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Boston Celtics vs. Memphis Grizzlies

Cash; Check up to $100.00 w/Mass. Driver License; AMEX; Visa; MC; Discover; Diners Club Pick up tickets starting 2 hours prior to event time. Customer must present the actual credit card used to place order and a photo I.D. General Info Number:(617) 624-1000 Group Sales (only!): (617) 624-1805/1806 Bruins (617) 624-BEAR (Groups = 25+) Celtics (617) 523-3030 (Groups = 20+) Please do not contact Group Sales regarding sold out games! TD Garden - Boston | Tickets, Schedule, Seating Chart, Directions ( The box office will open 2 hours prior to an event and remain open until one hour after the event begins. Please note the TD Garden Box Office does not sell tickets at the public on sale. All tickets should be purchased via *Hours subject to change This is an accessible venue.

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Utah Jazz vs. Toronto Raptors

Visa, MC, AMEX and Discover. All tickets are digital- Mobile only. Vivint Arena (801) 325-2000 Utah Jazz (801) 325-2500 The box office opens at 1:00pm on the day of any scheduled event. Located on the Northeast side of Arena (plaza level). All tickets are now digital. Download the Utah Jazz + Vivint Arena app to easily view, purchase, transfer and sell tickets. Doors open for most events 1 1/2 hours prior.

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Interaction 20

Interaction  20 will assemble a diverse group of practitioners and academics from around the world to explore the edges of interaction design, and help spark a transformation of the discipline to be relevant to the needs of the 21st century. This year’s event features: Interaction 20 Conference Interaction Design Education Summit Local Leaders Retreat Workshops Student Design Charette Interaction Awards Ceremony ... and so much more!

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Tampa Bay Buccaneers vs. New Orleans Saints

TAMPA BAY BUCCANEERS: Cash, Visa, MasterCard, American Express & Discover / USF FOOTBALL: Cash, Visa, MasterCard, American Express / STADIUM JUMPING: Cash / All Other Events: Cash Location: box office (south end of the staduim) Opens: day of event (Please contact the proper organization for specific times) Stadium Office Number: Tampa Bay Bucaneers: (813)879-2827 Buccaneer Groups Sales:(813)870-2700 (ask for Group Sales) Stadium Jumping Inc: (813)253-2782 USF Football: 1-800-GOBULLS Outback Bowl: (813)874-2695 The ticket office located on property at the Raymond James Stadium is open day of event only. The various organizations that use Raymond James Stadium have varying hours of operation. The number(s) for these organizations are listed under "Box Office Phone Numbers". This is an accessible venue. Raymond James Stadium would like for you to know that is fraud if you purchase an accessible ticket knowing you are not eligible for accessible seating.

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Corso di Preparazione DITALS II

The DITALS II certification is released by the Università per stranieri di Siena since 1994, and you can use it all over the world in language schools, Universities and Italian Cultural Institutes. (Requirements) If you want to know more visit the Università per Stranieri di Siena website. The DITALS II is suitable for teachers with previous experience in language teaching; if you don’t have previous experience please check the DITALS I certification.  FEATURES OF THE COURSE 30 hours course. This course will be activated with a minimum of 3 students and a maximum of 12. Lessons will be at Happy Languages Office: Aldgate Tower 2 Leman Street, London E1 8FA, United Kingdom. For more information about the course contents follow this  link Bibliography Terms and conditions apply Testimonials Studentessa di lingue straniere si trova a insegnare la propria lingua a stranieri in maniera del tutto “a tentoni”. Cercando di professionalizzarmi nell’insegnamento della lingua italiana ho partecipato al corso di preparazione dell’esame Ditals sostenuto da Paolo di Happy Languages. Dire che mi sono trovata bene è dir poco. Il corso mi ha insegnato non solo le procedure e il sistema dell’esame ditals ma mi ha del tutto aperto la mente su cosa significa l’essere insegnanti. La costante ricerca e riflessione sulla lingua e sulla cultura è uno dei tanti valori che in particolare questo corso mi ha trasmesso. Sapevo che fare l’insegnante di italiano mi sarebbe piaciuto ma grazie a questo corso e la serietà e la preparazione di Paolo ho capito che essere insegnanti di lingua è qualcosa che va ben oltre le mie aspettative. Paolo è riuscito a trasmettermi l’amore e la passione che si possa avere nell’insegnare italiano a stranieri. Ringrazio fortemente e consiglio questo corso a tutti coloro che hanno anche solo la curiosità di insegnare la propria lingua. (Noemi Simone, Maggio 2015) Sono stata molto contenta di frequentare questo corso perché mi ha insegnato più di quanto mi aspettassi. È stato un luogo di lavoro che ha stimolato la mia creatività e mi ha fatto nascere tante domande sulla professione dell’insegnante. Mi sono trovata in sintonia con la concezione di insegnamento come vocazione, cioè come spazio di crescita e dialogo continuo per il vero insegnante che è disposto a mettersi in discussione. (Francesca Bruschi, Maggio 2015) L’esperienza nella scuola Happy Languages è stata interessante! Il corso DITALS e l’osservazione delle lezioni sono stati di grande aiuto per la mia formazione!! Consiglio vivamente la scuola e il corso a chi vuole fare un’esperienza teorica e pratica nel campo dell’insegnamento dell’italiano L2. (Marzia Pellerito, Novembre 2014) Insegnati fantastici, ambiente piacevole. Il corso ditals è stato molto utile per la mia formazione. Esperienza eccezionale!!! (Rossella Spina, Novembre 2014) L’inizio del corso da 30 ore di glottodidattica ad Happy Languages è stato dedicato ad una presentazione dei vari approcci e delle varie metodologie di insegnamento delle lingue.Dopodichè abbiamo analizzato nel dettaglio le differenti parti che compongono l’esame Ditals II.Infine ci sono state delle vere e proprie simulazioni d’esame con relativi feedback che si sono rivelati molto utili e preziosi.Le parti teoriche sono state presentate in una maniera molto dinamica e coinvolgente con attività in coppia ed in gruppo; un’atmosfera rilassata ed amichevole ha contribuito al nascere di confronti stimolanti e fruttuosi. A testimonianza dell’efficacia di questo metodo è sufficiente dire che tutti i partecipanti del corso, secondo i risultati delle simulazioni, avrebbero superato l’esame senza aver dovuto leggere la ricca bibliografia. Ovviamente questo non è un invito a non studiare in quanto il punteggio finale può essere sempre migliorato ed occorre essere preparati anche alle domande più disparate ed imprevedibili.Inoltre Happy Languages offre la possibilità di svolgere un tirocinio utile per raggiungere le 300 ore di insegnamento necessarie per rientrare nei requisiti per il Ditals II. Per me questa è stata un’occasione fantastica per fare esperienza in una metropoli multiculturale come Londra e per lavorare a stretto contatto con il direttore Paolo La Gamma che mi ha trasmesso la sua passione per questo mestiere. (Michele Piscitelli, Novembre 2014)

