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Tennessee Titans vs. Los Angeles Chargers

Visa, MasterCard, American Express, Discover & Cash. Will Call begins 2 1/2 hours prior to event. 615-565-4200. Fax is 615-565-4212. For CMA Festival Info, please call 1-800-CMAFEST 8:30AM - 5:00PM Monday - Friday. This is an accessible venue: All Patrons in Wheelchairs Must Purchase Accessible Seating. For CMA Music Festival: Please contact CMA at 800-262-3378 for accessible seats.

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Public Speaking Training Course

Speaking in public consistently ranks as one of people's greatest fears, however by attending our professional training course you CAN become an effective public speaker or presenter. This 1-day Public Speaking training course will prepare you for delivering live presentations by teaching you skills like how to overcome nervousness, how to boost your confidence, how to read your audience, using icebreakers, how to best interact with questions or interruptions and much more. The PD Training Public Speaking course also provides you with valuable presentation skills, including in-depth information on developing an engaging program and delivering professional presentations with confidence and flow. This engaging and surprisingly fun training course is available now in Brisbane, Sydney, Parramatta, Melbourne, Adelaide, Canberra and Perth. Please click on the Public Class tab below to view our Public Speaking Training course schedule by city or click the In-House Training tab to receive a free quote for courses delivered at your preferred location. Learning Outcomes By the end of this course, participants will be able to:   Analyse an audience and tailor the delivery accordingly Design presentations for maximum impact Expand on key points to ensure clarity Inspect the proposed venue Master techniques to overcome nervousness and present with confidence Practice techniques that ensure clear, concise and effective wording is used Deliver a polished, professional and credible speech Handle questions and comments effectively Course Outline Public Speaking Training Course - Lesson 1 Identifying your Audience  Performing a needs analysis Creating an audience profile Identifying key questions and concerns Public Speaking Training Course - Lesson 2 Creating a Basic Outline  Outlining the subject Listing the topics to be covered Identifying the best delivery methods Public Speaking Training Course - Lesson 3 Organising the Program  Making organisation easy Organisational methods Classifying and categorising Public Speaking Training Course - Lesson 4 Fleshing it Out  Identifying appropriate sources Establishing credibility The importance of citations Public Speaking Training Course - Lesson 5 Putting it all Together  Writing your presentation Adding a Plan B Reviewing, editing and Re-writing Public Speaking Training Course - Lesson 6 Being Prepared  Checking out the venue Gathering materials A 24 Hour checklist Public Speaking Training Course - Lesson 7 Overcoming Nervousness  A word from the boss Preparing mentally Physical relaxation techniques Appearing confident in front of the crowd Public Speaking Training Course - Lesson 8 Delivering your Speech - Part One  Starting off on the right foot Using visual aids Checking the volume of your voice Public Speaking Training Course - Lesson 9 Delivering your Speech - Part Two  Adjusting on the Fly Gauging whether breaks are Required Wrapping up and Winding Down Public Speaking Training Course - Lesson 10 Questions and Answers  Ground rules Answering questions that sound like an attack Dealing with complex questions

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Curso intensivo Teatro para Principiantes en Madrid. ¡Un regalo original!

