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Lifestyle Development Workshop
This workshop is geared towards helping artists and entrepreneurs create a lifestyle by turning your hobby into your professional calling.
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Visa, MasterCard, American Express, Cash, Discover Please pick up tickets 1 hour prior to show. Customers must present photo ID, actual credit card used to purchase tickets and confirmation number. (617) 259-3400 Skip the service fees. Buy tickets at the box office! Monday through Friday 10AM to 5PM (non performance weeks) Open 2 hours prior to matinee on weekends and closes ½ hr after curtain. Open 10am until ½ hr after curtain on weekdays. Accessible seating is sold on Ticketmaster. Sight impaired seating and hearing impaired seating, is handled through the box office only for these events.
read moreBoston Celtics vs. Indiana Pacers
Cash; Check up to $100.00 w/Mass. Driver License; AMEX; Visa; MC; Discover; Diners Club Pick up tickets starting 2 hours prior to event time. Customer must present the actual credit card used to place order and a photo I.D. General Info Number:(617) 624-1000 Group Sales (only!): (617) 624-1805/1806 Bruins (617) 624-BEAR (Groups = 25+) Celtics (617) 523-3030 (Groups = 20+) Please do not contact Group Sales regarding sold out games! TD Garden - Boston | Tickets, Schedule, Seating Chart, Directions ( The box office will open 2 hours prior to an event and remain open until one hour after the event begins. Please note the TD Garden Box Office does not sell tickets at the public on sale. All tickets should be purchased via *Hours subject to change This is an accessible venue.
read moreImperial Lates: Future Commuter
If you’ve ever experienced the joys of the London commute or worried about the carbon footprint of a summer getaway, you may have wondered what the future of transport might deliver. Well now is your chance. Travel over to Imperial in February to meet the scientists and engineers exploring the probabilities of our future mobility. About Imperial Lates Imperial Lates celebrate the latest in science and engineering at Imperial College London - bringing the public together with world leading minds in their respective fields, who not only love what they do, but also love sharing their work with new audiences. A perfect evening's entertainment for adults of all ages and backgrounds. Anyone with a curious mind is welcome to get hands on with our research, brought to life through live demonstrations, creative workshops, interactive experiments and inspiring talks. Pick the brains of the people behind the ideas, innovations and breakthroughs to discover how their work could impact our society and change our futures. Throw in a bar and some of the world's most extraordinary and pioneering scientists and engineers and you have the recipe for a free, fun and engaging night out in the heart of London. Sign up to explore the future though the science of today!! Make sure you pre-register for your chosen event to receive a preview of the full programme of live demonstrations, workshops and talks, and help us track attendance numbers. Please note that registration alone does not guarantee seats for our talks, tours or workshops. However those who have pre-registered will be given the first opportunity to book places on anything with limited spaces.
read moreMEMPHIS - DAS ROCK 'N' ROLL-MUSICAL | München
Ihre Stimme. Seine Vision. Die Geburtsstunde des Rock’n’Roll!
read moreReliable Information Regarding Health Insurance Assoc
In today's period of rising prices, Health coverage expert services have become in demand between people. Health insurance is the insurance plan wherein insurance companies protect the medical expenses of the insured individual. It is the best assistance wherein the demise rates are lowering mainly because everybody can handily get treatment method with all the assistance of health care insurance services. So now you will discover a large numbers of health insurance assoc which are created to preserve the larger lives. Each medical health insurance organizations supply distinctive insurance coverages with different charges. Hence, individuals can conveniently pick a perfect and also spending budget-friendly health coverage company. Sometimes everyone is unaware of health insurance services and therefore are struggling to select the best and helpful medical health insurance assistance. Thus those who are unaware of the process of health care insurance organizations can also hire a health insurance broker, wholeads you in the appropriate path and select an ideal insurance coverage services for the loved one. Health care insurance brokers perform an important part in selecting an ideal as well as reputable health care insurance company for your beloved as they have total information about health care insurance. Consequently, ahead of obtaining a medical health insurance organization someone has to discover a specialist health insurance broker who actually directs you and gives understanding of legislation healthinsuranceassoc, protocols, limitations as well as whole process. There is a accessibility to different aspects of health insurance coverages for folks in modern advanced health insurance coverage insurance plan for instancefamily insurance, team health insurance, accidental health insurance coverage, elderly person, maternal insurance plan and even a lot more. Protected with insurance people pay back the insurance plan cost in affordable and easytimely repayments. In case you also want to choose a great health insurance coverage services then there can be some general elements that you simply ought to take into account. Place: The medical insurance provider that you simply choose must make sure that is located close to your located location to enable you to easily get assist in your emergent need. Standing: A well-identified and also respected health care insurance company is linked with the huge range of well-identified hospitals. As a result of that, every person can choose the insurance plan as per their requirements. Knowledgeable group: A highly reputable health insurance corporation needs to have an experienced and skilled group who accurately realize how to contend with their potential customers and assist them. Thus, you can actually select a reliable and also best-suited health insurance organization with the aid of these factors. Generally, Health care insurance organizations are the right services that offers security and safety to your living. Thus quickly hire a health insurance coverage organization in addition to reside a healthy and pleased life without having concern about high-priced treatment load. Much better is to click the link or pay a visit to our official web site to understand about Health insurance Assoc. Health Insurance Assoc - $0.00
