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Hi-Tide Festival: Madness

- Viewing Platform There will be a viewing platform Demon Dayz. The platform offers seating so that a friend or personal assistant can be accommodated. - Accessible Toilets There will be at least one Disabled Toilet at each Toilet Block and one by the Stage 1 viewing platform. - Lowered Bars There will be some provision for lowered bars on site. - Seating There is some seating across the site - however this is limited and is within picnic areas only. The stage shows are standing only. - Parking A limited disabled car park facility will be in operation, please contact 08448 24 48 24 in advance to reserve a space. - Lights Due to the nature of the event there will be flashing lights on all stages and strobe effects may also be used. - Assistance Dogs Customers are permitted to bring recognised Assistance Dogs onsite. Recognised Assistance Dogs are dogs which have been specifically trained to assist a disabled person and which are registered with a charity which is a member of Assistance Dogs UK. - Event Space & Site The Event Site is a mixture of hard standing areas and parkland. Weather and ground conditions may be variable. BOOKING PROCESS AND INFORMATION If you need assistance while at the event, personal assistants tickets are offered at no extra cost. These tickets are available for people who would otherwise not be able to attend the event. All disability access tickets are available through

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Hamilton (Chicago)

The Box Office accepts Cash, Visa, Mastercard, American Express and Discover. No personal checks, please. Will Call tickets can be picked up at any time during Box Office hours on the day of a show. The customer must present the actual credit card used to make the order, a valid picture ID, and the confirmation number. The Administrative offices of the James M. Nederlander Theatre may be reached at (312) 977-1700. There is no public phone number available for the Box Office. The box office cannot take phone orders. To order tickets by phone, please call 800-775-2000. For groups of 20 or more, call (312) 977-1710. Box office hours vary. Please call (312) 977-1700 for the current week's hours. For wheelchair accessible seating please call the box office at 312-977-1700 ext. 1259

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Jesus '19

The heartbeat of the Jesus '19 is simple...experience Jesus in a life-changing way. We want the Glory of God. Encounter is what we are after. Jesus has been moving mightily in America and in the rest of the world and we are expectant for a fresh outpouring of the Holy Spirit.  The Holy Spirit placed in the heart of Michael Koulianos to bring the fathers and mothers of the faith together with a rising group of voices. This will be nothing short of a historic time.  Jesus '19 will set hearts ablaze with the beauty of Jesus, His power, and Gospel. Come hungry and He will touch you.   Jesus '19 is hosted by Jesus Image. Session Schedule *All times are subject to change* Sunday, December 29th 7pm Monday, December 30th 9am 11am 2pm 7pm Tuesday, December 31st 9am 11am 2pm 9pm Wednesday, January 1st 11am 2pm 7pm

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ISACA Második szerda - JANUÁR

Szeretettel meghívjuk a januári Második szerdai előadásunkra: Andrási Zoltán: Kiszervezés az IT felügyelet szemével Dátum: 2020. január 8. (szerda) 17:00Helyszín: MNB - 1013 Budapest, Krisztina krt. 39. Az IT kiszervezések az elmúlt években egyre nagyobb hangsúlyt kapnak a cégek, így az MNB által felügyelet intézmények körében is. Az előadás ismerteti a kiszervezéssel kapcsolatos jogszabályi és Felügyeleti elvárásokat (előzetes egyeztetés, felmérés, szerződéskötés, bejelentés, ellenőrzések). Előadóról:Andrási Zoltán osztályvezetőMérnökinformatikus diplomáját és elektronikus kereskedelmi informatikai szakmérnök diplomáját a Budapesti Pázmány Péter Katolikus Egyetem Információs Technológiai és Bionika Karán szerezte. Szakmai pályafutását 2011-ben a MOL-Csoport Információs Szolgáltatásokért felelős osztályán IT biztonsági munkatársként kezdte, 2012-től az Erste Bank Hungary Zrt. információbiztonsági szakértője. 2015-óta a Magyar Nemzeti Bank Informatikai felügyeleti főosztály IT-felügyelője, 2016 júliusától az Informatikai vizsgálati osztály vezetője. ISO27001 Lead Auditor minősítését 2016-ban szerezte.

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Dos más Dos

Efectivo Taquillas principales desde una hora antes del evento. Tel. 5535-2246 Fax. 5592 1857 Directamente en la Taquilla.

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Introduction To Software Test Automation 1 Day Training in Seoul

Course Description: This Course covers the critical software development related issues that you must address. It helps you understand and choose the Best approaches for your organization. The Course is relevant in any technology environment, regardless of the automation tools you use. Management issues including responsibilities, automation Objectives and return on investment are also included in the Course. In addition to technical matters such as testware architecture, pre- and post-Processing and automated comparison techniques. Course Topics: ●     Introduction ●     Objectives, what we cover (and don’t cover) today ●     Session 1: Managing Test Automation ●     Test automation Objectives (and exercise) ●     Responsibilities ●     Pilot project ●     Measures for automation ●     Return on Investment (ROI) (and exercise) ●     Session 2: Scripting Techniques ●     Objectives of scripting techniques ●     Different types of scripts ●     Domain specific test language ●     Session 3: Testware Architecture ●     Importance of testware architecture ●     What needs to be organised ●     Session 4: Pre- and Post-Processing ●     Automating more than tests ●     Test status ●     Session 5: Comparison Techniques ●     Automated test verification ●     Test sensitivity ●     Session 6: Testware Maintenance ●     Common maintenance issues ●     Maintenance mitigation Learning Goals: ●     Achieve better success in automation ●     Deal with Management issues and technical issues ●     Plan an effective automation strategy Course Agenda: Day 1 ●     Introduction ●     Managing Test Automation ●     Scripting Techniques ●     Testware Architecture ●     Pre- and Post-Processing ●     Comparison Techniques ●     Testware Maintenance Who can Attend: ●     Software Engineer ●     Software Tester

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