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Holland River Photo Cruise Tour April 20-27, 2020

Join Rob Feiner of RZF IMAGES for a Photo Cruise Tour                             Holland April 20-27, 2020 Here's what you have to do to join my Holland River Photo Cruise Tour:  Sign up for the 7-night river cruise on AMA Waterways' ship, the Amarkristina through Cruise Planners. By e-mail: By phone: (o) 347-856-8849 or (c) 646-427-8351. Currently the per-person rate for this cruise starts at $3,348 and there is limited availablity at this price. (Airfare not included)  Here is a link with the river cruise ship details and overall itinerary. PLEASE NOTE: it's criical to book this with Mara Ohanyan of Cruise Planners to get this special rate and be part of my River Photo Cruise Tour.  Then sign up for RZF IMAGES' Photo Cruise Tour segment here on Eventbite. The Early-Bird rate is $650, a $200 savings and includes you and your cabin-mate. Tickets at the Early-Bird rate are limited, so sign up quickly to take advantage of the savings. This is a small group tour limited to no more than 12 people.  Who is this Photo Tour for:  Any level of photographer, with any type of camera: SLR, Mirrorless, even Smartphone photographers What you need: A DSLR, Mirrorless camera or Smartphone camera. I will teach to any photographic level how to compose an image, deal with lighting situations, use of on and off camera flash.  An accessory flash (Speedlite) for the hotshoe of DSLR's and Mirrorless cameras. If you don't have one, I highly recommend investing in one.  LOTS of memory cards and battries. Always carry extra batteries for your camera model, and extra batteries for your flash units. Batteries are always more expensive in other countries and specific camera batteries may be near impossible to easily find.   Optional accessories:  Tripod and or/Platypod. Highly Recommended. See Platypod's website: A Platypod allows you to get long exposure images, on this flat plate with a tripod ball head. This allows you to achieve unique angles for images images, and have a stable base from which to shoot in places which don't allow tripods. I will have one on the tour that people can also try out.  Wide angle lens for landscapes, architecture and photographing inside buildings like churches.  Marcro lens for close-up photography. If you're shooting with a smartphone, there are clip on macro and other lenses available at and B& You can also rent cameras and lenses at Borrow Lenses or Lensprotogo.  A Small Continuous LED Light:  To use as a fill light for photos or video. Affordably priced and available here.  A laptop computer if you want to do some editing in the evenings. PC or Mac. I will show you how to set up a workflow and some basic editing on my laptop.  Backup External Drive: Highly recommended. It's important to make sure to back up your images onto another computer or external hard drive. This Western Digital Portable Drive has a built-in SD card slot and battery storage that can also act as a cell phone charger. No computer needed to upload your photos from your memory card!  What you will learn on this tour:  How to capture not only iconic travel images but engaging images that will make you and your friends wonder if you've turned pro: We'll discuss and learn how to get new perspectives when shooting to upgrade your images to another level. Perspective, shooting angles, close-up photography will be demonstated and you'll then put those lessons to use in real time on our trip.  Photographing people and putting them in your scene: In addition to getting those photos with you and your friend/spouse/significant other in the picture, I'll offer you tips on approaching local people and how not to be intimidated by that; how to frame them and even pose them to get authentic looking images and about sharing those images with your new-found friends.   Use of available and artificial light: How to overcome harsh lighting conditions, backlit settings--avoiding them and dealing with them when there's no alternative--cloudy and rainy settings and how to use fill flash if you are using flash.  Using tripods, Platypods, putting Smartphone clamps on tripods: In low light settings you may want to use a tripod or other stabilizer to eliminate shake for longer exposures.  Basic photo editing and workflow. I'll show you how to easily organize your photos with Adobe Lightroom and also how to do basic edits that will make your images stand out even more.  And much more!  Who Am I:  Robert Feiner is the founder and owner of RZF Images. I'm a professional photographer and have been shooting professionally since 2004 and making images far longer. I've led studio photo workshops and outdoor workshops that focus on photographing people and have done an extensive amount of travel photography. I've also taken a lot of workshops myself over the years and have noticed a couple of things about them: Many are geared for advanced amateur photographers (nothing wrong with that) and most of them tend to have spouses/partners/significant others who are left out on trips to do their own thing, or don't go on a multi-day photo workshop.  This photo tour is designed for the novice to advanced amateur photographer and is inclusive to someone's partner that isn't into photography. So while you as a serious photographer may want more technical tips and tricks to use your gear to the fullest, your partner may just want decent smartphone photos. And that's fine. The common denomonator is that whatever your level, novice or serious photographer, you both want images that are properly exposed and have good light and composition. I'll give you instruction and tips at whatever level of photography you're at so you can make great images. And you'll both enjoy photography together, maybe for the first time!  For example: Don't you wish as a novice smartphone photographer you could get an image with both the person in the foreground and the background properly exposed in all settings, instead of it being hit-or-miss?  What kind of shooting angles will make your images go from a cliched image to one that stops someone in their tracks? How can you get people in your images that look natural and not posed?  Tips on connecting with locals and including them in your images for perspective showcasing a country's culture.  I'll show you how do achieve this and more on our tour. I hope you'll join me.  Feel free to contact me at for any questions about this tour.  Thank you and I hope you will join me and advance your photographic skills no matter what your photography level.  Please Note: There is a minimum number of signups necessary for this workshop to move forward. Should the minimum number of attendees not be met by 12/1/19, the photo tour workshop portion will be cancelled and you will recieve a 100% refund. The River Cruise portion could still happen and if you wish to cancel, that must be taken care of seperately. RZF Images Workshops and RZF Media LLC does not assume any liabilitiy for any cancellation fees, if any, from the cruise line for your cancellation of cruise bookings, nor of any airfare cancellation fees. 

