Cash, American Express, Mastercard, & Visa.
Will Call is located at the Box Office.
Box Office Telephone: 323-468-1770
The Pantages Box Office opens daily at 10am. NO ONE UNDER THE AGE OF 5 ADMITTED
There is no elevator in the Pantages Theatre. Disabled seating is reserved for the exclusive use of the disabled patron and their companion. The purchase or use of disabled seating locations by non-disabled individuals is strictly prohibited and may result in ejection and/or forfeiture of the ticket price.
Die DeafIT Konferenz ist eine barrierefreie Bildungs- und Informationsveranstaltung für hörbehinderte und hörende IT-Fachleute mit dem Schwerpunkt Informationstechnologie (IT). Die Konferenz ist in Gebärden-, Schrift- und Lautsprache für jeden zugänglich.
Die Themen sind vielfältig von Administration, Entwicklung, Online Marketing bis zu Management. Bei dieser Konferenz werden voraussichtlich folgende Themen "Kubernetes, Robotergesteuerte Prozessautomatisierung und Design System" dargestellt.
Warum gibt es die DeafIT Konferenz?
Die regelmäßige in Deutschland stattfindende IT-Fachkonferenz ist die einzige Veranstaltung im deutschsprachigen Raum dieser Art und bietet ein vielfältiges Programm mit einem breiten Spektrum an professionellen Vorträgen und Workshops rund um die Informationstechnologie an.
Neben vielen Fachvorträgen zu aktuellen IT-Themen mit Schwerpunkt auf die Belange Hörbehinderter verfolgt die DeafIT Konferenz in Deutschland primär das Ziel, eine inklusive Netzwerk-Plattform für Gehörlose, Schwerhörige, CI-Träger, Ertaubte und Hörende zu schaffen, um dort sowohl die Weiterbildung als auch den aktiven Austausch der beruflichen Erfahrungen und Kompetenzen und damit das Networking in der IT-Branche zu erweitern und fördern.
Daraus erschließt sich auch das Motto: „Focus on excellent Network“.
Woher kommen die Teilnehmer?
Die Teilnehmer kommen nicht nur aus den deutschsprachigen Ländern (DACH-Region), sondern sogar aus der ganzen Welt. Jeder Einzelne trägt dazu bei, untereinander das Gemeinschaftsgefühl zu stärken, sich fachmännisch auszutauschen und den Wissenshorizont zu erweitern.
Wir setzen auf eine barrierefreie Veranstaltung
Alle Teilnehmer, egal ob Taub, Schwerhörig, CI-Tragend, Hörend, Jung oder Alt, sollen gemeinsam Spaß an der Weiterbildung haben, sich austauschen können und sowohl Empowerment, als auch Diversity für höhere berufliche Ziele erfahren.
Die DeafIT Konferenz wird in Gebärden-, Schrift- und Lautsprache durchgeführt. Alle drei Sprachformen werden simultan umgesetzt.
Wer ist dabei?
Du kannst erwarten, hier IT-Experten anzutreffen, sei es Developer, Software Architect, Designer, Mediadesigner, IT Consultants, Administratoren, etc. bis hin zu Project Manager.
Wie werde ich Sponsor?
Willst du Sponsor werden? Du kannst auf unsere Seite gehen: nimm' hier Kontakt mit uns auf
Hinweis für die Teilnehmer
Mit dem Kauf eines Tickets über den grünen Button "Tickets" erklärst du dich mit den Teilnahmebedingungen der DeafIT Konferenz 2020 einverstanden.
1) Wie kann ich mich bei Fragen an den Veranstalter wenden?
Wenn Du Fragen zur Veranstaltung hast, schreib' uns unter eine Email
2) Sind Rückerstattungen möglich?
Ja.Bitte eine Email an senden und hierbei die Begründung in ausführlicher Form schreiben.
Achte hierbei bitte darauf, dass Rückerstattungen nur bis 30 Tage vor Veranstaltungsbeginn möglich sind.Nachher besteht keine Möglichkeit mehr.
3) Muss ich das ausgedruckte Ticket mitbringen?
