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HOLIDAY PROGRAM by Merry Riana Learning Centre

Mau Liburan Sekolah Anak Anda Produktif dan Edukatif?Bergabunglah di HOLIDAY PROGRAM!(Program untuk anak berusia 8-19 tahun) Apakah Anda sering melihat anak Anda sibuk bermain gadget, nonton TV atau menghabiskan waktu dengan kegiatan kurang produktif lainnya saat libur sekolah?Apakah Anda ingin anak Anda melakukan kegiatan yang lebih produktif dan edukatif?Apakah Anda ingin anak Anda memiliki kemampuan berbicara di depan umum, memiliki impian yang jelas dan menguasai teknik belajar yang efektif?Jika Anda menjawab YA, artinya anak Anda harus bergabung di Holiday Program by Merry Riana Learning Centre!Merry Riana Holiday Program terdiri dari 3 program utama: 1. Holiday Program Public SpeakingAnak Anda akan belajar teknik-teknik Public Speaking seperti Stage Anchoring, Audience Interactive Tools, dan Powerful Posture sehingga mampu berbicara di depan umum dengan percaya diri 2. Holiday Program Smart LearningAnak Anda akan belajar teknik-teknik belajar yang efektif untuk meraih kesuksesan di sekolah 3. Holiday Program Life & SuccessAnak Anda akan belajar bagaimana memiliki impian yang jelas serta bagaimana membuat Vision Board untuk mencapai impiannya Lihat keseruannya di sini : Apa saja yang akan anak Anda dapatkan? Full Day Workshop (7 hari) Workbook Sertifikat Free Lunch Showcase (anak akan tampil di depan para orangtua) Belajar teknik-teknik Public Speaking, Smart Learning, dan Life & Success Belajar dengan enjoy dan fun menggunakan Experiential Learning Technologies atau pengalaman nyata Penasaran seperti apa dan kapan Holiday Program diadakan? Holiday Program Pembicara : Merry Riana Associate Trainer Holiday Program Life & Success : 2 - 3 Januari 2020 Holiday Program Smart Learning : 4 - 5 Januari 2020 Holiday Program Public Speaking : 6 - 8 Januari 2020 Waktu: 10.00 – 17.00 WIB Tempat: Merry Riana Learning Centre 1. Puri Indah, Jakarta Barat 2. BSD, Tangerang 3. Kelapa Gading, Jakarta Utara 4. Permata Hijau, Jakarta Selatan 5. Palem, Jakarta Barat 6. Banjar Wijaya, Tangerang 7. Surabaya, Jawa Timur 8. Samarinda, Kalimantan Timur Merry Riana Holiday Program diikuti oleh ratusan anak dari Jabodetabek hingga luar kota dan mereka sangat antusias selama program berlangsung. Apa yang membedakan Holiday Program dengan program sejenis lainnya? Diadakan saat liburan sekolah sehingga menjadikan liburan anak Anda produktif dan edukatif Mengajarkan soft skill Public Speaking, Smart Learning, Life & Success yang tidak pernah diajarkan di bangku pendidikan formal Dilatih langsung oleh Merry Riana Associate Trainer yang telah berpengalaman melatih hingga ribuan anak setiap tahunnya Setiap anak dibimbing oleh Private Coach Lingkungan yang sangat positif karena setiap anak akan mendapatkan apresiasi dan merasa sangat dihargai Show Case. Setiap anak akan tampil di depan para orangtua Investasi yang sangat terjangkau dan pembelajaran yang didapatkan sangat bermanfaat bagi masa depan anak Anda Berapa Investasinya? Untuk mengikutsertakan anak Anda di Holiday Program investasinya sangat terjangkau, yaitu Rp. 6,5 juta. Namun khusus untuk 100 pendaftar pertama, Anda dapat mengikutsertakan anak Anda di Holiday Program, Anda akan mendapatkan DISCOUNT 50% sehingga Anda cukup berinvestasi Rp. 3,2 juta saja dan ANAK ANDA SUDAH BISA MENDAPATKAN SEMUA PEMBELAJARAN DI HOLIDAY PROGRAM! “Jangan sampai kursi untuk anak Anda diambil oleh mereka. Ambil kesempatannya sekarang! :)” Untuk PENDAFTARAN, bisa WhatsApp ke 0899-9241-154 dengan format : HP_NAMA_EMAIL Contoh : Touching Hearts Changing Lives, KHEZIA STEVI LIANA (@kheziasl)Executive SupervisorMerry Riana GroupHP :

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Hamilton (Chicago)

The Box Office accepts Cash, Visa, Mastercard, American Express and Discover. No personal checks, please. Will Call tickets can be picked up at any time during Box Office hours on the day of a show. The customer must present the actual credit card used to make the order, a valid picture ID, and the confirmation number. The Administrative offices of CIBC Theatre may be reached at (312) 977-1700. There is no public phone number available for the Box Office. The box office cannot take phone orders. To order tickets by phone, please call 800-775-2000. For groups of 20 or more, call (312) 977-1710. Box office hours vary. Please call (312) 977-1700 for the current week's hours. For wheelchair accessible seating please call the box office at 312-977-1700 ext. 1259. ELEVATOR: There is no elevator access to the dress circle level of the theatre. There is elevator access to the mezzanine and balcony levels. However, once the patron gets to their level, they will need to go up or down stairs as each row is on a different step.

