New York Yankees v. Miami Marlins * Premium Seating *
Please check for updated information including a Yankee Stadium Ticket Office schedule.
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read moreAdobe Illustrator is a powerful, flexible program for making 2D vector graphics. Learn the basics to create designs you can cut with the Fab Lab's vinyl cutter, laser cutter, and computer numerically controlled routers. Illustrator is great for designing logos, too. Participants will need to bring a laptop with Illustrator to this hands-on class. You can download a free trial from Adobe here. Who Should Attend: Open to the public Questions? Contact Elizabeth Koprucki at
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read moreAccepted forms of payment are: VISA, MasterCard, Discover, American Express, and Cash. Will Call is located at the main entrance of Simmons Bank Arena. Tickets held for Will Call can be picked up after 5:00pm or 2 hours prior to the event on the night of the show only. Customers must have their order number, picture ID and the actual credit card used to place the order. Simmons Bank Arena Box Office: 501-975-9000 Group Sales: ALL OTHER GROUP INFORMATION: 501-975-9131 Monday, Wednesday, Friday 10am-2pm Event Days on weekdays - open at 10am Event Days on weekends - open 2 hours before showtime This is an accessible venue. Ticketmaster, on behalf of its clients, strives to make it as easy as possible to purchase accessible seating tickets for venues across the country. Most venues offer accessible seating areas to accommodate their guests. Availability and type of accessible seating tickets will vary based on each venue's policies and/or the type of event taking place. Note: Venues are solely responsible for establishing their own accessible seating ticket policies. Some venues sell all or a portion of their accessible seating tickets only through their box office and not through Ticketmaster. For further information on purchasing accessible tickets, visit our FAQ.
read moreVisa, Mastercard, Discover, American Express, Cash Will Call is available 1 hour prior to showtime and is located at the Morrison Center Box Office unless otherwise indicated. (208) 426-1110 Regular Hours: M-F 10am - 5pm Summer Hours (Memorial Day - Labor Day): M-TH 10am - 5pm; FRI 9am - 3pm Accessible seating locations are shown on the event interactive seat map. For more information please visit or call 208.426.1111. Wheelchair seating in Main Hall is available in Row I and (K for extra companion seating) of the Orchestra Level, and Row E and (G for extra companion seating) of the Mezzanine Level. See seating chart for details. Accessible locations are reserved for use by patrons with disabilities, but may be released for general sale when all other locations are sold. If you are planning on transferring to a theater seat from a wheelchair or mobility device, please inform the ticket office when ordering so we may seat you in an appropriate and safe location. Fire safety codes forbid items such as wheelchairs and mobility devices from being left in any aisle where they may become an obstruction in an emergency. Only entries 1, 11 & 12 completely avoid stair steps on approach from lobby. Up to (4) companions per accessible patron. Please make every attempt to limit the number of companions in adjacent seating to (1). Place other companions (as possible) in the row just behind the wheelchair space(s). For information regarding Mobility/Sight/Hearing Impairment accommodations, please purchase seats designated as wheelchair accessible or call (208) 426-1110. Sign Language Interpretation for Morrison Center sponsored performances requires a minimum of 72 hrs. prior notice. Please call the Special Assistance Line at (208) 426-1111 Monday-Friday 10AM-4PM well in advance to schedule an interpreter. Assistive listening headsets are available at all Morrison Center sponsored performances and may be picked up at the information booth in the main lobby.
read moreWorkpath Masterclass In unserem 1,5-tägigen Workshop lernen Sie am ersten Tag die Grundlagen der agilen Führungsmethode “Objectives and Key Results” (OKR) kennen und vertiefen diese Kenntnisse durch praktische Übungen und die Arbeit mit Templates am zweiten Tag. Der Workshop richtet sich an Agile Coaches, Geschäftsführer und Führungskräfte, die mehr über dieses Framework zur agilen Unternehmensführung erfahren und einen Rollout in ihrem Unternehmen ermöglichen möchten. Inhalte des OKR Goal Setting Workshops Grundlagen des OKR Frameworks In der Masterclass wird ein umfassendes Verständnis der OKR-Methode entwickelt und die Definition von Unternehmens-, Team- und persönlichen OKRs sowie die Formulierung von effektiven Zielen erlernt. Als holistisches Werkzeug für agile Führung, Netzwerkorganisation und Transformation werden verschiedene OKR-Ansätze vorgestellt. Außerdem wird eine Differenzierung von Objectives, Key Results, KPIs und vergleichbaren Modellen erarbeitet. Fallbeispiele aus der Praxis Der Kurs bietet Einblick in zahlreiche Praxisbeispiele und erklärt, wie Unternehmen verschiedener Branchen erfolgreich mit agilem Zielmanagement führen und ihre Organisation permanent weiterentwickeln. Zahlreiche Interviews mit Führungskräften und Gründern sowie Erhebungen des Workpath Instituts bieten hierfür eine Grundlage. Auch die Vernetzung und der Austausch mit erfahrenen Anwendern wird so ermöglicht. Prozessdesign für agile Führung Durch die Masterclass lernen Teilnehmer, eine Ablaufplanung des OKR-Prozesses in ihrem Unternehmen sowie die Integration der OKRs in das operative Geschäft zu gestalten. So wird die Verbindung von Aufgaben des Tagesgeschäftes mit Objectives und Key Results besprochen und Best Practice für Meetingstrukturen im Unternehmen geteilt. Dadurch können OKRs als aktivierender Kommunikationsrahmen für alle Mitarbeiter verstanden und eingeführt werden. Eigene Ziele setzen Der zweite Tag der Masterclass konzentriert sich auf praktische Übungen. Hier wird die Theorie des ersten Tages in die Praxis