Ja, du kannst uns dein Ticket auch über dein Handy mit QR-Code zeigen.Mit der Vorlage des Tickets wird sichergestellt, dass du bei unserer Konferenz registriert bist und unsere Konferenz betreten darfst.
4) Ist meine Registrierungsgebühr/mein Ticket übertragbar?
Nein, leider nicht.
This programme has been designed to build on key areas from the Developing Your Leadership course to support you during the next stage of your leadership journey.
It is an ideal opportunity to strengthen your network within the third sector whilst you develop your approach to change management and confidently lead your team, project and organisation.
Through a range of tools and techniques, you will explore the challenges of being a leader as well as a manager. This will include the value of setting goals, delegation and effective communication in a ‘high support-high challenge’ learning environment.
For emerging and established leaders, this course will explore your own leadership style in more depth and help you to tailor and strengthen your overall approach to leadership.
Attendees must have completed the Developing Your Leadership course within the last three years.
During this programme you will:
Explore approaches to communicating vision, strategy and direction across the team and your wider stakeholders
Strengthen your approach in motivating, inspiring and empowering your staff or team
Develop your skills in facilitation, active listening and effective questioning through participation in Action Learning Sets
Strengthen your coaching skills to support your colleagues and team members
Programme Details
Module 1: 19 & 26 February 2020
Module 2: 18 & 25 March 2020
Module 3: 22 April 2020
Scottish Museums £150
Third sector/charities £250
Private and public sector £350
This extension programme leads to a further optional qualification by the City & Guilds Group through the ILM, entitled Certificate in Leadership (SCQF Level 9/ILM Level 5). An additional fee of £143 applies.
The United Center Box Office accepts Cash, Visa, MasterCard, American Express and Discover Card.
Tickets held at Will Call can be picked up beginning 90 minutes prior to the start of the actual event. E-TICKET /PRINT AT HOME & MOBILE TICKETING If you chose Print-at-Home as your delivery method, your tickets will be sent to the email address used at the time of purchase in the form of a .pdf and must be printed on paper in advance for entry. Print at Home tickets cannot scanned at the venue from a mobile device. Choosing mobile entry allows the convenience of using your smartphone as your game ticket. You no longer need to bring your physical tickets to the game. This includes season tickets and single game tickets purchased online or forwarded by email through authorized outlets including,, ClickTix, or other United Center approved outlets. Mobile entry requires a valid QR code.
(312) 455-4500 (312) 455-4519 (TTY)
Monday-Friday, 11:00 a.m. until 6:00 p.m. Saturday, closed if no performance Sunday, closed if no performance *Hours subject to change depending on event schedules.
Not only is the United Center designed to 100% ADA compliance, but each team member has been specifically trained in assisting our guests with special needs. Should you have any questions regarding the accessibility of the arena or for ticket information, please call 312-455-4653 and ask for Guest Relations (312-455-4519 TTY). Tickets in wheelchair accessible areas are available on all levels of the United Center, and the arena offers 100 disabled parking spaces located in parking Lot G off of Damen Avenue. All washrooms, restaurants, first aid station, seating areas, Cash Stations, box offices, Concession stands and drinking fountains are all wheelchair accessible.
The Box Office accepts Cash , Visa , Mastercard and American Express as methods of payment.
Will call is available two hours prior to the start of the event. Will call is part of the South Ticket Office, on Autumn St near Santa Clara St. Customers must present the actual credit card used for the purchase, a photo ID and the Ticketmaster confirmation number in order to receive their tickets.
The ticket office can be reached at (408) 287-9200 during business hours.
The Box Office is located at the South East corner of the Arena, on the corner of Santa Clara St and Barack Obama Blvd. * ON EVENT DAYS 2HRS PRIOR TO EVENT - END OF 2ND INTERMISSION (HOCKEY) OR INTERMISSION (OTHER EVENTS) * ON MORNING/AFTERNOON EVENT DAYS: CHECK WITH THE SAP CENTER (408) 287-9200 DURING BUSINESS HOURS.
