Tickets left at the box office for collection may be picked up on the day, during the hour before the performance starts. Please take the credit card used to make the booking and the Ticketmaster booking reference number as proof of purchase.
Ticketmaster UK: 0870 154 40 40, International: 00 44 161 385 3500
Monday - Saturday 10:00 - 18:00 and occasionally on Sunday.
Infra red hearing system with no deposit required. For special needs seating please call 0844 412 4648. Disabled toilet situated in the rear Stalls with ground level access There is no limit to the amount of Guide Dogs (within reason of course)
Visa, Mastercard, American Express, Discover
Will call is located at the box office on the 19th Street side of the venue. The Will Call window opens 90 minutes prior to each show at the Fox Theater box office. Be sure to bring photo ID, the credit card that was used to purchase the tickets, and your Ticketmaster order number as any or all of these may be required for ticket pick up.
The box office is located on the 19th Street side of the venue. Event box office opens 90 minutes prior to each show at the Fox Theater. Please be sure to bring photo ID, the credit card that was used at time of ticket purchase, and the Ticketmaster order number as any or all of these may be required for ticket pick up. The box office is open on the night of the show only
This venue offers wheelchair accessible and limited mobility seating.
Cash, American Express, Visa, MasterCard, Discover. ATM machines are located in Chase Square.
Pick-up tickets anytime the day of the show during box office hours (see above). Customers must present the actual credit card used to place the order and a picture ID. MSG cannot accept third party or “drop offs” from individual patrons.
General Info: (212) 465-MSG1 (6741) or (212) 247-4777 Knicks Information: 1(877) NYK-DUNK. Rangers Fan Line: (212) 465-4459. Liberty Hotline: (212) 564-WNBA (9622). Season Subscriptions: (212) 465-6073. Disabled Services: (212) 465-6034 Guest Relations: (212) 465 - 6225 Group Sales: (212) 465-6100 Lost and Found: (212) 465-6299
Monday - Saturday: 10:00am to 6:00pm **Tickets are not on-sale at the Box Office on the first day an event goes on-sale** The Box Office will be open at 10:00am daily or 90 minutes before the 1st performance of the day, whichever is earlier and will stay open until 8:00pm or 30 minutes after the last performance of the day begins, whichever is later. Sunday – Closed If an event takes place on Sunday, Box Office will open 90 minutes before the event start time and remain open 1 hour after event start time for Will Call and tickets sales for the evening's event only.
MSG WHEELCHAIR AND TRANSFER SEATING POLICY: Wheelchair and Transfer seating is reserved exclusively for patrons with accessible needs and their companions. Accessible seating is intended for use by an individual with a mobility disability or other disability who requires the accessible features of accessible seating due to a disability, and that individual's companions. Madison Square Garden (MSG) reserves the right to investigate potential misuse of accessible seating and to take all appropriate action against individuals who fraudulently obtain tickets for accessible seating. While tickets for accessible seating legitimately purchased for the use of an individual with disability may be transferred to another individual under the same terms and conditions applicable to other tickets, in the event such ticket is transferred to a non-disabled individual, MSG reserves the right to transfer that individual to other available seating TO ORDER WHEELCHAIR AND TRANSFER SEATING: Tickets for people with accessible needs, subject to availability, may be purchased in several ways: 1) Call Ticketmaster at 866-858-0008 2) Call MSG's Disabled Services Department at (212)465-6115. 3) Visit Madison Square Garden's Box Office (see box office hours above) 4) Order Online with Ticketmaster (select your event from the list to the left) For additional information regarding accessibility at Madison Square Garden or to request any other accommodations, please call MSG's Disabled Services Department at (212) 465-6115 any weekday between 9:30am-4:30pm ET. Service Animals Pets are not permitted at Madison Square Garden. MSG has very specific policies related to service and emotional support animals. Please visit to obtain more information for admitting your animal. Assistive listening devices (ALDAs) are available upon request. Please visit the Guest Experience Office across from section 117 for assistance. There is no charge for this service, however some form of identification will be requested and returned to you, once the device is checked back in. Wheelchair Storage: For patrons who wish to transfer to a seat from their wheelchair, we will store your mobility device at the Guest Experience Office. You will receive a claim check for your device. Wheelchair Escorts to Seats: Patrons with mobility impairments who do not have access to a wheelchair may request a wheelchair to transport the individual to/from their seat, free of charge. Please be aware that our personnel cannot remain with you during the event, nor will they allow you to remain in or keep the wheelchair for the duration of the event. In the event a patron requires the use of a wheelchair for the duration of the event, we recommend bringing your own wheelchair or other mobility device. The escort pick-up area is located on the South (toward 31st) side of Chase Square at elevator alcove. Please allow for extra so that you may be accommodated prior to the event start. Simply ask a Guest Experience Representative or a MSG Security Guard for assistance. Elevators: Public elevators are available for use by guests with disabilities and service every seating level
Cash; Check up to $100.00 w/Mass. Driver License; AMEX; Visa; MC; Discover; Diners Club
Pick up tickets starting 2 hours prior to event time. Customer must present the actual credit card used to place order and a photo I.D.
