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Pelatihan Lead Auditor Course ISO 14001:2015 Jakarta Sertifikasi IRCA

Training Lead Auditor Course ISO 14001:2015 Jakarta Sertifikasi IRCA   Pengenalan :Training Lead Auditor ISO 14001 – Program 5 hari ini sangat ideal bagi mereka yang ingin mengembangkan keterampilan audit secara professional. Dalam perencanaan, pelaksanaan dan pelaporan audit yang efektif di bidang Sistem Manajemen Lingkungan ( ISO 14001:2004). Pelatihan ini terdaftar di Institute of Environmental Management and Assessment (IEMA). Pelatihan ini dibutuhkan bagi mereka yang menginginkan menjadi Lead Auditor Manajemen Sistem Lingkungan dari IEMA. Pelatihan ini sangat berharga bagi mereka yang memiliki tanggung jawab utama untuk penerapan dan pemeliharaan sistem manajemen lingkungan, karena mereka yang diperlukan untuk secara teratur menilai kinerja perusahaan. Pelatihan ini membantu peserta untuk memahami prinsip-prinsip Pengelolaan Lingkungan yang baik dan untuk mengembangkan pengetahuan mereka tentang standar pengelolaan lingkungan. Hal ini juga akan mengembangkan delegasi pengetahuan & pemahaman tentang jenis pemeriksaan yang berbeda, dan keterampilan praktis yang diperlukan untuk merencanakan, melaksanakan dan melaporkan audit pengelolaan lingkungan. Setelah selesai, delegasi akan dapat mengevaluasi efektivitas EMS berdasarkan ISO 14001 atau standar EMAS pada tingkat yang dapat diterima bagi lembaga sertifikasi.  Obyek pelatihan Training Lead Auditor ISO 14001 :Untuk mengembangkan pemahaman akan prinsip sistem manajemen lingkungan, persyaratan standar ISO 14001:2004, dan untuk mengembangkan pemahaman peserta tentang beberapa tipe audit yang berbeda dan keahlian praktis yang diperlukan untuk perencanaan, eksekusi, dan pelaporan audit sistem manajemen lingkungan. Pokok Bahasan Training Lead Auditor ISO 14001 : • Pendaftaran Auditor• Studi kasus Audit dan role-play• Isu lingkungan global• ISO 14001 & EMAS• Pencegahan polusi• ISO 19011• Sertifikasi & verifikasi• Peran dan tanggung jawab auditor• Keterampilan Auditor & pengembangan• Perencanaan Audit , pelaksanaan dan pelaporan• NCRs dan kategorisasi• Identifikasi / evaluasi aspek lingkungan• Ikhtisar persyaratan legislatif lingkungan saat ini Konten Training Lead Auditor ISO 14001 : • Pengenalan tentang sistem manajemen lingkungan.• Prinsip – prinsip ISO 14001• Peraturan lingkungan hidup• Bagaimana merencanakan dan melaksanakan audit• Mengapa perusahaan Anda perlu sistem manajemen lingkungan• Cara melaporkan dan mengambil tindak lanjut• Studi kasus audit dan memainkan peranan auditor• Roles and Responsibilities of auditors and audit leaders• Ketidaksesuaian kategorisasi dan pelaporan• Perencanaan audit, eksekusi, pelaporan, dan tindak lanjut• Cara melaporkan dan mengambil tindak lanjut• Keyakinan dalam melanjutkan penilaian Manfaat Lead Auditor Course ISO 14001Kursus ini memenuhi persyaratan pelatihan formal bagi mereka yang ingin mendaftar dengan IEMA Skema Pendaftaran Auditor. Peserta akan mengembangkan pemahaman rinci tentang sistem manajemen lingkungan, tahu kriteria yang diperlukan untuk menerapkan bersertifikat EMS sukses dan bagaimana menilai terhadap ISO 14001 dan standar EMS. Fasilitator :Penyaji dari pelatihan ini adalah tenaga pengajar dengan kualifikasi dan latar belakang dibidang sistem manajeman lingkungan, terdaftar dan berpengalaman sebagai auditor. Mereka telah memiliki pengetahuan yang luas diberbagai sektor termasuk manufaktur, keuangan, farmasi, kontraktor baik lokal maupun pemerintahan nasional. Sertifikasi Training Lead Auditor ISO 14001 :Bagi seluruh peserta yang telah mengikuti pelatihan hingga selesai, termasuk ujiannya, dan dinyatakan lulus akan mendapatkan penghargaan sertifikat dari IRCA. Jadwal Training Lead Auditor ISO 14001 Tahun 2019 Jakarta, 21 – 25 Januari 2019 Jakarta, 18 – 22 Februari 2019 Jakarta, 11 – 15 Maret 2019 Jakarta, 29 April – 3 Mei 2019 Jakarta, 20 – 24 Mei 2019 Jakarta, 17 – 21 Juni 2019 Jakarta, 22 – 26 Juli 2019 Jakarta, 5 – 9 Agustus 2019 Jakarta,  16 – 20 September 2019 Jakarta, 21 – 25 Oktober 2019 Jakarta, 18 – 22 November 2019 Jakarta, 16 – 20 Desember 2019 Investasi Training Lead Auditor ISO 14001 :Rp 8,500,000 / peserta.Diskon 5% untuk perusahaan yang mengirim 3 peserta atau lebihInvestasi ini termasuk :• Lunch and 2X Coffee Break• Training Material• Seminar Kit• Certificate (Certified by IRCA) Lokasi Pelatihan Lead Auditor ISO 14001Hotel bintang 4 di Jakarta atau IAS Training Center INFORMATION & REGISTRATIONwww.ias-indonesia.comGedung MTH Square Lantai 3A No. 21Jl. MT. Haryono Kav. 10, Kel. Bidara Cina,Kec. Jatinegara Jakarta Timur 13330E-mail: info@ias-indonesia.comPhone: (021) 2926 3044 (021) 2926 3021

