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Memphis - Church Health Covid Screening

This event will take place at the Church Health Center - 1350 Concourse Ave Ste 142, Memphis, TN 38104. The shifts will be 10am to 1pm and 1pm to 4pm on Tuesdays, Wednesdays, Thursdays, and Fridays. Volunteers will assist with the screening process for Covid19. This is an opportunity for students to volunteer and earn underserved hours. If you have any questions, email or ***DISCLAIMER: DO NOT SIGN-UP FOR AN EVENT IF YOU ARE SUPPOSED TO BE IN CLASS! BEING LATE TO CLASS OR MISSING CLASS DUE TO A SERVICE EVENT IS NOT ACCEPTABLE AND WILL NOT BE EXCUSED. Supervisor 10am-1pm - $0.00 Volunteer 10am-1pm - $0.00

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Virgin Money London Marathon 2020 - NDCS Charity Place Application

Join #TeamNDCS and do something amazing by taking part in the Virgin Money London Marathon 2020. Raise vital funds for the National Deaf Children's Society by taking part in one of the UK's most iconic sporting events! Run with 40,000 people taking on this once in a lifetime challenge while enjoying the sights of the capital. Apply now for one of our guaranteed charity places. We will endeavour to be in touch within one month to let you know if your application is successful. We choose our runners based on the strength of their application. Please give us as much details as possible as to how you intend to fundraise your target amount and your motivation for supporting the National Deaf Children's Society. Join us and you’ll receive: an exclusive #TeamNDCS running vest a dedicated member of our team providing one-to-one support a Facebook community to share training tips and experiences with your team mates a free pasta party the night before race day for that all-important carb loading family-friendly cheer points to give you the support you deserve an exclusive post-race reception in a prime location to celebrate with your friends and family, enjoy refreshments and a free massage. If your application is successdful you will need to pay a £100 registration fee and commit to fundraising at least £1,800 so please consider this before applying. We will be on hand to help you get there every step of the way! Fill out our application form today and make 2020 a year to remember! If you have any questions about the event or fundraising, please contact the Challenge Events Team via or call 020 7014 1199.

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PianoFest 21 & 22 december 2019

Op 21 & 22 december kan iedere amateurpianist in Nederland weer voor vijf minuten in de huid kruipen van een echte concertpianist. Van beginner tot gevorderde, van jong tot oud, van klassieke of jazz muziekliefhebbers tot de makers van eigen liedjes, iedereen is welkom. Maar je kunt natuurlijk ook alleen komen luisteren en genieten van alle optredens.  Op de mooiste podia van het Conservatorium van Amsterdam staan weer prachtige vleugels voor je klaar. Je hoeft alleen maar jouw favoriete muziekstuk te spelen. Wij zorgen voor een gevulde zaal met publiek, een professionele jury en de apparatuur om jouw optreden vast te leggen. Je kunt kiezen mee te doen aan het vijf-minutenfestival of aan het concours. Vijf-minutenfestival Optreden tijdens het vijf-minutenfestival is voor alle amateurs mogelijk en kan zowel op zaterdag 21 als op zondag 22 december. Bij de inschrijving vragen we jouw 5-minutenrepertoire door te geven. Je kunt dit tot 1 december aanpassen via De meeste plekken zijn bedoeld voor solo-optredens, maar er zijn dit jaar ook een paar plekken gereserveerd om samen te spelen. Je moet alleen wel je eigen musicus/musici en eventueel instrumenten meebrengen en er is geen versterking aanwezig. In de te selecteren tijd vind je de opties voor samenspelen (Bring Your Own). Per blok van een half uur hebben we één plek gereserveerd hiervoor.  Concours Bij inschrijving voor het concours geef je vast het repertoire door van de voorronde (max. 5 minuten) + aanvullend repertoire van de halve finale en finale (min. 5 en max. 10 minuten). Je speelt dus het hele repertoire in de halve finale én de finale. Je kunt dit later nog aanpassen (tot 1 december) via De voorronde van het concours vindt plaats op zaterdag 21 december, de halve finale en de finale van het concours vinden plaats op zondag 22 december. Bij de inschrijving kun je zelf jouw favoriete tijd selecteren. Er zijn dit jaar mooie prijzen te verdienen! 1e PRIJS PianoFest concours: een masterclass door een gerenommeerde pianist en kaarten voor drie concerten uit de serie Meesterpianisten in het Concertgebouw, aangeboden door de serie Meesterpianisten (2 kaarten per concert). 2e PRIJS PianoFest Concours: kaarten voor twee concerten uit de serie Meesterpianisten in het Concertgebouw, aangeboden door de serie Meesterpianisten (2 kaarten per concert). 3e PRIJS PianoFest Concours: 2 kaarten voor één concert uit de serie Meesterpianisten in het Concertgebouw, aangeboden door de serie Meesterpianisten. PRIJS voor beste compositie: kaarten voor drie concerten uit de serie Meesterpianisten in het Concertgebouw, aangeboden door de serie Meesterpianisten (2 kaarten per concert). Alle halve finalisten winnen een bladmuziekbon ter waarde van €20 aangeboden door Broekmans & Van Poppel. Lees op onze website of je mee mag doen aan het PianoFest Concours 2019.  Workshops Naast de 180 optredens van amateurs, biedt PianoFest ook een uitgebreid programma met interactieve workshops, waar iedereen gratis aan kan meedoen. De workshops worden begeleid door beroepspianisten en richten zich op allerlei niveau´s en muziekstijlen. Bekijk alle workshops op onze website. LET OP! Voor sommige workshops is inschrijving vereist. Dit kun je doen via de kaartverkoop bij zowel de deelname kaarten als de gratis toegangskaarten. Doe dit alleen als je serieus van plan bent met de betreffende workshop mee te doen.   Slotconcert Het slotconcert vindt plaats op zondag 22 december vanaf 15.30 uur. In het slotconcert spelen de drie finalisten en de winnaar van de beste compositieprijs van het PianoFest Concours. Ook dit jaar heeft PianoFest een meesterpianist uitgenodigd voor een verrassingsrecital. Dit jaar is dat Thomas Beijer! Wat hij gaat spelen is dus nog een verrassing.  Prijs deelname vijf-minutenfestival en concours: 25 euroPrijs toegangskaart: GRATISPrijs slotconcert: 20 euro Disclaimer Tijdens het festival worden opnames gemaakt die gebruikt worden in media-uitingen. Door deelname aan het festival ga je hier automatisch mee akkoord. Wil je niet in beeld komen? Laat dit dan aan ons weten via 