General Info Number:(617) 624-1000 Group Sales (only!): (617) 624-1805/1806 Bruins (617) 624-BEAR (Groups = 25+) Celtics (617) 523-3030 (Groups = 20+) Please do not contact Group Sales regarding sold out games!
TD Garden - Boston | Tickets, Schedule, Seating Chart, Directions ( The box office will open 2 hours prior to an event and remain open until one hour after the event begins. Please note the TD Garden Box Office does not sell tickets at the public on sale. All tickets should be purchased via *Hours subject to change
This is an accessible venue.
Course Description:
This Course covers the critical software development related issues that you must address. It helps you understand and choose the Best approaches for your organization. The Course is relevant in any technology environment, regardless of the automation tools you use. Management issues including responsibilities, automation Objectives and return on investment are also included in the Course. In addition to technical matters such as testware architecture, pre- and post-Processing and automated comparison techniques.
Course Topics:
● Introduction
● Objectives, what we cover (and don’t cover) today
● Session 1: Managing Test Automation
● Test automation Objectives (and exercise)
● Responsibilities
● Pilot project
● Measures for automation
● Return on Investment (ROI) (and exercise)
● Session 2: Scripting Techniques
● Objectives of scripting techniques
● Different types of scripts
● Domain specific test language
● Session 3: Testware Architecture
● Importance of testware architecture
● What needs to be organised
● Session 4: Pre- and Post-Processing
● Automating more than tests
● Test status
● Session 5: Comparison Techniques
● Automated test verification
● Test sensitivity
● Session 6: Testware Maintenance
● Common maintenance issues
● Maintenance mitigation
Learning Goals:
● Achieve better success in automation
● Deal with Management issues and technical issues
● Plan an effective automation strategy
Course Agenda:
Day 1
● Introduction
● Managing Test Automation
● Scripting Techniques
● Testware Architecture
● Pre- and Post-Processing
● Comparison Techniques
● Testware Maintenance
Who can Attend:
● Software Engineer
● Software Tester
The Box Office will accept Cash, Mastercard, American Express, Visa, Discover and Travelers Checks. Credit cards must be in your name and presented along with a photo ID.
Will Call: Tickets held for will call may be picked up with proper ID, the Credit Card used to order the tickets and the account number 2 hours prior to the event. Automated will call kiosks are available inside the main entrance for your convenience.
The Box Office will be open Monday through Friday from 10:00AM to 5:00PM. The Box Office will open at 10:00AM on Saturday only on event days. The Box Office will open at 12:00PM on Sunday only on event days.
This is an accessible venue
Cash, American Express, Mastercard, & Visa.
Will Call is located at the Box Office.
Box Office Telephone: 323-468-1770
The Pantages Box Office opens daily at 10am. NO ONE UNDER THE AGE OF 5 ADMITTED
There is no elevator in the Pantages Theatre. Disabled seating is reserved for the exclusive use of the disabled patron and their companion. The purchase or use of disabled seating locations by non-disabled individuals is strictly prohibited and may result in ejection and/or forfeiture of the ticket price.
Cash, American Express, Mastercard, & Visa.
Will Call is located at the Box Office.
Box Office Telephone: 323-468-1770
The Pantages Box Office opens daily at 10am. NO ONE UNDER THE AGE OF 5 ADMITTED
There is no elevator in the Pantages Theatre. Disabled seating is reserved for the exclusive use of the disabled patron and their companion. The purchase or use of disabled seating locations by non-disabled individuals is strictly prohibited and may result in ejection and/or forfeiture of the ticket price.
Les avancées récentes en neurosciences cognitives amènent à voir sous un jour nouveau l’appropriation et l’enseignement de la prononciation des langues secondes/étrangères. Au travers d’un contenu dynamique (diaporamas, enregistrements, vidéos, témoignages et expérimentations sur le terrain avec des apprenants), cette formation de cinq jours répond aux questions que les enseignants de langue seconde/étrangère en exercice, les futurs enseignants et les conseillers pédagogiques se posent afin d’optimiser la prononciation : Quoi enseigner ? Quoi corriger ? Quand enseigner ? Quand corriger ? Comment enseigner ? Comment corriger ?
