FIRST TIME IN PHILIPINES (IN METRO MANILLA)Public Speaking Vacancy: Limited Space AvailableIt has been proven that in terms of people’s greatest fears, public speaking ranks higher than death. That effectively means that people would actually rather die than have to give a speech in public.But it doesn’t have to be like that. I have heard at least a few 100 times from people that how scared they are when it comes to public speaking or doing a presentation.So, The Mentor Online Australia has prepared a world-class public speaking course just for you, and we are only looking for few people who are hungry to learn and overcome their fear of public speaking and can earn a lot.In this tailored course you’ll receive the skills you need to ensure your presentation is the one people remember. You will learn to:* Understand it’s not just about content* Identify your objective* Create a clearly defined action* Structure the material so your audience can digest and act* Understand the wants and needs of the audience* Use your visual aids appropriately* Work on your body language, pace, and delivery* Know how to handle the awkward question from the audience* Starting and finishing as a pro.If you are eager to learn, you are just 1 CLICK AWAY.
Box office accepts all major credit cards
Will Call is open during regular Box Office Hours and 2 hours prior to curtain.
(480) 965-3434 - Gammage information and Charge By Phone (480) 965-6678 - Gammage Group Services
Box Office is open 10am-6pm Monday - Friday and event days. The Box Office will be closed on Fridays, during the summer months.
Venue is accessible to all patrons. Seats in accessible section are limited to one companion seat. THERE IS NO ACCESSIBLE SEATING AVAILABLE IN BALCONY OR TIER SECTIONS. PATRON MUST USE STAIRS TO GAIN ACCESS TO BALCONY OR TIER SEATING.
Training Integrated ISO 9001, 14001, OHSAS (Integrating QHSE Management System)
Training Integrating ISO - Kursus pelatihan yang sangat interaktif ini sangat ideal bagi mereka yang ingin mengembangkan keterampilan profesional mereka di bidang mutu atau kualitas, lingkungan, dan kesehatan dan keselamatan lingkungan kerja. Kualita Sinergimemberikan pemahaman mendalam tentang Sistem Manajemen Mutu (ISO 9001:2015), Sistem Manajemen Lingkungan (ISO 14001:2015), dan Sistem Manajemen Kesehatan dan Keselamatan Lingkungan Kerja (OHSAS 18001:2007). Model Pelatihan ini dirancang dengan baik untuk membantu Anda memahami persyaratan untuk suatu organisasi untuk menetapkan, menerapkan , memelihara , dan meningkatkan Kualitas, Lingkungan, dan Sistem Manajemen Kesehatan dan Keselamatan Lingkungan Kerja.
Obyek Pelatihan Training Integrasi ISO 9001, ISO 14001 dan OHSAS 18001 :Kursus ini dirancang untuk mengembangkan pemahaman yang lebih luas tentang kualitas, lingkungan, dan Sistem Manajemen Kesehatan dan Keselamatan Lingkungan Kerja model, persyaratan, dan implementasi.
Delegasi akan diberikan sertifikat , pengetahuan yang luas tentang kualitas, Lingkungan, dan Sistem Manajemen Kesehatan dan Keselamatan Lingkungan Kerja.
Konten Training Integrating QHSE Management System :
Memahami bimbingan dan penerapan ISO 9001, ISO 14001, OHSAS 18001.
Menjelaskan tujuan ISO 9001, ISO 14001, OHSAS 18001 dan manfaatnya bagi organisasi yang menggunakan standar.
Menguraikan konsep-konsep kunci dan pendekatan untuk Mutu , Lingkungan , dan Sistem Manajemen Kesehatan dan Keselamatan Lingkungan Kerja.
Menggambarkan , dengan mengacu pada Plan-Do — Check- Act siklus , struktur , ruang lingkup , dan tujuan ISO 9001 , ISO 14001 , OHSAS 18001.
Menguraikan definisi kunci dan terminologi ISO 9001 , ISO 14001 , OHSAS 18001
Secara singkat meringkas peraturan perundang-undangan yang relevan.
Mengidentifikasi sumber hukum dan informasi di Kualitas , Lingkungan , dan undang-undang pengelolaan kesehatan dan keselamatan lingkungan kerja.Menguraikan persyaratan utama dari ISO 9001 , ISO 14001 , OHSAS 18001.
Siapakah yang seharusnya mengikuti Training Integrated Quality, HSE Management System ini
Training Integrated Quality, HSE Management System ini amat berguna bagi profesional dibidang mutu atau kualitas, lingkungan, dan kesehatan dan keselamatan lingkungan kerja yang ingin mengembangkan keahlian auditnya. Khususnya bagi siapa saja yang bekerja dibidang mutu atau kualitas, lingkungan, dan kesehatan dan keselamatan lingkungan kerja pihak kedua dan pihak ketiga. Pelatihan ini juga sangat penting bagi praktisi yang serius mendalami dan bertanggung jawab terhadap rancangan, impelementasi dan tata kelola sistem manajemen mutu atau kualitas, lingkungan, dan kesehatan dan keselamatan lingkungan kerja yang harus memenuhi persyaratan ISO 9001, ISO 14001, OHSAS 18001.
