Celine Dion - Official Platinum Tickets
Cash / Visa / Mastercard / American Express Groups Booking: email group.sales@ticketmaster.ie Opening times are subject to performance schedule and can vary.
read moreCash / Visa / Mastercard / American Express Groups Booking: email group.sales@ticketmaster.ie Opening times are subject to performance schedule and can vary.
read moreCash, American Express, Mastercard, & Visa. Will Call is located at the Box Office. Box Office Telephone: 323-468-1770 The Pantages Box Office opens daily at 10am. NO ONE UNDER THE AGE OF 5 ADMITTED There is no elevator in the Pantages Theatre. Disabled seating is reserved for the exclusive use of the disabled patron and their companion. The purchase or use of disabled seating locations by non-disabled individuals is strictly prohibited and may result in ejection and/or forfeiture of the ticket price.
read moreUne formation pratique exceptionnelle, qui vous permettra d’observer le Docteur Nadia Volf dans des traitements complets de patients. Tout d’abord l’établissement du diagnostic auriculaire, l’analyse des points et zones manifestées sur l’oreille indicant les symptomes du patient, et les manipulations permettant d’identifier leur cause. Une fois le diagnostic auriculaire posé et la cause des troubles identifiée, Nadia Volf établira une stratégie de traitement individualisée pour chaque patient, incorporant des points auriculaires, ainsi que des points corporels. Nadia Volf expliquera son approche thérapeutique détaillée et effectura elle-même les traitements. C’est une opportunité unique pour les participants de bénéficier des connaissances et de l’expertise de Nadia Volf, pour leur permettre d’appliquer ce savoir-faire à leurs propres patients. Les objectif de cette Master Class sont : Diagnostic Auriculaire Causal Analyse de cas cliniques Cartographie des points auriculaires et leurs intéractions Reconnaitre les indications de symptomes et trouver leur cause Traiter les symptomes et la cause à l’aide de points auriculaires et corporels Prévenir les fragilités de l’organisme et les traiter avant l’apparition de maladies Traitements individualisés de participants volontaires ou patients Trouver, comprendre, et traiter les causes psychologiques et émotionnelles à l’origine de pathologies diverses Les participants sont invités à envoyer leur demande par mail s’ils souhaitent bénéficier d’un traitement en priorité, ou peuvent s’ils le souhaitent amener un de leur patients. Faire la demande par mail obligatoirement au préalable, dans la limite des places disponibles. Le thème de cette Master Class est : Les stagnations : adénomes, fibromes, kystes, autres tumeurs. Nadia Volf est docteur en Médecine et ès Science (MD, PhD), coordinateur de DIU d’Acupuncture Scientifique à la Faculté de médecine de l’Université Paris (XI) et le professeur Invité de Harvard Médical School. Dr Nadia Volf est non seulement un acupuncteur avec 35 ans d'expérience, mais aussi, neurophysiologiste, qui applique les connaissances scientifiques modernes pour expliquer et approfondir les effets d’acupuncture. Le but de l'enseignement de Nadia Volf est de partager ses connaissances sur la mannière d’identifier le problème interne profond, l’origine de la pathologie, afin de traiter la cause intrinsèque du développement de la maladie et pas uniquement le symptôme. Nadia Volf a commencé étudier l'acupuncture à l'âge de 13 ans quand un acupuncteur qui venait de rentrer de Chine a sauvé la vie de son père lors d'une grave crise d’asthme. Elle décide alors de consacrer sa vie à l'étude et à la pratique de l’acupuncture. Tout en poursuivant l'apprentissage de l'acupuncture avec son mentor, Nadia a accomplit ses études de Médecine, a obtenu son Doctorat en Médecine, mais aussi en Science. Dés le début de ses études de médecine, elle a entrepris des recherches scientifiques pour démontrer les mécanismes d’action et les effets de l’acupuncture à la manière scientifique moderne, afin de l’introduire dans l’enseignement et la pratique médicale occidentale. Ses recherches approfondies concernent notamment les domaines de la pédiatrie, de la neurologie et de l’oncologie. Son but est de faire reconnaitre l'acupuncture par la communauté scientifique comme une modalité indispensable, et de l’introduire dans l’enseignement universitaire. Dans une quète de perfectionnement de ses connaissances, Nadia Volf a effectué de nombreux voyages autour du monde à la recherche d’enseignements spécifiques auprès des différents experts en acupuncture: en Asie (Malaisie, Thailande, Chine, Japon, Hong Kong), aux USA et en Europe. L’analyse de tout ces enseignements ont permis à Nadia Volf de réunir des connaissances vastes en acupuncture ancestrale et de les combiner aux innovations de la Science moderne, lui permettant de bâtir une nouvelle méthode d’enseignement globale en acupuncture. Pendant 35 ans Nadia Volf a développé un diagnostic auriculaire causal, une manière scientifique de prouver le diagnostic auriculaire, qui permet de découvrir la cause interne de la pathologie, parfois cachée, de suivre la voie de son développement et d’apporter une solution globale au