#mHealthUX | How To Design a Digital Health App MINDSHOP™
Keys features: ✅2 hours of instructor-led training (Online Mindshop using Zoom platform) ✅Certificate of Completion – powered by Techversity Progrsm ✅Hands-out materials and unlimited access to the recorded session What is this MINDSHOP™ about? In the world of mhealth design, usability is king. Softwares, valuated for millions of dollars, are abandoned due to its lack of appreciation of the power of usable design principles. This course emphasizes the importance of mobile user experience in designing effective healthcare e-solutions: how different populations of healthcare consumers select and utilize mobile apps in their daily lives, why they sustain or abandon use, and the health benefits and predictive outcomes that are caused by this usage. Module 1: Gathering Insights from providers and patients' point of view Understand design thinking framework through case studies in healthcare Identifying users pain points (patients and providers) Learn how to gather data and contextualize them into a meaningful architecture Module 2: Ideation in the healthcare sphere Reframing and Ideation - Go wide and wild problem-solving technique Know how to foresee the needs based on user personas Module 3: Implementation and limitations Prototyping and testing - fail fast, keep moving technique Know how to stitch the design to the insights gathered Learn how to iterate swiftly Learn how to manage frustration when failing fast process Open-Discussion: Your current role and how designing a mobile health app can benefit you Who needs to attend? Entrepreneurs at early-stage of their startup (preferably mhealth) Managers who are committed to solving healthcare problems creatively User Interface designers who wish to expand their towards UX design in health Limited Slots = 10. Read my recent #mhealth publication: https://ieeexplore.ieee.org/document/8402421/ Who am I? I help ambitious careerists and entrepreneurs in building their arsenal towards creative problem solving, authentic product design and development. My masterclasses are highly interactive and personalized. I look forward to having you onboard! Industrial Experience: 2019 recipient of MU School of Medicine's Lindberg Award for Health IT Innovation Current R&D Lab Manager at Duke University – Biomedical Engineering Dept. Former Adjunct University Lecturer at ENSET Biomedical Engineering School at the age of 23. "How to Gamify a Virtual Surgical Workspace" Talk at (VRVoice2018) Harvard Medical School Co-Founder of TechVerse Coworking Space & Incubator, Rabat City, Morocco – the first tech-oriented coworking space in the kingdom. est. 2016 HIT | Design Thinking Consultant at Medverselab est. 2016 Chief Software Architect of Sutures App – Gamified Gastro-intestinal e-Surgery Simulator (Check it out! ) est. 2016 Chief Design Thinker / Information Architect at Sinclair School of Nursing – HEAR App est. 2017 Research Fellow at the University of Missouri’s Center for Biomedical Informatics - focus on Mobile Based & Gamified Precision Medicine est. 2018 Design Thinker (mHealth) for Precision Medicine Academic Background: Peer Reviewer at IEEE Journal of Biomedical & Health Informatics (JBHI) Peer Reviewer at Journal for Medical Internet Research (JMIR) Public Speaker: USA, Hong Kong, Malaysia, Morocco, Philippines (+30 talks) Author of "Gamified Psychosphere" - available on Google books/amazon kindle @ 2019 Holder of Engineering Diploma in Manufacturing Engineering and Management with Specialization in Biomedical Engineering Advanced Degree (MS.PhD) in Health Informatics – App Innovation #KeepHustling! linkedin: https://www.linkedin.com/in/katanai/ Website: katusop.com Twitter: @itskatusop
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