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Kansas City Chiefs v Tampa Bay Buccaneers

The Box Office accepts Visa, Mastercard, Discover & American Express. (816) 920-9400 The Box Office hours are as follows: Monday through Friday - 8:30AM to 5PM Saturday (during Chiefs season) - 9AM to 1 PM - Home Game weekends only Saturday and Sunday - Closed

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Dealing with Difficult Behaviour - 1 Day Course - Sydney

Dealing with "difficult people" in the workplace is unavoidable. However, it begins with recognising there are no difficult people – there are only "people", and sometimes people exhibit difficult behaviours. While you cannot change other people, this course will empower you to deal with difficult behaviours by recognising and understanding the intents behind them and responding assertively. This course is ideal for Anyone who encounters strong personalities or challenging behaviours in the workplace when dealing with difficult co-workers, customers, suppliers, managers or staff. What you will learn Recognise difficult behaviours and the intents that drive them. Select the best strategies to deal with different types of behaviours. Take action by using assertive communication techniques to deal with difficult behaviours. Use behavioural-based language to make your point clearly. Understand and manage the emotional processes that both you and the person exhibiting the difficult behaviour may experience. Topics covered in this training course Identifying difficult behavioursUse the lens of understanding to identify the difficult behaviour you are dealing with and what to do about it. The ladder of inferenceUse this tool to help you decide if you are dealing with genuinely difficult behaviour or misperception. Difficult behaviours are not assertivePeople displaying difficult behaviours are not usually being assertive; they show aggressive, passive, or passive-aggressive tendencies that you must deal with using a different approach and skill set. Dealing with high emotionsThe hardest part of dealing with difficult behaviours is the high emotions that often come along with them. Learn techniques to use your voice to manage others' emotions while remaining calm and assertive. Anger and our brainsUnderstand the different functions of our brains and how they process emotions, thoughts and information. Responding with assertivenessAssertive communication is a set of learned skills. When people communicate or behave assertively, they are working towards an outcome or solution that satisfies both or all parties. Using behavioural based language to minimise difficult behavioursToo often, when we need to talk to someone about their difficult behaviours, we skirt around the real issues. Using language that describes specific behaviours makes it easier for you to get to the point and others to understand what you want them to change. Assertive communication techniquesWhen people display difficult behaviours and you don’t deal with them assertively, it will continue and may even get progressively worse. Learn some practical techniques and sentence starters to help you take action.

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Detroit Red Wings vs. Minnesota Wild

The Box Office accepts MasterCard, Visa, Discover, American Express, and Cash. Box Office Phone Number: (313) 471-7929 The Box Office is open Monday through Friday 9:30 AM to 6:00 PM. On Saturday 9:30 AM to 4:00 PM. On event days, 10:00 AM until ½ hour before scheduled event end. Closed non-event Sundays.

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