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Hamilton (Touring)

Cash, Visa, Mastercard, American Express, Discover. Will Call tickets can be picked up no earlier than 90 minutes to show time at the Orpheum Theatre Box Office. Customers must present the actual credit card, a picture ID and the order number. Administration: 612-339-7007 Group sales: 612-373-5665 The Orpheum Theatre box office is only open on days that there is a performance at the Theatre. On show days, the box office open at 3:00 pm, or two hours before the show if there is a matinee. Tickets may be purchased in advance at the State Theatre box office at 805 Hennepin Avenue (one block north across the street). The hours at the State Theatre are: Mon-Fri: 10:00am - 6:00pm Sat: 12:noon - 3:00pm Sun: Closed Accessible seating is available on both the main floor and balcony. An elevator is available to the balcony. Hearing devices are available. Please bring a drivers licence or credit card to an usher to obtain a device.

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Hamilton (Touring)

Cash, American Express, Mastercard, & Visa. Will Call is located at the Box Office. Box Office Telephone: 323-468-1770 The Pantages Box Office opens daily at 10am. NO ONE UNDER THE AGE OF 5 ADMITTED There is no elevator in the Pantages Theatre. Disabled seating is reserved for the exclusive use of the disabled patron and their companion. The purchase or use of disabled seating locations by non-disabled individuals is strictly prohibited and may result in ejection and/or forfeiture of the ticket price.

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Dallas Cowboys vs. Detroit Lions

