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Winter 2019 | GLO Leadership Training Summit at NTU

GLO's Mission 全球領袖組織的願景 Founded in 2012 at UC Berkeley, Global Leadership Organization is an international nonprofit dedicated to developing Social Transformative Leaders, individuals who take action on social issues they deeply care about. We believe that the world improves faster when leaders with the right skills and attitude assemble teams to tackle today’s most pressing issues. 全球領袖組織是一個國際非營利組織,在2012年創立於加州柏克萊大學,長年致力於教授領導方法和溝通技巧,培養「社會變革型領導人」。我們相信,只要有正確的態度與能力,每個人都能改變社會,達成夢想,並發揮超越個人的影響力。 What is the GLO Leadership Training Summit? 什麼是 GLO 領袖高峰會? GLO brings together those with a proven track record of service and leadership. We develop leaders at our two-day Leadership Training Summit, training working professionals and students through hands-on, interactive small group workshops on 4 key skills: 1) Project Management 2) Meeting Management 3) People Management 4) Communication & Public Speaking GLO 每年聚集在業界與校園具有社會服務與領導經歷的人才參與領袖高峰會,也邀請來自世界知名企業與名校的講師進行教學。因此,您能與具備熱情與能力的同儕一同學習,並與社會上的領導者進行交流。兩天的領袖高峰會能讓您的領導更有效率,使您在工作與校園中達成目標。 在領袖高峰會中,我們會訓練您四大領導技能: 專案管理、會議管理、人事管理及溝通與公開演說。課程全程以英文進行,有充分練習英文會話與演說的機會,提供青年發揮潛能,並在未來發揮改變世界的影響力。 Counselors 講師陣容 Why Attend? 為什麼要參加? 1) Look around you. What are you doing that nobody else is? Stand out with skills not taught by anyone and at school. Develop practical leadership skills that can you can apply right away in student organizations, nonprofits, and in the workplace. 學習在一般課堂上學不到的技能,在同儕中脫穎而出。發展能在校內社團 、非營利組織、及職場使用的實用領導技能。 2) Practice English public speaking skills to elevate your competitive advantage at school and in the workplace. 練習英語公共演講技巧,以提昇您在學校和職場上的競爭力。 3) Exchange ideas and network with counselors from top firms, such as Google, Apple, and Uber, as well as student leaders from UC Berkeley, Columbia University, and many more. 與業界專業人士(任職於 Google, Uber等等)及學生領袖(來自於加州大學柏克萊分校、哥倫比亞大學、賓州大學等)進行交流,拓展人際關係。 Application 如何報名 In addition to registering on Eventbrite, all applicants must complete this Google application form to be considered for the summit. You must submit the application form within 48 hours of Eventbrite registration. You will only be considered for the summit if you have registered on Eventbrite AND completed the application form. We will notify you of your application results via email within 2-3 weeks after the regular registration deadline.  Early-bird registrations are accepted until 11:59 PM (GMT + 8:00) on November 24th, 2019. Regular registrations are accepted until 11:59 PM (GMT + 8:00) on December 8th, 2019.  除了報名付款,請確定您已經完成填寫此報名表單。請注意,在付款與填寫報名表單兩項動作皆完成之前,不算報名成功。請在Eventbrite付款後48小時內填完報名表單。 早鳥報名時間於臺灣時間 11/24 晚上 11:59 截止。報名時間於臺灣時間 12/08 晚上 11:59 截止。 因為名額有限,我們會針對報名者進行篩選。報名後請耐心等待,我們會在報名截止日後的2-3週內寄發錄取通知。未被錄取者,我們會再退費給您。 Payment/Refund Policy 付款與退費說明 1) If your application is not accepted, you will receive a full refund. 若您未被錄取,我們將會全額退款給您。 2) Registrants may request a refund 1 month before the summit. Refund requests within 2 weeks of the summit would be provided only on a case by case basis. Please email with a thorough explanation if you'd like to request a refund. 報名者得於高峰會開始前一個月前要求退款。於高峰會開始兩個禮拜前提出退款要求要求將會以個別形式受理。如果您想申請退款,請發送電子郵件至 並提供詳細說明。 Meals, Housing, and Transportation 用餐、住宿、交通運輸 While we do not provide breakfast and dinner, we will provide lunch (included as part of your registration fee) on both days of the summit. While we do not provide housing and transportation, we will include a list of housing recommendations in an email to all accepted attendees. 雖然我們不提供早餐和晚餐,我們會提供兩天的午餐 (包括在您的註冊費中)。 雖然我們不提供住宿及交通運輸,我們會提供住宿建議。 Contact Info 聯絡資訊 Please don't hesitate to contact us at We look forward to seeing you at the summit! 如果有任何問題,請隨時透過 與我們聯繫。我們期待您蒞臨GLO領袖高峰會! Sponsors & Partners 贊助商及合作夥伴 Special thanks to all of our sponsors and partners for supporting us throughout the years!