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Cruise to the Land Down Under on the Ruby Princess

Day by Day Itinerary: Sydney, Australia - At Sea - Melbourne, Australia - At Sea - Hobart, Australia - At Sea - At Sea - Fiordland National Park, New Zealand - Port Chalmers, New Zealand - Akaroa Bay, New Zealand - Picton, New Zealand - Wellington, New Zealand - At Sea - Tauranga, New Zealand - Auckland, New Zealand. Package Includes: 2 NIGHT PRE CRUISE HOTEL STAY IN SYDNEY, AUSTRALIA 2 NIGHT POST CRUISE HOTEL STAY IN AUCKALND, NEW ZEALAND TRANSFERS HOTEL- SHIP- HOTEL & MORE FREE BONUS AMENITIES! CALL US TODAY FOR MORE INFORMATION (800) 834-5183 Charges: Prices and offers are subject to availability and change without notice, and are capacity controlled. Prices are per person (based on 2 passengers in the same stateroom). Government taxes& fees of $329 per person are additional and subject to change. Deposit: A deposit per person is due with your reservation, ask your travel consultant for details. Immigration: A valid passport isrecommended. Please visit or ask your travel consultant for details. Cancellation: Cancellation policies apply. Expedia CruiseShipCenters highly recommends travel insurance for yourprotection and well-being while travelling in international waters and visiting foreign countries. Ask your travel consultant for details. Disclaimer: Expedia CruiseShipCenters is not responsible for errors thatmay occur due to the transfer of information from selected third parties, technical error, or human error. Additional Information: Ask about other discounts and promotions, airfare, pre-hotel stay, andshore excursions also available upon request. Florida Seller of Travel ST-40394

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Monster Jam

Cash, Visa, Mastercard,& Discover Location: Box Office Opens: when Box Office opens (662) 841-6528 Box Office (662)841-6573 Administrative Office In Advance: Monday-Fri 9:00am-4:30pm Day of Event: Varies, Normally 10:00am This is an accessible venue. Available through the venue only, please call (662) 841-6528

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Il cinema della crisi: le paure contemporanee nel cinema dal 1990 a oggi

