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CoderDojo Budapest, @LogMeIn, CodeCombat, 2020 Február 10

Mi a legjobb dolog a CodeCombat Dojokban? Peti kollégánk, a foglalkozások egyik mentora szerint: “A legjobb látni a gyerekek arcán az örömöt, ami a játék és tanulás együttese okoz, amikor úgy állnak fel a dojo végén, hogy ezt szeretnék folytatni otthon is.” Várunk minden 9-13 év közötti számtech és/vagy programozás megszállott gyerkőcöt sok szeretettel!  Idén IS játszani fogunk! A CodeCombat ( pályáin megküzdünk az ogrékkal, varázsfegyvereket vetünk be és drágaköveket gyűjtünk. Mellesleg pedig megismerkedünk a programozás alapfogalmaival és logikájával. Nem csak fiúknak! Ajánlott korosztály: 9-13 Ajánlott számítástechnikai jártasság: Kezdőtől közép-haladóig Jó, ha a jelölteket nem csak a játék miatt érdekli a számítógép. Ha kicsit programoztak is már, annál jobb, de ha nem, az se baj. Majd most!  Kérjük, hozzanak létre egy saját fiókot a oldalon (Feliratkozás egyéni játékosként), amely már magyarul is elérhető. Fontos, hogy a bejelentkezéshez szükséges felhasználói nevet és jelszót jegyezzék fel. Az egyes Dojo-k anyaga NEM ugyanaz Tetszőleges számú dátumra lehet jelentkezni

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Disney On Ice presents Dream Big

The Box Office accepts cash, Visa, Discover, and Mastercard. Tickets held for Will Call may be picked up as early as 60 minutes prior to show at the front of the building or second floor by elevator. The customer must have actual credit card, picture ID, and confirmation number. PHONE NUMBERS: Ticket sales: (337) 491-1432. Event information line: (337) 491-8668 MON - FRI: 8:30AM-4:30PM SAT: 10:00AM-12:00PM Available through box office. Elevators, located near Box Office on first floor, give access to 200 and 300 balcony level seating.

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Disney On Ice presents Into the Magic

Box Office accepts Cash, Visa, MasterCard, American Express and Discover. Personal checks with proper I.D. are accepted up to 10 days prior to event only. This may vary on some events. Location : Box Office Most events - Ground level on the West Side facing Franklin Avenue Hours : Will Call is available once the order is verified during Box Office hours The customer must present actual credit card, picture ID, and confirmation number to claim will call tickets. (504) 280-7222 - General (504) 280-GAME - UNO Athletic Ticket questions Tues-Fri 10am-4pm, closed Mondays & Weekends Closed for University of New Orleans holidays and closure days Event Days: Event times vary, generally open 2 hours prior to until one hour after showtime. Reserved seat events - It varies by event. Click the wheelchair icon above the map for more info. General Admission events - purchase any seat, accommodations will be made at the door.

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Yourcodenameis: Milo (Vip)

Tickets held for collection can be collected from the venue on the evening of the event. Please take the credit card used to make the booking and your Ticketmaster reference number with you. Please contact the venue for further information on 0191230 4474.

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Chicago White Sox vs. New York Yankees

American Express, MasterCard, Visa & Discover. Ticket Windows do not accept checks. NEW! Ticketmaster Will Call Kiosks are available for will call pick-up on the day of the game! There are 2 will call kiosks located at each of the following gates: Gate 3, Gate 4, & Gate 5. Simply bring the credit card used to purchase the tickets to the kiosk, swipe your card and wait for your tickets to print! No more waiting in long will call lines! Kiosks are currently available for day of game will call pick-up only; advance pick-up and ticket sales are NOT available at the kiosks currently. Ticketmaster Will Call (phone or internet orders) may be picked up at any open ticket window at Guaranteed Rate Field on the day of the game, or before the day of game at least 48 hours after the order was placed, during regular box office hours. (312) 674-1000 (SUBJECT TO CHANGE) Non Game Days: Monday through Friday- 10:00 am to 5:00 pm Saturday and Sunday - CLOSED Game Days Night Games starting at 7:10 pm our box office is open from 9:00 am until 9:00 pm Night Games starting at 6:10 pm our box office is open from 9:00 am until 8:00 pm Day Games starting at 1:10 pm - our box office is open from 9:00 am until 5:00 pm 2008 Regular Season: Accessible seating is available in all price levels. In the lower level, accessible seating is in the back of the sections, and in the upper level, accessible seating is in the front of the sections. Ticketmaster sales of accessible seating is limited to four (4) tickets. If there is a larger request for accessible seating, please direct the order to Mary Weiss at the Guaranteed Rate Field Box Office at (312) 674-1000 ext. 5244, or Laura Arenas at (312) 674-1000 ext. 5246. Accessible elevators are located at Gate 4 entrance at the corner of 35th and Shields.

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Hamilton (Touring)

Cash, American Express, Mastercard, & Visa. Will Call is located at the Box Office. Box Office Telephone: 323-468-1770 The Pantages Box Office opens daily at 10am. NO ONE UNDER THE AGE OF 5 ADMITTED There is no elevator in the Pantages Theatre. Disabled seating is reserved for the exclusive use of the disabled patron and their companion. The purchase or use of disabled seating locations by non-disabled individuals is strictly prohibited and may result in ejection and/or forfeiture of the ticket price.

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