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Evil Dead: The Musical

Third time's the charm, baby. ALL SEATS ARE IN THE SPLATTER ZONE! THE VENUE DOORS ONLY OPEN 30 MINUTES PRIOR TO SHOWTIME. IF YOU ARRIVE EARLIER, YOU WILL HAVE TO LINE UP AND WAIT OUTSIDE. The Mansfield's SELL-OUT SMASH of 2017 AND 2019 returns to the city that loved it SO BLOODY MUCH for the SECOND CONSECUTIVE SMASH YEAR! Zac Mansfield returns as director! Performances begin August 14th, 2020. Booking thru October 31st, 2020. Every FRIDAY and SATURDAY at 7:30PM! All tickets $40 + s/c. This hilarious show takes all the elements of the cult classic films The Evil Dead, Evil Dead 2 and Army of Darkness and combines them into one of the craziest theatrical experiences of all time. Five college students go to an abandoned cabin in the woods and accidentally unleash an evil force that turns them all into demons. It's all up to Ash (a housewares employee turned demon-killing hero) and his trusty chainsaw to save the day. Blood flies. Limbs are dismembered. Demons tell bad jokes ... and all to music. The songs in the show are completely off the wall. Titles like "All the Men in My Life Keep Getting Killed by Candarian Demons" and "What the F**k Was That?" will have audiences rolling in their seats and screaming for more and more blood. This show has fun with the horror genre and, in doing so, appeals to a wide audience. It's the only show with a "Splatter Zone"a section of the audience that gets covered in fake blood. And with this combination of blood, jokes, cheesy effects and awesome musical numbers, Evil Dead The Musical is unlike any show you've ever seen. While the Evil Dead films are the definition of cult movies, as a stage show, Evil Dead: The Musical has become a cult sensation of its own. The show played off-Broadway in New York, has broken records in Toronto, has won awards in Korea and has had more than 200 productions mounted across the globe! Recommended for ages 16+ (strong language, adult humour). Viewer discretion is advised. *While the fake blood will wash off skin, we make no guarantee and take no responsibility that it will wash out of all fabrics. Wear a white shirt (some will be for sale at the show) to have some fun and create a lasting memory! Complimentary coat check will be provided for those in the Splatter Zones.* ALL SALES FINAL. NO EXCHANGES OR REFUNDS.

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Laboratorio annuale Pianeta 2019/2020 - Codemotion Kids! Roma

Laboratorio Pianeta (8 - 10 anni) Il Laboratorio Pianeta è l’esperienza annuale che Codemotion kids! ha pensato per bambini e bambine dagli 8 ai 10 anni. Nel corso di 24 incontri, i piccoli partecipanti  familiarizzano con i concetti base di logica, programmazione e robotica, con un largo spazio dedicato alla creatività ed alle attività manuali (tinkering e making), considerate alla base di un apprendimento creativo delle tecnologie.>> Scopri di più sui Laboratori Annuali di Tecnologia APPROCCIO PROJECT BASED Grazie ad un approccio project based, i ragazzi impareranno, incontro dopo incontro, a trasformare un’idea in realtà realizzando i loro personali progetti tecnologici e digitali.>> Leggi di più sul Metodo di Apprendimento Obiettivi Educativi sviluppare abilità manuali e una mentalità maker; introdurre i principi di logica; comprendere le basi del movimento nello spazio; approcciare i concetti di base della programmazione: sequenze, ripetizioni, condizioni, eventi; sviluppare abilità multisensoriali, sviluppare la creatività manuale integrandola con gli strumenti digitali; familiarizzare con i concetti base della Robotica. sviluppare l'attitudine al lavoro in squadra >> Scopri alcune delle attività da Laboratorio CALENDARIO  Durata del laboratorio: 24 lezioni da 1h 45 minInizio lezioni: 07/08/11 ottobre 2019Classi (a scelta tra): Lunedì (a partire dal 7 ottobre): 17:30 - 19:15 Martedì (a partire dall'8 ottobre): 17:30 - 19:15 Venerdì (a partire dall'11 ottobre): 17:30 - 19:15 Prezzo del laboratorio Promozione speciale: per tutto il mese di luglio 800€ anzichè 890€! COSA COMPRENDE IL PREZZO DEL CORSO? - Tutti i materiali utili allo svolgimento del corso vengono forniti da Codemotion Kids! - E' previsto un pc per ogni partecipante - La classe si compone di max 10 partecipanti con 1 docente ogni 7 allievi - Tutti i partecipanti riceveranno un attestato di partecipazione alla fine del laboratorio -- INFO UTILI:- La classe partirà solo a raggiungimento del numero minimo di iscritti- Prima di procedere all'iscrizione, i genitori sono pregati di prendere visione delle condizioni di vendita e dell'informativa per il trattamento dei dati personali Per maggiori informazioni: All'iscrizione seguirà, entro 30 giorni, l'emissione di una ricevuta fiscale. Nel caso in cui si necessiti di fattura, specificarlo nel modulo d'ordine o inoltrare la richiesta a:

