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RuPaul's Drag Race LIVE! Las Vegas

Cash and All Major Credit Cards MUST HAVE PHOTO I.D. & CREDIT CARD USED TO PURCHASE TICKETS WHEN PICKING UP WILL CALL TICKETS (702) 733-3111 1-866-574-3851 - Group Sales (10+) Box office hours: 11:00AM- 10:30PM Group sales hours: M-F 9:00am – 5:00pm To better accommodate your needs the box office has requested that special seating accommodations be solicited through their representatives.

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V1 - 2020 Chicago Winter Whiskey Tasting Festival (January 25)

“Test Your Taste Buds” Calling all whiskey lovers and connoisseurs... Take your taste buds on a flavor adventure at The Kansas City Winter Whiskey Tasting Festival taking place Saturday January 25, 2020! From Scotch, Irish, Single Malt and Blend to Bourbon and Rye… your taste buds will be in heaven as you sample dozens of amazing whiskey varieties. Now the real question is… which brand and variety will give you the mouth feels and leave your taste buds asking for more? Lock in your tickets ASAP! This event has a limited number of tickets available and will SELL-OUT… As an additional BONUS with your ticket sale, you’ll be entered to WIN the trip of a once in a life-time to visit the BOURBON TRAIL! Signup for future promotions today and SAVE $5 on your Winter Whiskey Whiskey Tasting Festival ticket. Check In Location: TBA Join our larger group during our afternoon whiskey tasting experience with our Premium, VIP and GA tickets options: Premium Ticket (3:00PM to 6PM) 3 hour whiskey tasting 20 tasting cups .25 oz pour per cup More available for purchase - 100% to charity Small bites from 3-4PM Additional food and drink specials Beat the crowds and lines, 30 person limit Additional 1 hour to taste and meet the brands Free whiskey gift 3000 Entries To! Bourbon Trail Trip Giveaway! VIP Tickets (3:30-6:00PM) Two and a half [2.5] hour whiskey tasting 15 tasting tickets .25 oz pour per ticket More available for purchase - 100% to charity Small bites 3:30-4:00PM Additional food and drink specials Enter early, beat the crowds and lines Additional 30 minutes to taste and meet the brands, compared to GA tickets Free Whiskey Gift 2000 Entries To Win A Trip To The Bourbon Trail! General Admission (4:00-6:00PM) Two [2] hour whiskey tasting 15 tasting tickets .25 oz pour per ticket More available for purchase - 100% to charity Additional food and drink specials Discount for groups with 4 or more 1000 Entries To Win A Trip To The Bourbon Trail! Join The Be Social Movement & Earn $$ & Perks For Sharing With Friends: Check out who is going on Facebook. FAQ: Event Guarantee: ***All of our events we stand by, if you did not have a positive experience or are unable to attend, we will provide a credit to a future event for a whole year*** I saw a cheaper price the other day, will you price match? Unfortunately, Social Scene does not price match, refund, or offer credits. Prices might go up or down as different promotions are offered. We encourage you to purchase your ticket ASAP to avoid this issue. What do I need to check in? Please be prepared to show your Eventbrite ticket with QR code on a mobile device or a printed ticket. Do you provide transportation? We do not provide transportation however, we have partnered with Lyft. New users will receive $5 off their first ride using promo code “BeSocial” Unable to attend? Unfortunately, there are no refunds, but we do allow tickets to be transferred to a friend. Simply login to your Eventbrite account, select transfer and edit the attendee info. Any additional questions feel free to email us 

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Hamilton (NY)

Cash, AmEx, Visa, MC Pick up tickets one hour prior to the show. Customers must present the actual credit card used to place the order and a photo ID. (212) 221-1211 Monday - Saturday 10am - 8pm Sunday 12pm - 6pm

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FLA: Design Thinking & Innovation Week

