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Cash and All Major Credit Cards MUST HAVE PHOTO I.D. & CREDIT CARD USED TO PURCHASE TICKETS WHEN PICKING UP WILL CALL TICKETS 702-693-6143 1-855-234-7469 Group Sales (20+) Opens one hour prior to the first show and closes a half hour after the last show. To better accommodate your needs the box office has requested that special seating accommodations be solicited through their representatives

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Atlanta Hawks vs. Washington Wizards

Accepts: cash, Visa, Mastercard, Discover, American Express Located at main box office on Centennial Olympic Park Drive. Available for pickup beginning 1 1/2 hours prior to event. Closing time will vary by event. PLEASE BRING A PICTURE ID, THE ACTUAL CREDIT CARD USED TO PURCHASE THE TICKETS, AND YOUR ORDER NUMBER. 404-878-3000 - State Farm Arena Box Office 1-866-715-1500 - Atlanta Hawks The Box Office is open on event days and for the first day of all on-sales. (Hours will vary based upon the events and time of on-sales). Accessible seating is available in throughout the arena in various price categories. Seating for the sight/hearing impaired available in the lower level. All accessible seating is subject to availability. All levels of the Arena are accessible by elevator and escalator.

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Hamilton (Touring)

Cash, Visa, MasterCard, American Express, Discover Please show Credit Card used to place the order & a valid photo ID. Will Call opens 1 hour prior to curtain. 410-752-7444 When there is no show: Monday - Saturday 11am-3pm When there is a show: Monday 11am-3pm Tue-Sun 11am through intermission. Accessible Seating, Open Captioning and Sign Interpreting Services Please call 410-752-7444 or visit:

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Dallas Cowboys vs. New York Giants

Cash, MC, Visa, Amex Will Call Will Call is available at AT&T Stadium Ticket Office locations at Entry A on the northeast side of the stadium and at Entry F on the southwest side of the stadium. Will Call ticket windows open three (3) hours prior to most events. To claim tickets at Will Call, a photo ID and the credit card used to purchase the tickets must be presented. For Cowboys games, only the account holder of record may pick up tickets. A person other than the account holder may pick up tickets from Will Call provided that they present written and signed authorization from the account holder along with a copy of the account holder's photo ID. AT&T Stadium Ticket office: (817) 892-5000 AT&T Stadium/Art Tours Ticket Office: (817) 892-8687 9-5 Monday-Thursday, and 9-4 Friday Accessible Seating in all levels of the venue. ADA/Accessibility AT&T Stadium is committed to guests with disabilities. Our facilities are fully accessible and we provide a wide range of services and amenities for guests with special needs. AT&T Stadium is designed with accessible parking, accessible vehicle drop off areas, power assisted doors, restrooms, concessions, water fountains, ATMs, and seating areas. Guests can receive more information by visiting one of our Guest Services Centers located on the concourse behind Sections 219, 244, 420 and 451 or at a Concierge desk located on the club and suite levels. In order to provide maximum flexibility in our wheelchair accessible seating areas, folding chairs will be provided for companion seating. ADA Ticket Fraud ADA ticket fraud includes, but is not limited to, the misrepresentation of a disability. Management reserves the right to take appropriate action regarding misrepresentation, which may result in relocation, revocation of tickets or ejection. Wheelchairs A limited number of wheelchairs are available for transporting guests from the gates to their stadium seating location. Guests are asked to supply their own wheelchair if they need one for the duration of the event. Guests may arrange for wheelchair assistance by contacting an event staff member at any entrance. In addition, wheelchair escort reservations can be made, in advance, by calling the Guest Services Hotline at (817) 892-4161. Guests needing assistance after the event should contact an event staff member, security personnel or visit one of the Guest Services Centers located on the concourse behind Sections 219, 244, 420 and 451. Guests in suite and club areas should contact the Concierge desk on their level to request a wheelchair escort or additional assistance. HEARING IMPAIRED PATRONS -------------------------------------- - Sell Regular Seating - Hearing Impaired Devices and Information Available at Guest Services Centers Located at Sections 219, 244, 420, and 451 or at a Concierge Desk on the Club and Suite Levels

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Indianapolis Colts vs. Minnesota Vikings

Box Office accepts: Cash, Visa, MC, Discover, Amex. Accepted methods of payments vary by event. Orders are available for pick up the week of the event Tues-Fri 9am-5pm. Ticket Office is located on the SE corner of the stadium Lucas Oil Stadium Ticket Office: (317) 262-3389 Colts Ticket Office (317) 297-7000 Mon-Fri: 9:00am - 5:00pm Sat-Sun: Closed Event Days: Varies by individual event-call box office. Yes. Sold through the Stadium or Ticketmaster. Limited Seating. Elevators are available at this venue. Hearing devices are available upon request.

