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Jones Family Christmas Light and Music Show

We want to invite everyone to a social-distancing Christmas event! My husband, Ryan Jones, has created the Jones Family Christmas Light and Music Show at our home on 1748 Abbington Hill in Lexington. Ryan, who is visually impaired, has synchronized Christmas lights and music for a beautiful and meaning display. We have recorded a narration of the Christmas story to accompany the show. The show consist of Trans-Siberian Orchestra Christmas songs. The show is FREE and starts December 1 and ends January 1. The show runs each night from 6:30-9:00pm except during heavy rain. The show can be watched from your car, and the music and narration can be heard by tuning to 89.5 FM. For more information, please see the 2016 Fox56 news story using the following link: Our Facebook page is Thank you and God bless, Kayla Jones

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Tentazioni Venice - 21 dicembre 2019

Il Casinò di Venezia apre il Salone delle Feste a uno degli show più originali del momento e racconta in una magica serata il piacere della ristorazione e dello spettacolo uniti all’arte e ai sensi. Tentazioni è un’esperienza sensoriale fatta di eleganza e piacere, di food&entertainment dedicato a un pubblicoche cerca una serata intensa e unica, in una location d’eccezione come Ca’ Vendramin Calergi.Sono oltre 50 i membri del cast artistico, della cucina e del ricevimento impegnati nel nuovo show di Nu’Art, con la direzione artistica di Gabriele Rizzi, e con la direzione dell’area food affidata agli chef del Ristorante Wagner di Ca’ Vendramin Calergi. Restaurant & Allure Cabaret Il prezzo intero di € 150.00 con cena comprende:- Aperitivo di benvenuto- Posto a tavola durante il dinner show Tentazioni- Serata con Dj set a seguire Dalle ore 23.30 circa After Show al costo di 50,00 euro a persona, che comprende la consumazione di un premium drink. L'accesso alla manifestazione e alle sale da gioco è riservato ai maggiori di anni 18, su presentazione di un valido documento di identità

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Hate Speech in Asia: Challenges and Solutions