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Hamilton (Touring)

Visa, MC, AMEX,DSC,Cash,Travelers Checks Will call 2 hours prior to curtain time. 10 am - 6 pm Monday - Friday (non-show days)

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New Orleans Saints vs. Jacksonville Jaguars

cash, visa, MC, Location: Gate A Ground Level or any open box office for Ticketmaster will call, approximately 2 hours prior to event. (504) 587-3663 Superdome Switchboard (504) 587-3805 Parking Office (504) 731-1700 Saints Tickets Office In Advance: The Caesars Superdome Box Office (Gate A Ground) is open on Fridays 9am to 4:30pm. Day of Event: Plaza Level Box Offices approximately 2 HOURS PRIOR to event through event. This is an accessible venue.

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Big Four Alumni - 四大老友会 入会申请 New Membership Application

Dear Sir / Madam 你无法想象一群人在办公桌前长期做到凌晨,不断地讨论,还可以欢快地聊天,大家朝着一个目标努力的那种执着是如此的珍贵。 加入“澳大利亚中国四大老友会”,结交知己、分享经验,齐迈进。 欢迎广大在澳大利亚生活的  曾任职 、  在职、及 intern  的  四大会计师事务所  中国背景同事参加。 We welcome you to join ACBF as an ordinary member if you wish.   Please fill in information following procedures after you click "register". The application is free of charge. By filling in such information, it serves as evidence of application and your consent to be a member of ACBF.  We will put you onto the Register of Members under Corporations Act 2001 and allocate a member number to you If you have any questions, please email to   Thanks and look forward to your involvement!   Regards Australia China Big Four Alumni (ACBF)

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Madrid (España) Certificación en el método LEGO® SERIOUS PLAY® para la facilitación en Equipos y Grupos