Design Thinking Innovation Week created by Future London Academy. This is a unique programme for creative entrepreneurs, designers and business owners – introducing you to London's most innovative businesses and uncovering the latest approaches to design thinking and innovation. Every day will consist of lectures, roundtables and visits to the top companies who adopted the human-centred approach, where you will meet the teams behind their latest research and innovation. Some people call our format a 'design safari', some say it's a VIP behind-the-scenes experience or a research trip. During the week you will also explore the latest trends and discoveries in virtual reality, artificial intelligence, sustainability and future of technologies. You will learn about the latest approach to creativity, product management and business management – and have the opportunity to ask any questions in an informal atmosphere.  All lectures and workshops will take place in the actual agencies giving participants a better context of the topic. This programme is designed to give you inspiration for your work, to help you get an expert opinion on your current projects, and keep you up-to-date with the latest trends in the industry.  Programme structure Every day will consist of various activities to maximise your learning experience. Morning session: it is the first session of the day, it will take the form of a lecture, roundtable or a workshop in one of London's top companies. Lunch break: between the morning and afternoon sessions we will have a short break when you will have an opportunity to have lunch and enjoy the surroundings of the day programme locations. Afternoon session: it is the second session of the day, where you will have a chance to visit another top London agency and listen to their team revealing secrets they use in everyday work.    Debrief and the city: after a long day of absorbing new ways of working, innovating and creative thinking we will debrief the content of the day to better organise them in our minds. This activity will be short and engaging and it will take place straight after the afternoon session in locations that we can then visit as cultural and social activities such as museums, galleries, event spaces or bars. Who is this programme for? — CEOs, CIOs and business owners— heads of design and innovation departments— product managers and team leaders— service and experience designers— UX researchers— innovators and trendsetters You will learn: — How to use design thinking to create innovation— Best practices in conducting research, prototyping, testing and product launching — Latest trends in VR, AR and AI — What other methodologies and processes companies use to create new products — How to spot real innovation — How to plan an office space to promote the culture of innovation and knowledge exchange — How to share your ideas with clients and investors more effectively Course curator Ekaterina Solomeina, designer, innovator, co-founder of Future London Academy "London is the best place to learn about innovation and service. This is a city where technology giants meet quirky startups, where traditions meet inventions, and where designers from all across the world are solving problems with the power of design thinking." Cost £2,200 (Subject to 20% VAT; if you are paying as an individual living in Europe, UK or if you are a UK business) Price includes: — all talks, office visits, roundtables and workshops— exhibition entries and planned cultural activities during the programme— party/networking event at the end of the week— certificatesPrice doesn't include banks transfer fees, food, travel, visa, accommodation or any other extra expenses. 

