You must wear a mask. You will be doing temperature screenings for all patients entering Church Health. You are able to bring study materials for any down time. They will provide you with hand sanitizer and other cleaning materials. P1+ Volunteer - $0.00
The Box Office accepts Cash , Visa , Mastercard and American Express as methods of payment.
Will call is available two hours prior to the start of the event. Will call is part of the South Ticket Office, on Autumn St near Santa Clara St. Customers must present the actual credit card used for the purchase, a photo ID and the Ticketmaster confirmation number in order to receive their tickets.
The ticket office can be reached at (408) 287-9200 during business hours.
The Box Office is located at the South East corner of the Arena, on the corner of Santa Clara St and Autumn St. Box Office hours are as follows: Mon - Fri .......... 10:00AM - 3:00PM Saturday & Sunday .... Closed
SAP Center has designated seats for both wheelchair accessible seating and their companions. However, due to size constraints, companion seats will not fit a wheelchair. So patrons needing wheelchair accessible seating must purchase a wheelchair accessible seat as the SAP Center cannot turn a companion seat into a wheelchair accessible seat.
Phase 1: 10. - 13.12.2019
Phase 2: 16. - 19.12.2019
Erfahre mehr unter:
WICHTIG: Der Kurs wird auf Englisch gehalten! Direkt danach (16. & 19.12.) findet die aufbauende Phase 2 statt die ebenfalls interessant sein könnte. Kombitickets gibt es zu vergünstigten Konditionen.
Phase 1 führt Sie in unsere vier Säulen der menschlichen Leistungsfähigkeit ein: Denkweise, Ernährung, Bewegung und Erholung.
Dieser viertägige Mentorenkurs ist der erste Schritt, um sich in die einzigartige Methodik und den Grundgedanken der Systeme zu vertiefen, die Spitzenathleten auf der ganzen Welt zum Erfolg verhelfen. Sie werden von den Trainern lernen, die diese Methode täglich anwenden und alles von plyometrischer und multidirektionaler Geschwindigkeit bis hin zu Regeneration und Ernährung abdecken.
Zu den Themen gehören:
Prehabilitation, Wirbelsäulenkräftigung und Bewegungsvorbereitung
Plyometrie und Beschleunigung
Absolute und multidirektionale Geschwindigkeit
Stärke und Drehkraft
Intelligente Energiesystem-Profilierung
Functional Movement Screen
Was Sie erhalten:
Tasche mit EXOS Bekleidung und anderen coolen Sachen
Exklusive Rabatte von EXOS-Partnern
Zugriff auf die EXOS Performance Specialist-Zertifizierung (899 USD)
CEU-Punkte: NSCA: 2 | NASM: 1.9 | ACSM: 30
Learn more:
IMPORTANT: This course is thaught in English. Directly after this event will be the Phase 2 Mentorship (16. & 19.12.) that could also be interesting! Combo-Tickets for both events have a special price!
Phase 1 introduces you to our four pillars of human performance: Mindset, Nutrition, Movement, and Recovery.
This four-day mentorship course is the first step in immersing yourself in the unique methodology and reasoning behind the systems that help top athletes around the world succeed. You’ll learn from the coaches who use this methodology daily, covering everything from plyometrics and multidirectional speed to regeneration and nutrition.
Topics include:
EXOS methodology
Prehabilitation, Pillar Strength, and Movement Preparation
Plyometrics and acceleration
Absolute and multidirectional speed
Strength and rotary power
Intelligent energy systems profiling
Functional Movement Screen
What you’ll receive:
Swag bag with EXOS apparel and other cool stuff
Exclusive discounts from EXOS partners
Access to EXOS Performance Specialist Certification ($899 value)
CEU Credits: NSCA: 2 | NASM: 1.9 | ACSM: 30
WICHTIG: Der Kurs wird auf Englisch gehalten!
Phase 2 baut auf dem auf, was du in der ersten Phase gelernt hast und erforscht dabei noch weiter die Wissenschaft des Trainings und die Anwendung auf dem Feld und im Studio.
Dieser 4-tägige Kurs deckt fortgeschrittene Theorie und Methoden im Bezug auf Bewegungsfertigkeit, Kraft und Entwicklung des Kraftsystems ab. Außerdem wird die Kunst des Trainings erforscht. Der Schwerpunkt liegt hierbei auf dem Raster für funktionelle Bewegung, korrigierende Übungen und Methoden um Coaching- und Kommunikationsstrategien zu optimieren.