Across Asia hate speech based on fake news has led to an increase of violent incidents as disinformation divides communities during periods of political and communal tensions. With rising internet penetration and use of mobile devices, abusive and threatening remarks both in speech and writing are going viral over social media. Often such content expresses intense prejudice against individuals or particular groups, on the basis of disability, ethnicity, gender, nationality, political ideology, race, religion or sexual orientation which can rise up to a frenzy leading to violent outcomes. Governments have enacted laws to preserve public order as well as to protect human dignity. They have also sponsored and assembled inter-faith dialogues and embarked on social cohesion efforts. Other stakeholders such the UN, international organisations, civil society and faith-based groups are also doing their part to combat hate speech. In the search for solutions to these challenges, there is also a need for an evidence-based discussion to critically examine the phenomenon of hate speech and its impact on democracy, the rule of law and human rights. This conference seeks to address the issue of hate speech from an evidence-based and a solution grounded approach while upholding freedom of expression. Themes The key issues that will be examined are as follows: Blasphemy, hate speech, “harmony” (national, social, religious) laws and bills International Convention on the Elimination of All Forms of Racial Discrimination (ICERD) Human rights mechanisms (UN [UPR/Special Procedures], AICHR, NHRIs) Non-legal interfaith dialogues and social cohesion or social harmony initiatives Perspectives from religion, race, ethnicity and nationalities Political and nationality-based discrimination and hate Social protection of gender and LGBTIQ stakeholders Role of media, social media and technology Impact on democracy, freedom of expression, human rights and the rule of law Any other relevant or related themes Objectives The conference aims to achieve the following objectives: Convene interested individuals and organisations researching hate speech; Exchange information and trends around legislation to prevent hate speech; Examine non-legal measures to promote social cohesion and harmony; Evaluate hate speech’s impact on democracy, freedom of expression, human rights and the rule of law Conference Structure The conference will consist of short remarks, keynote speeches and plenary and breakout sessions made of thematic panels and country-specific discussions. Conference Participants Registration is open to all presenters and participants from academic institutions, businesses, national and regional civil society organisations, international NGOs, political parties and intergovernmental organisations to facilitate knowledge sharing and networking. Due to the stability of internet connection available, Asia Centre is not able to accommodate online presentations and participation. Conference Publications Following the international conference, Asia Centre will undertake following publishing efforts: Conference Proceedings Publish a set of peer-reviewed Conference Proceedings. Book Project Asia Centre will invite selected authors and presenters (10-12) to participate in book proposal to Palgrave Macmillan (International Edition) and Gerakbudaya (Regional Edition). Special Issue Journal Asia Centre will also assemble a small number of papers (5-6) for submission as a special issue to a journal drawn from its pool of partners’ publication. Conference Fee This is a self-funded conference, hence a flat fee of USD$300 that will be charged to all keynote, paper and poster presenters, participants and drop-in visitors. This will go towards covering the cost of the venue, equipment and logistics, coffee breaks on all days, certificates for participants, conference communications and staff. Submission Guidelines Paper Presentations and Speeches Researchers and practitioners wishing to present papers or share their experiences are invited to submit a title, an abstract in English of 300-350 words along with a biographical paragraph of 100 words to For those submitting papers, full papers should be 5000 words. Poster presentations Limited space is available for 4 to 5 poster presentations. Your presentation may be submitted in word / pdf format to the Asia Centre for consideration. A 60×80 cm poster will be printed and displayed during the conference. Full conference fees apply Key Dates Accepting abstracts now (deadline 15 Dec 2019) Payment due following acceptance of paper Full papers (deadline 15 March 2020) Conference Partnership Asia Centre welcome organisations and individuals to be conference partners by organising a panel, sponsoring a keynote speaker the opportunity to network and forge linkages with academia, businesses and civil society in the region and promote their organisations and activities. Partner Benefits Logo on all publicity materials online and at conference venue Social media and mailing list promotion through Asia Centre’s networks Display and also distribute promotional materials from partner organisation to participants Develop expertise on the issues covered by the conference themes Partner Requirements Purchase minimum 4 tickets (USD 300 x 4 = USD1,200) Market the conference within their networks Partners can also buy additional conference tickets Additional Options Sponsor participants by buying conference tickets Sponsor a keynote speaker by providing a financial grant to the conference. Provide corporate sponsorship (in-kind and/or financial grants) and be featured on promotional materials

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Certified Scrum Product Owner Course