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來自四面八方的壓力如亂槍射鳥,令你難以招架,不知如何自處?親子的關係、與伴侶的感情、與家人的關係、與同事的關係像是天秤的砝碼,需要我們時常微調以免失衡,正在找尋平衡的你是否因為找不到出口而憂愁, 來試試藝術戲劇療癒吧! 戲劇療癒是將「戲劇」與「療癒」的技巧,運用在身心成長戲劇療癒是從戲劇的創意過程中,透過演譯個人議題,經驗到對問題理解的改變,逐步轉化自己的身心狀態,變得更健康更平衡。 奧地利精神科醫師雅各布‧莫雷諾說,藝術讓我們有一個很安全的形式,透過適合自己的媒介,把內在狂野和被壓抑的,卻對心理健康有幫助的內容,挖掘整理出來,甚至表現成充滿美感的形式,展現創造力。 「水面上水面下劇場」藝術總監張嘉容從戲劇凝練療癒的魔法棒 化身心動的能量擅長結合戲劇與身心靈治療領域多年的張嘉容藝術總監, 為知名編劇導演及中國國家二級心理諮詢師。深知各種修復身心與轉化痛苦的的劇場式療癒釋放過程,將創造力的表演藝術訓練融入「自我提升」「伴侶關係」「原生家庭」「人際關係」等深層身心靈課程中。2019接近尾聲,「水面劇場」(簡稱) 將在年末為正在找尋出口的朋友開設「原生家庭 X 伴侶關係」、「遇見最好的自己」及專為人際關係疏離者開設的「翻轉跳躍不受限」三個主題式的戲劇療癒工作坊。 在張嘉容老師的帶領下,學員可以在音樂中即興舞動、在地板上翻滾當一根法國麵包、與團員肢體協調互動、戲劇角色扮演等劇場方法,釋放自己與他人親密互動,達到感官的統合,從視覺、觸覺、聽覺、本體覺、平衡覺等各方面的感官開發,將內在世界外化到現實世界和意識層面,達到揚升、治療與覺察的果效。 X O X O 9/30前報名享有早早鳥優惠,敬請把握! X O X O ▌活動一:遇見最好的自己  如何遇見最好的自己?怎樣才是最好的自己? 我該怎麼做呢? 有那些事要學習? 我能夠克服自己的缺點嗎? 有哪些資源可以幫助我? 我該如何打開舊思維,創造能幫助我的習慣? 如何正向思考和開創資源?使用戲劇療癒、表演藝術創作方法,帶領團體參與者探索自我,表達與包容情緒,修改及開闊自我形象,在這堂課程中,遇見最好的自己,重新開創生命新的可能。☞ 活動|遇見最好的自己 ☞ 日期|一日 2019/12/14 (六) 、12/22(日)   定價|☞ 日期|二日 2020/2/15 (六) ~ 2/16 (日)   定價| ▌活動二:原生家庭 X 伴侶關係 探索「目前伴侶關係的困擾」 與 「雙方原生家庭成長經驗」,在原生家庭中你扮演什麼樣的角色?在伴侶關係中你又扮演什麼樣的角色?你自認為自己有哪些優缺點?你對理想伴侶關係的想像?你想帶什麼東西到理想伴侶關係,讓你和你伴侶都過得快樂和幸福?藉由戲劇治療,以演戲的方式使參與成員們,系統化地探索目前伴侶關係的困擾與雙方原生家庭成長經驗,促成經驗分享及心路歷程的壓抑釋放,覺察自我及伴侶關係的改變。☞ 活動|原生家庭 X 伴侶關係☞ 日期|一日 2019/11/03 (日) 定價|☞ 日期|二日 2020/2/08 (六) ~ 2/09 (日) 定價| ▌活動三:翻轉跳躍不受限 為了生存、工作,每個人都必須擁有在職場生存、與人合作的人際互動技巧。有些人雖然社交技巧不好,卻還是能夠擁有穩定令人稱羨的工作;有些人卻樹敵眾多,不斷轉換跑道,甚至找不到工作。還有些人,擁有良好的人際關係,總是能夠優雅應對各種職場上的棘手人際情境。 人際關係互動是否令你感到困擾及充滿挑戰,總迷失在社交潛規則中找不著方向嗎? 本課程針對社交互動技巧不熟練,自覺人際互動困難的朋友參與,一起在歡笑和戲劇練習中增加情緒和壓力管理技巧,培養人際互動技巧和心理韌性,突破種種限制,更有自信克服挑戰。讓不一樣的人,都能活出最好的人生。 ☞ 活動|翻轉跳躍不受限 - 針對社交互動困難者☞ 日期|一日 2019/12/15 (日) 、 12/21 (六)   定價|☞ 日期|二日 2020/2/22 (六) ~ 2/23 (日)   定價|▌報名連結:

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Outlander Tour and Game of Thrones (3 Castles) Day Trip Sat 15 Feb