read moreJakarta Indonesia Personal Stylist and Personal Shopper Training Designed for You to Become a Personal Brand
The Sterling Style Academy is a U.S. based, internationally recognized training institution, with a proven track record for producing highly credible and influential image consultants, personal stylist and personal shoppers from the U.S., Europe, Latin America, the Middle East, Africa, and Asia. Having trained renown pioneers within the industry that span 6 continents, we provide you with a truly global perspective on how to start a business with no additional investment to generating income within your first month after training. If you are motivated with the ambition to succeed, we’ll help you formulate a unique business that incorporates your distinct skill sets with personal styling and personal shopping. From creating online boutiques to helping fashion designers and fashion bloggers diversify their skill sets, we help you identify your passion and your purpose to brand you in the marketplace. We’ll teach you the techniques to becoming your own Personal Brand which is essential in order to become an influential entrepreneur and much more! Please visit the following link to find out more about our 5 Day Personal Stylist and Personal Shopper course curriculum: Location to be disclosed upon registration for the program. YOU MAY SEE OTHER COURSES WITH SIMILAR CURRICULUM BUT IT'S OUR INTERNATIONALLY PROVEN METHODS OF TRAINING AND ADVISING STUDENTS ON HOW TO CREATE THEIR BUSINESSES THAT SETS US APART FROM OTHER PROGRAMS. WE TEACH YOU THE SCIENTIFIC ASPECTS TO STYLE AND THE FORMULA FOR ENTREPRENURIAL SUCCESS. If you have any more questions about our training program after reviewing the link on our website, please email us directly at IF YOU'D LIKE TO BECOME A CERTIFIED FASHION AND STYLE CONSULTANT, TRY OUR eCERTIFICATION PROGRAM FOR AN INVESTMENT OF US$997. Details can be found here:
REJOIGNEZ LE TRAINING LEADERSHIP AU FÉMININ POUR BOOSTER VOTRE CARRIERE ! DESCRIPTION : Training sur LE LEADERSHIP AU FÉMININ Toutes les femmes et tous les hommes sont nés avec des caractéristiques féminines et masculines dans leur personnalité mais la société nous apprend très vite à ignorer un coté de notre personnalité afin de rencontrer les normes de la société, nous privant ainsi d'un sain équilibre. Dans la société et dans les affaires, on retrouve souvent un déséquilibre entre le féminin et le masculin car le monde des affaires est encore dominé par le masculin qui cherche souvent à minimiser l'énergie féminine dans les femmes et les hommes. Le résultat de tout ça est un focus sur la compétition féroce, l'intérêt personnel au lieu du bien collectif et des comportements qui proviennent souvent de l'égo. Depuis plusieurs années, il y a un focus sur l'augmentation des femmes dans les postes de direction et plusieurs organisations travaillent fort la dessus mais les progrès sont très lent. Un autre défi est que souvent, les femmes qui accèdent aux postes de direction doivent adopter plusieurs comportements masculins afin de réussir dans un monde des affaires principalement masculin. Les hommes quant à eux négligent le côté féminin en eux, ce qui les empêche d'être entier et d'accéder à un leadership plus complet et versatile. Le leadership conscient va transformer le monde des affaires et prenant soin des besoins de toutes les parties prenantes et l'émergence du leadership féminin est un des piliers du leadership conscient. Ensemble, nous pouvons faciliter l'émergence du leadership féminin et promouvoir un monde des affaires plus équilibré, ce qui nous permettra de créer des cultures organisationnelles conscientes et d'obtenir de bien meilleurs résultats. 1. Différencier le leadership masculin du leadership féminin S’appuyer sur les valeurs et les traits de personnalité des femmesDevenir son propre coach pour libérer son potentielAligner ses comportements avec sa vision, sa mission et ses valeurs defemme leaderIdentifier les freins et les leviers pour vivre pleinement lemanagement au féminin 2. Gagner en efficacité grâce à l’Intelligence Émotionnelle Évaluer la part de l’émotion dans le management et la prise de décisionMieux comprendre les émotions de ses collaborateursSe donner les moyens pour adopter une attitude affirméeSavoir-faire la différence entre l’affirmation, l’autorité, l’agressivité 3. Construire son leadership S’accepter, connaître ses limites.Rechercher son équilibre intellectuel, émotionnel, physique.Bâtir des relations positives grâce à l’écoute active.Développer sa flexibilité comportementale.Soigner son image et accroître son impact LES OBJECTIFS Le but du programme est de vous amener à : Avoir confiance dans vos forces pour booster votre évolution professionnelle, Prendre conscience de vos freins internes et vous entraîner entre pairs à les dépasser, Vous motiver ensemble : que cet atelier soit un espace de co-développement, de partage d’une même culture, d’un même savoir-faire, de mêmes «secrets», en plus d’être un espace de formation. Démarches et travail personnel : Afin d’atteindre les objectifs de la formation, il est essentiel que chaque stagiaire entreprenne des démarches individuelles pour avancer dans son projet et appliquer le plan d’action élaboré au cours de la formation. Vos frais de formation sont pris en charge à 100%. Contactez-nous pour en savoir plus: Tel: 06 46 01 37 11 Email: Site web:
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