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Booster son leadership

Renforcer son leadership avec le séminaire "booster son leadership" Objectifs du séminaire : Booster son leadership  Développer ses qualités de leader et son charisme Développer ses qualités relationnelles et ses capacités d’animation Connaître des clés de compréhension de soi en interaction avec les autres Savoir mobiliser ses savoirs faire et savoirs être pour se positionner en tant que Leader Que couvre la formation? Leadership : Attitudes, comportements du leader Différents styles et impacts générés par chacun Mieux se connaitre et développer un état d’esprit constructif et une posture de leader : Les pensées automatiques Comment transformer ses émotions Prise de conscience de ses atouts, évolution de son image, développement de son impact Développement de la confiance en soi Se postionner de manière positive : Leadership au service de l'équipe Comment créer un contexte positif et bienveillant Construction d'une vision partagée pour mobiliser Communication efficace pour obtenir l'adhésion des collaborateurs les leviers de motivation Méthodes pédagogiques :  Improvisation théâtrale, sport bien-être ( méthodes de relaxation) Vidéos d’experts Échanges et apports Les + de la formation : Retrouver la JOIE, le PLAISIR et le BONHEUR d’apprendre Plus qu’une formation, une expérience pédagogique à vivre Des mises en situation décalées dans les univers du sport et du spectacle Des formateurs experts et passionnés Qu'est-ce qui est inclus dans les frais de la formation? - le matin, le thé, café, viennoiserie.- Cahier d'exercices et plan d'action- Facilitateur expert- Certificat de competence  Les frais de formation sont  pris en charge à 100%. Contactez-nous pour en savoir plus: Tel: 06 46 01 37 11 Email:

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Jeff Dunham

If you are collecting tickets for the show, our venue box office will be open no later than 1 hour before doors. The box office is located to the left of the main entrance, just past the fd bar. Please allow yourself plenty of time to collect your tickets and to get into the venue, as there may be queues. Please take the credit card you booked with along with your Ticketmaster booking reference to collect your tickets. The box office will be open a minimum of 1 hour before doors open on the day of the show. Venue are happy for customers to collect in advance of show day as long as they are not duplicate tickets being collected. The first direct arena on-site ticket office is located to the left hand side of the main entrance doors at the venue, past the first direct bar. On show days the ticket office will open no later than 1 hour before doors. first direct arena has been designed to be accessible to everyone for more information you can visit All events are now setup up for online bookings via For telephone bookings: 0800 988 4440 The ticket office will open no later than 1 hour before doors and will not be open for new shows going on sale. Additional Information If you have a specific question which has is not covered on the venues website please email -

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Chicago Bulls vs. Milwaukee Bucks

The United Center Box Office accepts Cash, Visa, MasterCard, American Express and Discover Card. Tickets held at Will Call can be picked up beginning 90 minutes prior to the start of the actual event. E-TICKET /PRINT AT HOME & MOBILE TICKETING If you chose Print-at-Home as your delivery method, your tickets will be sent to the email address used at the time of purchase in the form of a .pdf and must be printed on paper in advance for entry. Print at Home tickets cannot scanned at the venue from a mobile device. Choosing mobile entry allows the convenience of using your smartphone as your game ticket. You no longer need to bring your physical tickets to the game. This includes season tickets and single game tickets purchased online or forwarded by email through authorized outlets including,, ClickTix, or other United Center approved outlets. Mobile entry requires a valid QR code. (312) 455-4500 (312) 455-4519 (TTY) Monday-Friday, 11:00 a.m. until 6:00 p.m. Saturday, closed if no performance Sunday, closed if no performance *Hours subject to change depending on event schedules. Not only is the United Center designed to 100% ADA compliance, but each team member has been specifically trained in assisting our guests with special needs. Should you have any questions regarding the accessibility of the arena or for ticket information, please call 312-455-4653 and ask for Guest Relations (312-455-4519 TTY). Tickets in wheelchair accessible areas are available on all levels of the United Center, and the arena offers 100 disabled parking spaces located in parking Lot G off of Damen Avenue. All washrooms, restaurants, first aid station, seating areas, Cash Stations, box offices, Concession stands and drinking fountains are all wheelchair accessible.