traitement. Aujourd’hui, Dr Nadia Volf poursuit ses recherches et pratique à Paris, à la fois à l'Université et dans son cabinet où elle continue de perfectionner et d'élargir sa méthode de Diagnostic Auriculaire Causal, d’une mannière efficace et objective permettant de différencier la cause profonde à l’origine de la maladie des symptômes cliniques. Dr Nadia Volf est l'auteur de plusieurs livres, traduits en 12 langues, dont « l’Acupuncture pour les Nuls » (Editions First), « Vos mains sont votre Premier Médecin » (Robert Laffont), « Soyez Invulnérables » (Robert Laffont), « Être Jeune à tout âge » (XO), « Chacun sa Nature » (XO) et « Food & Life » (Assouline), ainsi que d'un grand nombre d'articles scientifiques, publiés dans des revues scientifiques internationales. Elle est le fondateur du curscus d’Acupuncture Scientifique à la Faculté de médecine de l'Université Paris XI et enseigne aussi à Harvard Medical School. Elle a donné des séminaires à Chicago au Pacific College of Oriental Medicine et lors des nombreux Congrès internationaux en acupuncture. Elle est membre de L'Association Scientifique des Médecins Acupuncteurs de France et de l’École Française d’Acupuncture (ASMAF-EFA ), ainsi que de American Academy of Medical Acupuncture (AAMA), de International Council of Medical Acupuncture and Related Techniques (ICMART), de British Medical Acupuncture Society (BMAS). Nadia Volf souhaite partager ses connaissances et découvertes afin d'aider les praticiens à améliorer leurs capacités diagnostiques et thérapeutiques, et leur apprendre à identifier l’origine des pathologies pour en traiter la cause et pas seulement les symptômes.
read more The International Research Conference Aims and Objectives The International Research Conference is a federated organization dedicated to bringing together a significant number of diverse scholarly events for presentation within the conference program. Events will run over a span of time during the conference depending on the number and length of the presentations. With its high quality, it provides an exceptional value for students, academics and industry researchers. ICPSPOPS 2020: 14. International Conference on Political Sociology, Political Opinion and Political Socialization aims to bring together leading academic scientists, researchers and research scholars to exchange and share their experiences and research results on all aspects of Political Sociology, Political Opinion and Political Socialization. It also provides a premier interdisciplinary platform for researchers, practitioners and educators to present and discuss the most recent innovations, trends, and concerns as well as practical challenges encountered and solutions adopted in the fields of Political Sociology, Political Opinion and Political Socialization
This intensive accredited 5-day course is ideal for software testing professionals who are looking to take a more senior role. With plenty of practical exercises to reinforce a solid theoretical basis, it will help you to build on the knowledge and skills of Foundation Level and develop advanced skills to manage a test team and successfully deliver a software testing project. This five-day course follows the ISTQB® Advanced Level Test Manager syllabus (which can be downloaded free of charge from the ISTQB® website). Contents of days: 1st day - Testing Process (Test Planning, Monitoring and Control; Test Analysis & Design; Test Implementation & Execution; Evaluating Exit Criteria & Reporting, and Test Closure Activities) - Test Management in Context (Understanding Testing Stakeholders; Lifecycle Activities and Work Products; Alignment of Test Activities with Other Lifecycle Activities; Managing Non-Functional Testing; Managing Experience-Based Testing) 2nd day - Risk-Based Testing and Other Approaches (Risk-Based Testing Techniques; Other Techniques for Test Selection; Test Prioritization and Effort Allocation in the Test Process) - Test Documentation and Other Work Products (Test Policy; Test Strategy; Master Test Plan; Level Test Plan; Project Risk Management) - Test Estimation 3rd day - Defining and Using Test Metrics - Business Value of Testing - Distributed, Outsourced and Insourced Testing - Managing the Application of Industry Standards - Management of Reviews and Audits 4th day - Defect Management (the Defect Lifecycle and the Software Development Lifecycle; Defect Report Information; Assessing Process Capability with Defect Reporting Information; revision period) - Improving the Testing Process (the general Test Improvement Process; Improving the Testing Process with TMMi; Improving the Testing Process with TPI Next; Improving the Testing Process with CTP; Improving the Testing Process with STEP) - Test Tools and Automation (Tool Selection; Tool Lifecycle; Tool Metrics) 5th day - People Skills - Team Composition (Individual Skills; Test Team Dynamics; Fitting Testing Within an Organisation; Motivation; Communication) All courses start at 9:00 and finish at 18:00, except for the last day which will finish at around 16:00. There will be a 1-hour lunch break, and short breaks for refreshment at regular intervals.
