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Imperial Lates: Future Commuter

If you’ve ever experienced the joys of the London commute or worried about the carbon footprint of a summer getaway, you may have wondered what the future of transport might deliver. Well now is your chance. Travel over to Imperial in February to meet the scientists and engineers exploring the probabilities of our future mobility. About Imperial Lates Imperial Lates celebrate the latest in science and engineering at Imperial College London - bringing the public together with world leading minds in their respective fields, who not only love what they do, but also love sharing their work with new audiences. A perfect evening's entertainment for adults of all ages and backgrounds. Anyone with a curious mind is welcome to get hands on with our research, brought to life through live demonstrations, creative workshops, interactive experiments and inspiring talks. Pick the brains of the people behind the ideas, innovations and breakthroughs to discover how their work could impact our society and change our futures. Throw in a bar and some of the world's most extraordinary and pioneering scientists and engineers and you have the recipe for a free, fun and engaging night out in the heart of London. Sign up to explore the future though the science of today!! Make sure you pre-register for your chosen event to receive a preview of the full programme of live demonstrations, workshops and talks, and help us track attendance numbers. Please note that registration alone does not guarantee seats for our talks, tours or workshops. However those who have pre-registered will be given the first opportunity to book places on anything with limited spaces.

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Hamilton (Touring)

Cash, American Express, Mastercard, & Visa. Will Call is located at the Box Office. Box Office Telephone: 323-468-1770 The Pantages Box Office opens daily at 10am. NO ONE UNDER THE AGE OF 5 ADMITTED There is no elevator in the Pantages Theatre. Disabled seating is reserved for the exclusive use of the disabled patron and their companion. The purchase or use of disabled seating locations by non-disabled individuals is strictly prohibited and may result in ejection and/or forfeiture of the ticket price.

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CEBIT ASEAN is a three days memorable event where we can connect, showcase & learn. Schedule your meeting today

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CCC-Big Data Foundation 2 Days Virtual Live Training in Seoul

Course Description: The Big Data foundation course provides you with an understanding of Big Data, potential data sources that can be used for solving real business problems, and an overview of data mining and the tools used in it. This is a fundamental course with practical exercises designed to provide you with hands-on experience in using two of the most popular technologies in Big Data processing – Hadoop and MongoDB. You will get the opportunity to practice installing these two technologies through lab exercises. The exercises expose you to real-life Big Data technologies with the purpose of obtaining results from real datasets from Twitter. After completing the course, you will be equipped not only with fundamental Big Data knowledge, but will also be introduced to a working development environment containing Hadoop and MongoDB, installed by yourself. This practical knowledge can be used as a starting point in the organizational Big Data journey. Course Topics:  Module 1 : Course Introduction ●     Course Learning Objectives ●     Course Agenda ●     Activities ●     Exam ●     Course Book ●     Cloud Credential Council®(CCC) ●     Certification Value Module 2 : Big Data Fundamentals ●     Big Data – History, Overview, and Characteristics ●     Big Data Technologies – Overview ●     Big Data Success Stories ●     Big Data – Privacy and Ethics ●     Big Data Projects Module 3 : Big Data Sources ●     Enterprise Data Sources ●     Social Media Data Sources ●     Public Data Sources Module 4 : Data Mining – Concepts and Tools ●     Data Mining – Introduction ●     Data Mining – Tools Module 5 : Big Data Technologies – Hadoop ●     Hadoop Fundamentals ●     Install and Configure ●     MapReduce ●     Data Processing with Hadoop Module 6 : Big Data Technologies – MongoDB ●     MongoDB Fundamentals ●     Install and Configure ●     Document Databases ●     Data Modelling with Document Databases Module 7 : Exam Preparation Guide ●     Qualification Learning Objectives ●     Learning Level of the Syllabus ●     Certification ●     Exam Instructions ●     Tips for Exam Taking ●     Mock Exam Learning Goals:  ●     Big Data fundamentals ●     Big Data technologies ●     Big Data governance ●     Available sources of Big Data ●     Data Mining, its concepts and some of the tools used for Data Mining ●     Hadoop, including its concepts, how to install and configure it, the concepts behind MapReduce, and how Hadoop can be used in real life scenarios ●     MongoDB, including its concepts, how to install and configure it, the concepts behind document databases and how MongoDB can be used in real life scenarios Course Agenda: Day 1 ●     Course Introduction ●     Big Data Fundamentals ●     Big Data Sources ●     Data Mining – Concepts and Tools Day 2 ●     Big Data Technologies – Hadoop ●     Big Data Technologies – MongoDB ●     Exam Preparation Guide Who can Attend? This course is best suited to Information Technology professionals who possess intermediate to advanced programming, system administration, or relational database skills and are looking to move into the area of Big Data. These include: ●     Software Engineers ●     Application Developers ●     IT Architects ●     System administrators The course can also be of benefit to other professionals, such as business analytics and research analytics, who possess strong Information Technology skills and have a deep interest in Big Data analytics and the benefits it can bring to an organization.