Au terme de cette formation, vous serez en mesure de diagnostiquer les difficultés de prononciation de vos apprenants et d'intervenir efficacement pour la leur améliorer grâce aux 10 Grands Moyens de Correction Phonétique concrètement démontré et mis en pratique pendant le stage.
Quand bien même un locuteur de langue seconde/étrangère maîtrise la grammaire de la langue qu’il veut utiliser, si sa prononciation n’est pas suffisamment intelligible, il rencontre de nombreuses difficultés, i.e.: même s’il est compétent en entretien d’embauche, l’employeur qui lui pose des questions se focalise sur l’approximation de son élocution plutôt que sur ses compétences professionnelles.
En effet, l’intelligibilité s’avère la condition nécessaire du désir d’échange langagier. Plus l’interlocuteur doit déchiffrer ce qui lui est dit, moins il est disponible pour la conversation: Si l’intelligibilité de la langue parlée est l’objectif premier de l’enseignement d’une langue seconde, cette prise en compte devrait être un devoir sur le plan de l’éthique de l’enseignement et une exigence de la part des étudiants (LeBel, 2011).
La formation, assurée par Steeve Mercier (Ph. D.) et Olivier Massé (Ing. Form.), avec la participation de Jean-Guy LeBel (Ph. D.), s’inscrit dans cet esprit. Ces plurilingues et spécialistes d’enseignement et de correction phonétique combinent 80 années d’expérience, auprès de publics variés (étudiants internationaux, immigrants économiques, réfugiés, personnes atteintes de pathologies du langage), qu’ils seront heureux de partager avec vous.
Les stratégies d’enseignement et de correction délivrées lors cette formation permettent d’optimiser l'efficience de celles proposées par nos formations en Approche Neurolinguistique de l’enseignement des langues secondes /étrangères (ANL).
Objectifs et description de la formation
Exploiter l’apport des neurosciences cognitives à l’enseignement/apprentissage d’une langue seconde/étrangère;
Maîtriser les systèmes phonologique/phonétique du français;
Déterminer les principales difficultés/erreurs de prononciation du français langue seconde/étrangère et en diagnostiquer la nature;
Exploiter différentes techniques de correction phonétique.
Nécessité de la correction phonétique dans l’enseignement du français langue seconde/étrangère, quelle que soit l’approche pédagogique envisagée;
Problématiques de l’appropriation d’une langue seconde/étrangère du point de vue de la perception et de la production de la parole;
Initiation aux avancées récentes en neuroéducation;
Présentation des systèmes phonologique et phonétique du français et comparaisons avec d’autres systèmes ;
Comparaison des caractéristiques phonologique/phonétique du français avec celles d’autres langues;
Démonstration et mise en pratique des 10 Grands Moyens de correction phonétique (LeBel & Mercier, 2016).
Approche pédagogique :
Exposés avec notamment diaporamas, documents audio et vidéos, exempliers;
Démonstrations et pratiques de corrections phonétiques avec des non-francophones de diverses langues maternelles et profils socio-économiques.
Jour 1 et jour 2 : Théorie derrière l’appropriation optimale de la prononciation en L2/LÉ
Jour 1 : Contextes linguistiques
Rétroactions sur les observations de classe et sur les besoins des enseignants/formateurs (le cas des erreurs au niveau des phonèmes /ʁ/ et /ø/), de la phonotaxe des syllabes complexes et de la prosodie du français);
Présentation des principales observations et analyses concernant la perception et la production de la parole en langue seconde/étrangère;
Mise à niveau terminologique (ex. correction phonétique; phonétique vs phonologie; phonèmes; phonotaxe; prosodie; aisance; précision; API; critères articulatoires);
Présentation des système phonologique et phonétique du français; comparaisons avec d’autres langues, dont l’anglais, l’espagnol, le mandarin, l’arabe et le népalais;
Justification de la nécessité de faire de la correction phonétique en langue seconde.
Jour 2 : Interventions pédagogiques
Échanges autour de différentes techniques d’enseignement de la prononciation;
Présentation des avancées en neuroscience cognitive exploitables pédagogiquement;
Présentation de stratégies pédagogiques visant l’optimisation de l’appropriation de la prononciation tirées des avancées en neuroscience cognitive;
Présentation des neuf Grands Moyens de correction phonétique de LeBel, Mercier et Massé (2016).
Jour 3, 4 et 5 : Pratiques en situation de classe réelle
Démonstrations de correction des erreurs de prononciation chez des apprenants du français langue seconde/étrangère (sur vidéo et en réel);
Pratique supervisée avec des apprenants en situation d’apprentissage en classe et rétroactions;
Correction des erreurs de prononciation préalablement rapportée;
Échanges d’équipe et de groupe pour justifier les choix de stratégies de corrections phonétiques optimales.