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Creëer je eigen Werkgeluk (masterclass)

Loop je de laatste tijd rond met een van de volgende vragen?  Zit je wel op de juiste plek? Hoe zit het met je energie aan het einde van je werkdag? Wil je je meer betrokken voelen bij je baan? Wil je beter weten waar je nu echt goed in bent? Wil je elke keer fluitend naar je werk en ook weer fluitend terug naar huis? Dan zijn de lessen van Simply Happy at Work perfect voor jou. Tijdens de les…. De les helpt jou om meer plezier, voldoening en zingeving te ervaren in je werk. Elke les is erop gericht om duurzaam te kijken naar meer geluk. Werkgeluk is een persoonlijk proces voor iedereen. Het gaat uit van het versterken van je eigen leiderschap en heeft tot doel jou te helpen om jezelf beter te kunnen sturen richting gelukkig werken. Je krijgt kennis wat nu belangrijk is voor jouw geluk in je werkende leven. We gaan aan de slag met praktische tools om zelf invloed uit te oefenen op de mate van plezier en zingeving. Je krijgt op deze manier meer invloed op en controle over de rol die je hebt in het werk. Tijdens deze les krijg je meer inzicht in jouw talenten en passies en hoe je dit kunt inzetten in het werk. De lessen zijn positief, praktisch en inspirerend. Elke les helpt jou een stapje richting je eigen werkgeluk. Iedere les staat een ander thema centraal (bijv talenten, vrijheid, passie en stappenplan naar jouw toekomstbaan). Ik kijk er naar uit om je te ontmoeten en samen aan de slag te gaan met werkgeluk!  Heb je een vraag of wil je meer informatie? Mail dan naar 

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2020 Women in Digestive Diseases: At the Forefront

Details for 2020 Conference coming soon! This activity will discuss the symptoms, diagnosis, and treatment of common gastrointestinal and liver diseases that afflict women more commonly and differently than men. This activity also aims to discuss strategic solutions to barriers that female gastroenterologists face in their career development. It will result in improved care of female patients with GI illnesses and encourage the career development of women in the field of gastroenterology. LEARNING OBJECTIVES At the conclusion of this education activity, participants will be able to: Identify specific gastrointestinal and liver diseases that afflict women more commonly or in a different way than men; Describe the unique presentations and complications of specific gastrointestinal and liver diseases that afflict women more commonly or in a different way than men; Discuss required gender-specific management strategies of gastrointestinal and liver diseases that address the needs of the women patients more appropriately; Identify specific challenges that women gastroenterologists face in their career; Determine strategies that can help women gastroenterologists overcome barriers in the advancement of their careers and promote success in their chosen paths.

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404-878-3000 - State Farm Arena Box Office 1-866-715-1500 - Atlanta Hawks The Box Office is open on event days and for the first day of all on-sales. (Hours will vary based upon the events and time of on-sales). Accepts: cash, Visa, Mastercard, Discover, American Express Located at main box office on Centennial Olympic Park Drive. Available for pickup beginning 1 1/2 hours prior to event. Closing time will vary by event. PLEASE BRING A PICTURE ID, THE ACTUAL CREDIT CARD USED TO PURCHASE THE TICKETS, AND YOUR ORDER NUMBER. Accessible seating is available in throughout the arena in various price categories. Seating for the sight/hearing impaired available in the lower level. All accessible seating is subject to availability. All levels of the Arena are accessible by elevator and escalator.

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Chris Stapleton's All-American Roadshow

Cash, Visa, Mastercard Located on Northwest side of the Coliseum in an outer ticket booth with a green Will Call sign. Opens 1 hour prior to event time. (228) 594-3707 (228) 594-3708 GROUP SALES : (228) 287-7825 (MS Surge Hockey Office) Mon-Fri 9:00AM to 5:00PM This is an accessible venue. For Hearing Impaired Requests: The MS Coast Coliseum is equipped with a Hearing Assistance System. Upon arriving to the venue, guest will need to proceed to the main office, located in the south lobby, to obtain the receiver. They will need to bring their drivers license to secure the receiver, and when they are finished they will need to return the receiver to the main office to reclaim their drivers license. We recommend arriving as close to the doors opening as possible.

