Get Ready for the Next Event. Look when it's starts

Harry Potter and the Cursed Child - Parts 1 & 2 Sat 14:00 & 19:30

Tickets left at the box office for collection may be picked up on the day, during the hour before the performance starts. Please take the credit card used to make the booking and the Ticketmaster booking reference number as proof of purchase. Ticketmaster UK: 0870 154 40 40, International: 00 44 161 385 3500 Monday - Saturday 10:00 - 18:00 and occasionally on Sunday. Infra red hearing system with no deposit required. For special needs seating please call 0844 412 4648. Disabled toilet situated in the rear Stalls with ground level access There is no limit to the amount of Guide Dogs (within reason of course)

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Atlanta Braves vs. Los Angeles Dodgers

CASH,VISA,DISCOVER,MASTERCARD,AMERICAN EXPRESS HOURS : Opens 2 hrs prior to game time. Located on Battery Avenue, around the corner from the Right Field Gate PLEASE BRING A PICTURE ID, THE ACTUAL CREDIT CARD USED TO PURCHASE THE TICKETS, AND YOUR ORDER NUMBER. 404.522.7630 Braves Switchboard 404.577.9100 Groups sales and season tickets 10:00am - 4:00pm - Mon-Fri (NON-GAME DAYS) 10:00am - 4:00pm - Sat (NON-GAME DAY) Noon - 4:00pm - Sun (NON-GAME DAY) 10:00am - 6th inning of the game (GAME DAYS) Truist Park can accommodate all accessibilities Companion service animals are allowed in Truist Park.

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Hamilton (NY)

Cash, AmEx, Visa, MC Pick up tickets one hour prior to the show. Customers must present the actual credit card used to place the order and a photo ID. (212) 221-1211 Monday - Saturday 10am - 8pm Sunday 12pm - 6pm

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New York Yankees vs. Minnesota Twins

Visa, Mastercard, and American Express. No Cash Will Call is not currently available as a delivery option. The Stadium Box Office will be open on day of game(s) to help with Mobile Ticket troubleshooting. Location: Right Field and Main Box Offices Windows Open: Spring Training: 2 hours before game. Tampa Tarpons: 1 hour before game. (813) 879-2244 Right Field and Main Offices will only open on day of Game. Any advance sales must be made online or by contacting the Steinbrenner Field Ticket Office via phone. Hours to reach a Box Office Representative by phone are Mon-Fri 9:30am-5:30pm This is an accessible venue.

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Een personage kan vanuit verschillende invalshoeken worden opgebouwd. Stem, beweging en verbeelding spelen hierbij een belangrijke rol.Spelenderwijs verkennen we de verscheidenheid aan stijlen en typetjes. Aan de hand van verschillende oefeningen ervaar je door beweging en tekst, eerst individueel en daarna samen, hoe je je personage kunt ontwikkelen. Gaandeweg leren we er meer diepgang, kleur en persoonlijkheid aan geven. 06, 13, 20 & 27/01/201919:30 > 22:00€ 40 / € 30 (leden OPENDOEK)In samenwerking met Opendoek en Wisper  CHARACTER BUILDING A character can be built from different angles. Voice, movement and imagination play an important role in this.Together we explore the variety of styles and types in a playful way. Through various exercises you will experience through movement and text, first individually and then together, how you can develop your character. We gradually learn to give it more depth, color and personality. 06, 13, 20 & 27/01/201919:30 > 22:00€ 40 / € 30 (members OPENDOEK)In collaboration with Opendoek en Wisper  THÉÂTRE On peut construire un personnage de différents points de vue. La voix, le mouvement et la fantaisie jouent un grand rôle. En jouant, on découvre différents styles et types. On découvre comment faire grandir le personnage par la pratique. Ensuite on l’approfondit, lui donne couleur et personnalité. 06, 13, 20 & 27/01/201919:30 > 22:00€ 40 / € 30 (members OPENDOEK)En collaboration avec Opendoek en Wisper 

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Be a PGHK Guest for future Recordings

If you're interested to be a future Penang Hokkien podcast guest, please select the  ticket below.  I will email you an invitation to sign up for the next recording when it is scheduled.  If you just want to tuned in as a listener, please go to Penang Hokkien Podcast YouTube channel and subscribe to it. Be sure to click on the bell icon, that will you will be notified when we go live.  On the day of recording, I will email you directly a link to join a Skype conversation. You will need Skype to join the recording. 