Curso intensivo de Teatro e Improvisación para Principiantes en Madrid: ¡el regalo más original para ti o tus amigos! Hacer teatro es jugar, divertirse, improvisar, reír, dejarse llevar, sentir, expresar, crear, escuchar, descubrir, desinhibirse, despertar, sorprenderse, imaginar, innovar, conocerte, desconectar, soltarse, confiar, compartir, disfrutar y pasártelo en grande. Una experiencia enriquecedora e imprescindible que te mereces… Dirigido a todos aquellos interesados en realizar un primer acercamiento a la actividad teatral. En un ambiente puro de diversión y entretenimiento, este curso invita a los participantes a una búsqueda grupal y personal, ya que la expresión teatral enriquece y complementa la formación integral de las personas. No es necesaria experiencia previa. No perseguimos objetivos profesionales. No hay edad ni fronteras, hacer teatro es una auténtica terapia de risas e imaginación. Contenidos: • Ejercicios de expresión, comunicación y creatividad. • Técnicas de interpretación, expresión corporal y expresión vocal. • Juego Dramático e Improvisación. Recuerda: • Deberás traer ropa cómoda, tipo chándal o cualquier otra prenda que permita realizar las actividades sin condicionamientos. El centro cuenta con servicios para quienes prefieran cambiarse de ropa previo al comienzo de la actividad. • Una vez hecha tu reserva, ponte en contacto con el centro con antelación para confirmar la cita. Una vez confirmada, preséntate el mismo día de la actividad, 5 minutos antes, con el e-mail de confirmación de la reserva impreso para que se puedan comprobar los datos de tu pedido. • Esta actividad es sólo apta para mayores de 18 años. • Esta actividad requiere un mínimo de asistentes. En caso de no alcanzarse, te avisaríamos con antelación. • En los casos de suspensión por parte del centro o de no coincidir en el caso de una postergación de fecha, se devolverá el 100% del importe abonado. • Los cursos tienen un cupo limitado. • Si no te presentas a la cita, perderás tu reserva sin posibilidad de realizar la actividad otro día. • No se admiten cambios ni devoluciones. • Duración: 3 horas. Contacta con Estudio Teatro Madrid: 670 483 938 / 911 107 575 o

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The Effective Audit and Risk Committee (Manchester)

In this award-winning half day workshop, delegates will gain a detailed understanding of the roles and responsibilities of the Audit and Risk Committee and practical guidance on the critical success factors that will determine whether or not an Audit and Risk Committee is successful.The programme covers: • The fundamental roles and responsibilities of an Audit and Risk Committee • The Audit and Risk Committee’s role in relation to risk management and setting risk appetite • Relationships between the Committee and Internal and External Audit, the Board, Chief Executive and Director of Finance • Case studies of major governance failure (and how an effective Audit and Risk Committee could have prevented it) • How the Committee and Committee members can really add value • How to undertake a review of Audit and Risk Committee effectiveness

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Force Music Conference & A&R Artist Showcase

REGAIN THE FORCE IN YOUR MUSIC CAREER. LIVE SHOWCASES AND PANELS W/SIGNED ARTIST, PUBLICITY AGENCIES, RADIO PROMOTERS, MANAGERS AND A POWERFUL KEYNOTE ADDRESSES BY A FORMER A&R DIRECTOR AND NIECE TO A CIVIL RIGHTS LEADER. Schedule: FRIDAY: REGISTRATION: 4-5:30PM: RED CARPET MIXER: 5:30-6:45PM WELCOME MESSAGE: 7PM SHOWCASE ONE: 7:15 -7:45PM KEYNOTE ADDRESS ON RADIO: 7:45 - 8:15PM SHOWCASE TWO: 8:15 -8:45PM KEYNOTE ADDRESS: 8:45 -9:30PM SHOWCASE THREE: 9:30 -10:10PM COMEDY SHOW: 10:30 - 11PM SATURDAY: SHOWCASE FOUR: 10 - 10:30AM PANEL ON PUBLICITY: 10:30 - 11:10AM SHOWCASE FIVE: 11:10 - 11:30AM PANEL ON BEING INDEPENDENT: 11:40AM -12:20PM PANEL ON RADIO AIRPLAY: 12:50 - 1:30PM SHOWCASE SIX: 1:30 - 2PM PANEL ON TOURING: 2 -2:45PM SHOWCASE SEVEN: 3:05 -3:55PM PANEL ON THE MUSIC BUSINESS: 4:05 - 4:50PM SHOWCASE EIGHT: 4:50 - 5:20PM DINNER BREAK: 5:20 - 7PM VIP RECEPTION: 5:30 - 6:30PM KEYNOTE ADDRESS: 7:05 -7:45PM SHOWCASE NINE: 7:50 -8:20PM KEYNOTE INTRODUCTION: 8:20 - 8:30PM MAIN KEYNOTE ADDRESS: 8:30 -9:45PM SHOWCASE WINNER PERFORMANCE: 9:45 -10PM Confirmed Speakers (Full line up of Speakers and Panelist announced on September 30th) Matthew Rix is a former A&R Director, Music business success coach & host of the 8 million sale and stream music business series "Mattrix Minute". Alveda King is an Author, Speaker, Activist and niece of Dr. Martin Luther King, Jr. 

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