Lifestyle Music Festival April 8th-11th and 15th 18th will be the Biggest Music Festival in Wesley Chapel. Over 12 live Bands, Axe Throwing, inflatables, Battle of the Bands. Drum off, Full carnival with over 14 rides and games, Food trucks, Craft vendors and more!
The Breakthrough Music Summit is for any artist that wants to have ultimate breakthrough in their career.This career & life changing event with former A&R Director, music industry success coach, and music business strategist will not only be a roadmap to further your career but in one night you will be able to break through the limiting beliefs and habits that have caused roadblocks in you achieving ultimate success in the music industry that you desire and deserve.This event is only available to the 20 artists that want to have breakthrough in their career. This won't be another boring conference or lecture. This is going to be a hands on meeting with the premier music business success and strategist coach Matthew Rix!
Matthew Rix introduction video on the Breakthrough Summit
Matthew Rix has spent 20 years in the music industry in various job titles including being a senior A&R director, an A&R consultant, and regional promotions coordinator and for the past few years Matthew is the "go to" guy for artists. He's been called on to assist artist in the studio that are dealing with creative blocks (songwriting, artistic direction), negotiated record deals and his music business audio series "Mattrix Minute" had over 8.4 million sales and streams in 2014 alone from 38 different nations. Matthew's purpose with this event is taking your career from good to outstanding.This is for artists that want to find out how to take their career to the next level, whichever area that might be and receive the tools to achieve it.Each attendee will receive the following:*Entry into The Breakthrough Music Summit*Free copy of the soon to be released "7 Tips for unprecedented success" by Matthew Rix*One song submission to be featured on a special Mattrix Mixtape event compilation (And you get paid for every sale and stream on this compilation)*A private coach that will do follow up with you and help you with your compilation success.If you're ready for breakthrough then this summit is for you!
Cash; Check up to $100.00 w/Mass. Driver License; AMEX; Visa; MC; Discover; Diners Club
Pick up tickets starting 2 hours prior to event time. Customer must present the actual credit card used to place order and a photo I.D.
General Info Number:(617) 624-1000 Group Sales (only!): (617) 624-1805/1806 Bruins (617) 624-BEAR (Groups = 25+) Celtics (617) 523-3030 (Groups = 20+) Please do not contact Group Sales regarding sold out games!
TD Garden - Boston | Tickets, Schedule, Seating Chart, Directions ( The box office will open 2 hours prior to an event and remain open until one hour after the event begins. Please note the TD Garden Box Office does not sell tickets at the public on sale. All tickets should be purchased via *Hours subject to change
This is an accessible venue.
Course Topics:
The ITIL Managing Across the Lifecycle Certificate (MALC) is the final component that leads to the ITIL Expert in IT Service Management qualification. This Course is available as a 2-day Blended training Course (and it is also available through the ITpreneurs Expert Program).
The Managing Across the Lifecycle Course builds on the knowledge and experience that learners obtained in the Intermediate Courses. Learners are required to apply this knowledge, as well as the experience they have obtained performing service Management functions. There are five strategic assignments developed around the Royal Phraya Hotel chain. This hotel is also featured in all other ITpreneurs ITIL Courses. However, in the new Course, the chain has expanded their business to other countries around the globe. The scenarios build upon each other, which mean that, as in real life, if you make mistakes at the beginning, it will come back to you later. Each of the scenarios covers multiple Learning Objectives from the MALC syllabus. Additionally, the entire syllabus is fully covered in the Course. Learners, who are performing well in this advanced training program, will do well in the final MALC exam.
The Royal Phraya has just conducted an acquisition and learners have to assist Management in the integration. When doing so, they will be asked to analyze and apply ITIL concepts and apply these to the situation (Bloom Level 4); and synthesize and evaluate information to create a meaningful result for the hotel (Bloom Level 5). Learners work in small teams, or operate individually, and when working in teams their team roles rotate. Each team member must lead at least one strategic assignment. During the Course, the instructor plays the role of the technology manager of the Royal Phraya Hotel chain.
ITpreneurs delivers a next generation Learning experience with the MALC training program. This program will test your readiness to become an ITIL Expert, and will guide you through the Process to make sure that you understand your growth areas, as well as the areas in which you excel.
Course Topics:
● Unit 1. Introduction Managing Services Across Lifecycle
● Unit 2. Strategic Assesment
● Unit 3. Organizational Challenges, Critical Success Factors and Risks
● Unit 4. ITSM Implementation Plan
● Unit 5. Business Case
● Unit 6. Managing Strategic Change
● Exam Preparation
Learning Goals:
● Key concepts of the service lifecycle
● Communication and stakeholder Management
● Integrating service Management Processes across the service lifecycle
● Managing services across the service lifecycle
● Governance and organization
● Measurement
● Implementing and improving service Management capability
● Preparing for MALC examination, including mock examination opportunity
Course Agenda:
● Pre-Class Reading and Preparation
● Kick-off conference call
● -Instructor outlines expectations
● Unit 1. Introduction Managing Services Across Lifecycle
● -self study eLearning
● -self Assesment quizzes
● Unit 2. Strategic Assesment
● -scenario review
● -individual assignment
● -send response to instructor
● Unit 3. Organizational Challenges, Critical Success Factors and Risks
● -scenario review
● -individual assignment
● -send response to instructor
● Unit 4. ITSM Implementation Plan
● -scenario review
● -individual assignment
● -send response to instructor
Day 1 – Highly Interactive Classroom Learning
● Group Discussion and
● Review of assignments for Unit 2, 3, and 4
● Feedback provided by Instructor on Unit 2, 3, and 4
● Unit 5. Business Case
● Briefing on assignment
● Group work
● Presentation of results
Day 2 – Highly Interactive Classroom Learning
● Unit 5. Business Case
● Review of the results
● Unit 6. Managing Strategic Change
● Briefing on assignment
● Group work
● Unit 6. Managing Strategic Change
● Presentation of results
● Review of the results
● Discuss Case Study
● Post-Class Reading and
● Exam Preparation
● Exam Preparation
● Review of eLearning material
● Exam preparation
Who can Attend?