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PHPerKaigi 2020

PHPerKaigi(ペチパーカイギ)は、PHPer、つまり、現在PHPを使用している方、過去にPHPを使用していた方、これからPHPを使いたいと思っている方、そしてPHPが大好きな方たちが、技術的なノウハウとPHP愛を共有するためのイベントです。 PHPerKaigiのメインコンテンツは公募されたスピーカーによるトークセッションですが、それだけではなく、PHPerKaigiが参加者どうしのコミュニケーションの場になり、参加者全員が「ホーム」と感じられる環境を提供することを目的としています。 そのため、数人で特定のテーマについてディスカッションするInteractive Round Tableや、アンカンファレンス、懇親会など、日本中から集まったPHPerたちとのコミュニケーションを思う存分するための企画を多数ご用意しています。 PHPerKaigiは、初心者でも歴戦の勇者でも、PHPer友達がたくさんいる方もPHPer友達を探したい方も、男性エンジニアも女性エンジニアも、お酒を飲む方も飲まない方も、全てのPHPerが楽しめるイベントです。 次回、2020年のPHPerKaigiは 2月9日(日)〜2月11日(火・祝)の開催です。この3日間はPHPerたちのお祭りです!スケジュールの確保をお願いします! 公式サイト:公式Twitter: --- 関連イベントのご案内 -------- このページのチケットは「本編」のチケットですこのチケットで下記のうち懇親会とPHPostPartyを除くすべてのイベントに参加可能です 2/9(日)day0   12:00 もくもくスペース開放  17:00 前夜祭  20:00 PHPreParty @池袋 別途無料チケット配布予定 2/10(月)day1   10:00 本編  18:00 PHPer茶会 別途無料チケット配布予定 2/11(火・祝)day2   10:00 本編  18:00 懇親会 別途有料チケット販売予定  21:30 PHPostParty 別途有料チケット販売予定 --- チケット種別のご案内 -------- A. 一般 以下の特典があります。 前夜祭(2/9(日))および本編(2/10(月), 2/11(火・祝))への参加 PHPerKaigi 2020 Tシャツ PHPerKaigi 2020 オリジナルノベルティ 2/10(月), 2/11(火・祝)のランチ(先着) 2/9(日)開催の「PHPreParty」無料参加 *1 2/10(月)開催の「PHPer茶会」無料参加 *1 *1: 別途チケットが必要です。後日配布します B. サポーター PHPerKaigiを特別にサポート頂ける方のためのチケットです。以下の特典があります。 「A. 一般」に含まれる特典すべて PHPerKaigi 2020 パーカー セッションルーム前方3列の電源付きサポーター優先席の利用 トークを指定しての席予約 サポーター専用ノベルティ(専用色Tシャツ, 追加ノベルティ企画中) C. ジョーカー チケットがたくさんあって何を買ったら良いかわからないが全て参加したい!という方のためのチケットです。このチケットの購入のみで追加のチケット発券などの必要なく全てのイベントに参加可能です。 以下の特典があります。 「B. サポーター」に含まれる特典すべて 2/9(日)開催の「PHPreParty」無料参加 (チケット取得不要) 2/10(月)開催の「PHPer茶会」無料参加 (チケット取得不要) 2/11(火・祝)開催の懇親会 参加(チケット購入不要) 2/11(火・祝)開催のPHPostParty 参加(チケット購入不要) スポンサーのみなさま、スピーカーのみなさま用のチケットについては個別にご案内します。 (スポンサーのみなさまには「一般」と同内容の、スピーカーの方には「サポーター」と同内容(席予約を除く)のチケットを進呈します。) --- その他注意事項 ------------------------------------- 開催に関する情報は公式サイトおよび公式Twitterに掲載します。 2/11(火・祝)の夜、同会場にて懇親会を開催します。懇親会へ参加するには、本ページで販売するチケットとは別に「懇親会チケット」が必要です。「懇親会チケット」は、こちらで販売中です。 Tシャツ、パーカーのサイズは当日受付でも変更可能です。受付時間によっては一部のサイズが在庫切れになることがあります。あらかじめご了承ください。 チケットの譲渡・キャンセルはできません。 トークが採択された場合および、当日スタッフになった場合はチケットなしに参加することができます。この場合、お手持ちのチケットはキャンセルが可能です。 チケット購入時のお支払はPayPal経由でPHPerKaigi 2020実行委員長「長谷川智希」宛となります。

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La società 4metx in collaborazione con Hermes University offre una interessante iniziativa a studenti di laurea triennale e magistrale che non avendo ancora titolo professionale vogliono apprendere una competenza specifica che permetterà loro di inserirsi nel mondo del lavoro e specificamente nel settore dell’euro-progettazione. Come si può osservare dal portale unico dei bandi europei: esistono molteplici opportunità da cogliere in termini di progettazione ed attuazione di programmi di sviluppo. La 4metx propone un corso di Euro progettazione che dà immediatezza di lavoro a coloro che vogliono e sono in grado di affrontare questo studio che rilascia il certificato M.E.S.A.F di Europrogettista. La possibilità di operare comincia già durante la fase pratica del corso M.E.S.A.F. che prevede un periodo di formazione on the job presso lo studio professionale di associati ad Assoeuro. In tale ambito operativo pur trattandosi di uno stage si acquista una visione di dimensione strategica finalizzata a favorire l’orientamento al lavoro, l’arricchimento delle conoscenze, l’acquisizione di competenze professionali e l’inserimento lavorativo. L’Euro progettista che consegue il Certificato MESAF di Europrogettista dimostrando di possedere le adeguate competenze nel settore, può lavorare come free-lance oppure inserirsi in: -società di consulenza, scuole di ogni ordine e grado, agenzie formative, organizzazioni attive nel sistema della progettazione comunitaria; -nel terzo settore - dalle cooperative sociali alle organizzazioni non governative; -nelle amministrazioni pubbliche – Uffici interni di Enti Pubblici (Comuni, Province, Regioni); -nei sindacati, nelle comunità montane, negli Enti parchi ed Enti di sviluppo locale e territoriale; -nelle società di consulenza aziendale, negli uffici di direzione del personale e della programmazione di qualsiasi società; -nelle agenzie di sviluppo territoriale e comunitario (partenariato e partnership).

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