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Sponsor a Food Stand

Would you like to help support Food is Free Solano? We are currently recruiting for our new Sponsor a Food Stand program.Sponsors would pledge to help stock, organize, and clean a certain stand for a period of time. For example,Scout Troop 555 would like to sponsor the West K stand for the month of September. They will bring food by (at least 2 times per week), pick up any litter, and organize any items on the shelves so the stand looks it's best. How will they get the food to stock the stand?They could have a food drive to get food for the stand, or a bake sale to raise funds to purchase food.This is a great way to connect with your neighborhood stand. Sponsoring your nearby Food is Free Solano stand will help us reach even more people in our communities. 430 West K Street, Benicia - $0.00 St. Dom's,935 East 5th, Benicia - $0.00 St. Paul's, 120 East J, Benicia - $0.00 Pups N Purrz, 422 First St, Benicia - $0.00 294 Military East, Benicia - $0.00 754 Barton Way, Benicia - $0.00 813 Carsten Way, Bneicia - $0.00 500 Block of Lansing Circle, Benicia - $0.00 33 Corte Dorado, Benicia - $0.00 481 Camellia Ct. Benicia - $0.00 504 Capital Drive, Benicia - $0.00 Robert Semple, 2015 East 3rd St., Benicia - $0.00 Grove Circle, Benicia - $0.00 2141 Warwick Dr., Benicia - $0.00 93 Crawford Way, American Canyon - $0.00 1232 Missouri St., Fairfield - $0.00 409 Nevada St., Vallejo - $0.00 2118 Griffin, Vallejo - $0.00 901 Magazine St., Vallejo - $0.00 Mini and Corcoran, Vallejo - $0.00 1585 Fulton, Glen Cove, Vallejo - $0.00 1224 Alabama St., Vallejo - $0.00 Taper Drive at Fairground, Vallejo - $0.00 2140 Union Ave., Fairfield - $0.00 925 Locust Dr., Vallejo - $0.00 646 Claremont Drive, Vacaville - $0.00 1631 San Carlos St., Fairfield - $0.00 1305 Hillview, Dixon - $0.00 32 Frey Place, Vallejo - $0.00 2128 Lusitano Drive, Fairfield - $0.00 1406 Michigan St., Fairfiled - $0.00

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The boys are back! 5ive/A1/Damage/911 (Eventim Apollo,London)

The boys are back! Catch 5ive, A1, Damage and 911 at venues all over the UK in February and March, bringing you a hit-packed show of pop classics. Four acts, one unforgettable night! General Admission and VIP / Meet & Greet tickets on general sale Wednesday 10th of April at 10am. ID may be required on entry as proof of purchase. Resales are strictly not permitted. The promoter reserves the right to void any tickets found on, or sold through any secondary resale sites.

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Brooklyn Nets v. Chicago Bulls (Friday Night Live)

To reach Barclays Center, please call 917-618-6100 or visit and use the chat feature. Barclays Center provides wheelchair and companion seating with appropriate sight lines on all levels. Barclays Center team members can guide guests with mobility challenges to their seating location and to other amenities. Be advised that Center personnel reserve the right to take appropriate legal action against individuals who fraudulently obtain wheelchair & companion seats.

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Disney On Ice presents Into the Magic

Cash, Visa, Mastercard & Discover. Checks accepted up to two weeks prior to the event. Will call may be picked up at the box office 2 hours prior to the event. Customer must present actual credit card, confirmation number and photo ID. 812-422-1515 TBA Accessible seating is available for all shows.

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Il cinema della crisi: le paure contemporanee nel cinema dal 1990 a oggi