Course Details Fee per student: SGD $2500 (including Certification Fees) Duration: 3 days Government subsidies available. More details below. Course Description The Certified Scrum Product Owner (CSPO) certification is offered by Scrum Alliance, a non-profit membership organization that supports the adoption and effective use of Scrum. There are over 30,000 CSPOs worldwide. This course is for someone who is comfortable with the “business side” of projects, they are probably the right person to aim for a Certified Scrum Product Owner® (CSPO®) certification, as a CSPO, you create a product Strategy, Vision, Management of Requirements, Managements of Stakeholders while closely working with Product Development Teams in order to make sure the best possible job is done to delight the customer. The course illustrates how Scrum and agile product management practices are applied by Product Owner and Scrum teams to validate ideas, evolve requirements, and deliver potentially shippable products in frequent, time-boxed iterations.  The course uses a combination of lectures, role-plays and exercises to impart understanding on the roles and activities the Product Owner and his/her team. The Scrum framework is applied in a mini-project simulation where the concepts of user stories, agile estimation, and release planning are practiced. Certified Scrum Product Owner Course Overview Becoming Agile is a lifelong journey. Incorporating Scrum values and Agile principles into your world of work takes diligence, patience, and a commitment to continuous improvement. CSPO® course offers a deep dive into the product owner role based on the internationally recognized Scrum Guide and the learning objectives of the Scrum Alliance. CSPO® course is designed to be highly practical in its focus and format. It offers a unique opportunity to gain knowledge and experience at an accelerated rate. By exploring real-world case studies and effectively applied real-world solutions the trainee gains insight that might otherwise take years to achieve. CSPO® course focuses on an approach using the lens of a Product Owner to all aspects of Scrum. Techniques are explored to improve communication skills, particularly with non-Scrum Team stakeholders, and methods are explored to build deeper understanding and empathy. Certified Scrum Product Owner Course Outcomes On completion of the course, the students would be able to: Expand career opportunities across all industry sectors adopting Agile practices Understand the principles underlying agile methodologies and how to apply them in a team context Create a viable project vision, release forecast and visualise progress for an agile project. Discover how documentation, governance and reporting differ between a PMI and an agile project Experience the product definition process, from visioning to user stories using such tools as Lean Product Canvas and User Story Mapping Practice estimating value and using the Business Value Game for managing conflicting stakeholder priorities Learn how to create a release forecast without defining each and every requirement at the outset. Understand agile product discovery and the power of iterative methods for risk management Learn through doing, building an actual product vision, release forecast and backlog from start to finish Understand how to make progress visible and how to facilitate successful delivery of a project to fixed date and/or fixed time Attending the entire course qualifies you to receive the Certified Scrum Product Owner certification from Scrum Alliance Why Learn About Scrum Product Owner? Digital disruption has changed the business landscape and made it imperative for every organisation to on-board the digital transformation approach in an accelerated pace. It has become essential for those leading the organisation to be prepared and equipped with the knowledge and skills necessary to champion such a journey, and ensure that the business survives and stays ahead of its competition. This course presents the opportunity for organisations to prepare themselves for this journey, as it offers approaches, frameworks and best practices to enable required skills in the digital era. Course Trainers for Certified Scrum Product Owner Course Stuart Mitchell SCRUM ALLIANCE Certified Scrum MasterFormer Global Head of Agile at HSBC Bank He is passionate about the understanding of Agile Corporate Governance, the application of Agile frameworks in non-software environments and the education of Agile to the next generation. He has written papers, lectured at World leading Universities and when not helping Agile teams reach their goals he is working with local charities and social enterprise businesses on applying Agile to have a direct benefit in the community (currently OzHarvest).  Stuart Turner Certified Enterprise Scrum Trainer and Certified Enterprise Scrum CoachAdjunct lecturer at the National University of Singapore (Business Agility and Scaling Agile) Stuart is a Certified Professional Co-Active Coach ® (CPCC) with CTI and an ACC with the International Coaching Federation (ICF), the most recognised professional coaching standard globally. He is a Certified Enterprise Scrum Trainer and Certified Enterprise Scrum Coach for Enterprise Scrum Inc. and an OpenSpace Agility Trainer and contributor to the OpenSpace Agility framework. Who Should Attend Product owners  Product managers  Business analysts (BAs)  Business stakeholders  Representatives looking to apply the Agile/Scrum principles and practices. Certification Upon successful completion of this course, you will receive a Certificate of Completion from Theanthropy and CSPO certificate from Scrum Alliance. Post Course Advisory Service At the end of the course, you can request a free advisory service on either career or organisation improvements. The duration of the advisory service will be conducted by Theanthropy and will be capped at 1 hour for an individual and 3 hours for an organisation, with a validity period 3 months from the course completion date. Course Subsidies CITREP+ supports local professionals in keeping pace with technology shifts through continuous and proactive training. Participants are also eligible for course subsidies under the CITREP+ framework. Subsidies range from 70% to 100% depending on which tier you fall under.  Singapore citizens and PRs who are working professionals will be eligible for up to 70-90% subsidy of the course fee and Singapore citizens who are students will be eligible for up to 100% subsidy of the course fee. Terms and conditions apply. Please visit for full details. For international students or corporate and group discounts, you can contact us for a special rate.

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PILOXING® SSP Instructor Training Workshop - Praha - MT: Aneta S.

