The International Research Conference Aims and Objectives
The International Research Conference is a federated organization dedicated to bringing together a significant number of diverse scholarly events for presentation within the conference program. Events will run over a span of time during the conference depending on the number and length of the presentations. With its high quality, it provides an exceptional value for students, academics and industry researchers.
ICTDMTCP 2020: 14. International Conference on Therapeutic Drug Monitoring Technologies and Current Practice aims to bring together leading academic scientists, researchers and research scholars to exchange and share their experiences and research results on all aspects of Therapeutic Drug Monitoring Technologies and Current Practice. It also provides a premier interdisciplinary platform for researchers, practitioners and educators to present and discuss the most recent innovations, trends, and concerns as well as practical challenges encountered and solutions adopted in the fields of Therapeutic Drug Monitoring Technologies and Current Practice
L’arte di vincere senza combattere…
“Le parole giuste costano poco e valgono molto.”George Herbert
“Non è possibile non comunicare” è il primo postulato della pragmatica della comunicazione umana formulato da Paul Watzlawick. Proprio perché siamo “costretti” a comunicare, è meglio saperlo fare con consapevolezza, responsabilità, abilità e strategia in modo da usare al meglio la nostra comunicazione, anziché venirne usati.
La COMUNICAZIONE STRATEGICA ci insegna, appunto, l’arte di VINCERE SENZA COMBATTERE, lavorando contemporaneamente su tre aspetti che molto spesso sono trascurati:– EFFICACIA;– EFFICIENZA;– ELEGANZA.
Conoscere la comunicazione strategica ci permette di capire meglio i nostri interlocutori, di farci capire meglio da loro, di ridurre le conflittualità, di creare sintonia, di aumentare la nostra sfera d’influenza e le nostre capacità di persuasione.
Scopriremo l’importanza delle domande, delle parole da scegliere, dei silenzi, degli sguardi, delle parafrasi e degli stratagemmi comunicativi per usare la comunicAZIONE in modo da aumentare il carisma personale e la propria forza comunicativa: impareremo ad AGIRE LE PAROLE al meglio.
Lavoreremo sui meta-messaggi, sui modelli e gli stili di comunicazione; scopriremo il potere delle domande strategiche, applicate a vari contesti: dagli ambiti performativi del Coaching, ai contesti persuasivi della vendita, dall’ambito educativo alle sue applicazioni nella leadership e nel team working.
Ci concentremo sugli EFFETTI della Comunicazione, in modo da poterla agire al meglio in funzione degli effetti che desideriamo generare con la nostra comunicazione, strategicamente appunto.
Tutti comunicano, pochi sanno farlo, pochissimi sanno farlo strategicamente. E noi impareremo a farlo. Le parole possono essere spade, scudi, finestre, porte o ponti, e dobbiamo imparare ad usarle, strategicamente, in ognuna delle loro possibili funzioni.
L’obiettivo è usare la comunicazione umana, in tutte le sue forme, con consapevolezza e responsabilità, in modo che sia funzionale al raggiungimento degli obiettivi personali e professionali, e non un ostacolo.
E ovviamente, studieremo la Comunicazione come strumento principale di Coaching, in ambito business, sportivo e life.
“Le parole sono come pallottole.”L. Wittgenstein
In questo corso imparerai:
Come acquisire un tuo stile comunicativo efficace ed efficiente.
Come evitare gli errori più comuni nella comunicazione.
Come stabilire facilmente un rapporto di fiducia e sintonia con i tuoi interlocutori.
Come aggirare le difficoltà relazionali più comuni, grazie all’uso della parola.
Come far tua l’arte del dialogo strategico.
Come guidare con efficacia attraverso le tue parole.
Come vincere senza combattere, ottenendo i tuoi risultati pur conservando intatta la relazione.
A chi si rivolge:
A tutti coloro che credono nella possibilità di perfezionare il proprio modo di comunicare (con gli altri, ma anche con se stessi). A tutti coloro che a volte incontrano delle difficoltà nel farsi capire. A chi crede nel valore dell’ascolto e della condivisione di qualità. A chi già utilizza la comunicazione nella propria professione e a chi vuole acquisire competenze essenziali nelle relazioni d’aiuto (coaching, counseling, consulenza, psicoterapia e didattica).