SAP Center has designated seats for both wheelchair accessible seating and their companions. However, due to size constraints, companion seats will not fit a wheelchair. So patrons needing wheelchair accessible seating must purchase a wheelchair accessible seat as the SAP Center cannot turn a companion seat into a wheelchair accessible seat.
Working with Children in Rugby Union is a rewarding experience, and this qualification course offers guidance on developing the whole child through the game. It will qualify you to coach and referee (game coaching) children in Rugby Union; through your work you will be better able to develop core skills and core values in young players in an active, purposeful, enjoyable and safe environment.
Monday 10th Feb (9am-5pm), Tuesday 11th Feb (9am-5pm)
On completion coaches will be able to:
Demonstrate equitable qualities appropriate to the role and responsibilities of rugby union coach of children
Understand the principles of coaching
Know how to plan, establish and maintain a safe coaching environment
Understand how to plan and support the delivery of activities that are age and stage appropriate for all players
Understand how to develop own coaching practice
This course is organised by approved coaching centres and delivered by SRU accredited coach educators. It will last approximately 19 hours (14 hours on course, 5 hours home study) and coaches must attend the full course to receive the final qualification
This course is competence based and involves on-course appraisal. It involves both classroom and outdoor practical activities, where coaches will be expected to participate fully in all sessions.
Enhance the quality, speed and precision of your leadership, coaching, mediation and more with...
Emergent Essence Dynamics™
RESISTANCE || RESILIENCE || RECONCILIATIONUnlock the engine driving transformation and behaviour
To redeem a promo code, click the green "Register" button then click "Enter Promotional Code" on the top right above the list of tickets.
JUNE SPECIAL!2-for-1 offer on Module 1Register today! (limited seating, offer ends June 30)
Scroll down for 2019 course dates in Europe & links for more info
NEXT COURSE:EED Module 1 "Revealing Essence" – July 5-7 FRANKFURT
Listen to our latest Webinar:"Relationship Archetypes: Is All the World a Stage?"Tips for depersonalizing dramas and working with synchronicity
Click to join our next live Free Webinar – July 15"Unfollow the Carrot: Busting Myths on Self-Development"–Tips for breaking free from chasing false fulfillment
Emergent Essence Dynamics™ harnesses a person's innate Resilience to reconcile fear-based patterns, converting Resistance and Self-Sabotage into a liberated state of creativity and well-being.
Develop your ability to work with any type of Behaviour as a fractal pattern
Work at Source-level to quickly uncover the core dynamic driving multiple issues
Activate states of Resilience to release limitations and reshape behavioural patterns
Module 1: Revealing EssenceActivate core Resilience as the foundation for sustainable transformation. Confidently cut through dramas, stories and smokescreens to target the fundamental dynamics driving each moment... Learn more
Module 2: Embodying EssenceTransform all forms of Resistance into a powerfully creative force. Skillfully neutralize a person's inner battle of conflicting values and polarizing beliefs to restore wholeness and well-being... Learn more
Module 3: Conducting EssenceReconcilie a person's fears and obstacles at Source-Level. Effectively dissolve old patterns of sabotage and liberate new pathways of success, enriched with compelling desire, higher purpose and rewarding action... Learn more
(Each module is three full days of experiential training with interactive exercises, group debriefs and supervised practice.)Accreditation: 63 CCEUs by the International Coach Federation(21 CCEUs per module)
“This is one of the best workshops that I have attended in the last few years! This course is so deep that it still captures my thoughts on a daily basis, and sends me on tangents for its applications.”
– Mary Flaifel, PMP, CPCC, ORSCC, Relationship Systems Coach, NLP Master – Toronto
Click for a complete Program OverviewDownload the EED Program Information PDF (Europe)
Drawing from fields as diverse as Psychology & Neuroscience, Quantum Physics & Buddhism, Acting & Improvisation, EED breaks new ground in leadership and coaching methods using fractal dynamics to amplify Resilience, release Resistance and Reconcile core conflicts. EED's simple and pragmatic model significantly enhances individual & team coaching, facilitation, therapy, and conflict resolution with applications extending to the healing arts, leadership development, mediation, consulting, sales and more.