Due incontri dedicati al cinema della crisi, a come le paure del contemporaneo si specchiano sullo schermo. Il terrore di una progressiva perdita del benessere dà vita a un genere. La prima parte del workshop sarà dedicata a: come risponde l’America? Con registi come Adam McKay (La grande scommessa), Jordan Peele (Scappa – Get Out e Noi), David Fincher (da Seven e Fight Club fino a L’amore bugiardo) o David Cronenberg (A History of Violence e Cosmopolis, solo per citarne un paio): sono diversi gli autori che si interrogano sulla scomposizione del presente, con cifre stilistiche diverse e ben riconoscibili. Nella seconda parte del workshop ci sposteremo dagli States per girare il mondo. L’arrivo del nuovo Millennio in Giappone, la famiglia orientale in crisi che ha conquistato Cannes per due anni di fila, l’insicurezza politica dell’Italia, la forza di Ken Loach in Inghilterra, e poi Larraín, Iñárritu, Cuarón, spostandoci in Messico: un cinema globale che abbraccia i nostri timori, le insicurezze, l’evolversi della storia.       *** Il corso sarà tenuto da Gian Luca Pisacane, giornalista professionista e critico cinematografico. Scrive per La Rivista del Cinematografo e, 8 1/2, e Famiglia Cristiana. Ha una rubrica settimanale su Il Giorno ed. Milano e su Radio Marconi. Nel 2017 ha vinto Premio Libertà assegnato da Liberteam, durante la prima edizione del Premio CAT.  ***  DOVE Base Milano QUANDO 25 e 26 gennaio 2020 - orario: 15 - 19 COSTO 75 € per entrambi gli incontri50 € per un singolo incontro

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Organizational Skills 1 Day Training in Seoul

Course  Overview Developing good Organizational Skill is an investment that will provide benefits for years. To be successful means to be organized. These skills will filter through all aspects of your participants professional and personal lives. Throughout this workshop your participants will be given the tools necessary in developing better Organizational Skills. Through Organizational Skills your participants will encounter improved productivity, better management, and an overall increase in professional growth. Everyday people waste numerous amounts of time looking for items. So stop looking for those important items, and start knowing where they are by getting organized. Target Audience: Anybody who is interested in learning Organizational Skill Learning Objectives: By the end of this course you will be able to: Remove the Clutter Prioritize Scheduling Your Time To Do Lists Paper and Paperless Storage Organization Your Work Area Tools to Fight Procrastination Organizing your Inbox Avoid the Causes of Disorganization Discipline is the Key to Stay Organized Prerequisites: None Course Materials: Attendees will receive a course manual with presentation slides and reference materials. Technical Requirements: For eBooks: Internet for downloading the eBook Laptop, tablet, Smartphone, eReader (No Kindle) Adobe DRM supported software (e.g. Digital Editions, Bluefire Reader) eBook download and activation instructions Agenda: Module One: Remove the Clutter Just Do It You Don’t Have to Keep Everything Three Boxes: Keep, Donate, and Trash A Place For Everything And Everything In Its Place Case Study Module One: Review Questions Module Two: Prioritize Write It Down Urgent/Important Matrix Divide Tasks 80/20 Rule Case Study Module Two: Review Questions Module Three: Scheduling Your Time Have a Master Calendar Setting Deadlines Remove or Limit the Time Wasters Coping With Things Outside of Our Control Case Study Module Three: Review Questions Module Four: To Do Lists Use a Day Planner Finish What You Start Focus on the Important Do Quick Tasks Immediately Case Study Module Four: Review Questions Module Five: Paper and Paperless Storage Find a System that Works for You Make it Consistent Make it Time Sensitive Setting up Archives Case Study Module Five: Review Questions Module Six: Organization Your Work Area Keeping Items Within Arm’s Reach Only Have Current Projects on Your Desk Arranging Your Drawers Organize to Match Your Workflow Case Study Module Six: Review Questions Module Seven: Tools to Fight Procrastination Eat That Frog! Remove Distractions Give Yourself a Reward Break Up Large Tasks Case Study Module Seven: Review Questions Module Eight: Organizing your Inbox setting up Delivery Rules Folder and Message Hierarchy Deal with Email Right Away Flag and Highlight Important Items Case Study Module Eight: Review Questions Module Nine: Avoid the Causes of Disorganization Keeping Everything Not Being Consistent Not Following a Schedule Bad Habits Case Study Module Nine: Review Questions Module Ten: Discipline is the Key to Stay Organized Stay Within Your Systems Learn to Say No Have Organization Be Part of Your Life Plan for Tomorrow, Today Case Study Module Ten: Review Questions Module Eleven: Wrapping Up Words from the Wise Review of Parking Lot Lessons Learned Completion of Action Plans and Evaluations

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München2: Durchbruchseminar zum reinen SEIN