Programma Tecnico-Didattico del Corso:
Pragmatica della Comunicazione Umana
Stili di comunicazione
La struttura della Comunicazione
Contenuto e Relazione
Gli errori da evitare nella Comunicazione
L'arte del Feedback (le 4 tipologie)
L'arte del dialogo
Domande Strategiche
Parafrasi e Accordo
Aforismi e Analogie
Il processo dialogico a imbuto
I canali della Comunicazione
Comunicazione logica e analogica
Comunicazione d'Impatto
Comunicazione sintonica
Comunicazione persuasiva
I meta-Messaggi
Stratagemmi Comunicativi
L'Ascolto Attivo
Sintonia ed Empatia
Esercitazioni pratiche
Vai alla pagina web del corso:
Scarica la brochure del corso:
The Box Office accepts MasterCard, Visa, Discover, American Express, and Cash.
Box Office Phone Number: (313) 471-7929
The Xfinity Box Office at Little Caesars Arena is open Monday thru Friday, from 11:00am to 5:30pm, and also on Event Days from 11:00am until Intermission.
Cash, American Express, Mastercard, & Visa.
Will Call is located at the Box Office.
Box Office Telephone: 323-468-1770
The Pantages Box Office opens daily at 10am. NO ONE UNDER THE AGE OF 5 ADMITTED
There is no elevator in the Pantages Theatre. Disabled seating is reserved for the exclusive use of the disabled patron and their companion. The purchase or use of disabled seating locations by non-disabled individuals is strictly prohibited and may result in ejection and/or forfeiture of the ticket price.
The Footprint Center accepts the following methods of payment at the Box Office:VISA MASTERCARD DISCOVER AMERICAN EXPRESS CASH, PHX ARENA NO LONGER ACCEPTS CHECKS
The WILL CALL windows open two hours prior to events and are located on the Northwest side of the building in the Pavilion. WILL CALL PICK-UP: The Footprint Center requires that customers picking up WILL CALL tickets furnish the following: 1) PICTURE IDENTIFICATION THAT MATCHES THE PICK-UP NAME 2) CONFIRMATION NUMBER THAT MATCHES THE CUSTOMER ACCOUNT ALTERNATE WILL CALL PICK-UP: If another person, other than the person ordering and paying for the tickets, is picking up a WILL CALL order, the ALTERNATE PICK-UP name MUST be on the account. To get the alternate pick-up name noted on the account, the original purchaser MUST contact Ticketmaster at (1-800-745-3000), ask for customer service to verify account information and request alternate pick-up.
Northwest side of Footprint Center in the Pavilion.(602)379-7800 Suns Game Nights call (602)379-7867
The Footprint Center ticket office will be open at 3pm on weekday events and three (3) hours prior to event time for weekends. For any further questions or ticket inquiries, please reach out to or call the Footprint Center ticket office at (602) 379-7800.
PHOENIX SUNS: To purchase Phoenix Suns tickets for people with disabilities, subject to availability, please call Footprint Center at (602)379-7867 or visit Footprint Center ticket office. Accessible tickets can also be purchased at all Ticketmaster locations, by calling (800)745-3000 or online at ARIZONA RATTLERS: To purchase Arizona Rattlers tickets for people with disabilities, Subject to availability, please call Footprint Center at (602)379-7800 or visit the Footprint Center ticket office. Accessible tickets can also be purchased at all Ticketmaster locations, by calling (800)745-3000 or online at PHOENIX MERCURY: To purchase Phoenix Mercury tickets for people with disabilities, subject to availability, please call Footprint Center at (602)252-9622 or visit the Footprint Center ticket office. Accessible tickets can also be purchased at all Ticketmaster locations, by calling (800)745-3000 or online at ARENA CONCERTS AND OTHER EVENTS: To purchase concert or other event tickets for people with disabilities, subject to availability, please call Footprint Center at (602)379-7800 or visit Footprint Center ticket office. Accessible tickets can also be purchased at all Ticketmaster locations, by calling (800)745-3000 or online at
Will Call opens 2 hours prior to performance.
