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Pelatihan Lead Auditor Course ISO 14001:2015 Jakarta Sertifikasi IRCA
Training Lead Auditor Course ISO 14001:2015 Jakarta Sertifikasi IRCA Pengenalan :Training Lead Auditor ISO 14001 – Program 5 hari ini sangat ideal bagi mereka yang ingin mengembangkan keterampilan audit secara professional. Dalam perencanaan, pelaksanaan dan pelaporan audit yang efektif di bidang Sistem Manajemen Lingkungan ( ISO 14001:2004). Pelatihan ini terdaftar di Institute of Environmental Management and Assessment (IEMA). Pelatihan ini dibutuhkan bagi mereka yang menginginkan menjadi Lead Auditor Manajemen Sistem Lingkungan dari IEMA. Pelatihan ini sangat berharga bagi mereka yang memiliki tanggung jawab utama untuk penerapan dan pemeliharaan sistem manajemen lingkungan, karena mereka yang diperlukan untuk secara teratur menilai kinerja perusahaan. Pelatihan ini membantu peserta untuk memahami prinsip-prinsip Pengelolaan Lingkungan yang baik dan untuk mengembangkan pengetahuan mereka tentang standar pengelolaan lingkungan. Hal ini juga akan mengembangkan delegasi pengetahuan & pemahaman tentang jenis pemeriksaan yang berbeda, dan keterampilan praktis yang diperlukan untuk merencanakan, melaksanakan dan melaporkan audit pengelolaan lingkungan. Setelah selesai, delegasi akan dapat mengevaluasi efektivitas EMS berdasarkan ISO 14001 atau standar EMAS pada tingkat yang dapat diterima bagi lembaga sertifikasi. Obyek pelatihan Training Lead Auditor ISO 14001 :Untuk mengembangkan pemahaman akan prinsip sistem manajemen lingkungan, persyaratan standar ISO 14001:2004, dan untuk mengembangkan pemahaman peserta tentang beberapa tipe audit yang berbeda dan keahlian praktis yang diperlukan untuk perencanaan, eksekusi, dan pelaporan audit sistem manajemen lingkungan. Pokok Bahasan Training Lead Auditor ISO 14001 : • Pendaftaran Auditor• Studi kasus Audit dan role-play• Isu lingkungan global• ISO 14001 & EMAS• Pencegahan polusi• ISO 19011• Sertifikasi & verifikasi• Peran dan tanggung jawab auditor• Keterampilan Auditor & pengembangan• Perencanaan Audit , pelaksanaan dan pelaporan• NCRs dan kategorisasi• Identifikasi / evaluasi aspek lingkungan• Ikhtisar persyaratan legislatif lingkungan saat ini Konten Training Lead Auditor ISO 14001 : • Pengenalan tentang sistem manajemen lingkungan.• Prinsip – prinsip ISO 14001• Peraturan lingkungan hidup• Bagaimana merencanakan dan melaksanakan audit• Mengapa perusahaan Anda perlu sistem manajemen lingkungan• Cara melaporkan dan mengambil tindak lanjut• Studi kasus audit dan memainkan peranan auditor• Roles and Responsibilities of auditors and audit leaders• Ketidaksesuaian kategorisasi dan pelaporan• Perencanaan audit, eksekusi, pelaporan, dan tindak lanjut• Cara melaporkan dan mengambil tindak lanjut• Keyakinan dalam melanjutkan penilaian Manfaat Lead Auditor Course ISO 14001Kursus ini memenuhi persyaratan pelatihan formal bagi mereka yang ingin mendaftar dengan IEMA Skema Pendaftaran Auditor. Peserta akan mengembangkan pemahaman rinci tentang sistem manajemen lingkungan, tahu kriteria yang diperlukan untuk menerapkan bersertifikat EMS sukses dan bagaimana menilai terhadap ISO 14001 dan standar EMS. Fasilitator :Penyaji dari pelatihan ini adalah tenaga pengajar dengan kualifikasi dan latar belakang dibidang sistem manajeman lingkungan, terdaftar dan berpengalaman sebagai auditor. Mereka telah memiliki pengetahuan yang luas diberbagai sektor termasuk manufaktur, keuangan, farmasi, kontraktor baik lokal maupun pemerintahan nasional. Sertifikasi Training Lead Auditor ISO 14001 :Bagi seluruh peserta yang telah mengikuti pelatihan hingga selesai, termasuk ujiannya, dan dinyatakan