Wie Du es in 3 Tagen schaffst zu transformieren, um im inneren Frieden und in purer Liebe Zugriff zu haben auf Dein wahres Potenzial, das  weitaus gewaltiger ist, als Du Dir jetzt vorstellen kannst. Erkenne die Wahrheit, um die Erlösung zu fühlen. Erlebe den Prozess zum reinen SEIN, damit Du aus dem Hamsterrad Deiner Gedanken aussteigst und fühlst, was echte tiefe Selbstliebe ist.  Erfahre, wie Du Dein höheres Bewusstsein frei legst, um auf Dein gewaltiges Potenzial zuzugreifen. Denn die grösste Kraft des Universums ist bereits in Dir, es muss nur frei gelegt werden (Lao Tse). Die zwingende Logik, warum Du zum reinen SEIN transformierst: Ich liefere Dir in meinem Durchbruch-Coaching exakt die Anleitungen, die es mir ermöglichten, aus meinem eigenen gesamten Potenzial zu schöpfen, um hinter dem Tor zum Glück auch viele andere Annehmlichkeiten wie meine wahre Berufung, finanzielle Freiheit und den richtigen Partner wie magnetisch in mein Leben zu ziehen. Das hat meine gesamte Grundskepsis weggefegt. Ich bin erleichtert und glücklich zugleich, dass ich das gemacht habe. Es ist auch der absolut richtige Weg für langfristig wirkende Ergebnisse. Ich erlebte einen Durchbruch für mein ganzes Leben, damit ich jetzt Kompassgenau meinen Weg gehe, genau den, der mich glücklich macht. Für meine Begriffe besitzt Vicente tiefe spirituelle Weisheit und grosse geistige Klarheit. Heute hat sich alles zum Positiven gewendet. Inzwischen habe ich den richtigen Partner gefunden. - Tanja Schmidt Ich hatte meine anfänglichen Bedenken. Einer meiner Arbeitskollegen hat es mir empfohlen, damit ich "endlich auf die Überholspur komme", wie er meinte. Ich war zunächst überrascht über die Schnelligkeit der Wirkung. Vicentes Arbeit wirkte auf mich sofort und unmittelbar transformierend. Er ist hochsensibel und hellfühlig. Nach Vicentes Übungen fühlte ich mich erlöst, geheilt und verwandt. Ich bekam tiefer gehende Einsichten in übergeordnete Zusammenhänge. Und, was soll ich sagen : ich bin auf der Überholspur! Es hat sich bei mir einiges deutlich innerlich getan. Nun verspüre ich wahre Liebe zu mir selbst, habe deutlich mehr Selbstbewusstsein, um jetzt auch meine ganzen Talente und meinen hohen Wert zu erkennen. Ich gehe jetzt meinen selbstbestimmten Weg und und lebe mit meinem neuen Partner eine stabile und harmonische Partnerschaft in purer Liebe. Danke Vicente! Meine Erwartungen wurden bei weitem übertroffen. Es hat bei mir zu einem befreiten, glücklichen Leben geführt.  - E. K.

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Hamilton (Touring)

Cash, American Express, Mastercard, & Visa. Will Call is located at the Box Office. Box Office Telephone: 323-468-1770 The Pantages Box Office opens daily at 10am. NO ONE UNDER THE AGE OF 5 ADMITTED There is no elevator in the Pantages Theatre. Disabled seating is reserved for the exclusive use of the disabled patron and their companion. The purchase or use of disabled seating locations by non-disabled individuals is strictly prohibited and may result in ejection and/or forfeiture of the ticket price.

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P!NK Live 2024

Cash, Visa, Mastercard, Amex & Discover Located : 19th Street CTO Hours : 9am-5pm Mon-Fri **Promoter & Fan Club Will Call pickup at 19th St Ticket Office only The BJCC Central ticket office & Ticketmaster will NOT change pick up names for will call. PLEASE BRING A PICTURE ID, THE ACTUAL CREDIT CARD USED TO PURCHASE THE TICKETS, AND YOUR ORDER NUMBER. 205-458-8400 (Venue Info) Note* The box office is located at 19th Street North between 9th Ave and 11th Ave Monday-Friday; 9:00am-5:00pm Except show days: Hours vary This is an accessible venue. Accessible Entrance is located on 19th St. North & 9th Ave. Patrons who purchased 10L, 9L, 8L, or 7L row 1 ADA seats need to enter at the Arena Club. **Customers needing more than 1 companion seat should call 205.458.8400 Mon-Fri 9am-4pm for options.

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