Due incontri dedicati al cinema della crisi, a come le paure del contemporaneo si specchiano sullo schermo. Il terrore di una progressiva perdita del benessere dà vita a un genere. La prima parte del workshop sarà dedicata a: come risponde l’America? Con registi come Adam McKay (La grande scommessa), Jordan Peele (Scappa – Get Out e Noi), David Fincher (da Seven e Fight Club fino a L’amore bugiardo) o David Cronenberg (A History of Violence e Cosmopolis, solo per citarne un paio): sono diversi gli autori che si interrogano sulla scomposizione del presente, con cifre stilistiche diverse e ben riconoscibili. Nella seconda parte del workshop ci sposteremo dagli States per girare il mondo. L’arrivo del nuovo Millennio in Giappone, la famiglia orientale in crisi che ha conquistato Cannes per due anni di fila, l’insicurezza politica dell’Italia, la forza di Ken Loach in Inghilterra, e poi Larraín, Iñárritu, Cuarón, spostandoci in Messico: un cinema globale che abbraccia i nostri timori, le insicurezze, l’evolversi della storia.       *** Il corso sarà tenuto da Gian Luca Pisacane, giornalista professionista e critico cinematografico. Scrive per La Rivista del Cinematografo e, 8 1/2, e Famiglia Cristiana. Ha una rubrica settimanale su Il Giorno ed. Milano e su Radio Marconi. Nel 2017 ha vinto Premio Libertà assegnato da Liberteam, durante la prima edizione del Premio CAT.  ***  DOVE Base Milano QUANDO 25 e 26 gennaio 2020 - orario: 15 - 19 COSTO 75 € per entrambi gli incontri50 € per un singolo incontro

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Hamilton (Touring)

Cash, American Express, Mastercard, & Visa. Will Call is located at the Box Office. Box Office Telephone: 323-468-1770 The Pantages Box Office opens daily at 10am. NO ONE UNDER THE AGE OF 5 ADMITTED There is no elevator in the Pantages Theatre. Disabled seating is reserved for the exclusive use of the disabled patron and their companion. The purchase or use of disabled seating locations by non-disabled individuals is strictly prohibited and may result in ejection and/or forfeiture of the ticket price.

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Jones Family Christmas Light and Music Show

We want to invite everyone to a social-distancing Christmas event! My husband, Ryan Jones, has created the Jones Family Christmas Light and Music Show at our home on 1748 Abbington Hill in Lexington. Ryan, who is visually impaired, has synchronized Christmas lights and music for a beautiful and meaning display. We have recorded a narration of the Christmas story to accompany the show. The show consist of Trans-Siberian Orchestra Christmas songs. The show is FREE and starts December 1 and ends January 1. The show runs each night from 6:30-9:00pm except during heavy rain. The show can be watched from your car, and the music and narration can be heard by tuning to 89.5 FM. For more information, please see the 2016 Fox56 news story using the following link: Our Facebook page is Thank you and God bless, Kayla Jones

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Minnesota Wild vs. Boston Bruins

Cash, Visa, Mastercard, Discover, American Express. Will Call windows open 90 minutes prior to the event and will remain open through the second period for Minnesota Wild games. Will Call is located in the main lobby of Gate 1 at Xcel Energy Center. Tickets are released only to the person whose name appears on the Ticketmaster account or will call envelope. No one will be given tickets designated for another person. Proper photo identification is required, and purchasing credit card, if applicable. A signature from the person authorized to pick up the tickets will be obtained at the time of pick up. Box office phone: (651) 726-8240 Minnesota Wild group sales: (651) 222-WILD Group sales for other events: 651-312-3486 Box office fax: (651) 726-8246 Internet web site: Internet e-mail: Regular Box Office Hours (September - April) Monday - Saturday: 10:00 AM - 6:00 PM Sunday: Closed, except for events (opens 4 hours prior to the event start time) and on sales (open for on sale time only) Summer Box Office Hours (May - August) Monday - Friday: 10:00 AM - 6:00 PM Saturday & Sunday: Closed, except for events (opens 4 hours prior to the event start time) and on sales (open for on sale time only) Based on the Xcel Energy Center event schedule, closing times may be extended. The box office may be closed on holidays. Accommodations include accessible parking and drop-off areas, elevators, escalators, wheelchair accessible seating with excellent sightlines, accessible restrooms. ASL interpreters are provided upon advance request. Assisted listening devices are available, as well as Braille and large print programs upon request. There is elevator access to every level of the arena.

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Future Leaders MUN

Future Leaders Model United Nations (FLMUN) is an upcoming United Nation’s Simulation Conference that intents to bring enthusiastic young leaders from across the globe under one roof to discuss and exchange their opinions on issues which are plaguing the present world.   FLMUN will present young diplomats with an opportunity to connect with like-minded people who aspire to play their part in changing the world and dream to become the leaders of tomorrow by inculcating them with skills such as diplomacy, negotiations, drafting and public speaking. For discount price and book seat contact: MARIA +6281804249949

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