The Managing Across the Lifecycle Course will be of interest to:
● Chief Information Officers
● Senior IT Managers
● IT Managers
● Supervisors
● IT Professionals
● IT Operations Practitioners
● IT Development Practitioners
● Individuals who require a business and Management level understanding of the ITIL service lifecycle and how it may be implemented to enhance the quality of IT service provision within an organization.
● Individuals seeking the ITIL Expert in IT Service Management certificate, for which this qualification is the final mandatory module.
● Individuals seeking progress towards the ITIL Master in IT Service Management, for which the ITIL Expert in IT Service Management certificate is a prerequisite.
Cash, AmEx, Visa, MC
Pick up tickets one hour prior to the show. Customers must present the actual credit card used to place the order and a photo ID.
(212) 221-1211
Monday - Saturday 10am - 8pm Sunday 12pm - 6pm
Kurstermin: Pfingstferien: 12.06.2019 bis 14.06.2019 jeweils von 13:30 bis 16:30 UhrOsterferien 2020: 06.04.2020 bis 08.04.2020 jeweils von 14:00 bis 17:00 Uhr
Du willst wissen, was einen Computer zum Laufen bringt? Was in Deinem Smartphone steckt, Du aber nicht anfassen kannst? Woher Roboter wissen, was sie tun sollen?Wenn Dich diese Fragen neugierig machen, dann ist das Coding Camp im FabLab genau das richtige für Dich - denn hier erfährst Du, wie man Rechnern Befehle gibt und Programme zum Laufen bringt.
Weil Computer nur sehr einfache Befehle verstehen, ist die Aufgabe herausfordernder als man vielleicht denkt. Deshalb fangen wir möglichst einfach an. Im Laufe der Kurstage programmieren wir einfache, textbasierte Computerspiele wie Galgenraten, Mastermind oder Tic-Tac-Toe. An jedem der drei Termine werden wir anhand eines Spiels Grundlagen der Programmierung erlernen.
Wir arbeiten dabei mit der Programmiersprache Python auf Raspberry Pi Computern. Diese sind zwar nicht größer als ein Päckchen Spielkarten, bringen aber alles mit, was man zum Programmieren braucht. Jede/r nimmt am Ende des Kurses seinen/ihren Minirechner mit nach Hause und kann dort weiter herumexperimentieren und weitere Spiele oder andere Programme entwickeln. In den Kurspausen werden wir Gehäuse für die Raspberrys entwerfen, mit Lasercuttern ausschneiden und gravieren und zusammenbauen.
Kursort sind die Bildungsräume des FabLabs im Gewerbehof Westend, Gollierstraße 70, Eingang D, Erdgeschoß, 80339 München.
Das Coding Camp ist auf 10- bis 14-jährige Anfänger/innen ausgerichtet, die bisher noch nicht programmiert haben. Voraussetzungen sind geübter Umgang mit Tastatur und Maus. Um bestmögliche Betreuung zu gewährleisten, ist die Teilnehmerzahl auf maximal sechs Kinder beschränkt.
In den Kursgebühren sind bereits Materialkosten in Höhe von 60,- EUR enthalten. Hierfür erhält jede/r Teilnehmer/in:
einen Raspberry Pi 3 Mini-Computer, inkl. Kühlkörper und geeigneter Stromversorgung
eine SD-Karte mit eingerichtetem Betriebssystem und Programmierumgebung; diese wird bereits während des Kurses von den Teilnehmern genutzt, so dass zu Hause mit den eigenen Kursergebnissen weitergearbeitet werden kann
ein Gehäuse, das wir mit den Möglichkeiten des FabLabs in den Kurspausen anfertigen und individuell mit Gravuren gestalten
Um den Raspberry Pi im Anschluss an den Kurs zu Hause weiter betreiben zu können, werden noch folgende Dinge benötigt, die nicht in den Materialkosten enthalten sind:
USB Maus und Tastatur
HDMI Kabel
Monitor, oder alternativ TV mit HDMI-Eingang
Falls der Rechner Teil eines kabelgebundenen Netzwerks werden soll, wird ein Ethernet-Kabel benötigt. Der Raspberry Pi ist grundsätzlich auch WLAN-tauglich, sollte dabei aber nicht zu weit vom Accesspoint/Router stehen.
Bitte beachte:im Normalfall finden all unsere Kurse und Workshops auch so statt, wie hier angegeben. Es kann in Ausnahmefällen aber vorkommen, dass es Änderungen gibt oder die Mindest-Teilnehmerzahl nicht erreicht wird. In diesem Fall werden wir Dich über die hier hinterlegte Email-Adresse informieren.Unsere Seminarräume befinden sich im Gewerbehof Westend, Gollierstraße 70D. Der Zugang erfolgt über den Hinterhof.
The Box Office accepts Visa, Mastercard, Discover & American Express.
(816) 920-9400
The Box Office hours are as follows: Monday through Friday - 8:30AM to 5PM Saturday (during Chiefs season) - 9AM to 1 PM - Home Game weekends only Saturday and Sunday - Closed