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Barcelona (España) Certificación en el método LEGO® SERIOUS PLAY® para la facilitación en Equipos y Grupos

Certificación en el método LEGO® SERIOUS PLAY®para la facilitación en Equipos y Grupos Precios indicados en dólares canadienses. Precio reducido: 2.850 CAD ≈ 1.950 EUR Precio normal: 3.150 CAD ≈ 2.155 EUR  Requisitos previos: Inscripción abierta Este programa de certificación ha sido aprobado por la Global Federation of LSP Master Trainers. LEGO® SERIOUS PLAY® es un método facilitado e internacionalmente reconocido que provoca el compromiso de los participantes en forma de generación de ideas orientadas a la mejora de la organización. El método está basado en extensas investigaciones y estudios, y habilita a los equipos a enfrentar y gestionar situaciones complejas de una forma divertida y responsable al mismo tiempo. ¿A quien va dirigido? Facilitadores Formadores Educadores, investigadores, profesores universitarios Profesionales de Recursos Humanos Responsables de proyectos Formadores en Agile Consultores Profesionales de branding Estrategas Diseñadores Gestores del cambio Coaches Todos estos perfiles pueden aplicar esta metodología e implementar poderosos procesos a sus actuales competencias.  Adicionalmente, si trabajas en el campo de la investigación, las tecnologías de la información, eres coach ejecutivo, de equipos o coach de vida, o tienes responsabilidades de liderazgo en tu organización, esta metodología te ofrece enormes beneficios y se convierte en un perfecto complemento a tus técnicas y herramientas actuales. Resumen del Programa Día uno: Programa fundamental Aprenderás los conocimientos básicos de la metodología. Esta formación te introducirá en la herramienta LEGO® SERIOUS PLAY®. Sabrás como utilizar las diferentes herramientas incluyendo la teoría del flujo, el uso de normas para la configuración del campo de juego, etiqueta, trampas a evitar, y todo a lo largo de multitud de aplicaciones en diferentes escenarios que posibilitarán la conexión mano-cerebro. La teoría se funde con la práctica. Día dos: Equipos y Grupos El segundo día mueve a los participantes hacia dentro y hacia fuera del proceso a la vez que se explora la identidad individual y se interioriza la idea sobre cómo esta herramienta se puede personalizar para todo tipo de talleres o procesos, incluidos los talleres en equipo. Día tres: Paisaje y Desarrollo de Sistemas para Equipos y Grupos El tercer día del programa te permitirá entender cómo utilizar LEGO® SERIOUS PLAY® con kits de identidad y paisaje para la recreación de modelos 3D que ilustren entornos complejos en los que elementos como equipos y proyectos, así como otros sistemas asociados, interactúan conformando entornos sobre los que “jugar” en tiempo real. Tu programa incluye: Manual y kit de piezas para comenzar a diseñar y desarrollar talleres ¡ya!. Certificación formativa acreditada por un Strategic Play® Master Trainer en metodologías y materiales LEGO® SERIOUS PLAY®. Opción de ser incluido y registrado en la lista mundial de facilitadores certificados LSP. Almuerzos y snacks/coffee breaks en sala o próximos para aprovechar mejor tu tiempo. Estrategia de comunicación sobre ideas y herramientas para que puedas desarrollar tu práctica e iniciar tus talleres. Orientación profesional para poder comenzar a incursionar en el mercado como facilitador con las máximas garantías. Info: E-mail: Teléfono/Whatsapp: +(34) 636 012 333 Our group is named "Best in Class" at Procter and Gamble.

