On March 6, 2017, Permitting Services implemented full adoption of Digital Plans Review.To ensure everyone has the opportunity to understand the system, we will be hosting public training sessions the first Wednesday of the month on the following dates from 11 am to 12 noon:
2020 Dates:
January 8
February 5
March 4
April 1
May 6
June 3
July 1
August 5
September 2
October 7
November 4
December 2
2019 Dates
December 18
Location: City Hall, 400 S. Orange Ave, 1st floor Permitting, Roger Kiene Conference Room. Parking is available in the City Commons Parking Garage located at 460 Boone Avenue.
As there is limited seating, we ask that you please register. If you have any questions, please email crystal.emeric@orlando.gov.
The Lean Six Sigma Green Belt certification training by GreyCampus is globally recognized and fully accredited to IASSC. The IASSC - Certified Green Belt demonstrates a good knowledge of the Lean Six Sigma Methodology that helps to implement quality projects & applications, and Minitab tool for statistical analysis.
This Green Belt certification training prepares you to stand out from the competition to lead small & mid-sized projects, increase your salary potential and also helps you get certified in 7days.
What will you get?
2 Days Instructor-led Training in Dubai
1 Day Hands-on Exam Solving Session
171 hours study time (approx.)
GreyCampus Green Belt Certification with exam
99.9% Success Rate
30-Day Instructor Helpline Post Training
1-year Access to Online Self-learning Materials
3 Simulated Exams
IASSC Exam (optional)
100% Money Back Guarantee
Dates: December 20,21 2019
Time: 9am - 5pm UTC +4 GST
Osmanlı İmparatorluğu’nın son döneminin önemli yapılarından biri olan Nakkaştepe’deki Abdülmecid Efendi Köşkü, 16. İstanbul Bienali süresince Koç Holding Yönetim Kurulu Başkanı Ömer M. Koç koleksiyonundan eserler ile “İçimdeki Çocuk” sergisine ev sahipliği yapıyor.
Ülkemizden ve dünyadan 60 kadar sanatçının 17’inci yüzyıldan günümüze geniş bir döneme yayılan 100’den fazla yapıtını bir araya getiren ve sanat danışmanlığını Károly Aliotti’nin üstlendiği “İçimdeki Çocuk” sergisi, resimden fotoğrafa, heykelden yerleştirmeye çok çeşitli teknik ve malzemelerle üretilmiş işleri odağına alırken, ziyaretçilerini, zamanla kaybetmeye yüz tuttukları içlerindeki çocukları dinlemeye davet ediyor.
Rehberli Sergi Turumuz, 'genel katılıma kapalı' olarak gerçekleşecektir.
Konforlu ve ayrıcalıklı giriş ve sergi deneyimi yaşamak için sizleri 10.00'da turumuz başlayacak şekilde bekliyor olacağız.
Sanat Tarihçisi ve Sanat Eleştirmeni: Arda Can Özsü
Tarih: 28 Aralık 2019 - Cumartesi
Saat: 10.00 - 11.30
Mekan: Abdülmecid Efendi Köşkü (Kuzguncuk, Kuşbakışı Cd. No:18, 34674 Üsküdar/İstanbul)
Google Maps: https://g.page/abdulmecid-efendi-kosku?share
Süre: 1,5 Saat
Bilet: https://biletino.com/tr/e-79j/omer-koc-koleksiyonu-rehberli-sergi-turu/
Ücret: 90 TL
Visa, MasterCard, American Express, Discover
(813) 301-2500 Amalie Arena Ticket Office (813) 301-6700 Accessible Seating Line
Day of Event: 3 hours prior to the ticketed time. Hours may vary based on event. Please call (813) 301-2500 for specifics..
This is an accessible venue. For additional information, please visit www.amaliearena.com/arena-info/accessibility.
“Ciò che sei urla così forte che non riesco ad ascoltare ciò che dici!”
Ralph Waldo Emerson
Il linguaggio del corpo è una vera e propria lingua, che tutti parliamo ma che solo il 2% della popolazione riesce a capire correttamente (fonte: Paul Ekman).Uno sguardo, un toccamento, grattarsi il naso, spolverarsi la giacca, stringere le labbra… tutto ha un significato, e saperlo leggere correttamente ci può aiutare nel migliorare la nostra comunicazione.
Il corpo si esprime sempre e comunque, anche senza il nostro permesso; e laddove cerchiamo di controllarlo, lui trova il modo di esprimersi e di esprimere anche il suo dissenso verso il nostro controllo.Ma il rischio di interpretare male i segnali del corpo altrui, o di inviare messaggi errati e incongruenti è molto alto. Anzi, spesso chi si occupa di CNV tende a interpretare troppo e tutto, perdendo le sfumature veramente significative del Linguaggio del Corpo. Per questo è fondamentale conoscere e studiare la Comunicazione Non Verbale con un approccio scientifico e libero da smanie di voler “sgamare” gli altri.
Conoscere il Linguaggio del Corpo e le Microespressioni ci permette di capire veramente bene gli altri, le loro emozioni, i loro stati mentali ed entrare ancora più semplicemente in empatia e sintonia con loro. Inoltre, ci permette di migliorare la nostra Comunicazione, rendendola più Efficace, più Efficiente, più Elegante, più Persuasiva e più d’Impatto.Ovviamente, i campi di applicazione della CNV e del Linguaggio del Corpo sono tanti quante sono le attività che richiedono delle interazioni umane: dalla vendita alla genitorialità, dalla gestione delle risorse umane alle attività investigative, dalla didattica alla sicurezza, dalle attività sanitarie a tutte le relazioni di aiuto.Il corso non svela segreti o tecniche magiche, ma fornisce “nuovi occhi” con cui osservare scientificamente il comportamento e la gestualità altrui, oltre a modelli di osservazione strategica.
