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Seattle Kraken vs. Anaheim Ducks
Apple Pay, Visa, AMX, MC, and Discover. We do not accept cash or checks. WILL CALL LOCATION: SW Corner of Climate Pledge Arena on 1st & Thomas. WILL CALL OPENS: 2 hours prior to event time. DOORS OPEN: 1 hour prior to event time (Varies by Event). The Box Office is open 3 hours prior to the start of an event, located at the southwest corner of the Climate Pledge Arena Grounds at 1st & Thomas. It is open 2 hours prior to an event on Day Of Show for will call and sales for that day's performance only. We are a paperless venue and tickets will be sent via text. Parking - The 1st Ave N Garage is located 1 block south of Climate Pledge Arena. It is fully accessible with easy access to Climate Pledge Arena. Street parking & pay lots are also available but not as conveniently located. Drop Off - All Main Entrance doors to Climate Pledge Arena are accessible. The West entrance is the most convenient for drop off. 1st Ave N directly runs in front of the facility. Drop off location for the East entry is about 1/2 block away from Climate Pledge Arena at 2nd and Thomas. Entry - For most events, the West, South and East doors are open for entry.
read moreCorso "Malori improvvisi, perdite di coscienza – malori da cause ambientali – lesioni da caldo e da freddo"
Durata: 3 ore Requisiti: nessuno Descrizione: La Croce Rossa Italiana si occupa di formazione e di educazione alla Salute promuovendo su tutto il territorio nazionale percorsi informativi e/o formativi, in base alle linee guida internazionali. Il corso monotematico sui malori improvvisi e le perdite di coscienza è volto ad approfondire le cause principali che possano portare alla perdita della funzione vitale della coscienza e le lesioni provocate dal caldo e dal freddo (ustioni e congelamenti) al fine di poter intervenire con manovre di primo soccorso in caso di bisogno. Grande attenzione sarà anche dedicato alla prevenzione e al supporto delle funzioni vitali. Il corso “Malori improvvisi, perdite di coscienza – malori da cause ambientali – lesioni da caldo e da freddo” è parte del corso di primo soccorso che si completa con gli altri corsi monotematici: o Basic Life Support - BLS o Sistema Nervoso e Apparato Locomotore: come è fatto, disturbi, traumi cranici e vertebrali, lesioni muscolo scheletriche e traumi osteoarticolari o Le ferite e altre lesioni della pelle, emorragie e shock o Educazione Alimentare: l’apparato digerente, nutrienti e corretto stile di vita, disturbi ed urgenze Frequentando singolarmente i cinque corsi monotematici nell’arco dello stesso anno solare si avrà la possibilità di ricevere lo “European First Aid Certificated” (EFAC- Brevetto Europeo di Primo Soccorso). Obiettivo: Informare, educare ed aiutare ciascun individuo o gruppi di persone ad acquisire e saper eseguire azioni e modificare i propri comportamenti per mantenere e/o migliorare la salute. Programma: Perdite di coscienza transitorie: lipotimia e sincope Perdite di coscienza profonde: stati di coma (cenni) Urgenze cerebro-vascolari e cardio-vascolari: ictus e attacco cardiaco Urgenze respiratorie: edema polmonare acuto, enfisema polmonare e crisi asmatica Disturbi e patologie del sistema nervoso: convulsioni ed epilessia Disturbi provocati da agenti fisici: elettricità Danni da agenti biologici o chimici di origine esogena: avvelenamenti (alimentari/chimici) Disturbi provocati da abuso o astinenza di sostanza: alcolici, farmaci e droghe Alterazioni del metabolismo: diabete (coma ipo/iper glicemico), insufficienza epatica e renale Malori da cause ambientali: colpo di sole, colpo di calore e assideramento Lesioni da caldo e da freddo: ustioni (termiche, da radiazioni, elettriche e chimiche) e congelamenti Attestato: Si, di “Partecipazione”
read moreCoderDojo Budapest, @LogMeIn, CodeCombat, 2020 Január 27