Cash, MC, Visa, Amex Will Call Will Call is available at AT&T Stadium Ticket Office locations at Entry A on the northeast side of the stadium and at Entry F on the southwest side of the stadium. Will Call ticket windows open three (3) hours prior to most events. To claim tickets at Will Call, a photo ID and the credit card used to purchase the tickets must be presented. For Cowboys games, only the account holder of record may pick up tickets. A person other than the account holder may pick up tickets from Will Call provided that they present written and signed authorization from the account holder along with a copy of the account holder's photo ID. AT&T Stadium Ticket office: (817) 892-5000 AT&T Stadium/Art Tours Ticket Office: (817) 892-8687 9-5 Monday-Thursday, and 9-4 Friday Accessible Seating in all levels of the venue. ADA/Accessibility AT&T Stadium is committed to guests with disabilities. Our facilities are fully accessible and we provide a wide range of services and amenities for guests with special needs. AT&T Stadium is designed with accessible parking, accessible vehicle drop off areas, power assisted doors, restrooms, concessions, water fountains, ATMs, and seating areas. Guests can receive more information by visiting one of our Guest Services Centers located on the concourse behind Sections 219, 244, 420 and 451 or at a Concierge desk located on the club and suite levels. In order to provide maximum flexibility in our wheelchair accessible seating areas, folding chairs will be provided for companion seating. ADA Ticket Fraud ADA ticket fraud includes, but is not limited to, the misrepresentation of a disability. Management reserves the right to take appropriate action regarding misrepresentation, which may result in relocation, revocation of tickets or ejection. Wheelchairs A limited number of wheelchairs are available for transporting guests from the gates to their stadium seating location. Guests are asked to supply their own wheelchair if they need one for the duration of the event. Guests may arrange for wheelchair assistance by contacting an event staff member at any entrance. In addition, wheelchair escort reservations can be made, in advance, by calling the Guest Services Hotline at (817) 892-4161. Guests needing assistance after the event should contact an event staff member, security personnel or visit one of the Guest Services Centers located on the concourse behind Sections 219, 244, 420 and 451. Guests in suite and club areas should contact the Concierge desk on their level to request a wheelchair escort or additional assistance. HEARING IMPAIRED PATRONS -------------------------------------- - Sell Regular Seating - Hearing Impaired Devices and Information Available at Guest Services Centers Located at Sections 219, 244, 420, and 451 or at a Concierge Desk on the Club and Suite Levels

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Big Data Strategy 1 Day Virtual Live Training in Milan

Course Description : Developing and implementing a Big Data strategy is vital if you want to stay in business in the coming years. Big Data offers so many benefits to organizations and research indicated that companies leveraging Big Data financially outperform their peers by 20% or more. So, if you do not want to be left behind, you should focus on Big Data now. But what is Big Data? How should you develop a Big Data strategy? What can Big Data do for your organization and how should you deal with the privacy aspect of Big Data? Important questions to ask that can be difficult to answer without sufficient knowledge on Big Data. This unique Big Data strategy training focuses on Big Data from a business perspective and will provide you with all the knowledge and valuable insights to develop a successful and winning Big Data strategy. This is the only training available that focuses on Big Data from a strategic point of view. Course Outline : Big Data History Explanation of the vast moving times we are living in and how that affects organizations Group exercise to understand one's data requirements / dreams             7 V's of a Big Data Strategy Explanation of the 7 V's of Big Data and how that affects your Big Data Strategy. Volume, Variety, Velocity, Veracity, Variability, Visualization and Value Important Big Data Trends The Mobile Revolution, requiring a different Big Data approach The Internet of Things The Industrial Internet The Quantified Self Big Social Data Open / Public Data Big Data Techniques Market overview Hadoop and MapReduce Various ways of analysing your data Data mining Machine learning Descriptive, predictive and prescriptive analytics Semantics Privacy & Ethics Big Data ownership 4 ethical guidelines Big Data security Big Data Roadmap Key characteristics data-driven company Big Data ROI Big Data on the Balance sheet Big Data Governance Developing a Big Data strategy Big Data use case framework - 9 generic Big Data use cases Big Data within your organization Big Data and Marketing / PR Big Data and Human Resources Best Practices of Big Data Target Audience : The Big Data Training is tailored towards decision-makers, marketers, operations managers, supply-chain managers, HR managers, sales representatives, IT personnel and/or financial controllers who want to learn more about Big Data and what it can do for their organization. Three use cases of target audiences: Senior VP of Marketing large American retail chain The Big Data training helped me understand how to make use of different customer data sources in order to offer the right product at the right moment to the right customer via the right channel. Developing a Big Data strategy is not easy, but this training enabled me prepare the board for our Big Data strategy. Operations Manager at a Regional European Manufacturer Company We have been thinking to make a move to become a smart factory, but we did not have a common understanding what Big Data meant and what it could do for our organization. Since we took this training, we now understand the different important aspects to take into account when starting with Big Data. We expect our smart factory to be operational shortly. IT Employee for a Local Australian Telecom Company My manager asked me to take this training in order to better understand the business aspects of Big Data. Of course I have heard about Big Data, but I am not a Big Data scientist. This training helped me better understand how we should approach Big Data. In addition, I now know that I want to take more technical courses to actually become a Big Data Scientist Learning Objectives : By the end of the course you understand what big data is and how it affects your organization You will learn how to develop a big data strategy You will learn about 8 important trends that affect any big data strategy. Big Data brings great responsibility. You will learn how to ensure the privacy of your customers and what the four ethical guidelines are Big data requires new technologies, in this course you will learn about the most important ones and how they affect your company. Big data will only becomes bigger and those brontobytes will become common language in the boardroom. You will understand where big data is heading to and how that affects your organization. Course Agenda : Pre-course ReadingComplete an exercise of two assignments:  What is your vision around Big Data?  Which hurdles did you overcome, five years from now, to realize this dream? Day 1 Big Data History 7 V's of Big Data Strategy Big Data trends Big Data techniques Privacy & Ethics Big Data roadmap Big Data within your organization Exam

