NIHR Musculoskeletal Pan-London trainee day, satisfying the requirements set by the BOA curriculum.
Learning Objectives:
Describe quantitative & qualitative research methodologies
Differentiate between different sorts of studies
Basic statistical knowledge such that able to critically appraise a paper or registry reports
Practical understanding of how to define & clarify an interventional study question - PICO
Understanding of NIHR research infrastructure
Understanding of research governance
Develop an understanding of how critical appraisal skills can improve practice
08.30 - Sign in coffee and pastries
09.00 - Welcome
09.20 - Overview NIHR and CRN
09.40 - Research Design Service
10.00 - When to do research in your career
10.20 - Trainee collaboratives
10.40 - GCP overview
11.10 - PPI and its importance
11.20 - Coffee break and networking
11.40 - How to design a study (Split into groups)
12.20 - How to find funding
12.40 - How to manage data
13.00 - How to disseminate data
13.30 - Lunch
14.30 - Workshops A & B
16.00 - Coffee break
16.20 - Workshops C & D
18.00 - Close for drinks and course dinner
Workshop A: problem paper - bring a paper for tips on writing
Workshop B: sandpit - brainstorming research ideas
Workshop C: IRAS
Workshop D: How to use registries and data sources
Efectivo y tarjetas de crédito.
El área de Will Call se encuentra en la taquilla principal desde realizada la compra y hasta 45 minutos antes del evento.
(55) 55101035 ext. 2131 y 2133
Lunes a Domingo de 10:00 a 18:00 hrs.
Zona B4. (planta baja)
Osmanlı İmparatorluğu’nın son döneminin önemli yapılarından biri olan Nakkaştepe’deki Abdülmecid Efendi Köşkü, 16. İstanbul Bienali süresince Koç Holding Yönetim Kurulu Başkanı Ömer M. Koç koleksiyonundan eserler ile “İçimdeki Çocuk” sergisine ev sahipliği yapıyor.
Ülkemizden ve dünyadan 60 kadar sanatçının 17’inci yüzyıldan günümüze geniş bir döneme yayılan 100’den fazla yapıtını bir araya getiren ve sanat danışmanlığını Károly Aliotti’nin üstlendiği “İçimdeki Çocuk” sergisi, resimden fotoğrafa, heykelden yerleştirmeye çok çeşitli teknik ve malzemelerle üretilmiş işleri odağına alırken, ziyaretçilerini, zamanla kaybetmeye yüz tuttukları içlerindeki çocukları dinlemeye davet ediyor.
Rehberli Sergi Turumuz, 'genel katılıma kapalı' olarak gerçekleşecektir.
Konforlu ve ayrıcalıklı giriş ve sergi deneyimi yaşamak için sizleri 10.00'da turumuz başlayacak şekilde bekliyor olacağız.
Sanat Tarihçisi ve Sanat Eleştirmeni: Arda Can Özsü
Tarih: 28 Aralık 2019 - Cumartesi
Saat: 10.00 - 11.30
Mekan: Abdülmecid Efendi Köşkü (Kuzguncuk, Kuşbakışı Cd. No:18, 34674 Üsküdar/İstanbul)
Google Maps:
Süre: 1,5 Saat
Ücret: 90 TL
Visa, American Express, Mastercard
Will Call tickets may be picked up at the Visa Box Office at Levi's® Stadium. The Will Call windows open three (3) hours prior to the event. Will call tickets can be claimed only by the person whose name appears on the Will Call envelope. Government issued photo identification is required. ***** Bag Policy - All Events ***** In compliance with the NFL's Bag Policy, Levi's® Stadium prohibits all bags, backpacks and other carriers from being brought into the stadium with the following exceptions: NFL approved clear plastic bags (12 x 6 x 12) One gallon clear plastic zip lock type bags Small Clutch Bag (the size of an adult hand) (4.5 x 6.5) All approved bags are subject to inspection upon entry and are subject to additional inspections within the stadium.
