engagement annuel
• Authenticité
• Confidentialité
• Bienveillance et non jugement
• Participation, soutien et partage
• Liberté, créativité et expérimentation
• Joie, humour et célébration
1.Etat des lieux et objectifs
Faire le point dans les différents domaines de sa vie. Définir ses objectifs et les étapes pour y parvenir.
Découvrir ses valeurs moteurs, comment les nourrir et comment les utiliser pour valider des choix conscients et cohérents et vivre en accord avec nous-mêmes.
2.La communication empathique au service de la collaboration
Expérimenter l'écoute empathique et son pouvoir transformant
Bases de la CNV (Communication Non Violente) selon Marshal Rosenberg : Observer et Ressentir
3.Bases de la CNV (Communication Non Violente) selon Marshal Rosenberg : Reconnaître ses besoins et les nourrir
4. Débusquer nos enfer-mements - Dire Non c’est dire Oui
Comprendre les conditionnements mentaux et en sortir. Remplacer les croyances limitantes par des croyances nourrissantes
Savoir sonder son cœur et poser ses limites en toute bienveillance. Comprendre et expliquer ce à quoi l’on dit «Oui» lorsque l’on dit «Non».
5. Gestion du stress :
Apprendre la méditation pour revenir à soi, calmer son stress, être présent à ce que l’on fait et y exceller.
6. Les schémas relationnels récurrents/Vivre l’amour inconditionnel
Identifier les jeux psychologiques récurrents dans lesquels nous sommes enfermés et apprendre à en sortir (Triangle dramatique).
Apprendre à aimer avec joie et sans attachement.
7. Dessiner son arbre de vie pour donner vie à ses projets et les partager
A partir de cet outil formidable, qui restera comme une illustration vivante et évolutive de votre parcours, visualisez vos atouts et vos talents pour déployer vos branches.
Apprendre à parler de son projet, à pitcher et à inspirer son auditoire.
8. Apprendre la gratitude et la célébration
Remplir son réservoir d’émotions positives, reconnaître ses petits pas, ancrer sa confiance en soi pour aller toujours plus loin avec sérénité et sécurité.
Ancrer ses nouvelles aptitudes et faire son prochain pas.
• DATES : 22 septembre 2019, 10 novembre 2019, 15 décembre 2019, 12 janvier 2020, 1er mars 2020, 19 avril 2020, 17 mai 2020, 5 juillet 2020.
• FREQUENCE DES ATELIERS : 1 dimanche/mois environ, soit 8 Ateliers répartis de septembre à juillet.
• DURÉE DE L’ATELIER : 4h avec 1 pause café de 20mn
• HORAIRES : De 14h30 à 18h30
• LIEU : Colombes, quartier de la Petite Garenne
• NOMBRE DE PARTICIPANTS : 8 personnes maximum
• Tarif incluant les 8 ateliers + pauses thé + matériel pédagogique = 600 €
Acompte de 50€ pour confirmer votre inscription.
NB : Possibilité de paiement en 3 fois sans frais.
« Soyons le changement que nous voulons voir dans le monde. »