Age Limit: Under 15s must be accompanied by an adult aged 18+
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Course Description :
Do you understand the psychology, the mechanisms and the options for helping staff cope with change issues and of establishing new ways of working so that change is effective?
Global competition brings change. Mergers and acquisitions bring change. New governmental statutes and regulatory directives bring change.
As the developed world moves from a production-based, to a service-based economy, you need to know the characteristics of different organizational structures, how they work and the issues that you will face as you try to help them change.
The Change Management Foundation course deals with the theories of how change impacts on and is affected by the Individual, the Team, the Organization, and the Change Leader.
This course will provide you with underpinning knowledge of the behavioral associated with managing change in organization life, and of many key models and tools used by practitioners to address these issues effectively.
Based on the acclaimed book, “The Effective Change Manager’s Handbook ” this course provide the opportunity to attain certification for Change Management Foundation issued by APMG-International.
Course Outline :
Introductions and Objectives
Chapter 1: Organizational Change
Chapter 2: Change and the Organization: Defining Change
Chapter 3: Benefits Management
Chapter 4: Stakeholder Management
Chapter 5: Communication
Chapter 6: Change Impact
Chapter 7: Change Readiness
Target Audience :
Project Managers
Business/Process Analysts
Team Leaders/Supervisors
Senior Managers
IT Professionals
HR Professionals
Learning Objectives :
At the end of this course, you will be able to:
Understand how individuals are impacted by change and be able to develop strategies to help people through change.
Develop insights into how organizations work, organizational culture and the models and processes of change.
Understand the drivers of change, the change governance structures typically used in organizations and how to define a change vision.
Appreciate how to prepare people for change and support their learning and motivation to change.
Learn about the stakeholder engagement process and how to develop suitable communications strategies and plans.
Appreciate the impact of change on organizations , how to build momentum for change and sustain it.
Understand the importance of defined change roles, and how to build and support an effective change team.
Course Agenda :
Introductions and Objectives
The Change Management Context
Change and the Individual
Change and the Organization
Stakeholder Strategy
Communication and Engagement
Change Impact
Change Readiness
The Change Team
Effective teams and team development
Preparing for Resistance
“Tutta la vita consiste nel risolvere problemi.”Karl Popper
Il Problem Solving è l’arte di risolvere problemi apparentemente non risolvibili o difficili da risolvere.
La storia dell’uomo è costellata di eroi “problem solver” e di soluzioni che hanno permesso la nostra evoluzione. Il Problem Solving, con le sue metodologie e i suoi protocolli apparentemente “bizzarri” ci insegna a trovare soluzioni mai pensate prima e a diventare abili nell’affrontare le problematiche che spesso noi stessi abbiamo generato e/o alimentato.
Il Problem Solving è un’abilità sempre più richiesta e in tutti i campi delle attività umane. Conoscerne le tecniche, i protocolli, le strategie e i vari orientamenti, ci permette di diventare abili problem solver e creativi innovatori.
Spesso il Problem Solving viene banalizzato nel semplice “pensa ad una soluzione”. Non è così. Anzi, spesso questo atteggiamento aumenta la frustrazione e alimenta l’incapacità a trovare soluzioni efficaci. Capita di frequente che il voler risolvere un problema, senza strumenti pratici e concreti, lo alimenta, peggiorando la situazione e riducendo le possibilità e le capacità di soluzione: l’insidiosa trappola della Tentata Soluzione.
Col nostro corso scoprirai che esistono protocolli rigorosi e tecniche contro-intuitive che permettono di accedere a risorse che consentono di avere nuovi punti di vista e nuove soluzioni, innovative, efficaci, efficienti ed eleganti.
Non basta voler risolvere, tantomeno dire di voler risolvere, ma serve una metodologia pratica, efficace, scientifica, sperimentata e comprovata. Scopriremo i modelli Problem oriented, quelli Solution oriented e quelli Action oriented, integrati in una metodologia sperimentata da decenni.
Questo è il PROBLEM SOLVING: non si parla di soluzioni, ma si agiscono soluzioni!
Il corso si concentrerà sul Problem Solving applicato al COACHING, come strumento di superamento dei “blocchi di performance”, in ambito professionale, sportivo e personale.
“Ci troviamo continuamente di fronte a una serie di grandi opportunità brillantemente travestite da problemi insolubili.”J. W. Gardner
The International Research Conference Aims and Objectives
The International Research Conference is a federated organization dedicated to bringing together a significant number of diverse scholarly events for presentation within the conference program. Events will run over a span of time during the conference depending on the number and length of the presentations. With its high quality, it provides an exceptional value for students, academics and industry researchers.
ICISAT 2020: 14. International Conference on Intelligent Speed Adaptation Technology aims to bring together leading academic scientists, researchers and research scholars to exchange and share their experiences and research results on all aspects of Intelligent Speed Adaptation Technology. It also provides a premier interdisciplinary platform for researchers, practitioners and educators to present and discuss the most recent innovations, trends, and concerns as well as practical challenges encountered and solutions adopted in the fields of Intelligent Speed Adaptation Technology
The MetLife Stadium Box Office will accept cash, Visa, Mastercard, Discover, and American Express. Personal checks will not be accepted.
Ticketmaster Will Call may be picked up at any open ticket window. For all events, non-Ticketmaster will call orders may be picked up at the designated will call window. Will call tickets will be available beginning at least 2 hours prior to the scheduled start time for the event.
Box Office: 201.559.1300, - General Ticket Inquiries - ADA Ticket Inquiries Guest Services: 201.559.1515,
MetLife Stadium Box Office is open Monday – Friday 11am – 5pm. The Box Office is located in the West VIP lobby. Please park in Lot G, enter through MetLife Gate and into the large glass doors labeled “West VIP.”
MetLife Stadium is fully accessible including all concession stand locations, merchandise stands, ATM's and seating areas. Accessible seating for guests with special needs is available on all levels and in all price ranges. Elevators are located in the southeast (SAP), southwest (Verizon), and northwest (Pepsi) corners of the stadium. Ramps are located at the north and south entrances. Seats with removable armrests are located throughout the stadium. A limited number of wheelchairs are located at each of the entrance gates to transport guests with limited mobility to their seating area. Guests may contact the MetLife Stadium at 201-559-1515 or for more information or any additional needs for non-NFL events. MetLife Stadium ADA Ticket Questions call 201-559-1300. New York Giants ADA Ticket Purchases call 201-935-8222. New York Jets ADA Ticket Purchases call 973-549-4585. For wheelchair accessible and limited mobility patrons for non-NFL events, please click on the "Request Accessible Tickets" icon on the right side of the page to be taken to a dedicated page for accessible seating purchases. Please request the total number of wheelchair plus companion seats or limited mobility plus companion seats within the same wheelchair dropdown box so you may sit together.
The Box Office accepts MasterCard, Visa, Discover, American Express, and Cash.
Box Office Phone Number: (313) 471-7929
The Xfinity Box Office at Little Caesars Arena is open Monday thru Friday, from 11:00am to 5:30pm, and also on Event Days from 11:00am until Intermission.