415-GO-49ERS (415-464-9377)
9AM to 5PM Monday through Friday,
Accessible seating for patrons requiring wheelchair access is available with up to 3 companions. FOR ALL OTHER ACCESSIBLE AND LIMITED MOBILITY CONCERNS, PLEASE CALL (415) 467-9377
Cash and All Major Credit Cards
Must have photo ID & credit card used to purchase tickets when picking up will call tickets
1-855-234-7469 1-866-574-3851 - Group Sales (10+)
10:00am - 8:00pm (show nights vary)
Accessible ramps to orchestra & mezzanine sections; Elevator service to balcony
Visa, MasterCard, Discover, American Express
Will Call is located at the Ticketmaster Box Office on the North Side of the Arena located between Gates 3 & 4. Valid ID required to pick up Will Call Tickets
Miami HEAT & Arena Event Sales Information: • Miami HEAT Season Tickets & Partial Plans (786) 777 HOOP • Miami HEAT Group Tickets (786) 777 DUNK • Miami HEAT Premium Seats (Courtside/Flagship/Suites/Loges) (786) 777 4320 • Arena Event Suite Sales (786) 777 1000 • Group Ticket & Fundraising Opportunities for Arena Family Shows (786) 777 4FUN (4386)
Kaseya Center will only be open on event days. Arena Box Office Information (786) 777-1250
This is an accessible venue.
Mau Liburan Sekolah Anak Anda Produktif dan Edukatif?Bergabunglah di HOLIDAY PROGRAM!(Program untuk anak berusia 8-19 tahun)
Apakah Anda sering melihat anak Anda sibuk bermain gadget, nonton TV atau menghabiskan waktu dengan kegiatan kurang produktif lainnya saat libur sekolah?Apakah Anda ingin anak Anda melakukan kegiatan yang lebih produktif dan edukatif?Apakah Anda ingin anak Anda memiliki kemampuan berbicara di depan umum, memiliki impian yang jelas dan menguasai teknik belajar yang efektif?Jika Anda menjawab YA, artinya anak Anda harus bergabung di Holiday Program by Merry Riana Learning Centre!Merry Riana Holiday Program terdiri dari 3 program utama:
1. Holiday Program Public SpeakingAnak Anda akan belajar teknik-teknik Public Speaking seperti Stage Anchoring, Audience Interactive Tools, dan Powerful Posture sehingga mampu berbicara di depan umum dengan percaya diri
2. Holiday Program Smart LearningAnak Anda akan belajar teknik-teknik belajar yang efektif untuk meraih kesuksesan di sekolah
3. Holiday Program Life & SuccessAnak Anda akan belajar bagaimana memiliki impian yang jelas serta bagaimana membuat Vision Board untuk mencapai impiannya
Lihat keseruannya di sini :
Apa saja yang akan anak Anda dapatkan?
Full Day Workshop (7 hari)
Free Lunch
Showcase (anak akan tampil di depan para orangtua)
Belajar teknik-teknik Public Speaking, Smart Learning, dan Life & Success
Belajar dengan enjoy dan fun menggunakan Experiential Learning Technologies atau pengalaman nyata
Penasaran seperti apa dan kapan Holiday Program diadakan?
Holiday Program
Pembicara : Merry Riana Associate Trainer
Holiday Program Life & Success : 2 - 3 Januari 2020
Holiday Program Smart Learning : 4 - 5 Januari 2020
Holiday Program Public Speaking : 6 - 8 Januari 2020
Waktu: 10.00 – 17.00 WIB
Tempat: Merry Riana Learning Centre
1. Puri Indah, Jakarta Barat
2. BSD, Tangerang
3. Kelapa Gading, Jakarta Utara
4. Permata Hijau, Jakarta Selatan
5. Palem, Jakarta Barat
6. Banjar Wijaya, Tangerang
7. Surabaya, Jawa Timur
8. Samarinda, Kalimantan Timur
Merry Riana Holiday Program diikuti oleh ratusan anak dari Jabodetabek hingga luar kota dan mereka sangat antusias selama program berlangsung.
Apa yang membedakan Holiday Program dengan program sejenis lainnya?
Diadakan saat liburan sekolah sehingga menjadikan liburan anak Anda produktif dan edukatif
Mengajarkan soft skill Public Speaking, Smart Learning, Life & Success yang tidak pernah diajarkan di bangku pendidikan formal
Dilatih langsung oleh Merry Riana Associate Trainer yang telah berpengalaman melatih hingga ribuan anak setiap tahunnya
Setiap anak dibimbing oleh Private Coach
Lingkungan yang sangat positif karena setiap anak akan mendapatkan apresiasi dan merasa sangat dihargai
Show Case. Setiap anak akan tampil di depan para orangtua
Investasi yang sangat terjangkau dan pembelajaran yang didapatkan sangat bermanfaat bagi masa depan anak Anda
Berapa Investasinya?