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ANATOMY LAB LIVE : CONTAGION | Manchester 26/01/2020

ANATOMY LAB LIVE | CONTAGION Anatomy Lab LIVE is returning for 2020 with CONTAGION.  INFECTION - DINNER - DISSECTION ‘The post-antibiotic era is dawning’ The nationally acclaimed dinner and dissection experience attracted headlines around the world and after three amazing sell out tours we’re back for 2020 with Contagion. Anatomy Lab LIVE 2020 ‘contagion’ is going to be really exciting. The 2020 event will delve into how infections affect the organs and tissues of the human body.We’ve only had antibiotics for just over 80 years and we’re already facing the stark reality of their overuse. As strains of bacteria evolve with resistance, how will we treat the infections of the future? We’ll be asking are the Hollywood style apocalypses possible? How are infections transmitted and what do they do to the body?We invite you to suit up, and step into a fully working decontamination tent where you’ll work with real specimens to learn more about infectious diseases, their affect on the body and how science is preparing for when things inevitably go wrong. “We're really excited to release the contagion tour in 2020. This will be a perfect blend of infotainment that will promise and unforgettable night like never before. We urge you to get your tickets as soon as possible as the last three tours have sold out within a few hours! ” Samuel Piri Who can attend? The event delivers in-depth content aimed at those studying anatomy, physiology or pathology at undergraduate level and for those who are already practicing healthcare professionals. The event is also a great experience for any person who is interested in the human body, disease or medicine on the whole. The wider general public are also encourage to attend. How do I get a ticket? New for 2020.... bookings can be secured for a 33% deposit. If you choose the installment plan, we will email you before each deadline to remind you to pay the next installment on this event listing. Deposits are non refundable and must be paid on booking (before 1st July 2019). The remaining balance must be paid before the 30th August. Deposit £30 + later installment £60 Standard tickets £81.99 NHS ticket £72.99 NUS tickets £72.99 Group tickets for 10 people, (prosecco reception, upgraded nitrile glove packs, Anatomy lab live notebook and pencils) £919.00 (or £879 for a table of NHS staff, students, armed forces employees, University Staff or Teachers) Overnight Package for 2 people includes prosecco meet and greet, upgraded nitrile gloves and a room for two people (double or twin) and breakfast £350.00 Full details and terms and conditions can be found online. You will receive a certificate for attending which can be used for your own CPD. This is a highly recommended event which made headline global news. We recommend booking tickets early as they will sell out. Student and NHS discount available (proof will be required for admission into the venue). The meal option is chicken or vegetarian, you will need to contact Anatomy Lab Live after purchasing the ticket to request a vegetarian meal. Chicken will be served by default. NB: All tickets are non-transferable and non-refundable.