lulus akan mendapatkan penghargaan sertifikat dari IRCA. Jadwal Training Lead Auditor ISO 14001 Tahun 2019 Jakarta, 21 – 25 Januari 2019 Jakarta, 18 – 22 Februari 2019 Jakarta, 11 – 15 Maret 2019 Jakarta, 29 April – 3 Mei 2019 Jakarta, 20 – 24 Mei 2019 Jakarta, 17 – 21 Juni 2019 Jakarta, 22 – 26 Juli 2019 Jakarta, 5 – 9 Agustus 2019 Jakarta, 16 – 20 September 2019 Jakarta, 21 – 25 Oktober 2019 Jakarta, 18 – 22 November 2019 Jakarta, 16 – 20 Desember 2019 Investasi Training Lead Auditor ISO 14001 :Rp 8,500,000 / peserta.Diskon 5% untuk perusahaan yang mengirim 3 peserta atau lebihInvestasi ini termasuk :• Lunch and 2X Coffee Break• Training Material• Seminar Kit• Certificate (Certified by IRCA) Lokasi Pelatihan Lead Auditor ISO 14001Hotel bintang 4 di Jakarta atau IAS Training Center INFORMATION & REGISTRATIONwww.ias-indonesia.comGedung MTH Square Lantai 3A No. 21Jl. MT. Haryono Kav. 10, Kel. Bidara Cina,Kec. Jatinegara Jakarta Timur 13330E-mail: info@ias-indonesia.comPhone: (021) 2926 3044 (021) 2926 3021
read moreThe Great Opera with Ballet
***** ITALIANO ***** ARTISTI Soprano: Vanessa FiorettiTenore: Giancarlo PolizziPrimo violino: Elvin DhimitriSecondo violino: Alina ScoticailoViola: Ilia KananiVioloncello: Eszter NagypalPianoforte: Fabio MontaniBallerini: Valerio Polverari and Silvia Accardo Location: Oratorio del Caravita, Roma Orario di inizio: h. 20:30 Un pot-pourri delle musiche che hanno reso la grande opera italiana un punto di riferimento per la musica di tutto il mondo, insieme ai più famosi passi a due della storia della danza. I capolavori senza tempo del grande secolo del Romanticismo danno vita a uno spettacolo fruibile ed emozionante per tutti: non solo per gli appassionati, ma anche per coloro che nutrono il desiderio di scoprire l’opera e il balletto e vi si approcciano per la prima volta.Il Soprano Vanessa Fioretti e il Tenore Giancarlo Polizzi vi trasporteranno in un’altra epoca, in cui l’animo umano, acceso e tormentato da forti passioni, si abbandona alla lirica del canto. I ballerini Silvia Accardo e Valerio Polverari vi incanteranno, con la leggiadria della danza sulle punte, sul ritmo delle note incalzanti e delle pause drammatiche delle musiche più celebri da Verdi a Čajkovskji, suonate abilmente dall’ensemble di archi e pianoforte di Opera e Lirica. L’abilità eclettica dei musicisti di passare da uno stile all’altro in un programma così vario vi stupirà ed emozionerà, spaziando tra un’ampia gamma di ispirazioni che resteranno con voi tra i ricordi più belli del vostro viaggio a Roma. Sconto con Roma Pass: acquista un biglietto da 20 euro in categoria B (posti in ultima fila) e con Roma Pass siederai direttamente nei posti centrali in categoria A (valore commerciale del biglietto: 30 euro). ***** ENGLISH ***** ARTISTSSoprano: Vanessa FiorettiTenor: Giancarlo PolizziFirst violin: Elvin DhimitriSecond violin: Alina ScoticailoViola: Ilia KananiCello: Eszter NagyspalGrand piano: Fabio MontaniBallet Dancers: Valerio Polverari and Silvia Accardo Location: Caravita Church, Rome Start time: 8:30 pm A potpourri of the works that made the Great Italian Opera a point of reference for music all around the world, combined with the most famous pas de deux in the history of dance. The timeless masterpieces of the century of Romanticism create an intense show that everybody can appreciate. Emotions will flow not only through those who are already fond of opera and ballet, but also those who wish to discover it and approach it for the first time. The soprano Vanessa Fioretti and the tenor Carlo Polizzi will lead you to another epoch, when the passionate and tormented human soul abandons itself to lyrical