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9th International Conference on Software and Emerging Technologies for Education, Culture, Entertainment, and Commerce ( SETECEC 2020 ) :: :: Venice – Italy :: March 10 – 13, 2020

9th International Conference on Software and Emerging Technologies for Education, Culture, Entertainment, and Commerce ( SETECEC 2020 ) :: Venice, Italy :: March, 10 - 13, 2020:SETECEC 2020 will be composed of research presentations, keynote lectures, invited presentations, research-in- progress, workshops, doctoral consortium, demo session and poster presentations.:The works must be submitted following the instructions found on the submission of papers section. All accepted works will be published in the respective conference proceedings (in printed book form, CD/DVD and magazine) by international and prestigious publishing houses in America and Europe:: Post-conference publishing Handbook of Research. IGI Global Hershey, Pennsylvania - USA (Publications have been indexed in a number of prestigious indices such as Thomson Reuters, DBLP, ACM Digital Library, ERIC, and the Australian Education Index).::: An academic CD proceedings version --not commercial (distribution in the room), with ISBN 978.88.96.471.81.4 :: DOI 10.978.8896471/814 (Blue Herons Editions International Scientific Journal in Europe with IEEE format guidelines.::: The contributions are will be submitted for indexation by EI Compendex, Thomson Reuters, Scopus, IET Inspec Amerindex, and contributions –papers, workshops, demos and doctoral consortium, research-in-progress, etc., should be of high quality, originality, clarity, significance and impact. In the current international conference it is demonstrated how with a correct integration among professionals of formal and factual sciences interesting research lines in the following subjects Augmented Reality and Mixed Reality, Computer Arts and Creativity, Computer Graphics, Communicability, Cross-Cultural Design and Content for the Aged Population, Cultural Modeling, Design, Education, Emerging Interactive Technologies, Environment and UX, HCI, nteraction, Design, Mobile Computing, New Media, Quality Evaluation, Network Security, Social and Human Factors, Software Engineering, and other computational areas are solicited on, but not limited to (alphabetical order):: submitted works will be reviewed by a double-blind (at least three reviewers), non-blind, and participative peer review. These three kinds of review will support the selection process of those that will be accepted for their presentation at the international conference. Authors of accepted works who registered in the conference can have access to the evaluations and possible feedback provided by the reviewers who recommended the acceptance of their works, so they can accordingly improve the final version of their contributions.:# Very Important Information #:1) Deadlines:::: Works Submissions: Open. Consequently, as they are received, they will be evaluated. It is a way to speed up the process to make up the final program of the international conference, visa requirements, should plan travel well in advance, etc. In other words, it is not necessary to wait until the deadline to send them for the evaluation process. ::: Deadline Works Submissions: January, 12th – local time in Hawaiian Islands ::: Authors Notification: Two weeks after the submission/s ::: Camera-ready, full papers: March, 5th :::2) THE AUTHORS CAN PRESENT MORE THAN ONE WORK WITH ONLY ONE REGISTRATION (maximum 3 contributions).::More information: Keynote speakers and relators with human and professional - super 'High Quality'::4) Certificate of participation and conference proceedings.::5) Participation for the selection of the best paper and best research awards (certificates and a vouchers).::6) Discounts in official hotels.::7) Free excursions in Venice, Italy ... and not folk dacing, hypocritical parties, etc. (it is a serious conference).::The international conferences are organized by ALAIPO :: Latin Association of Human-Computer Interaction (Asociacion Latina de Interaccion Persona Ordenador) ::, and AInCI :: International Association of Interactive Communication (Asociacion Internacional de la Comunicacion Interactiva) :: Lab :: 1997 - 2020 :: Celebrating 23 Years of Freedom, Dignity and Resistence.

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Carolina Panthers vs. New Orleans Saints

Advance sales - Cash, Visa, MCGame days - Cash only Open 4 hours prior to game time. Located at box office-southeast corner PLEASE BRING A PICTURE ID, THE ACTUAL CREDIT CARD USED TO PURCHASE THE TICKETS, AND YOUR ORDER NUMBER. Carolina Panthers box office - (704) 358-7800 Open Mon-Fri 8:30am-5:30pm Opens 2 Hours Prior To Game Time Located at the Southeast corner between South and East Gates This venue is accessible.

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Tennessee Titans vs. Cleveland Browns

Visa, MasterCard, American Express, Discover & Cash. Will Call begins 2 1/2 hours prior to event. 615-565-4200. Fax is 615-565-4212. For CMA Festival Info, please call 1-800-CMAFEST 8:30AM - 5:00PM Monday - Friday. This is an accessible venue: All Patrons in Wheelchairs Must Purchase Accessible Seating. For CMA Music Festival: Please contact CMA at 800-262-3378 for accessible seats.

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