Mi a legjobb dolog a CodeCombat Dojokban? Peti kollégánk, a foglalkozások egyik mentora szerint: “A legjobb látni a gyerekek arcán az örömöt, ami a játék és tanulás együttese okoz, amikor úgy állnak fel a dojo végén, hogy ezt szeretnék folytatni otthon is.” Várunk minden 9-13 év közötti számtech és/vagy programozás megszállott gyerkőcöt sok szeretettel! Idén IS játszani fogunk! A CodeCombat ( pályáin megküzdünk az ogrékkal, varázsfegyvereket vetünk be és drágaköveket gyűjtünk. Mellesleg pedig megismerkedünk a programozás alapfogalmaival és logikájával. Nem csak fiúknak! Ajánlott korosztály: 9-13 Ajánlott számítástechnikai jártasság: Kezdőtől közép-haladóig Jó, ha a jelölteket nem csak a játék miatt érdekli a számítógép. Ha kicsit programoztak is már, annál jobb, de ha nem, az se baj. Majd most! Kérjük, hozzanak létre egy saját fiókot a oldalon (Feliratkozás egyéni játékosként), amely már magyarul is elérhető. Fontos, hogy a bejelentkezéshez szükséges felhasználói nevet és jelszót jegyezzék fel. Az egyes Dojo-k anyaga NEM ugyanaz Tetszőleges számú dátumra lehet jelentkezni
read moreAnnasach's Burns Night Ceilidh
Annasach Ceilidh Band invites you to our informal celebration of The Bard's birthday in the hidden gem of Edinburgh’s Old Town, The Counting House; a venue where Robert Burns himself was once entertained by poet Thomas Blacklock! The ceilidh will start at 8pm with a break for a buffet supper served around 9.30pm of haggis (vegetarian option available), neeps & tatties, and a complimentary dram of The Famous Grouse to wash it all down. Then it's back to the dancing! Our dance caller Tricia will be there as usual to explain the dances so all beginners welcome :) She might even sing a Burns song or two! Tickets can be purchased here or at the door - although booking in advance is highly recommended as previous years have SOLD OUT; and are priced at £23 and £18 conc. You will receive an e-ticket which should be brought with you on the evening. Please note that an official photographer may be in attendance at this event. By purchasing a ticket you agree to any image being used by Annasach for future publicity.
read moreHamilton (NY)
Cash, AmEx, Visa, MC Pick up tickets one hour prior to the show. Customers must present the actual credit card used to place the order and a photo ID. (212) 221-1211 Monday - Saturday 10am - 8pm Sunday 12pm - 6pm
read moreRoss Medical Education
Contact Ross Education now for training programs in Medical Assistant, Medical Insurance Billing and more!
read moreCincinnati Bengals vs. Indianapolis Colts
The box office accepts cash, Visa, and MasterCard and Discover. Will Call is located on the north side of the stadium. Customer must present actual credit card, confirmation number, and photo ID. Bengals office: (513) 621-TDTD (8383) Tickets to non-Bengals evnets are NOT available in advance at the Box Office. No special seating arrangements are available through the Box Office. Non-Bengals events tickets are available at Paycor Stadium only on the Day of the Show. For the Bengals Box Office: Mon-Fri: 9:00am to 5:00pm Day of game: 3 hours prior to kickoff to halftime For all other Stadium events: Box Office hours for all non-Bengals events may vary on the day of the event Accessible seating: for Bengals games refer to box office (513) 621-TDTD (8383). For Music/Jazz Festival refer to (513) 924-0900. For all other Paycor Stadium events refer to Ticketmaster 1-800-745-3000.
read morePhiladelphia Eagles vs. Cleveland Browns
MasterCard, Visa, Discover, Traveler's Checks, Cash, & American Express. Pick up tickets one hour prior to show. Customer must present actual credit card used to place the order, the confirmation number and a photo I.D. Doors and plaza gates open 3 hours prior to event - seating gates - 2 hours prior to event. For non Eagles events - Will Call is on 11th St. facing the Wachovia Ctr. Will Call for the Lacrosse Event, May 28 - May 30, 2005 will be at the Chrysler Jeep Entrance/Main Ticket office. General Info - 215.463.2500 Ticket Office - 215.463.5500 Accessible Seating - 215.463.5500 Monday - Friday 9am - 5pm Event Day - Remote ticket booth located 11th st. side of main parking lot. Non event day:Headhouse Accessible seating is available in all levels. Limited accessible seating through Ticketmaster. Please call 215.463.5500 for accessible procedures.
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