singing. The dancers Silvia Accardo and Valerio Polverari will enchant you, with the gracefulness of en pointe dancing, on the rythm of a crescendo of notes and dramatic pauses of the most famous music from Verdi to Čajkovskji, skilfully played by the Opera e Lirica string and piano ensemble. The musicians’ eclectic ability to move from a style to the other, performing such a varied programme, will fill you with amazement, emotion and vast inspiration that you will carry with you among the most beautiful memories of your journey to Rome. Roma Pass Discount: buy a 20 euro Back Seat ticket, show your Roma Pass card at the entrance and get a Central Seat (whose value is 30 euro) CONCERT PROGRAMME First PartPIETRO MASCAGNI Interlude Cavalleria RusticanaGIUSEPPE VERDI Sempre Libera La Traviata; Dei Miei bollenti spiriti La TraviataAMILCARE PONCHIELLI La danza delle ore La GiocondaGIACOMO PUCCINI Mi chiamano Mimì La Bohème Che gelida manina La Bohème O soave fanciulla La BohèmeGIUSEPPE VERDI Preludio La Traviata Parigi o cara La Traviata Second PartJULES MASSENET Meditation ThaisGIACOMO PUCCINI Vissi d’arte Tosca Recondita Armonia ToscaPËTR ILIČ ČAJKOVSKJI Walts of the Flowers The NutcrackerGIACOMO PUCCINI Un bel dì vedremo Madama ButterflyGIUSEPPE VERDI La donna è mobile RigolettoGIOACHINO ROSSINI La Danza – Neapolitan Tarantella Musical Soirèes Giuseppe Verdi Brindisi La Traviata FAQ - IT Come posso contattare l'organizzatore per eventuali domande? Chiamaci +39 338 1218424 Scrivici Devo portare i biglietti stampati all'evento? Accettiamo anche i biglietti sul telefono Il nome sul mio biglietto o sulla registrazione non corrisponde al nome della persona che parteciperà, è un problema? Non c'è problema, puoi regalare i tuoi biglietti ad un amico FAQ - EN How can I contact the organizer for any questions? Call us +39 338 1218424Write to us Do I need to print the tickets? We also accept tickets on the phone The name on my ticket or registration does not match the name of the person who will participate, is it a problem? No problem, you can give away your tickets to a friend
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Join Chauvet Arts for “The Art of Unity” exhibit, a timely rotating show featuring the gallery's diverse roster of acclaimed artists during a time when artists are uniting more than ever. For more information about CHAUVET Arts, featured artists and upcoming exhibitions, please visit 215 5th Avenue North Nashville, TN 37219 Open to the public five days a week, Tuesday through Saturday, 10 a.m. to 5 p.m.
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This is an interest form. You will be contacted by an agency after you have registered. All inquiries should be sent to Internship Opportunity Geared Towards Employment With The County of Los Angeles. Eligibility Requirements: 16-24 Years of Age, Must Be a LA County Resident, Must Have a Work Permit if Under 18 Years Old Program Elements: Receive 120 Hours of Paid Training & Work Experience At The Rate of $14.25/Hour. Obtain Meaningful Work Experience and Personal Enrichment Training With a Set of Career Path Opportunities Geared on Employment, Training and Supportive Services With Over 35 County Departments!
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Join Chauvet Arts for “The Art of Unity” exhibit, a timely rotating show featuring the gallery's diverse roster of acclaimed artists during a time when artists are uniting more than ever. For more information about CHAUVET Arts, featured artists and upcoming exhibitions, please visit 215 5th Avenue North Nashville, TN 37219 Open to the public five days a week, Tuesday through Saturday, 10 a.m. to 5 p.m.