Certificación en el método LEGO® SERIOUS PLAY®para la facilitación en Equipos y Grupos Precios indicados en dólares canadienses. Precio reducido: 2.850 CAD ≈ 1.950 EUR Precio normal: 3.150 CAD ≈ 2.155 EUR  Requisitos previos: Inscripción abierta Este programa de certificación ha sido aprobado por la Global Federation of LSP Master Trainers. LEGO® SERIOUS PLAY® es un método facilitado e internacionalmente reconocido que provoca el compromiso de los participantes en forma de generación de ideas orientadas a la mejora de la organización. El método está basado en extensas investigaciones y estudios, y habilita a los equipos a enfrentar y gestionar situaciones complejas de una forma divertida y responsable al mismo tiempo. ¿A quien va dirigido? Facilitadores Formadores Educadores, investigadores, profesores universitarios Profesionales de Recursos Humanos Responsables de proyectos Formadores en Agile Consultores Profesionales de branding Estrategas Diseñadores Gestores del cambio Coaches Todos estos perfiles pueden aplicar esta metodología e implementar poderosos procesos a sus actuales competencias.  Adicionalmente, si trabajas en el campo de la investigación, las tecnologías de la información, eres coach ejecutivo, de equipos o coach de vida, o tienes responsabilidades de liderazgo en tu organización, esta metodología te ofrece enormes beneficios y se convierte en un perfecto complemento a tus técnicas y herramientas actuales. Resumen del Programa Día uno: Programa fundamental Aprenderás los conocimientos básicos de la metodología. Esta formación te introducirá en la herramienta LEGO® SERIOUS PLAY®. Sabrás como utilizar las diferentes herramientas incluyendo la teoría del flujo, el uso de normas para la configuración del campo de juego, etiqueta, trampas a evitar, y todo a lo largo de multitud de aplicaciones en diferentes escenarios que posibilitarán la conexión mano-cerebro. La teoría se funde con la práctica. Día dos: Equipos y Grupos El segundo día mueve a los participantes hacia dentro y hacia fuera del proceso a la vez que se explora la identidad individual y se interioriza la idea sobre cómo esta herramienta se puede personalizar para todo tipo de talleres o procesos, incluidos los talleres en equipo. Día tres: Paisaje y Desarrollo de Sistemas para Equipos y Grupos El tercer día del programa te permitirá entender cómo utilizar LEGO® SERIOUS PLAY® con kits de identidad y paisaje para la recreación de modelos 3D que ilustren entornos complejos en los que elementos como equipos y proyectos, así como otros sistemas asociados, interactúan conformando entornos sobre los que “jugar” en tiempo real. Tu programa incluye: Manual y kit de piezas para comenzar a diseñar y desarrollar talleres ¡ya!. Certificación formativa acreditada por un Strategic Play® Master Trainer en metodologías y materiales LEGO® SERIOUS PLAY®. Opción de ser incluido y registrado en la lista mundial de facilitadores certificados LSP. Almuerzos y snacks/coffee breaks en sala o próximos para aprovechar mejor tu tiempo. Estrategia de comunicación sobre ideas y herramientas para que puedas desarrollar tu práctica e iniciar tus talleres. Orientación profesional para poder comenzar a incursionar en el mercado como facilitador con las máximas garantías. Info: E-mail: Teléfono/Whatsapp: +(34) 636 012 333 Our group is named "Best in Class" at Procter and Gamble.

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Hamilton (NY)

Cash, AmEx, Visa, MC Pick up tickets one hour prior to the show. Customers must present the actual credit card used to place the order and a photo ID. (212) 221-1211 Monday - Saturday 10am - 8pm Sunday 12pm - 6pm

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Washington Wizards vs. Brooklyn Nets

Cash, Visa, MasterCard, American Express, Discover Will Call tickets can be picked up anytime the Box Office is open, thru event start time. Customers must present the actual credit card used to place the order and a valid photo ID. General Information... 202-628-3200 Accessible Seating Only.. 202-661-5065 Hours ... 10:00AM - 5:30PM Daily Event Days 10:00AM TO 1 Hour after the event starts. ** The Box Office is closed on non-event Sundays. ** To better accommodate your needs, Capital One Arena has requested that all accessible seating ticket accommodations be solicited only through their representatives. Please contact a Capital One Arena representative for further help with your ticket purchase.* Advance ticket purchase may be required. * Box office information is subject to change.

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Fall Exhibits @ Art Works!

It’s a new season and our 17th anniversary! We're featuring the All Media art show. We invite artists to submit their artwork, any medium, and any topic. A rich variety of art is selected for display and for sale in the main gallery. And three solo shows are on display: Estamos en Mexico: A retrospective in Black and White by Tod Ramey Muse: Abstract Paintings by Glenda M. Creamer Horizons by Susan Crook. Visit Tuesdays - Sundays 12 - 6 pm through October 17th, 2020. Admission is free and open to the public. See you at the gallery!

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