Themen umfassen:
Verbreitete Bewegungsstörung
Fortgeschrittene Methoden zur linearen und multidirektionalen Geschwindigkeit
Intensive und umfangreiche Kraft- und Leistungsentwicklung
Fortgeschrittene Programmierung zur Kraftsystem- Entwicklung
Abgeschlossene Lösungen zum funktionellen Bewegungsscreening
Was du bekommst:
“Beutetasche” mit EXOS Bekleidung, SKLZ Kordelzugtasche und andere colle Sachen
Exklusive Rabatte von EXOS Partnern
CEU Credits: NSCA: 2 | NASM: 1.9 | ACSM: 30
Phase 2 builds on what you learned in the first phase, further exploring coaching science and application on the field and in the gym.
This four-day phase covers advanced theory and methods concerning movement skills, strength, and Energy Systems Development. It also explores the art of coaching, with emphasis placed on the Functional Movement Screen, corrective exercises, and methods to optimize coaching and communication strategies.
Topics include:
Coach collaboration sessions
Common movement dysfunction
Advanced linear- and multidirectional-speed methods
Intensive and extensive strength-power development
Advanced Energy Systems Development programming
Completed Functional Movement Screen solutions
What you’ll receive:
Swag bag with EXOS apparel and other cool stuff
Exclusive discounts from EXOS partners
CEU Credits: NSCA: 2 | ACSM: 30
Cash, AmEx, Visa, MC
Pick up tickets one hour prior to the show. Customers must present the actual credit card used to place the order and a photo ID.
(212) 221-1211
Monday - Saturday 10am - 8pm Sunday 12pm - 6pm
Cash, Check, (14 day prior to event) AMEX, Visa, MC, Discover
Pick up tickets 90 minutes prior to show or daily at the Norfolk Scope box office (for Scope events only) from 9AM-3PM. Customer must present the actual credit card to place the order, a photo I.D. and the order number.
(757) 664-6464
10:00AM -box office opens one hour prior to show time. house 5:30pm opens 30 minutes before show time.
Accessible seating is available. Hearing devices are available upon request.
TAMPA BAY BUCCANEERS: Visa, MasterCard, American Express & Discover / USF FOOTBALL: Visa, MasterCard, American Express / STADIUM JUMPING: / All Other Events:
Location: box office (south end of the staduim) Opens: day of event (Please contact the proper organization for specific times)
Stadium Office Number: Tampa Bay Bucaneers: (813)879-2827 Buccaneer Groups Sales:(813)870-2700 (ask for Group Sales) Stadium Jumping Inc: (813)253-2782 USF Football: 1-800-GOBULLS Outback Bowl: (813)874-2695
The ticket office located on property at the Raymond James Stadium is open day of event only. The various organizations that use Raymond James Stadium have varying hours of operation. The number(s) for these organizations are listed under "Box Office Phone Numbers". Raymond James Stadium is a cashless venue
This is an accessible venue. Raymond James Stadium would like for you to know that is fraud if you purchase an accessible ticket knowing you are not eligible for accessible seating.
STAPLES Center does not accept Will Call drop off. Alternate Will Call Procedure (Alternate Pick Up) If a person (other than the person ordering and paying for the tickets) is picking up a Will Call order, the Alternate Pick-Up's name MUST be on the account. To add the name of an alternate pick-up to the account, the original purchaser must contact Ticketmaster Customer Service at 1-800-745-3000, verify their account information and request the addition an alternate pick-up.
Box office is located on North side of building at 11th and South Figueroa. Box office hours are 10am to 6pm, Monday through Saturday. It is open extended hours on event day. Phone: 213-742-7340 SUMMER HOURS Closed Saturdays and Sundays unless there is an event, the box office will open at 9am on Saturdays or 10am on Sundays only if there is an event. The box office will have extended hours on all event days.
Cash, American Express, Mastercard, & Visa.
Will Call is located at the Box Office.
Box Office Telephone: 323-468-1770
The Pantages Box Office opens daily at 10am. NO ONE UNDER THE AGE OF 5 ADMITTED
There is no elevator in the Pantages Theatre. Disabled seating is reserved for the exclusive use of the disabled patron and their companion. The purchase or use of disabled seating locations by non-disabled individuals is strictly prohibited and may result in ejection and/or forfeiture of the ticket price.