read moreThe objective of this program is to provide knowledge, and detailed understanding of equity investments followed in the private equity industry. This course will help participants to improve their knowledge and develop their professional skills required in the private equity industry or dealing with private equity professionals. Overview The Course curriculum includes total investment, due diligence, monitoring, and negotiation processes from the owners’ as well as investors’ perspectives. Upon completion of this course, participants will have a clear understanding of the critical processes, challenges and issues faced in the industry as well as be able to differentiate between various transaction structures, their implications and provide an explanation on how to analyze and negotiate term sheets. A case study discussion included in this program detailing the complete process of private equity investments which will provide participants with more significant and valuable knowledge that will be useful in their business and profession. Who should attend All individuals who want to improve their knowledge and further develop their professional skills in the private equity space Professionals who are seeking a career in private equity CEOs, head of business units, departments and decision-making personnel - who want to deal or currently dealing with private equity firms Middle to senior managers from any industry Analysts/ investment bankers/ finance professionals with CPA, CFA, MBA, etc Candidates who want to set up private equity business Methodology The non-theoretical methodology which includes interactive discussions, case studies, interactive games and assignments to understand the concepts and their applicability in current economic and financial environment. Trainer All our trainers are carefully chosen by us and possess a rich and vast experience in the financial sector. This course is conducted by an experienced training consultant having more than 17 years of industry experience with some of the world’s leading business institutions, specializing in corporate finance, investment banking, and private equity. Course Content Module – 1 Private equity industry structure and importance Industry structure and overview Different types of private equity funds and their strategy Summary of private equity processes - due diligence and investments, documentation, monitoring, and exits Module – 2 Company analysis process Company analysis including competitive positioning and its mapping in the industry How to analyze financial models of the investee companies Evaluate promoters and management team Study the capital structure How to run the valuation exercise (DCF, Comparables, NAV, multiple-based, operational metrics, etc) Identify key pitfalls Sensitivity analysis and its impact on overall returns Module – 3 How to prepare investment proposal and Investment Committee presentation Structure of Investment proposal Keys points in the proposal Importance of return and exit information Preparation for Investment Committee presentation Points to remember for presenting to Investment Committee Report to be prepared for Investment Committee meeting Module – 4 Due Diligence How to create your due diligence plan How to balance role of external and internal service providers Key focus areas Financial models Business Legal Accounting Management due diligence How to resolve post due diligence observations How to identify keys Module – 5 Documentation (commercial overview) Keys terms and their impact on business- Minority Protection, Affirmative Rights, Exit rights, Conditions Precedents, Board rights etc How to negotiate effective terms sheets Key points to focus while negotiating shareholders agreement Module – 6 Investment structures What are the various structures for investments Direct Equity - private market, public market, listed and unlisted market Equity-linked debt - mezzanine funding, convertible securities etc Debt funding - bridge funding, subordinated debts, securitization and structured finance Module – 7 Monitoring investments and value-add How to help the investee company develop a common business goal and plan How to support the business on various operational and strategic areas Common restructuring activities that can be carried out Financial engineering to improve shareholders’ return and reduce riskiness Manage the risks highlighted during due diligence process Module – 8 Exit process How to prepare the investee company for exits Analyze various exit options and their pitfalls How to do exit valuation Determining the target price and exit returns Essential concepts - Gross and net IRR, cash multiple and its relevance Module - 9 Case Discussions Case discussions based on past private equity transactions to explain the entire process and its implications If you need further information, please visit www.riverstonetraining.com.sg or send mail at info@riverstonetraining.com.sg Riverstone – Corporate Training https://www.riverstonetraining.com.sg
read moreOpen 1 hour before show. Only open 1 hour before show on show days. ADA seating differs per show layout, if you are attending a General Admission show we will have a roped off area for those who cannot stand for very long and need seating accommodations. As for our seated shows, we encourage all folk who require accessible seating to sit on the end aisles. We are more than happy to remove an aisle seat for you to slide your own chair into place. If you have any further questions or concerns regarding seating accommodation's please reach out to our Entertainment Coordinator Will - Will.Garland@greatcanadian.com
read moreCredit Card collections may be collected from the temporary Ticketmaster Box Office on the day of the event only, please take the credit card and Ticketmaster reference number as proof of purchase. The temporary Ticketmaster Box Office will be located at the entrance off the Grange Road opposite Centre and Lidl. The Box Office will be open as soon as the gates to the Marlay Park open. For Accessible and PA/ Carer tickets please contact Ticketmaster on the below numbers. - 0818 903001 (Republic of Ireland) - 0333 321 9996 (Northern Ireland & UK) - 00 353 818 903001 (International) Service Hours: Monday to Friday, 8.30am to 6pm & Saturday 9.30am-6pm If you dont wish to apply for an accessible ticket, but would like access to the Accessible facilities such as accessible car parking / accessible toilets, please email Access@FestivalRepublic.com with relevant official documentation supporting your request and a member of staff will contact you accordingly. Please contact us well in advance.
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