Jika bapak/ibu tertarik untuk megadakan In House Training Integrating ISO ini, silahkan menghubungi Kami untuk mendapatkan informasi lengkap mengenai Training Integrating ISO.
Jadwal Pelatihan Tahun 2019
Jakarta, 3 – 4 Januari 2019
Jakarta, 6 – 7 Februari 2019
Jakarta, 12 – 13 Maret 2019
Jakarta, 16 – 17 April 2019
Jakarta, 2 – 3 Mei 2019
Jakarta, 26 – 27 Juni 2019
Jakarta, 2 – 3 Juli 2019
Jakarta, 1 – 2 Agustus 2019
Jakarta, 19 – 20 September 2019
Jakarta, 1 – 2 Oktober 2019
Jakarta, 6 – 7 November 2019
Jakarta, 19 – 20 Desember 2019
INFORMASI & REGISTRASIKUALITA SINERGIMobile Phone : 0812.2473.3304 (WA/SMS/TLP)Email : info@kualitasinergi.comWebsite :
Prêt Investissement. Prêt Personnel. Rachat Crédit. Prêt Auto-moto. Services: Crédit Personnel, Crédit Immobilier, Crédit Travaux. Crédit entre particuliers, CDD, Chômeur, Intérimaire, RSA, Retraite, Interdit Bancaire, Surendettement: des Solutions Existent pour obtenir un Prêt Rapide et sans frais!
A ceux à qui les banques ont refusé un crédit, à ceux qui ont une vision différente de l’emprunt, des solutions sont possibles pour obtenir un prêt avec rien de frais, comme le crédit entre particuliers. Pour les chômeurs qui cherchent à emprunter, pour ceux qui sont en CDD ou dans une situation d’intérimaire, au RSA, à la retraite, ou dans la difficile situation d’interdit bancaire ou de surendettement, il redevient possible d’emprunter de l’argent, sous certaines conditions et en répondant à certaines exigences, notamment de garanties de remboursement. Si vous pouvez répondre a cette condition, alors pourquoi ne pas prendre contact avec nous ! Crédit entre particuliers, CDD, Chômeur, Intérimaire, RSA, Retraite, Interdit Bancaire, Surendettement: des Solutions Existent si vous avez la capacité de rembourser et de respecter les engagements de votre demande.
C’est rapide : décision de financement sous 24h.
Accepted forms of payment are: VISA, MasterCard, Discover, American Express, and Cash.
Will Call is located at the main entrance of Simmons Bank Arena. Tickets held for Will Call can be picked up after 5:00pm or 2 hours prior to the event on the night of the show only. Customers must have their order number, picture ID and the actual credit card used to place the order.
Simmons Bank Arena Box Office: 501-975-9000 Group Sales: ALL OTHER GROUP INFORMATION: 501-975-9131
Monday - Friday 9:30AM - 5:30PM
This is an accessible venue.
Cash, AmEx, Visa, MC
Pick up tickets one hour prior to the show. Customers must present the actual credit card used to place the order and a photo ID.
(212) 221-1211
Monday - Saturday 10am - 8pm Sunday 12pm - 6pm
Cash, Visa, Mastercard
Located on Northwest side of the Coliseum in an outer ticket booth with a green Will Call sign. Opens 1 hour prior to event time.
(228) 594-3707 (228) 594-3708 GROUP SALES : (228) 287-7825 (MS Surge Hockey Office)
Mon-Fri 9:00AM to 5:00PM
This is an accessible venue. For Hearing Impaired Requests: The MS Coast Coliseum is equipped with a Hearing Assistance System. Upon arriving to the venue, guest will need to proceed to the main office, located in the south lobby, to obtain the receiver. They will need to bring their drivers license to secure the receiver, and when they are finished they will need to return the receiver to the main office to reclaim their drivers license. We recommend arriving as close to the doors opening as possible.
Members of the Sanibel-Captiva Art League are proud to present their 45th Annual Juried Art Show (“Exploration”) in concert with the Art Council of SW Florida. This eclectic, multi-media exhibit will occupy the Dunham Family Gallery of BIG ARTS at 900 Dunlop Rd. in Sanibel, from December 17, 2020, through January 31, 2021. Hours for viewing are Tu-F, 10-4pm, and Sundays, 9-1pm. The gallery show will also be available as a virtual exhibit starting December 21, 2020.
Each year, the Annual Juried Show features innovative art works with subjects both abstract and representational, covering themes both unusual and familiar. Working in a variety of media, including two- and three-dimensional pieces, some of the best artists in Florida have produced works to delight and intrigue the viewer. Plan to explore this exceptional exhibit of original art created by members of the San-Cap Art League and the Art Council of SW Florida.
Educator, writer, popular presenter, juror and artist Barbara Anderson Hill is the judge for this show. A resident of Sanibel during the 1970s and 80s, Hill was one of the founders of BIG ARTS. She owned and operated a pottery school on the island and was adjunct professor at Edison Community College, now Florida Southwestern. Hill has held numerous key positions at art and cultural institutions including grants and major gifts manager for the John and Mabel Ringling Museum of Art, Sarasota, and executive director of the Edison-Ford Winter Estates Foundation, Fort Myers.
For more information about “Exploration,” visit and