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Tickets left at the box office for collection may be picked up on the day, during the hour before the performance starts. Please take the credit card used to make the booking and the Ticketmaster booking reference number as proof of purchase. Ticketmaster UK: 0870 154 40 40, International: 00 44 161 385 3500 Monday - Saturday 10:00 - 18:00 and occasionally on Sunday. Infra red hearing system with no deposit required. For special needs seating please call 0844 412 4648. Disabled toilet situated in the rear Stalls with ground level access There is no limit to the amount of Guide Dogs (within reason of course)
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read moreASIST (Applied Suicide Intervention Skills Training) 8th&9th January 2020
This is a two day course held on Wednesday 8th and Thursday 9th January 2020. Please note ASIST starts at 9am and finishes at 5pm. Aims of the course The Applied Suicide Intervention Skills Training course is a nationally recognised course designed to help people learn how to recognise the signs of suicidal thoughts and how to intervene to prevent the immediate risk of suicide. The course covers personal attitudes, values and feelings about suicide. The course is designed to help all in communities to become more willing, ready and able to help persons at risk of suicide. Objectives of the course Participants will learn how to : - Identify cues indicating risk of suicide - Discuss suicide with a person at risk - Develop the skills to intervene with that person using the unique and effective ASIST suicide intervention model. - Provide ‘suicide first aid’. ASIST is delivered with up to 24 participants. Comments from previous course participants....... " Taught me how to ask the suicide question and put me at ease" "All of it was excellent and after considerable trepidation, I found the role play/practice invaluable" "Made us feel very safe and supported in our role". Please note: ASIST is not suitable for those who are currently vulnerable and/or recently affected by issues relating to suicide. Trainers Simon Miller is the Choose Life Development Worker in Midlothian and works as part of Health in Mind's community services across Midlothian. Simon has many years’ experience of working in suicide prevention and mental health improvement. He has considerable experience of delivering training in this field to a wide range of participants. Brian Glass is a fully qualified trainer in Scotland’s Mental Health First Aid and the Living Works Suicide Prevention courses. He has delivered these courses for a number of years. As someone with lived experience of mental illness, his open, honest talk enhances the quality of each course. Terms and conditions This course is held in the Media Suite at Heart of Midlothian Football club at Tynecastle Stadium. Enter via the Main Stand reception off McCleod Street. Please note there is no car parking facilities, however there is free on street parking in surrounding areas.The venue is served well by LRT buses and there are many local cafes and shops for lunch. Tea, coffee will be served throughout the day. Training bookings on Eventbrite are paid for by credit or debit card using Visa, Mastercard or American Express. If you need to cancel your booking and give more than 28 days’ notice, we will refund 50% of your fee. If due to unforeseen circumstances we have to change the course date, and it is not suitable for you, we will refund 100% of the payment.
read moreBreakthrough Music Business Summit London
This is just a pre-registration ticket. When the 20 tickets become available pre-registers will be notified 72 hours before the general public. The Breakthrough Music Summit is for any artist that wants to have ultimate breakthrough in their career.This career & life changing event with former A&R Director, music industry success coach, and music business strategist will not only be a roadmap to further your career but in one night you will be able to break through the limiting beliefs and habits that have caused roadblocks in you achieving ultimate success in the music industry that you desire and deserve.This event is only available to the 20 artists that want to have breakthrough in their career. This won't be another boring conference or lecture. This is going to be a hands on meeting with the premier music business success and strategist coach Matthew Rix! Matthew Rix introduction video on the Breakthrough Music Business Summit Matthew Rix has spent 20 years in the music industry in various job titles including being a senior A&R director, an A&R consultant, and regional promotions coordinator and for the past few years Matthew is the "go to" guy for artists. He's been called on to assist artist in the studio that are dealing with creative blocks (songwriting, artistic direction), negotiated record deals and his music business audio series "Mattrix Minute" had over 8.4 million sales and streams in 2014 alone from 38 different nations. Matthew's purpose with this event is taking your career from good to outstanding.This is not* Artist showcase*A&R audition*A mixerThis is for artists that want to find out how to take their career to the next level, whichever area that might be and receive the tools to achieve it.Each attendee will receive the following:*Entry into The Breakthrough Music Summit*Free copy of the soon to be released "7 Tips for unprecedented success" by Matthew Rix*One song submission to be featured on a special Mattrix Mixtape event compilation (And you get paid for every sale and stream on this compilation)*A private coach that will do follow up with you and help you with your compilation success.If you're ready for breakthrough then this summit is for you!
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