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Cash, Visa, MC Will Call may be picked up at the Venue, day of show, 3 hours prior to show time. Proper I.D. and confirmation number will be required 915-231-1100 MON-FRI 9AM – 5PM / SAT-SUN EVENT DAY ONLY

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Elton John

Visa, Mastercard, American Express, Maestro, Cash. Collection from The O2 main box office is on the day of the event from 2 hours before event doors opening time (see ticket for details). Purchasing credit card and Ticketmaster booking reference number are required for collection. Letters of authorisation are not accepted for collections or duplicate ticket collections. Accessible Seating: The O2 operates a dedicated disabled access booking line. Contact: Tel: 020 8463 3359 Typetalk: 18001 020 8463 3359 Email: Monday to Friday: 09:00 – 19:00 Saturday to Sunday: 10:00 – 18:00 For more information on access at The O2 please visit

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Indianapolis Colts vs. Seattle Seahawks

Box Office accepts: Cash, Visa, MC, Discover, Amex. Accepted methods of payments vary by event. Orders are available for pick up the week of the event Tues-Fri 9am-5pm. Ticket Office is located on the SE corner of the stadium Lucas Oil Stadium Ticket Office: (317) 262-3389 Colts Ticket Office (317) 297-7000 Mon-Fri: 9:00am - 5:00pm Sat-Sun: Closed Event Days: Varies by individual event-call box office. Yes. Sold through the Stadium or Ticketmaster. Limited Seating. Elevators are available at this venue. Hearing devices are available upon request.

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Memphis - Church Health Covid Screening

This event will take place at the Church Health Center - 1350 Concourse Ave Ste 142, Memphis, TN 38104. The shifts will be 10am to 1pm and 1pm to 4pm on Tuesdays, Wednesdays, Thursdays, and Fridays. Volunteers will assist with the screening process for Covid19. This is an opportunity for students to volunteer and earn underserved hours. If you have any questions, email or ***DISCLAIMER: DO NOT SIGN-UP FOR AN EVENT IF YOU ARE SUPPOSED TO BE IN CLASS! BEING LATE TO CLASS OR MISSING CLASS DUE TO A SERVICE EVENT IS NOT ACCEPTABLE AND WILL NOT BE EXCUSED. Supervisor 10am-1pm - $0.00 Volunteer 10am-1pm - $0.00

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题目:财福人生的盛宴(二)-自我激励,从心领导。简介:快乐型员工工作高效,但是是否有对工作的满足感就足够了呢?U-M的研究者研究认为,自我激励型员工更高效。U-M Ross商学院管理与运营学教授Gretchen Spreitzer提出,"自我激励型员工不仅是有对现状的满足感,更要有对未来的不断开拓与创作。自我激励型员工不仅保持高度的活力,还会避免过度疲劳。"Spreitzer和Porath近期在《哈佛商业评论》中发表了研究结果,自我激励型员工比员工平均表现高出16%,过度疲劳现象减少125%,组织认同率高出32%, 工作满意度也要高出46%。同时,他们会更少发生工作失误,更少看医生,节省了更多医疗费用和误工时间。研究者指出,自我激励包括两个方面:活力和学习能力。Spreitzer提出:员工的活力是指对工作保持热情和动力,并能激励其他员工。公司通过提高员工的成就感来促进自我激励。而学习能力在于在工作中不断学习新的知识和技能。不断学习的员工更坚信自己未来的发展成就课程特色☆深刻去审思忙碌背后和人生的目标的意义来加强心理正能量以应对一直改变的外在因素☆从个人真实成长例案,来学以致用,进而创造价值和影响力☆通过实用的正确态度和心态去自我激励,进而影响团队,和企业共同往幸福前进。对象:公司的领导层和企业老板目标:(i) 让公司领导和老板反思忙碌背后所忽略的重要点滴,往内心做深刻的审查。(ii) 让公司领导和老板,从新调整正确的心态,态度和信念来自我激励,然后以身作则带领公司团队,一同提升,往共同目标前进。日期:只是供参考,真实日期待洽商课程安排:只限企业内部培训安排,没有公开授课时间:一天课程9am-5pm内容:1. 忙碌背后的审思 -忙碌的意义,忙什么?-生命的意义和目的?-人生目标?写下来?-莫忘初心?-迷失方向?-忘了自己?-独处的宁静?-老样子?-同样的经验用20年?2. 正确心态和习惯-正能量-坚持正确和对的-选择善良-给与的力量-爱没有条件-感恩而不埋怨-心量的大小决定成就的大小。-挑战自我,离开舒适区-你得到你所专注的-莫放弃 3. 换个富脑袋-什么是重要和不重要?-有钱和你想的不一样4. 时间的有限和管理-你还有多少时间?-时间分配-几时可以为自己忙?5. 终身学习-读书,旅行,交际6. 莫忘本分7. 企业就是另一个家课程日期和地点安排接洽 #幸福企业 #激励 #自我激励 #正能量 #正确心态 #企业培训 #企业 #文化培训 #传统文化 #本分 #以德为本 #仁 #财福人生 #杨子佑硕士

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