Untuk mengikutsertakan anak Anda di Holiday Program investasinya sangat terjangkau, yaitu Rp. 6,5 juta.
Namun khusus untuk 100 pendaftar pertama, Anda dapat mengikutsertakan anak Anda di Holiday Program, Anda akan mendapatkan DISCOUNT 50% sehingga Anda cukup berinvestasi Rp. 3,2 juta saja dan ANAK ANDA SUDAH BISA MENDAPATKAN SEMUA PEMBELAJARAN DI HOLIDAY PROGRAM!
“Jangan sampai kursi untuk anak Anda diambil oleh mereka. Ambil kesempatannya sekarang! :)”
Untuk PENDAFTARAN, bisa WhatsApp ke 0899-9241-154 dengan format :
Contoh :
Touching Hearts Changing Lives,
KHEZIA STEVI LIANA (@kheziasl)Executive SupervisorMerry Riana GroupHP :
The Box Office accepts MasterCard, Visa, Discover, American Express, and Cash.
Box Office Phone Number: (313) 471-7929
The Xfinity Box Office at Little Caesars Arena is open Monday thru Friday, from 11:00am to 5:30pm, and also on Event Days from 11:00am until Intermission.
Join Us and Get 3 in 1 at no additional cost to you over the current published cruise line's price:a cruise holiday +a digital detox challenge +a group of like-minded people= a Social Digital Detox Cruise Holiday- we form private groups and create a digital-free environment for them during their cruise holidays;- we help guests stay away from their devices and form a setting of mutual support among all while on board and ashore;- we ensure that family members, friends, and business associates have a 24/7 connection with the respective group member during the cruise in case of an emergency;- we select the cruise lines, ships, cabin categories, destinations, itineraries and period of travel;- we manage the cruise bookings, documentation and payments;- we accompany each digital-free private cruise group.- we open up a private Facebook group a month before each departure for guests to get to know each other and plan their shore trips and activities well in advance.The price of your Digital Detox Cruise holiday will be identical to the general sailing published on the cruise line’s website. The added value you are going to get will be at no extra charge to you:– you will join a group of like-minded people and enjoy opportunities to meet new fellow companions, have quality time off-line and establish future real-life friendships;– you will have daily access to a meeting space onboard where you can join others in board games, discuss plans for upcoming destinations along the itinerary, read a book, engage in conversations, or do nothing at all;– you will be able to join sports games and competitions organized by members of the group;– you will be able to join the social evening group dinners in a secluded area of the main restaurant;– you will receive an invitation and subsequent access to a private Facebook group, where you will meet your future group fellows and discuss plans for the cruise. This FB group will be activated a month before the date of departure.More info on
★2020 International Workshop on Service Robotics (IWoSR 2020)-- Ei Compendex & Scopus—Call for paper
May 22-24, 2020|Tokyo, Japan|Website:
★IWoSR 2020 welcomes researchers, engineers, scientists and industry professionals to an open forum where advances in the field of Service Robotics can be shared and examined. The conference is an ideal platform for keeping up with advances and changes to a consistently morphing field. Leading researchers and industry experts from around the globe will be presenting the latest studies through papers and oral presentations.
★Publication and Indexing
All accepted papers will be published in the digital conference proceedings which will be sent to be Indexed by all major citation databases such as Ei Compendex, SCOPUS, Google Scholar, Cambridge Scientific Abstracts (CSA), Inspec, SCImago Journal & Country Rank (SJR), EBSCO, CrossRef, Thomson Reuters (WoS), etc.
A selection of papers will be recommended to be published in international journals.
★Program Preview/ Program at a glance
May 22: Registration + Icebreaker Reception
May 23: Opening Ceremony+ KN Speech+ Technical Sessions
May 24: Technical Sessions+ Half day tour/Lab tours
★Paper Submission
1.PDF version submit via CMT:
2.Submit Via email directly to:
Ms. Anna H. M. Wong