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5-Star Theatricals presents Disney's Newsies
MasterCard, Visa, American Express, Local Checks (check 3 weeks prior to event) or Cash! Will Call at Civic Auditorium 2 hrs. prior to event. It is recommended that you bring your confirmation number, ID and credit card used to purchase tickets. (805) 449-ARTS (2787) Tue-Sun 12:00noon - 5:00PM Regular Business Hours Box Office open through Curtain on performance days ** Closed Monday ** Accessible seating is available for all performances. Select accessible box or contact TM customer service for more assistance.
read moreMassoterapista MCB Full Time Week-end Intensivo (Massaggiatore e Capo Bagnino degli stabilimenti idroterapici)
Il Massaggiatore e Capo Bagnino degli Stabilimenti Idroterapici (MCB) è una professione abilitante all’esercizio dell’Arte Ausiliaria delle Professioni Sanitarie riconosciuta dal Ministero della Salute. Opera in via autonoma o con altre figure sanitarie, in regime di libera professione o subordinata, in strutture sanitarie pubbliche o private. Svolge le proprie mansioni nell’ambito del massaggio terapeutico, sportivo, del benessere, estetico. E’ in grado di effettuare la propria attività con l’ausilio degli apparati elettromedicali ed altre terapie quali: idroterapia, balneoterapia e terapia fisica. La durata del corso è di 2 anni e le lezioni sono organizzate in due weekend al mese. In ambito terapeutico, il titolo è requisito valido per l’assunzione in strutture convenzionate con il SSN (Servizio Sanitario Nazionale) o SSR (Servizio Sanitario Regionale). Il diplomato in MCB può: - aprire una propria attività massoterapica tramite semplice presentazione di DIAP (Dichiarazione di Inizio di Attività Produttiva) al Comune o all’ASL di competenza, in tale ambito, può erogare massaggi terapeutici (emettendo regolare fattura esentiva), previa semplice prescrizione medica; - operare mediante massoterapia, idroterapia, balneoterapia, o anche tramite l'uso di apparati elettromedicali in ausilio alle professioni medico-sanitarie presso terme, spa e centri idroterapici; - eseguire attività di massaggio e manovre meccaniche su organi e tessuti del corpo a fini preventivi, igienici o del benessere; - collaborare con le altre figure in ambito sanitario e riabilitativo secondo prescrizione medica; - richiedere l'inserimento nell'Albo e nei Ruoli del Settore Tecnico della F.I.G.C. con qualifica di “OPERATORE SANITARIO”. Il centro di formazione Kern School di Milano è accreditato in regione Lombardia e alla fine del corso rilascerà il diploma in MCB riconosciuto in tutta Italia e in alcuni paesi dell'Europa in cui è presente la stessa figura. Date: Week-end intensivo: Inizio corso a marzo Diverse possibilità di frequenza: Week-end intensivo: da Giovedì a Sabato dalle 8.30 alle 22.30 e Domenica dalle 8.00 alle 17.00 una volta al mese; Numero ore: 1000 Requisiti d'ingresso: diploma di scuola superiore, biennio o triennio professionale (sono ammessi anche Laureandi) Titolo acquisito: diploma regionale in MCB Posti disponibili: 20 Durata del corso: 2 anni Costo del corso: Preiscrizione: Euro 300,00 Costo del corso: Euro 3.000,00 all'anno (esente IVA) disponibile modalità di pagamento a rate mensili, per informazioni fissa un appuntamento in sede o partecipa ad uno dei nostri OPEN DAY Piano di studi: biomeccanica (anatomia palpatoria, anatomia funzionale e anatomia disfunzionale) massaggio tradizionale, sportivo, linfodrenaggio, bendaggio funzionale, valutazione e recupero funzionale elettromedicali manipolazione connettivale e fasciale, tenchine inibitorie e trigger point e scollamento fasciale, trazioni fasciali, scollamento fasciali anatomia, fisiologia e patologia radiologia neurologia reumatologia ortopedia e traumatologia inglese medico scientifico nutrizione psicologia biologia igiene farmacologia medicina termale primo soccorso diritto e organizzazione aziendale Se sei interessato al corso chiedici i moduli via mail: o chiamaci allo 0294338602
read moreBoston Bruins vs. New Jersey Devils
Cash; Check up to $100.00 w/Mass. Driver License; AMEX; Visa; MC; Discover; Diners Club Pick up tickets starting 2 hours prior to event time. Customer must present the actual credit card used to place order and a photo I.D. General Info Number:(617) 624-1000 Group Sales (only!): (617) 624-1805/1806 Bruins (617) 624-BEAR (Groups = 25+) Celtics (617) 523-3030 (Groups = 20+) Please do not contact Group Sales regarding sold out games! TD Garden - Boston | Tickets, Schedule, Seating Chart, Directions ( The box office will open 2 hours prior to an event and remain open until one hour after the event begins. Please note the TD Garden Box Office does not sell tickets at the public on sale. All tickets should be purchased via *Hours subject to change This is an accessible venue.