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(Free MP3) Support for California Fires | Mas Sajady Public Service Program

MAS SAJADY FREE MEDIHEALING® Support for California Fires You may listen for yourself, or on behalf of a loved one. As wildfires continue to run rampant in California, thousands are affected by their destructive force. With uncertain paths, those nearby wait in uncertainty, wondering about the fate of their homes, businesses and belongings with no control as to the outcome. With the ability to turn in a moment’s notice, they leave complete devastation in their wake.In this free public service medihealing, Mas will address the frequency source of the California fires and why they are happening and will help to: bring in a deeper understanding of the wildfire experience and what can be gained from it fortify those in danger, instilling true protection no matter the outcome separate the false link between the occurence of natural disasters with humanity’s wrong doing optimize the experience so that it can be used to propel us forward towards our highest good You do not need to be located in California to help those who are affected. You may pull in loved ones by thinking of them briefly during the meditation. Because Mas’s abilities transcend time and space, their willing spirits will receive the full benefits as if they were present. The medihealing can also be played on a loop quietly in the background for maximum effect. Mas Sajady is not a doctor and makes no medical claims. By registering for this product you agree to our disclaimer. View Full Disclaimer

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The Australian Bee Gees Show

Patrons may purchase tickets with cash or credit card. Cheques are not accepted. All bars accept cash and card for payment. CURRENTLY CLOSED DUE TO COVID Monday to Friday ..............9:00am - 5:00pm Saturday ..........................No trading except when a production is in residence. Sundays/Public Holidays....Closed On performance days the box office will remain open until 8:00pm. Wheelchair and disabled seating through the State Theatre. Call 1300 446 925 OR 02 8272 2700 for bookings. Due to heritage restrictions the State theatre currently has no hearing loop or disabled toilet within the theatre. Access to the State Theatre is on Market Street with seating on ground level.

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BINGO (H) - Touchmark Helena - Sat Feb 8 at 3:00PM  Hobby Room Helena MT -

source categories: localonly

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from Account: syn-touchmarkhelena

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Join the Maritime Museum - Annual Membership

Becoming a member is a fantastic way to stay connected to everything that’s happening at the museum, meet like-minded people, support us, and save money. FREE unlimited entry to the museum galleries and some special exhibitions. FREE entry to Kids on Deck, Mini Mariners and other kids activities. FREE entry to our popular vessels including HMB Endeavour replica, the destroyer HMAS Vampire, and submarine HMAS Onslow. FREE school holiday programs and discounts to workshops. FREE guest passes (2 per year) to share with family and friends (and 20% off for up to four people). FREE invitations and discounts to member-only events and functions. FREE access to the private members lounge. Enjoy complimentary tea, coffee or cordial, browse publications and relax while the kids enjoy the play space. 10% discount at the museum’s Store and Yots Cafe Reciprocal benefits and discounts from other museums and Darling Harbour venues. Members-Reciprocal-Benefits_May2015 Priority alerts of all Endeavour voyages and day sails FREE quarterly print journal, Signals Use of reference and research facilities at the Vaughan Evans Library (by appointment)  

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Disney On Ice presents Dream Big

Cash, Visa, MC, AMX Will Call is available two (2) hours prior to show time. Will Call can be picked up at the Events Center South Ticket Office on the corner of Center St. and Fourth St. Customers MUST present the actual credit card used for the purchase, a valid photo ID and the Ticketmaster confirmation number in order to receive their tickets Day of Onsale: 10am - 12noon. Otherwise the box office opens at 10 am on the day of a performance. Accessible seating is located on platforms at the bottom of all 100 section seating. Accessible doors to facility are located at the Southwest, Southeast and Northwest entrances

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Data Science Schulung für Einsteiger