"Troy Yorke has done a wonderful job pulling together some very sophisticated concepts, presenting them in an accessible and useable format. A real value-add for anyone who works with empowering others!"
– Karen Kimsey-House, Co-founder, Coaches Training Institute
All modules run Fri-Sun from 09:30-18:00 (in English)
FRANKFURT (Summer)Module 1: July 5-7 (Early Bird closed)
MUNICH (Fall)Module 1: Sept 13-15 (Early Bird until Aug 16*)Module 2: Nov 15-17Module 3: Dec 13-15Module 1: Nov 22-24
Reconciling Conflict: Dec 6-8 (click here to register)
PARIS (Fall)Module 1: Oct 11-13 (Early Bird until Sept 13*)Module 2: Nov 29-Dec 1Module 3: Jan 31-Feb 2, 2020
Select your preferred course dates on the registration page. Modules must be taken in consecutive order and may be taken in different cities if registering for the Series Package.
Module 1 – €795 (deposit €240)Module 2 – €975 (deposit €285)Module 3 – €975 (deposit €285)
Series Package (M 1–3) – €2250 Early Bird* (deposit €675)Combo Package (M 2 & 3) – €1770 (deposit €525)Reconciling Conflict (a la carte) – €795
30% Deposit upon registration, balance invoiced separately.Venue details are provided with registration confirmationGroup registrations of 3 or more people receive a discount of 15-20%.
Seats are limited
*Early Bird offer ends 4 weeks prior to the start-date of each series (Module 1 start).Series regular price: €2475
Want more info on EED?
Visit our
Download our PDF Brochure for complete details on the program, course descriptions, schedule and pricing:EED Europe 2019
Join our mailing list for the latest news, updates and offers
Click to watch a Live Demonstration of EED skills:"Using Provocation to Cut through Ambiguity"
Listen to a webinar of EED's methods and approach:"Building Resilience" (recorded 2017-06-15)
Get a great overview on how EED reconciles conflict:"The Fractal Nature of Conflict and Relationships" (recorded 2019-02-06)
(click here for more demos)
Listen to our latest Webinar:"Relationship Archetypes: Is All the World a Stage?"Tips for depersonalizing dramas and working with synchronicity
Click to join our next live Free Webinar – July 15
Follow EED on Social Media:Facebook: @EEDynamicsTwitter: @EEDynamicsYouTube: @EEDynamics
EED courses also available in Toronto (registration opening soon)
EED modules have been run in Canada, France, Germany, Norway, Spain, UK and UAE since 2006
Questions? Group Discounts?Contact: Troy
TROY YORKE, creator of Emergent Essence Dynamics™, is a Performance Mastery Coach for Executive Leaders and Arts & Entertainment Professionals. His diverse background of over 25 years as an award-winning concert pianist, composer, writer, Film/TV actor and producer incorporates a wealth of knowledge working with human creativity and high-performance behaviour. A lifetime pursuit of excellence and mastery has led him around the globe working with top performers, trailblazers and thought leaders, including performing at the United Nations. Formerly Senior Faculty at Coaches Training Institute, he now travels extensively to train EED globally. His provocative style, inspirational passion and multi-faceted approach make him a dynamic trainer that liberates the creative brilliance of each individual.
Feel free to copy and forward our registration link:
CANCELLATION:Free cancellation up to 6 weeks prior to your selected series/course start-date. Full cancellation policy is printed on your registration confirmation.
Are you searching for meaning? Do you wonder about the purpose of your life? Would you like to feel more in control and do you want to learn how to overcome fear and anxiety while you're at it?
Search no further, the answers are right here.
Every Monday from 12 to 1PM master Kabbalist and life coach Rabbi Shlomo Ezagui will hold a Lunch and Learn on Kabbalah
This is a feel good event catering to your soul and spirituality while pastrami and corned beef sandwiches cater to your stomach.
The satisfaction and fulfillment experienced on Mondays will last much longer than the 1 hour lunch and can transcend your life. Come feel complete and feed your soul every Monday 12 to 1PM with Rabbi Shlomo Ezagui Kabbalah Lunch and Learn.