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Corso BUSINESS COACHING - Protocolli

"Il segreto negli affari è conoscere qualcosa che nessun altro sa."Aristotele Onassis Il Coaching trova una delle sue più naturali applicazione nel mondo aziendale: il Business Coaching appunto. Ma per applicarlo in ambito aziendale serve conoscere la complessità e le dinamiche delle organizzazioni, le resistenze al cambiamento organizzativo e acquisire l’abilità di “giocare” su più fronti e con più “giocatori” contemporaneamente. Studieremo il Business Coaching a doppio focus, in cui c’è una committenza diversa dal Coachee, e i protocolli d’intervento utili a soddisfare tutti gli stakeholder coinvolti nel processo di sviluppo. Approfondiremo i protocolli, rigorosi ma rigidi, del Coaching applicato al mondo del Business, in tutte le sue molteplici  variabili. Apprenderemo come supportare lo sviluppo delle varie realtà organizzative attraverso lo sviluppo e il miglioramento dei suoi professionisti. Scopriremo l’applicazione del Business Coaching allo sviluppo e alla valorizzazione delle Risorse Umane interne ad un’azienda e le sue applicazioni nel mondo del Talent Management & Development. Verranno analizzati casi aziendali risolti con il Coaching e verranno forniti materiali e strumenti tecnici immediatamente spendibili in ambito aziendale. Questo corso è il primo con una formula unica: due giornate d’aula esperienziale, una terza giornata in AZIENDA, con sessioni reali di Business Coaching e un Project Work da sviluppare nei due mesi successivi, fino al corso Business Coaching - Tecniche. Tanta pratica da cui poter imparare sul campo…   "Il Coach ti dice cosa non vorresti sentirti dire e ti fa vedere cosa non vorresti vedere, per farti arrivare dove vuoi arrivare e farti diventare chi vuoi essere."FYM Scarica la Brochure del corso: Il corso "Business Coaching" è parte della SCUOLA di BUSINESS COACHING FYM.

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Hamilton (Touring)

The Box Office accepts Visa, Mastercard, Discover, and cash. Will Call tickets can be picked up 90 minutes prior to the event at the street level lobby. Customers must present the actual credit card, a picture ID and the confirmation number. (501) 244-8800 Celebrity Attractions Box Office hours 426 W Markham (Broadway & Markham) Monday – Friday 9:30 to 5:30 Walk-up sales Monday – Friday 9:30 – 4:30 Phones This is an accessible venue.

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ICACH 2020: 14. International Conference on Adult Care and Healthcare

The International Research Conference Aims and Objectives

The International Research Conference is a federated organization dedicated to bringing together a significant number of diverse scholarly events for presentation within the conference program. Events will run over a span of time during the conference depending on the number and length of the presentations. With its high quality, it provides an exceptional value for students, academics and industry researchers.

ICACH 2020: 14. International Conference on Adult Care and Healthcare aims to bring together leading academic scientists, researchers and research scholars to exchange and share their experiences and research results on all aspects of Adult Care and Healthcare. It also provides a premier interdisciplinary platform for researchers, practitioners and educators to present and discuss the most recent innovations, trends, and concerns as well as practical challenges encountered and solutions adopted in the fields of Adult Care and Healthcare

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Disney On Ice presents Find Your Hero

Cash, Visa, Mastercard, Discover, American Express. Will Call windows open 90 minutes prior to the event and will remain open through the second period for Minnesota Wild games. Will Call is located in the main lobby of Gate 1 at Xcel Energy Center. Tickets are released only to the person whose name appears on the Ticketmaster account or will call envelope. No one will be given tickets designated for another person. Proper photo identification is required, and purchasing credit card, if applicable. A signature from the person authorized to pick up the tickets will be obtained at the time of pick up. Box office phone: (651) 726-8240 Minnesota Wild group sales: (651) 222-WILD Group sales for other events: 651-312-3486 Box office fax: (651) 726-8246 Internet web site: Internet e-mail: Regular Box Office Hours (September - April) Monday - Saturday: 10:00 AM - 6:00 PM Sunday: Closed, except for events (opens 4 hours prior to the event start time) and on sales (open for on sale time only) Summer Box Office Hours (May - August) Monday - Friday: 10:00 AM - 6:00 PM Saturday & Sunday: Closed, except for events (opens 4 hours prior to the event start time) and on sales (open for on sale time only) Based on the Xcel Energy Center event schedule, closing times may be extended. The box office may be closed on holidays. Accommodations include accessible parking and drop-off areas, elevators, escalators, wheelchair accessible seating with excellent sightlines, accessible restrooms. ASL interpreters are provided upon advance request. Assisted listening devices are available, as well as Braille and large print programs upon request. There is elevator access to every level of the arena.

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Monster Jam

The box office accepts CASH, VISA, MC, DISCOVER and AMERICAN EXPRESS. Will Call tickets are available for pick up starting 2 hours prior to show time. (419) 321-5007 Box office hours are: Mon-Fri 10am-5:30 pm Sat and Sun Closed (open only if there is an event)

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(Free MP3) Support for Teens Experiencing Depression | Mas Sajady Public Service Program

MAS SAJADY FREE EVENTS (Online) Mas Sajady Public Service ProgramSupport for Teens Experiencing DepressionYou may listen for yourself, or on behalf of a loved one. (Frequency infused MP3 replay details included with registration.) The frequencies of depression can dampen the brightest of spirits. For many teens, depression’s dark tentacles take root, clouding the richness of life’s experiences and draining precious energy. If you know of a teen who is hindered by depression’s heavy shackles, join Mas Sajady in this liberating free program in which he will work at the core frequency level to:- lift the debilitating burden of depression- provide a fresh, clear perspective with which to view life’s endless possibilities- invite the spirit to know and embrace its true exquisite nature- rekindle the energy, enthusiasm and passion to embrace new experiences- introduce a life path of ease and effortless abundanceFor this Medihealing®, those suffering from depression need not be present. You may “pull in” another by thinking of them during the meditation and then letting the thought go. Provided their spirit is willing to receive, they will benefit from the transformative effects as if they were present. The medihealing can also be played on a loop quietly in the background for maximum effect.Because of a strong occurrence of youth depression in the area, this powerful medihealing will be held live in Portland to address the city’s youth. Mas will tap in and tailor the program as necessary to best address the specific needs of the group.    _______________________ By registering for any of our events/products/services, you confirm you have reviewed and agreed to our Disclaimer, Legal Liability Waiver and Cancellation Policy.

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