read moreBoston Celtics vs. New York Knicks
Cash; Check up to $100.00 w/Mass. Driver License; AMEX; Visa; MC; Discover; Diners Club Pick up tickets starting 2 hours prior to event time. Customer must present the actual credit card used to place order and a photo I.D. General Info Number:(617) 624-1000 Group Sales (only!): (617) 624-1805/1806 Bruins (617) 624-BEAR (Groups = 25+) Celtics (617) 523-3030 (Groups = 20+) Please do not contact Group Sales regarding sold out games! TD Garden - Boston | Tickets, Schedule, Seating Chart, Directions ( The box office will open 2 hours prior to an event and remain open until one hour after the event begins. Please note the TD Garden Box Office does not sell tickets at the public on sale. All tickets should be purchased via *Hours subject to change This is an accessible venue.
read moreChris Stapleton's All-American Roadshow
Cash, Discover, Visa, MasterCard & American Express Opens at the same time as the box office and parking lots. 315-435-5100 For the safety of our employees and guests, the box office will be closed until further notice. Please keep checking back here for updates as to when we re-open. We appreciate your understanding. For more information call 315-435-5100
read moreSovereign Credit Risk
Undercover the dos and don’ts for your internal rating tool and consider the rating agencies’ modus operandi. Training objectives: Analyse sovereign debt issuance in today’s capital markets Interpret macroeconomic and other quantitative data which impact sovereign credit ratings Integrate qualitative risk factors into the risk assessment Differentiate the rating methodologies for supranational agencies from those of sovereign obligors Appreciate how the rating agencies assess risks Discuss the UN principles on distressed sovereign debt recovery and legal process Define situations of default with respect to international (external) sovereign debt and domestic sovereign debt State how investors can predict improvements and deteriorations in sovereign credit quality Introduction: The seminar identifies relevant approaches of credit analysis that are useful to incorporate in a financial institution’s own internal rating tool. Further, this enables participants to deepen their expertise about credit risk for global banks and sovereign obligors. Covering Standard & Poor’s, Fitch and Moody’s methodologies helps participants identifying general trends on each of the entities’ rating factors and qualitative adjustments. Through detailed case studies participants will be able to analyse how rating agencies apply their own criteria, and especially which questions remain unanswered in public rating reports. Further, participants will develop skills to read between the lines in rating reports in order to fully being able to form their own informed opinions about credit risk of sovereigns and financial institutions of their interest. Know-how about the rating agencies’ modus operandi will be transformed into practical tips about how internal ratings tools should assess credit risk and which factors need to be taken into account to what extent, when analysing banks and sovereigns. The seminar further discusses also the availability of validated data, so that participants instantly know where to find the right underling information for each of the rating factors, taking into account qualitative as well as quantitative data. Overall this seminar leads participants to keep track of probability of default and helps to conceive an informed opinion about counterparties’ creditworthiness. This again, helps improve a financial institution’s own internal rating tool, make it more robust and exceptionally forward-looking. Starting position: International rating agencies assess sovereign credit risk according to their own methodologies and criteria. Consequently, even taking into account the same set of hard fact data, rating outcomes may vary significantly from one rating agency to another. The large number of rating factors, and the complex interrelationships between various entities’ ratings, taking into account different sectors such as financial institutions and local governments, make it very difficult to track rating decisions and almost impossible to predict them. Implementation: The two-day seminar deals on one hand with the individual rating factors and thus the basic sovereign rating criteria, on the other hand practical examples in form of detailed case studies for rated sovereigns will lead participants to in-depth knowledge of the rating agencies’ world of credit risk. In addition, the seminar discusses a selection of current ratings, in order to compare them qualitatively and quantitatively. Furthermore, the seminar covers current events and evaluates how they might impact specific sovereigns’ credit risk and how one can incorporate useful rating factors in each own’s internal rating tool. Added value: The aim of the seminar is giving participants a thorough analytical perception of sovereign credit risk and discussing how they interrelate with ratings of other sectors (e.g. banking system, local governments, etc). The detailed work on case studies allows participants to break down far-reaching events for sovereigns to a single credit rating and use the knowledge for each individual own purpose. By guiding the participants through the various sovereign rating methodologies, the seminar explains how rating agencies work in detail and how they derive their rating decisions. This facilitates the participants to anticipate rating changes and initiate appropriate measures on a timely basis. More Information >>>
read moreChildbirth Preparation
Five weekly classes from 7:00 to 9:30 pm. Topics include anatomy and physiology of childbirth, breathing, relaxation and comfort techniques, body mechanics and exercise, birth partner support, signs of labor, obstacles of pregnancy and labor, pain relief options (medications and anesthesia) available if desired or needed during labor and Cesarean Section delivery. Course also covers Newborn Care, Breast Feeding and Post Partum Care. Included will be a Childbirth Workbook, videos, handouts and a tour of the Family Suite at JFK. Fee: $100/couple. Is this a refresher course? Please email us at for the Refresher Course discount code.
read moreNew York Yankees v. Toronto Blue Jays * Premium Seating *
Please check for updated information including a Yankee Stadium Ticket Office schedule.
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