#KnowYourData In Unternehmen fallen heute täglich Unmengen an Daten an. Die große Herausforderung für Unternehmen besteht darin, diese Daten nicht einfach nur zu sammeln, sondern sinnvoll zu filtern und produktiv zu nutzen. Ziel muss es immer sein, neue Einsichten zu gewinnen und Entscheidungen und Prozesse zu optimieren.  In dem eintägigen Seminar lernen Sie die wichtigsten Fachbegriffe rund um Daten kennen und erfahren, wie aus Daten Mehrwerte und datengetriebene Geschäftsmodelle entwickelt werden.  Es wird ein Überblick über Use Cases, notwendige Skills und Technologien gegeben. Alle Aspekte werden anhand von Praxis-Beispielen und Best-Practices erklärt und das Vorgehen in einem echten Data Science Use Case wird anhand eines exemplarischen Data Science Use Case anschaulich erklärt. Nach der Absolvierung der Schulung sind die Teilnehmer mit den Grundlagen zu Data Science vertraut.  Unsere erfahrenen Dozenten verfügen über mehrjährige Berufserfahrung in verschiedenen Branchen. Dadurch gewähren wir einen hohen Praxisbezug unserer Schulungen und Trainings.  Die wichtigsten Inhalte der Data Science Schulung für Einsteiger Daten-Ära: Wieso sind Daten das Öl des 21. Jahrhunderts? Was ist unter Big Data zu verstehen? Welche Potentiale bietet Big Data? Begriffserklärung, Abgrenzung und Trends: Data Science Data Mining Statistik Machine Learning Artifical Intelligence Praktische Anwendung von Data Science anhand von Use Cases  Die unterschiedlichen Skills eines Data Scientists, Data Analysten, Business Analysten und Data Engineers Der Data Science Prozess: die 4 Schritte des Datenkompasses: 1. Business Processes: Formulierung und Verstehen der Frage-/Problemstellung  Anwendung etablierter Kreativitätstechniken und semantischer Analysen 2. Data Intelligence: Transformation zu einer datengetriebenen Fragestellung Identifikation relevanter Daten Datenaufbereitung und Datenexploration 3. Predictive Analytics: Analytische Modellierung des Problems zur Lösung Advanced Analytics Methodiken Modellauswahl Feature Engineering Trainieren & Testen des Modells 4. Insights Visualization: Zielgruppengerechte Präsentation der Ergebnisse  Visualisierung der gewonnenen Erkenntnisse Real-life Beispiele: Herausforderungen & Best Practices bei der Use Case Umsetzung Data Science Toolkit: Überblick über Technologien Auswahlkriterien für das richtige Tool   Zielgruppe & Voraussetzungen   Zielgruppe    Dieses Data Science Seminar richtet sich an alle Personen, die einen Überblick über die Möglichkeiten und Einsatzpotenziale von Data Science erhalten möchten. Dazu gehören Abteilungsleiter und Manager, aber auch Fachbereichs-Mitarbeiter, die einen Einstieg in Data Science suchen.    Voraussetzungen    Es sind keine Vorkenntnisse notwendig.      Organisation   Die Data Science Schulung findet von 10:00 Uhr bis 18:00 Uhr in München statt. Es gibt ein gemeinsames Mittagessen mit allen Seminarteilnehmern und dem Dozenten im Leib&Seele, das sich direkt neben dem Data Science Hub befindet. Hier haben Sie in entspannter Atmosphäre Gelegenheit, im gemeinsamen Gespräch mit dem Dozenten Themen und offene Fragen zu vertiefen.   Die Teilnehmerzahl der Data Science Schulung ist auf 10 begrenzt, um Ihnen einen optimalen Lernerfolg zu ermöglichen.   Ort   Das eintägige Seminar findet in unserem Data Science Hub im Sapporobogen 6-8 in München statt. Mit den öffentlichen Verkehrsmitteln erreichen Sie uns innerhalb von 15 Minuten vom Hauptbahnhof. Gerne lassen wir Ihnen Hotelempfehlungen in der Nähe zukommen.    Enthaltene Extras   Im Preis ist neben dem eintägigen Seminar auch Verpflegungin Form eines Frühstückssnacks, eines gemeinsamen Mittagessens sowie Kaffee und Kuchen am Nachmittag enthalten. Im Seminar erhalten Sie ausführliche Schulungsunterlagen zur Nachbereitung und späteren Verwendung.     

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#truManchester 2020 - the tricky no.4

#truManchester is back for a 4th outing.. This year (26th March 2020) we are cranking it up (in truManchester terms at least). 100 attendees 18 Tracks! 2 ticket prices. As ever you will meet other recruitment and HR professionals, recruitment thought leaders, Hiring Managers, recruitment techies representing in-house teams, recruitment agencies, job boards, HR Tech companies and anyone with ideas to share about our industry making us better at what we do. Themes this year include: Branding, attraction and recruitment marketing Diversity & Inclusion Candidate Experience The Social Agency  Trends and future thinking. Track Leaders so far include: Martin Dangerfield - DANGERFIELD - Host Clare Tempest - Asda - 'tbc'David Nottage - Footasylum - 'tbc'Emma Neary - MoneySupermarket - 'tbc'Andrew Paton - TalkTalk - 'tbc'Lee Harding - TalkTalk - 'tbc'Garry Clarke-Strange - MAG - 'tbc'Neil Harrison - NH237 - 'tbc'Sean Allen - BJSS - 'tbc'Theo Smith - NICE - 'tbc'Yasmin Ahkter - Accenture - 'tbc'Lysha Holmes - Qui Recruitment - 'tbc'Sam Facer - Disney Streaming - 'tbc' with more to come!  Your ticket will also include your lunch and tea/coffee throughout the day. We hope to see you there! Sponsors will be announced nearer the time... but... First Round Sponsor will be...

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