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La società 4metx in collaborazione con Hermes University offre una interessante iniziativa a studenti di laurea triennale e magistrale che non avendo ancora titolo professionale vogliono apprendere una competenza specifica che permetterà loro di inserirsi nel mondo del lavoro e specificamente nel settore dell’euro-progettazione. Come si può osservare dal portale unico dei bandi europei: esistono molteplici opportunità da cogliere in termini di progettazione ed attuazione di programmi di sviluppo. La 4metx propone un corso di Euro progettazione che dà immediatezza di lavoro a coloro che vogliono e sono in grado di affrontare questo studio che rilascia il certificato M.E.S.A.F di Europrogettista. La possibilità di operare comincia già durante la fase pratica del corso M.E.S.A.F. che prevede un periodo di formazione on the job presso lo studio professionale di associati ad Assoeuro. In tale ambito operativo pur trattandosi di uno stage si acquista una visione di dimensione strategica finalizzata a favorire l’orientamento al lavoro, l’arricchimento delle conoscenze, l’acquisizione di competenze professionali e l’inserimento lavorativo. L’Euro progettista che consegue il Certificato MESAF di Europrogettista dimostrando di possedere le adeguate competenze nel settore, può lavorare come free-lance oppure inserirsi in: -società di consulenza, scuole di ogni ordine e grado, agenzie formative, organizzazioni attive nel sistema della progettazione comunitaria; -nel terzo settore - dalle cooperative sociali alle organizzazioni non governative; -nelle amministrazioni pubbliche – Uffici interni di Enti Pubblici (Comuni, Province, Regioni); -nei sindacati, nelle comunità montane, negli Enti parchi ed Enti di sviluppo locale e territoriale; -nelle società di consulenza aziendale, negli uffici di direzione del personale e della programmazione di qualsiasi società; -nelle agenzie di sviluppo territoriale e comunitario (partenariato e partnership).

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ArcGIS Coordinate Reference Systems for Petroleum - London

The emphasis in this course is on developing the ArcGIS for Desktop (ArcView) skills you need to successfully manage coordinate reference system (CRS) issues by encouraging good practice within the oil and gas exploration and production (E&P) sector. All spatial data is concerned with location on, above or below the surface of the earth and this ‘position’ is governed by the parameters of the CRS employed. If you do not manage CRSs correctly, your data could be incorrectly located increasing the potential for costly disasters and mistakes such as: Drilling in the wrong location Damage to existing infrastructure Incorrect positioning of geohazards Interpretation and modelling in wrong location Incorrect reserves calculation Pre-requisites Participants attending this course should have completed an introductory ArcGIS for Desktop course or already be familiar with ArcGIS for Desktop or equivalent mapping software. Although petroleum exploration and production sector knowledge is not required, this course is geared towards assisting participants apply the EPSG developed guidelines on the use of CRSs within the ArcGIS for Desktop environment. Intended audience Data management, IT, geoscience and other professionals and support staff who are going to be working with spatial datasets of varied coordinate reference systems and need to be able to acquire the relevant ArcGIS for Desktop skills and knowledge. Features Focuses on the application of CRSs for the E&P industry Uses industry standard ArcGIS for Desktop tools from Esri (ArcMap, ArcCatalog and ArcToolbox) One-day intensive course Instructor-led hands-on learning by ‘doing’ Trainer demonstrations and course validation questions Participants will Develop the ArcGIS for Desktop skills required to manage Coordinate Reference Systems correctly Have a much better understanding of petroleum CRS sector standards Understand the workflows required to undertake coordinate transformations and conversions Work through some of the more common problems encountered in the oil and gas industry and develop a strategy for dealing with these issues Work with E&P datasets Apply typical E&P workflows Learning outcomes Describe the geoid, ellipsoid and datum using OGP terminology Employ the ArcGIS Define Projection tool to set the CRS for a given layer Illustrate three projection surfaces, orientations and focal points used to describe projections Discuss how the UTM projection system minimizes distortion within each zone Independently establish distortion in map projections using Tissot’s Indicatrices Operate the Feature and Raster Projection tools to undertake accurate coordinate transformations and conversions Differentiate between coordinate transformations and coordinate conversions Demonstrate accurate ‘on-the-fly’ projection using the Data Frame transformation settings Calculate area and length fields using the Field Calculator in various linear units Apply the EPSG registry and Areas of Use polygons to select the appropriate CRS and transformation for your project area

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OKC Career Fair

Meet face to face with top employers hiring for Sales, Customer Service, Retail, Financial Services, Management, I.T. and Government positions.If you have been looking for a new career or just ready to start a new job you don't want to miss this exciting hiring event. Professional Dress is required and please bring additional copies of your resume. What to expect at a Nationwide Career Fair? Multiple employers hiring for open positions. Great networking opportunities in a relaxed, professional environment. Face to face meetings with recruiters, managers and human resources professionals from local and Fortune 500 companies. 100% free event for job seekers to attend. Register to receive a full list of attending employers and job updates in your city: Employers Register to attend:

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