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New York Knicks vs. Utah Jazz

Cash, American Express, Visa, MasterCard, Discover. ATM machines are located in Chase Square. Pick-up tickets anytime the day of the show during box office hours (see above). Customers must present the actual credit card used to place the order and a picture ID. MSG cannot accept third party or “drop offs” from individual patrons. General Info: (212) 465-MSG1 (6741) or (212) 247-4777 Knicks Information: 1(877) NYK-DUNK. Rangers Fan Line: (212) 465-4459. Liberty Hotline: (212) 564-WNBA (9622). Season Subscriptions: (212) 465-6073. Disabled Services: (212) 465-6034 Guest Relations: (212) 465 - 6225 Group Sales: (212) 465-6100 Lost and Found: (212) 465-6299 Monday - Saturday: 10:00am to 6:00pm **Tickets are not on-sale at the Box Office on the first day an event goes on-sale** The Box Office will be open at 10:00am daily or 90 minutes before the 1st performance of the day, whichever is earlier and will stay open until 8:00pm or 30 minutes after the last performance of the day begins, whichever is later. Sunday – Closed If an event takes place on Sunday, Box Office will open 90 minutes before the event start time and remain open 1 hour after event start time for Will Call and tickets sales for the evening's event only. MSG WHEELCHAIR AND TRANSFER SEATING POLICY: Wheelchair and Transfer seating is reserved exclusively for patrons with accessible needs and their companions. Accessible seating is intended for use by an individual with a mobility disability or other disability who requires the accessible features of accessible seating due to a disability, and that individual's companions. Madison Square Garden (MSG) reserves the right to investigate potential misuse of accessible seating and to take all appropriate action against individuals who fraudulently obtain tickets for accessible seating. While tickets for accessible seating legitimately purchased for the use of an individual with disability may be transferred to another individual under the same terms and conditions applicable to other tickets, in the event such ticket is transferred to a non-disabled individual, MSG reserves the right to transfer that individual to other available seating TO ORDER WHEELCHAIR AND TRANSFER SEATING: Tickets for people with accessible needs, subject to availability, may be purchased in several ways: 1) Call Ticketmaster at 866-858-0008 2) Call MSG's Disabled Services Department at (212)465-6115. 3) Visit Madison Square Garden's Box Office (see box office hours above) 4) Order Online with Ticketmaster (select your event from the list to the left) For additional information regarding accessibility at Madison Square Garden or to request any other accommodations, please call MSG's Disabled Services Department at (212) 465-6115 any weekday between 9:30am-4:30pm ET. Service Animals Pets are not permitted at Madison Square Garden. MSG has very specific policies related to service and emotional support animals. Please visit to obtain more information for admitting your animal. Assistive listening devices (ALDAs) are available upon request. Please visit the Guest Experience Office across from section 117 for assistance. There is no charge for this service, however some form of identification will be requested and returned to you, once the device is checked back in. Wheelchair Storage: For patrons who wish to transfer to a seat from their wheelchair, we will store your mobility device at the Guest Experience Office. You will receive a claim check for your device. Wheelchair Escorts to Seats: Patrons with mobility impairments who do not have access to a wheelchair may request a wheelchair to transport the individual to/from their seat, free of charge. Please be aware that our personnel cannot remain with you during the event, nor will they allow you to remain in or keep the wheelchair for the duration of the event. In the event a patron requires the use of a wheelchair for the duration of the event, we recommend bringing your own wheelchair or other mobility device. The escort pick-up area is located on the South (toward 31st) side of Chase Square at elevator alcove. Please allow for extra so that you may be accommodated prior to the event start. Simply ask a Guest Experience Representative or a MSG Security Guard for assistance. Elevators: Public elevators are available for use by guests with disabilities and service every seating level

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Workshop Basic Internal Audit ISO 9001