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Boston Bruins vs. Pittsburgh Penguins

Cash; Check up to $100.00 w/Mass. Driver License; AMEX; Visa; MC; Discover; Diners Club Pick up tickets starting 2 hours prior to event time. Customer must present the actual credit card used to place order and a photo I.D. General Info Number:(617) 624-1000 Group Sales (only!): (617) 624-1805/1806 Bruins (617) 624-BEAR (Groups = 25+) Celtics (617) 523-3030 (Groups = 20+) Please do not contact Group Sales regarding sold out games! TD Garden - Boston | Tickets, Schedule, Seating Chart, Directions ( The box office will open 2 hours prior to an event and remain open until one hour after the event begins. Please note the TD Garden Box Office does not sell tickets at the public on sale. All tickets should be purchased via *Hours subject to change This is an accessible venue.

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Entre archaïsme et expressionnisme, une nouvelle esthétique

Conférence : Entre archaïsme et expressionnisme, une nouvelle esthétique Pour la saison 2019-2020, les conférences de Connaissance des Arts sont consacrées à l’Art moderne !  Rendez-vous dans l'Auditorium de Connaissance des Arts au 10, Boulevard de Grenelle Paris 75015 (métro Bir-Hakeim) de 18h30 à 20h00, le 23 mai 2019, pour assister à la conférence : Entre archaïsme et expressionnisme, une nouvelle esthétique - 19 décembre 2019  Plus d'infos sur : Contact :

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Special Events for Families

Museums & Galleries Edinburgh welcome you to Lauriston Castle. Our charging family events are designed to be family learning experiences and the price is per person. Click on the green 'tickets' link above for details of 28 special family events and to book. About Us: For more than 400 years, enchanting Lauriston Castle has overlooked the River Forth at Silverknowes, near Cramond. Set among 30 acres of woodland and beautiful gardens, Lauriston Castle is a special place to visit.   The Castle itself has a beautiful Edwardian interior, from which we take inspiration for many of our workshops. Downstairs are the servants’ quarters, including the maids’ hall and the atmospheric old kitchen, where a warm welcome awaits you during the winter months.   Why not double up a day visiting the Castle grounds with a picnic, and historic Cramond is right on our doorstep so you can make a real day out visiting this part of Edinburgh.   Free car parking is available within the Castle grounds off Cramond Road South. Lauriston Castle is easy to reach and is close by car from the City Bypass. It sits between Davidson’s Mains and Cramond. You can take numerous buses to Davidson’s Mains, or Silverknowes Terminus; both are around 10 minutes’ walk from Lauriston Castle. See for details of local services.     Booking Pre-booking and advance payment are essential for all events. Online: To book contact: By phone: Telephone the City Art Centre on 0131 529 3993 (Monday to Sunday 10am - 5pm) In person : The City Art centre, 2 Market Street, Edinburgh EH1 1DE (Monday to Sunday 10am - 5pm) For further information (non-booking information) about any event, contact Margaret Findlay, Learning and Programmes Manager, on 0131 529 3963, or email

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Beanpot Final

Cash; Check up to $100.00 w/Mass. Driver License; AMEX; Visa; MC; Discover; Diners Club Pick up tickets starting 2 hours prior to event time. Customer must present the actual credit card used to place order and a photo I.D. General Info Number:(617) 624-1000 Group Sales (only!): (617) 624-1805/1806 Bruins (617) 624-BEAR (Groups = 25+) Celtics (617) 523-3030 (Groups = 20+) Please do not contact Group Sales regarding sold out games! Fall, Winter and Spring: Monday - Friday 10:00AM -6:00PM Saturday - Sunday: Closed unless there is an event. Box Office opens 3 hours prior to event start time. (closed Thanksgiving & Christmas) Summer: Monday - Thursday 10:00AM - 5:00PM Friday 10:00AM - 2:00PM Saturday - Sunday: Closed unless there is an event. Box Office opens 3 hours prior to event start time. This is an accessible venue.

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