All students and non-students (visitors) are welcme to join International Student Tours in Scotland. About the TourThis is a truly magical Outlander journey to enjoy visiting 3 romantic and impressive castles filmed in Outlander and Game of Thrones. An incredible experience for everyone including those who may not be Outladner / Game of Thrones fans. The journey in Outlander Tour will begin by visiting the impressive and romanic Doune Castle. The stunning Doune Castle plays a leading role in Outlander substituting for the fictional Castle Leoch of 18th century. This impressive architecture has alos made it popular with other production companies as it was 'Swamp Castle', 'Castle Anthrax' and 'Camelot' in 'Monty Python and the Holy Grail' and more recently a location for 'Game of Thrones' standing as Winterfell . We will have plenty of time to visit the castle, its grounds and also to enjoy a lovely walk from Doune Castle to the River Teith for some the breathtaking sceneries filmed in Outlander and Game of Thrones.  This Day Trip also includes Linlithgow Palace and Blackness Castle. As the highlight of our Outlander Tour, the majestic ruins of Linlithgow Palace stands in for the prison entrance and corridors in the scene where Jamie is imprisoned. You will be impressed by the views overlooking the tranquil beauty of the Linlithgow Loch and the town. You will have plenty of time to enjoy visiting Linlithgow Palace, the stunning St Michael Parish Church, the lovely beautiful walk on its gardens and picturesque Linlithgow Loch as well as visiting the cute and charming town of Linlithgow. We will also visit the impressive 15th century Blackness Castle, fictional Fort William headquarters of Black Jack Randall as well as featuring in the heart-wrenching scene of Jamie's incarceration in Outlander. We will have plenty of time to visit the castle and its grounds to enjoy some stunning views of Firth of Forth.  This tour includes visting some of the most impressive, imposing and roamntic Scottish Castles and it is alos fun and exciting for those who are not an Outlander or Game of Thrones fan. So, it can't be missed!   Tour HighlightsDoune Castle, Linlithgow Palace, Balckness Castle and more...  Intresting Facts This is Outlander Tour to visit some majestic and romantic palces filmned in Outlander and Game of Thrones.  Inclusion• Return Journey and transportation with a luxury coach• Guided Tour, Map and Itinerary • Free time for sightseeing, hiking/walking, shopping and attractions• Visitig Doune Castle, Linlithgow Palace, Balckness Castle and more...  LunchYou will have plenty of time for lunchin restaurants in Linlithgow. You can also bring your own packed lunch if you wish so. Things to bring with youSmiles, a camera, warm clothes, walking shoes, snacks, water and cash for lunch and souvenir and entry to the castles. Visiting all three castles is totally worth it. Pick Up Point / Time08:35am, No 6 Johnston Terrace, Opposite Castle Arm Pub, EH1 2PW Departure 08:45am, No 6 Johnston Terrace, Opposite Castle Arm Pub, EH1 2PW Notes & TermsTickets are very limited and are available based on first come, first served. Tickets are not refundable. However, tickets can be sold on to others. It is your responsibility to be at the pick up point on time. Tickets will not be refunded if you miss the pick up point. Ticket transfers are not possible if you miss the tour for any reason. Please note that by joining a tour with International Students Tours in Scotland you are agreeing to our Terms and Conditions and Data Usage. You will receive a reminder email about the tour and other issues if necessary on the week of your tour and an additional update email about the future tours.     Find Out More on our Facebook Page and Website

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2020 International Workshop on Remote Operated Vehicle (IWROV 2020)

★2020 International Workshop on Remote Operated Vehicle (IWROV 2020)---Ei Compendex & Scopus—Call for paper    May 22-24, 2020|Tokyo, Japan|Website:         ★IWROV 2020 provides researchers and industry experts with one of the best platforms to meet and discuss groundbreaking research and innovations in the field of Remote Operated Vehicle.  International invited speakers are invited to present their state-of-the-art work on various aspects, which will highlight important and developing areas.       ★Publication and Indexing All accepted papers will be published in the digital conference proceedings which will be sent to be Indexed by  all major citation databases such as Ei Compendex, SCOPUS, Google Scholar, Cambridge Scientific Abstracts (CSA), Inspec, SCImago Journal & Country Rank (SJR), EBSCO, CrossRef,  Thomson Reuters (WoS), etc.  A selection of papers will be recommended to be published in international journals.   ★Program Preview/ Program at a glance May 22: Registration + Icebreaker Reception May 23: Opening Ceremony+ KN Speech+ Technical Sessions May 24: Technical Sessions+ Half day tour/Lab tours   ★Paper Submission 1.PDF version submit via CMT: 2.Submit Via email directly to:          ★CONTACT US Ms. Anna H. M. Wong Email:        Website:  

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Pace PowHER Breakfast

PACE Center for Girls, Orange invites the community to tour our center, learn more about the mission of PACE Center for Girls, Orange and meet PACE Girls turning a challenging past into a promising future over a light breakfast.

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