BECOME THE LEADER OF A REVOLUTIONARY WORKOUT THAT SCULPTS BODIES AND CHANGES LIVES DAILY. Further your career by learning how to motivate and impact others through fitness. The PILOXING programs are designed for mass member appeal and fuse the benefits of standing Pilates and Boxing into complete full-body workouts. Great trainers are leaders in fitness and in life. Learn how to impact, influence and inspire your community with a team that changes minds and bodies daily. It’s time to close the gap between passion and work.    JOIN THE MOVEMENT INSTRUCTOR TRAININGS: 9-hour hands-on workshop ReceiveAFAA, ACE, canfitpro, REPs, and Australia Fitness credits Receive Piloxing gloves, Piloxing music, digital instructor training choreography, manual and certificate Become eligible to join PIA (Piloxing Instructor Association)   REGISTRATION FEES  $280 early bird $330 regular $365 day of workshop pending space availability.    ADDITIONAL INFORMATION Workshop language: Czech   Website: E-mail:

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All Art Arizona 2020

This year’s All Art Arizona presents exciting work created by both well-known and emerging artists living in our own back yard, the state of Arizona.   This ten year tradition at Art Intersection highlights the breadth and diversity of art created by Arizona artists. The range of acceptable artwork encompasses sculpture, glass, photography, painting, ceramics, wood, printmaking, mixed media, artist books, and more.  All Art Arizona attracts artists, art collectors, and art lovers from all over the state to one of our best known exhibitions of the year. Visit the Art Intersection galleries, bring your friends and family, to enjoy this unique exhibition and range of art by Arizona artists.  As always, the exhibition is free and open to the public during business hours. While you are here, get involved by voting for the Viewer’s Choice Award, to be announced shortly after the exhibition closes. As always, the exhibition is free and open to the public during business hours. The number of guests in the galleries is currently limited to fifteen (15) at a time. Depending on traffic through the galleries, there may be a wait to enter.

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Hamilton (NY)

Cash, AmEx, Visa, MC Pick up tickets one hour prior to the show. Customers must present the actual credit card used to place the order and a photo ID. (212) 221-1211 Monday - Saturday 10am - 8pm Sunday 12pm - 6pm

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Hamilton (NY)

Cash, AmEx, Visa, MC Pick up tickets one hour prior to the show. Customers must present the actual credit card used to place the order and a photo ID. (212) 221-1211 Monday - Saturday 10am - 8pm Sunday 12pm - 6pm

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Fundamentals Part I - Edinburgh

Wednesday 19th and Thursday 20th February 2020With Eileen Moir This 'Fundamentals Part I' training is designed to introduce the systemic coaching and constellations methodology as applied when coaching individuals or facilitating groups and teams. Within this two-day training you will get a practical, applicable introduction to the stance, principles and practices of systemic coaching with constellations. This  training is designed for those who would like to better understand the organising forces that sustain and limit relationship systems at work and who like to integrate a practical methodology for respectfully resolving limiting dynamics. You may be a very experienced coach, HR, L&OD or organisational professional or more recently started on your journey of personal, professional and organisational development.  What will be included? The group will explore the organising principles of relationship systems and the application of systemic mapping and constellations in leadership and team coaching. Highlights of the experiential training include: A thorough introduction to the stance, principles and practices The practical application of mapping and constellations in one-to-one coaching An introduction to working with teams using this methodology An understanding of your own systemic resources and hidden loyalties Pre-reading Participants are encouraged to read at least the first chapter and the ‘FAQs’ within  ‘Systemic Coaching & Constellations’ before attending this experiential training. This will enhance your learning and ability to apply it. Your facilitators This training will be led by Eileen Moir.  FEES & TIMES All our 2020 Fundamentals Part I trainings are £700 per place if self-funded and £1,250 if funded by a substantial organisation.  The total ticket price is made up of that fee plus VAT and the EventBrite ticket administration fee.  You will receive a VAT receipt with your ticket.  Please gather from 09:30 for a 10:00 start on both days.The first day will end at 17:30. The second day will end at 17:00. The training is open to a maximum of 12 people on a first come, first served basis.  To keep administration to a minimum you can simply book your place here and pay online. A VAT receipt will be issued by return along with your ticket. For queries please contact us through the main website here or  Where can I find out more about this training? You are welcome to explore the Trainings page which describes all our trainings in more detail. Continuing Professional Development Participating in this training will provide each participant with a Certificate in Systemic Coaching and Constellations – Fundamentals Part I, together with 12 hours of ICF ‘Continuous Coaching Education Units’, split 9.5 hours ‘core’ and 2.5 hours ‘resource development’.

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