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Monster Jam

Cash, Visa, Mastercard, American Express, Discover Customers can pick up their tickets on the day of the show at the Will Call Window. Customers must have actual credit card, a picture ID, and their confirmation number. (304)345-7469 Monday - Friday: 10AM - 5PM Saturday - Sunday: Hours vary depending on events and onsales.

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Harry Styles - Love On Tour

Cash, card & cheque. The Arena Box Office is only open to personal callers when we have an event taking place at the Arena. Customers can book & collect their Arena tickets in person from the Sheffield City Hall Box Office, Barkers Pool, Sheffield, S1 2JA . Please see this link for the times - On the day the Arena is hosting an event the box office will open at 12noon and stay open until the main act is on stage. However, this will vary depending on the event, so please check the specific show page on the venue's website for running order details. (If the start time of the event is morning/early afternoon, the box office at the arena will usually open from 9am). Box Office number: 0114 256 55 66. Telephone hours: 9am – 6pm. On the day the Arena is hosting an event, the box office will open at 12noon and stay open until the main act is on stage, this will vary depending on the event so please check the specific show page for running order details. (If the start time of the event is morning/early afternoon, the venue will usually open from 9am). FlyDSA Arena is a purpose-built venue offering excellent facilities for visitors with special requirements. For more information, please click this link -

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题目:打造卓越和高价值幸福企业文化,共享丰盛富足人生简介:以利益为主和最大化的企业,很容易被贪婪所腐败,安然超级大企业的倒闭就是一个很好例子。幸福的企业是未来的趋势,它所强调的就是,以人的本分(君子立本)和德为核心思想和依据。这样的企业就家一样,企业的大家长要不停学习,要以身作则,带领大家根据能力和尽力的扮演各自的角色自制力是个人和企业恒久成功的基础更是幸福企业的基石。这是给公司老板和主管的幸福企业文化基础培训课程。内容主要从中华传统文化的智慧去奠定个人的本分,角色和正确的心态和习惯。课程特色☆轻松掌握中华传统文化核心价值和智慧,正能量,正确态度和心态作为个人自制力和幸福企业文化的重要元素。☆从真实个案,历史和故事学以致用,进而创造价值和影响力☆以身作则,以人/德为本,带领企业团通往幸福迈进。对象:公司的领导层和企业老板目标:(i) 让公司领导和老板学习幸福企业的核心价值,和大家长角色的扮演。(ii) 让公司领导和老板,调整正确的心态,态度和信念,以身作则带领公司团队,一同学习,提升,往共同目标前进。 建议人数:20-35 人日期:只是供参考,真实日期待洽商课程安排:只限企业内部培训安排时间:9am-5pm (一天课程) 内容: 1.    中华传统文化和幸福企业-中华传统文化的介绍-企业存在的意义-幸福企业是未来企业的趋势和榜样2.    尽本分和修德-德是一切财富,地位,名誉的根本-君子务本,本立而道生-孝和敬是做人的根本-领导和被领导的角色-君事臣以礼,臣事君以忠-能力,角色和责任的承担-企业就是一个家,家是讲爱的地方-修身,齐家,治国,平天下-君子予以义,小人予以利3.    诚实和自制能力-坚持正确和对的-自制能力-诚实4.    正确的心态和习惯-态度就是人生的高度-心量的大小决定成就的大小。-选择善良-给与的力量-正能量-吃亏就是占便宜-不去评论人家的是非 ☎️ 课程询问与报名,马上WhatsApp 019-5932539 或点击链接

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