TSJ Ticketing: 408-792-4111 TSJ Ticketing -Monday-Friday 10am-5pm 408-792-4111 or in person at the City National Civic (including Broadway San Jose) 135 W. San Carlos 2 hours prior to show at CPA- Walk-up only Print your e-tickets, we are not able to scan off mobile phones at this time
The Box Office at the CPA is only open on the day of a performance beginning 2 hour prior to show time. Tickets for Broadway San Jose can be purchased Monday- Friday; 10am-5pm at the City National Civic 135 W. San Carlos (Just ½ block away. There is a white curb out front for parking)
Two accessible platforms in the orchestra on either side of row 27 can accommodate wheelchair patrons and their companion. Please call the box office at 408-792-411 (Monday-Friday; 10am-5pm) prior to event to check availability.
Cash, American Express, Mastercard, & Visa.
Will Call is located at the Box Office.
Box Office Telephone: 323-468-1770
The Pantages Box Office opens daily at 10am. NO ONE UNDER THE AGE OF 5 ADMITTED
There is no elevator in the Pantages Theatre. Disabled seating is reserved for the exclusive use of the disabled patron and their companion. The purchase or use of disabled seating locations by non-disabled individuals is strictly prohibited and may result in ejection and/or forfeiture of the ticket price.
The United Center Box Office accepts Cash, Visa, MasterCard, American Express and Discover Card.
Tickets held at Will Call can be picked up beginning 90 minutes prior to the start of the actual event. E-TICKET /PRINT AT HOME & MOBILE TICKETING If you chose Print-at-Home as your delivery method, your tickets will be sent to the email address used at the time of purchase in the form of a .pdf and must be printed on paper in advance for entry. Print at Home tickets cannot scanned at the venue from a mobile device. Choosing mobile entry allows the convenience of using your smartphone as your game ticket. You no longer need to bring your physical tickets to the game. This includes season tickets and single game tickets purchased online or forwarded by email through authorized outlets including,, ClickTix, or other United Center approved outlets. Mobile entry requires a valid QR code.
(312) 455-4500 (312) 455-4519 (TTY)
Monday-Friday, 11:00 a.m. until 6:00 p.m. Saturday, closed if no performance Sunday, closed if no performance *Hours subject to change depending on event schedules.
Not only is the United Center designed to 100% ADA compliance, but each team member has been specifically trained in assisting our guests with special needs. Should you have any questions regarding the accessibility of the arena or for ticket information, please call 312-455-4653 and ask for Guest Relations (312-455-4519 TTY). Tickets in wheelchair accessible areas are available on all levels of the United Center, and the arena offers 100 disabled parking spaces located in parking Lot G off of Damen Avenue. All washrooms, restaurants, first aid station, seating areas, Cash Stations, box offices, Concession stands and drinking fountains are all wheelchair accessible.
The United Center Box Office accepts Cash, Visa, MasterCard, American Express and Discover Card.
Tickets held at Will Call can be picked up beginning 90 minutes prior to the start of the actual event. E-TICKET /PRINT AT HOME & MOBILE TICKETING If you chose Print-at-Home as your delivery method, your tickets will be sent to the email address used at the time of purchase in the form of a .pdf and must be printed on paper in advance for entry. Print at Home tickets cannot scanned at the venue from a mobile device. Choosing mobile entry allows the convenience of using your smartphone as your game ticket. You no longer need to bring your physical tickets to the game. This includes season tickets and single game tickets purchased online or forwarded by email through authorized outlets including,, ClickTix, or other United Center approved outlets. Mobile entry requires a valid QR code.
(312) 455-4500 (312) 455-4519 (TTY)
Monday-Friday, 11:00 a.m. until 6:00 p.m. Saturday, closed if no performance Sunday, closed if no performance *Hours subject to change depending on event schedules.
Not only is the United Center designed to 100% ADA compliance, but each team member has been specifically trained in assisting our guests with special needs. Should you have any questions regarding the accessibility of the arena or for ticket information, please call 312-455-4653 and ask for Guest Relations (312-455-4519 TTY). Tickets in wheelchair accessible areas are available on all levels of the United Center, and the arena offers 100 disabled parking spaces located in parking Lot G off of Damen Avenue. All washrooms, restaurants, first aid station, seating areas, Cash Stations, box offices, Concession stands and drinking fountains are all wheelchair accessible.