umgesetzt, indem Ziele mithilfe spezifischer Kriterien und Methoden formuliert und optimiert werden. Außerdem werden hier Templates angewendet, die bei der Zielsetzung und im Rollout eine wichtige Rolle spielen. Handbücher, Templates und Tools Teilnehmer bekommen eine Übersicht über verschiedene Tools und Systeme zur Abbildung, Koordination und laufenden Besprechung von OKRs. Neben der Einführung in die Ziel- und Performance Management Plattform Workpath erhalten alle Teilnehmer verschiedene Handbücher für ihre Teams sowie Templates zur Vorbereitung von Workshops und Planungs-, sowie Abstimmungsprozessen. Wovon Sie als Alumni der Workpath Masterclass profitieren Damit Sie die Inhalte des Workshops in Ihrem Unternehmen direkt anwenden können, erhalten Sie während und nach Ihrer Teilnahme zusätzlich unsere OKR-Handbücher sowie Prozess-Templates für das Erstellen von OKRs und die strukturierte Durchführung des Rollouts in Ihrem Unternehmen. Agenda des Workshops Tag 1 09.00 - 10.15 Uhr Grundlagen agiler Führung Neue Prinzipien als Voraussetzung für digitale Transformation 10.15 - 12.00 Uhr Vorstellung des Objectives & Key Results Frameworks Einführung in die Historie, Definition, Ziele und Vorteile von OKRs 12.00 - 13.00 Uhr Fallstudien und Best Practices Vorstellung und Diskussion von Fallstudien und Best Practices zur Arbeit mit OKRs 13.00 - 14:00 Uhr Mittagessen 14.00 - 15.30 Uhr Prozesse im Unternehmen für ein erfolgreiches Arbeiten mit OKRs Struktur u. Ablauf von OKR Retrospektiven und Reviews sowie wöchentlicher Check-ins 15.30 - 17.00 Uhr Tools und Templates für den Rollout in Ihrem Unternehmen Vorstellung verschiedener Software Tools und Templates für die einzelnen OKR Prozesse Tag 2 09.00 - 12.30 Uhr Praktische Übungen und Arbeiten mit Templates Methoden und Übungen zu OKR Goal Setting mit Hilfe der Templates und der Theorie aus dem ersten Tag 12.30 - 13.00 Uhr Wrap up & Feedback
read moreTicket purchases can be made at this box office during opening hours. Payment by all major debit/credit cards is available. Pre-booked tickets can be collected on the day of the show from 4pm, up to 15 minutes after the main act goes on stage. Customers must take the credit card used to make the booking and the Ticketmaster reference number with them in order to collect the tickets. The cardholder will need to sign for the tickets. If you have any queries regarding box office collections, please contact Ticketmaster's customer services department. 0844 847 8000 The box office is situated on the Trinity Way link corridor next to the Arena Car Park entrance. This box office will be available from 4pm only on a show day and will close 15 minutes after the main act has gone onstage. Opening times will change for Box Office depending on the time of the show. Please check prior to attending the event to ensure you have the most current up to date information. AO Arena has been awarded GOLD status by Attitude is Everything, the disability-led charity with over 20 years' experience improving Deaf and disabled people's access to live music. Provisions have been made to cater for wheelchair users. Lifts have been installed and it is possible to enter the arena by the access link between Trinity Way and Victoria Station. The Hunts Bank entrance is accessible via external lift and access from the car park and Victoria Station is possible via the City Room. The second raised tier of seating (BLK 201 and above) requires the negotiation of steep steps and so may not be suitable for the elderly, infirm or those with mobility problems. Seating at the front of the upper tier is 35ft (10m) from ground, rising to 70ft (20m) at the rear. Please call 0161 950 5229 for further details.
read moreVisa, Mastercard, American Express, Cash All will call can be picked up at the main box office or ticketing kiosks on the southwest corner of the ballpark during regular business hours. Ticket office information line-(602)514-8400 Main Number-(602)462-6500 SMG/SAA Ventures, LLC-(480)994-0471 Hours: Monday-Friday 9:00-5:00 and Event Days only Location: Main Ticket Office-Southwest corner of ballpark on 4th St. and Jackson. Additional Ticket Windows-Gate K Northeast corner of ballpark-near 7th St. on Jefferson The Box Office opens for the winter season TBA Accessible Seats are reserved for individuals with accessible needs. These seats are restricted to no more than six (6) companions. If someone is wanting more than the allowed limit, please have them call the Box Office at 602 514-8400. Only 1 companion is guaranteed to be in the same section as the guest, depending on availability.
read moreCash, Visa, MasterCard, American Express Location: box office Opens: 3 hours prior to event University of Miami Basketball: 1 hour prior to tip-off. Customer must present the actual credit card used for the purchase, a photo ID and Ticketmaster order number in order to receive tickets. (305) 284-8336 Box Office (305) 284-8686 General Information 1-800-GO-CANES University of Miami Basketball Monday-Friday: 10:00am - 5:30pm Saturday & Sunday: CLOSED University of Miami Basketball Ticket Office at the Hecht Athletic Center: Monday to Friday 8:30am – 5:00pm This is an accessible venue.
read moreCash, Visa, MasterCard, American Express, Discover Will Call tickets can be picked up anytime the Box Office is open, thru event start time. Customers must present the actual credit card used to place the order and a valid photo ID. General Information... 202-628-3200 Accessible Seating Only.. 202-661-5065 Hours ... 10:00AM - 5:30PM Daily Event Days 10:00AM TO 1 Hour after the event starts. ** The Box Office is closed on non-event Sundays. ** To better accommodate your needs, Capital One Arena has requested that all accessible seating ticket accommodations be solicited only through their representatives. Please contact a Capital One Arena representative for further help with your ticket purchase.* Advance ticket purchase may be required. * Box office information is subject to change.
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