Jadwal Workshop Basic Internal Audit ISO 9001 Jakarta, 12 Februari 2019 Jakarta,   9 April 2019 Jakarta, 18 Juni 2019 Jakarta, 20 Agustus 2019 Jakarta, 8 Oktober 2019 Jakarta, 17 Desember 2019 Internal Audit merupakan salah satu kunci untuk menjalankan system ISO 9001:2015 yang efektif dan meyakinkan adanya perbaikan yang berkesinambungan. Dalam hal ini WQA mengadakan Workshop Basic Internal Audit ISO 9001 untuk meningkatkan pemahaman dan kompetensi akan audit internal ISO 9001. Adapun Manfaat Dari Workshop Basic Internal Audit ISO 9001 ini. Mengembangkan dan merancang sistem manajemen mutu Meningkatkan kompetensi auidit secara personal Pokok Bahasan : Teknik dasar audit Persyaratan dalam ISO 9001:2015 Prinsip dan metodologi audit Kompetensi yang dibutuhkan untuk menjadi Internal Auditor Pelaksanaan internal audit yang efektif Fasilitator : Pelatihan ini akan difasilitasi oleh tenaga pengajar yang memiliki kompetensi dalam menerapkan sistem manajemen dan berpengalaman sebagai auditor. Memiliki pengetahuan yang luas dibeberapa sektor. Dan sudah menjadi Lead Auditor yang diakreditasi oleh IRCA. Sertifikasi Workshop Bagi seluruh peserta yang telah mengikuti Workshop hingga selesai, mendapatkan penghargaan sertifikat dari WQA ASIA PACIFIC. Investasi Workshop Rp. 200.000/peserta Investasi ini termasuk : Coffee Break Training Material Seminar Kit Certificate (Certified by WQA ASIA PACIFIC) Pembayaran Transfer BCA No Rek. 217 3126 069 A/N PT. INTRA ASIA WORLDWIDE Pembayaran paling lambat 3 hari sebelum acara di laksanakan, untuk konfirmasi pembayaran bisa mengirimkan bukti transfer ke atau hubungi Hotline/Whatsapp +628111496821 Tempat Acara : WQA OFFICE – Graha ISKA 5th Floor, Jl Pramuka Raya No. 165 Central Jakarta, 10570 Indonesia

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Carolina Hurricanes vs. Chicago Blackhawks

Visa, Mastercard, American Express, & Discover. Lenovo Center is 100% cashless. Lenovo Center Ticket Office presented by 919.861.2323 Lenovo Center and Carolina Hurricanes Business Office: 919.861.2300 Lenovo Center Ticket Office hours: Tuesday through Thursday, 10AM to 4PM. Closed Friday through Monday, unless an event is taking place the Ticket Office will open at 12PM. On event days, the Ticket Office will be open through the start of the event. Lenovo Center Ticket Office is located at the south end of the building, directly across from Carter Finley Stadium. Wheelchair accessible seating and mobility impaired seating are available in all levels of the arena and at all price levels. Lower level seating is located along sides and ends, club level seating is located along ends, and upper level seating is located along sides, corners, and ends. Sight and hearing impaired seating is available in the lower level corners.

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Africa Entrepreneurs 2020 : Préinscriptions

L'Africa Entrepreneurs le RDV annuel rassemble les acteurs de l'entrepreneuriat africain de plus de 30 pays qui ont un impact en Afrique (entrepreneurs, investisseurs, grands groupes, médias, etc.). Cet événement unique organisé à Paris, marquant ainsi sa dimension internationale, est également l'occasion de découvrir le Palmarès du Prix de l'Entrepreneur Africain et l'actualité des entrepreneurs répertoriés dans le Next Impact Initiative. Il offre l'opportunité d'assister à des interventions inspirationnelles d'entrepreneurs innovants et d'accéder à un réseau unique d'entrepreneurs. Inscrivez-vous dès à présent à l'édition 2020 et soyez les premiers à être informés du programme.

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Hamilton (Touring)

Visa, MasterCard, American Express, Cash, Discover Please pick up tickets 1 hour prior to show. Customers must present photo ID, actual credit card used to purchase tickets and confirmation number. (617) 259-3400 Skip the service fees. Buy tickets at the box office! Monday through Friday 10AM to 5PM (non performance weeks) Open 2 hours prior to matinee on weekends and closes ½ hr after curtain. Open 10am until ½ hr after curtain on weekdays. Accessible seating is sold on Ticketmaster. Sight impaired seating and hearing impaired seating, is handled through the box office only for these events.

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Hamilton (Touring)

Cash, American Express, Mastercard, & Visa. Will Call is located at the Box Office. Box Office Telephone: 323-468-1770 The Pantages Box Office opens daily at 10am. NO ONE UNDER THE AGE OF 5 ADMITTED There is no elevator in the Pantages Theatre. Disabled seating is reserved for the exclusive use of the disabled patron and their companion. The purchase or use of disabled seating locations by non-disabled individuals is strictly prohibited and may result in ejection and/or forfeiture of the ticket price.

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Houston Texans vs. Indianapolis Colts

cash, visa, mc, amex & discover - no checks TO PICK UP Will Call -- you must present your confirmation number, a picture ID and the credit card used to purchase your tickets. You must wait 48 hours after ordering to pick up your tickets. For NRG Stadium information 832-667-1400. Monday-Friday 10am-5pm Saturday 10am-2pm. Hours subject to change.

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