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Future Health NOW

“Your beliefs become your thoughts, Your thoughts become your words, Your words become your actions, Your actions become your habits, Your habits become your values, Your values become your destiny.” Mahatma Gandhi   Revive Primary Care and Agent of Change are excited to announce the most anticipated health event of the century---and you’re invited! Join us on May 6, 2031 as we celebrate America being crowned the world’s healthiest nation. Where We Stand in 2013   American healthcare is in crisis. We spend more than twice as much on healthcare as other nations, and yet we lag behind all the other industrialized countries in life expectancy and a range of other health indicators. And our future is even more alarming - we rank 44th in infant mortality, one in 50 children are diagnosed with autism, and one in six children have some developmental delay.   So, what will it take for America to become the world's healthiest nation by 2031?    Significant change.   Not just by government, not just by business, but by all of us working together towards a common goal, and what better goal than being the healthiest nation on Earth?    We don’t pretend to have all the answers. But we’re confident that by tapping into the innovation, excitement, and understanding of those dedicated to healthy change, we can work together to achieve this vision.   Over the next 18 years, we will ask complex questions, work hard, and highlight the efforts of individuals, doctors, organizations, and disruptors making a positive impact in health, technology, and wellness.   Set a new intention. Create a new tomorrow. Where to Start 1. Reserve your ticket today.  2. Share it with your friends on Facebook. Later in the year, we will open nominations for organizations and individuals whose work is improving our local, regional, and national health.     About the Organizers   Agent of Change unites passion with purpose to positively impact you. As event producers and campaign managers we harness the dynamic relationships between creative talent, media, tech, and inspired thought to spark a wave of enlightened disruption. Learn more at Revive Primary Care combines a nationwide team of integrative physicians and allied health practitioners with a digital education platform. Their mission is to redefine the words primary and care as they relate to medicine, and catalyze a health Revivolution. Find out more

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Ambulatory Indoor Run Clinics - Athletes/Volunteers

Join us once a month for an ambulatory run clinic at University of Illinois Chicago's Student Recreation Facility.  Here you will work with individuals on the indoor track to help improve their running technique and mobility skills.    Disability groups may include amputees, cerebral palsy, visually impaired, etc..  Volunteers are needed to assist participants throughout the practice.  Assistance can include guiding visually impaired participants, supporting individuals who may have balance issues, etc.. Check in at the front desk and let the UIC staff know you are there for the Dare2tri ambulatory run clinic.  Head upstairs to the elevated, indoor track where we will meet.  Please bring a towel, water bottle and proper running shoes and attire. Each clinic is limited to ten participants and we are hoping to fill all of those slots.  Once participants register, we will have a better idea of their needs. Should you have any questions, please feel free to contact Shawna at 

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Die Deutsche Schlagerparty

Friede - Freude - Eierkuchen "Die Deutsche Schlagerparty" feiert seit dem Jahr 2012 in der Hauptstadt die buntesten Partys rund um das deutsche Liedgut. DJ frankie b. präsentiert "gut aufgelegt" die ganze Nacht Non-Stop -im authentischen Schlagerkostüm- alle Hits die im Bereich des Schlagers Rang und Namen haben. Die Schlager Kult-Hits, die Klassiker aus der ZDF-Hitparade, sowie den aktuellen deutschen Schlager. Alle Hits zum mitsingen, tanzen, flirten und manchmal auch zum mitschunkeln. Auch die Songs aus der Neuen Deutschen Welle, die besten Hits der Wiesn, sowie die Hits vom Ballermann gehören mit zur Schlagerparty. Es gibt durchgehend deutsche Musik, der überwiegende Teil der Musik ist jedem bekannt. Die Neuvorstellungen mit Hit-Potential werden ebenfalls auf unseren Schlagerpartys präsentiert. "Ein bißchen Spaß muß sein", unsere bunten Partys werden permanent von fröhlichen Menschen besucht, hier stimmt einfach alles. DJ frankie b. - Der Tausendsassa der Berliner Event-Szene  Seit 1986 steht DJ frankie b.  Non-Stop als Profi an den Decks. 33 Jahre lang und motiviert wie am ersten Tag, steht frankie für seine Veranstaltungsformate wie "Back to the 80´s, "Pflaumenbaum-Revival“, "Die weiße Partynacht", Aprés Ski Partys und Oktoberfeste u.v.m. von ihm entwickelte Partykonzepte nicht nur hinterm Pult, sonder auch an den Reglern der Organisation dieser Veranstaltungskonzepte.  Zudem ist frankie bundesweit als mobiler DJ, Moderator und Eventmanager im täglichen Einsatz.  Die schönen Momente von heute sind die Erinnerungen von morgen, meine Aufgabe ist es, für schöne Momente im hier und jetzt zu sorgen" Genau das ist mein Leben, dafür lebe ich meine Passion, liebe die Musik und mein Leben" Schlager-Outfit erwünscht  - Alles kann, nichts muss Natürlich sehen wir unsere Besucher gerne im Schlageroutfit, hierfür werden oft Klamotten aus den 70er Jahren getragen. Von Perücken, über Sonnenbrillen, bis hin zur Schlaghose und Plateauschuhen haben wir schon echt tolle Outfits auf unseren Partys gesehen. je origineller, desto besser.  Die Location: diesmal feiern wir wieder im legendären Ballhaus Spandau Das Ballhaus Spandau ist eine Berliner Club Institution, seit 1972. Seit dem Wechsel der Betreiber im Jahr 2015 finden hier nicht nur Rock-Partys statt. Auf dem Programm stehen unterschiedliche Party-Programme, hier findet garantiert jeder eine Veranstaltung nach seinem Geschmack. An den Wochenenden geht hier regelmäßig bis 05:00 Uhr früh die Post ab.

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