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Atlanta Braves vs. New York Yankees

Visa, Mastercard, American Express, Discover, Cash Open 2 hours prior to game time. Please have available Phot ID, Credit used to make purchase and confirmation number. (941) 413 - 5000 Available

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APMG-Implementing NIST Cybersecuirty Framework using COBIT5 2 Days Training in Seoul

Course Description: In this course, you will understand the context and nature of cybersecurity risks and how to manage these risks using the NIST Cybersecurity Framework together with COBIT 5. ISO/IEC 27000 is also covered in this course. So if you are already using that standard or interested in applying it as an overall IT Security Management System, this course will be relevant as well. Course Topics: Course Introduction ●      Introductions ●      Course Objectives ●      Agenda ●      Learning Approach Cybersecurity Challenges ●      What is cybersecurity? ●      What are the risks? ●      What are the challenges? ●      What are the benefits: ●      NIST Framework ●      COBIT 5 ●      ISO27000 ●      Introducing the Frameworks ●      NIST Core, Tier and Profiles Facts and Concepts ●      How to apply these concepts to a scenario Step 1 : Prioritize and Scope ●      The CSF Goals and implementation steps ●      How the CSF relates to the NIST Framework ●      What are the drivers? ●      Implementation Considerations ●      Relevant COBIT 5 Practices Steps 2 and 3 : Orient and Create a Current Profile ●      Where are we now? ●      Implementation Considerations ●      Relevant COBIT 5 Practices Step 4 and Step 5 : Conduct a Risk Assessment and Create a Target Profile ●      Where do we want to be? ●      Implementation Considerations ●      Relevant COBIT 5 Practices Step 6 : Determine, Analyze, and Prioritize Gaps ●      What needs to be done? ●      Implementation Considerations ●      Relevant COBIT 5 Practice Step 7 : Implement Action Plan ●      How do we get there? ●      Implementation Considerations ●      Relevant COBIT 5 Practice CSF Action Plan Review and CSF Life Cycle Management ●      Did we Get There ●      Implementation Considerations ●      Relevant COBIT 5 Practices ●      How do we Keep the Momentum Going ●      Implementation Considerations ●      Relevant COBIT 5 Practices Learning Goals: Incident and Change Managers Course Agenda: Day 1 ●      Course Introduction ●      Cybersecurity Challenges ●      Introducing the Frameworks ●      Step 1: Prioritize and Scope ●      Steps 2 and 3: Orient and Create a Current Profile Day 2 ●      Step 4 and Step 5: Conduct a Risk Assessment and Create a Target Profile ●      Step 6: Determine, Analyze, and Prioritize Gaps ●      Step 7: Implement Action Plan ●      CSF Action Plan Review and CSF Life Cycle Management

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Damien Dempsey In Concert

ACCESS/VISA/CHEQUE/CASH Collect from the Box Office during the hour prior to curtain up. Credit Card needed for verification. Monday to Sunday 10:00am to 07:00pm The theatre is accessible for disabled customers.

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Comprendre l'art moderne : cycle de 9 Conférences

Suivez les conférences de Connaissance des Arts : Comprendre l'art moderne Pour ce nouveau cycle de conférences, Connaissance des Arts vous emmène à la découverte de l'Art moderne  !  Rendez-vous dans l'Auditorium de Connaissance des Arts au 10, Boulevard de Grenelle Paris 75015 (métro Bir-Hakeim) de 18h30 à 20h00, chaque mois, pour assister à nos conférences : 1900 : entre Art Nouveau et Symbolisme - 17 oct 2019  Les Avant-Gardes : autour des Fauves e t des cubistes - 21 nov 2019  Entre archaïsme et expressionnisme, une nouvelle esthétique - 19 déc 2019  Les révolutions dans l'art : Bauhaus, Constructivisme, Abstraction - 23 janv 2020  Dada et les Surréalistes, l'art comme terrain de jeu - 27 fév 2020  L'Art Déco et les Expositions internationales de 1925 et 1937 - 19 mars 2020  De Pollock à Soulages : abstraction américaine et reconstruction européenne - 23 avr 2020 L'objet du quotidien, entre Nouveau Réalisme et Pop culture - 28 mai 2020  L'éclatement des pratiques dans les années 1960 et 1970 - 25 juin 2020 Plus d'infos sur : Contact :

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Adhésion Girlz In Web

Pourquoi adhérer ? #1 Vous souhaitez profiter des événements de Girlz In Web au top et y rencontrez des gens supers ?#2 Vous souhaitez participer à des événements exclusifs dédiés aux membres comme nos déjeuners #MembreOnly ?#3 Vous aviez envie d'intégrer le réseau interne de Girlz in Web et réseauter avec ses membres en exclusivité ?#4 Vous aimez participer aux événement dédiés au numérique et aimeriez profiter de réductions spéciales ?#5 Vous pensez que ce qu’on fait est indispensable à une meilleure représentation des femmes dans les métiers du numériques ?#6 Vous voulez être mécène et pouvoir profiter d’une mise en avant exclusive sur le site Girlz In Web ? Voilà quelques bonnes raisons d’adhérer à Girlz In Web !Bienvenue dans le réseau !

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