Mastering Carotid Ultrasound Scanning
This intensive “hands on” course is designed for Student Sonographers undertaking the Vascular pathway including the ASUM Vascular DMU, general Student Sonographers , Cardiac Sonographers , Stroke Nurses and Sonographers wishing to update, extend or master their Carotid scanning skills. The course will cover Vascular Anatomy, Haemodynamics , Carotid Doppler protocols, image documentation, measurements and reporting lectures. The emphasis is on developing practical diagnostic scanning techniques, navigational skills, vascular scanning and image documentation protocols To have an understanding of the normal and abnormal pathological sonographic patterns and appearances and Blood flow patterns. The small group structure ensures a collaborative and supportive learning environment, utilizing a mixture of didactic lectures and real time scanning techniques. Curriculum Basic Physics and Knobology if required Haemodynamics and Instrumentation Introduction to Colour ,Power and Spectral Doppler Blood flow patterns Knobology Extra cranial Cerebral Vessels- Carotid, Vertebral, Subclavian Artery and Jugular Vein lecture, protocols and scanning. Grey scale, Plaque Characterisation, Evaluation of Stenosis, Colour Doppler Spectral Analysis and Spectral Broadening, Thrombus, Documentation and Reporting. Scan protocols Image documentation and measurements Work sheets for Carotid Doppler examinations
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