“Chi sospetta un inganno dovrebbe fare più attenzione alla voce e al corpo”
Paul Ekman
PROGRAMMA:- I falsi miti della Comunicazione Non Verbale- Neurologia della CNV - Premesse Metodlogiche: CIC, TTT e tempi della CNV- Prossemica: le 4 distanze- Postura e Portamento- Segnali di Gradimento- Segnali di Tensione- Segnali di Rifiuto- Le (Micro)Espressioni Universali- La Respirazione- Il ParaVerbale- Gli indicatori di Incongruenza- Il contatto oculare - Il contatto fisico - Psicogeografia degli ambienti e degli uffici Formula di EFFICACIA FYM:
60% teoria e studio della CNV
40% pratica interattiva (video ed esercitazioni pratiche)
Quota d'iscrizione: 590€ + iva
La quota comprende: - corso (2 giornate - 14 ore);- materiali didattici cartacei; - materiali didattici digitali;- attestato di partecipazione; - rifrequenza gratuita del corso. INFORMAZIONIwww.fym.it/formazione/corsi/comunicazione-non-verbale/
BROCHURE DEL CORSOhttp://www.fym.it/wp-content/uploads/2018/05/SC01-CNV.pdf
BIBLIOGRAFIA DEL CORSOhttp://www.fym.it/wp-content/uploads/2018/05/Bibliografia01-CNV.pdf
Unter dem Motto "The finest of Black Music" reicht die Programmvielfalt von den großen Stars der so genannten "Old School" Zeit, wie James Brown, The Temptations, Kool & The Gang, Earth Wind & Fire und Marvin Gaye über die 80er mit Michael Jackson, Montell Jordan, bis zu den neuen R&B Stars der modernen Szene, wie Usher, Taio Cruz und Pharell Williams.
Mehr zur Band --- Spirit of SoulZum Musiklokal --- Musiklokal Südbahnhof
Einlass: 11.00 Uhr --- ACHTUNG - Keine SITZPLATZGARANTIE !!!
Course Description:
Desktop support professionals spend much of the day visiting customers at their workstations or home offices, providing technical support for many desktop systems. HDI Desktop Support Technician (HDI-DST) training focuses on key support center Processes and concepts to improve overall support operations, as well as customer service and interpersonal skills that improve the customer’s experience.
Course Topics:
Unit 1 : Support Center Overview
● The Evolution the Support Center
● The Role of Desktop Support Technician
● The Support Center’s Role in the Business
Unit 2 : Strategic Framework
● Strategic Perspective
● Service Level Agreement
● Standard Operating Procedures
● Business Alignment
Unit 3 : Service Delivery Methods and Technology
● Service Delivery Methods
● Telephony Systems
● Service Management Systems
Unit 4 : Support Center Processes and Operations
● IT Service Management
● ITIL Service Support
● Security Management
● Knowledge Management
● Quality Assurance
Unit 5 : Call Handling Procedures
● Total Contact Ownership
● Procedures for Call Handling
● Procedures for OnSite Visits
Unit 6 : Communication Skills
● The Communication Process
● Cultural Sensitivity
● Vocal Elements
● Active Listening
● Body Language
● Incident Documentation
● Writing Skills
Unit 7 : Problem-Solving and Troubleshooting Skills
● Problem-Solving and Types of Thinking
● Questioning Skills
● Solve Incidents with IMPACT
● Additional Customer Service Skills
● Root Cause Analysis
Unit 8 : Maximizing Effectiveness
● Your Customer’s Psychological Needs
● Handling Conflict
● Difficult Customer Behaviors
● Stress Management
● The Power of a Service Attitude
● Managing Your Time
Learning Goals:
● Proven techniques for improving on-site customer interaction.
● How service level agreements impact workflow and prioritization of requests.
● Seven key steps for effective root cause analysis.
● The ITIL Processes of incident, problem, change, release, asset, and configuration Management.
● An overview of security Management and knowledge Management.
● Essential time Management and problem-solving skills.
● Effective strategies for managing difficult customers.
Course Agenda:
Day 1
● Support Center Overview
● Strategic Framework
● Support Delivery Methods and Technology
● Support Center Processes and Operations
● Call Handling Procedures
Day 2
● Communication Skills
● Problem Solving and troubleshooting skills
● Maximizing Effectiveness
Who can Attend?
● Technical support professionals who provide in-person support to internal employees, remote workers, or external customers and require skills specific to this unique form of customer contact.
● Individuals who are preparing for the HDI Desktop Support Technician certification exam.
MasterCard, Visa, Discover, Traveler's Checks, Cash, & American Express.
Pick up tickets one hour prior to show. Customer must present actual credit card used to place the order, the confirmation number and a photo I.D. Doors and plaza gates open 3 hours prior to event - seating gates - 2 hours prior to event. For non Eagles events - Will Call is on 11th St. facing the Wachovia Ctr. Will Call for the Lacrosse Event, May 28 - May 30, 2005 will be at the Chrysler Jeep Entrance/Main Ticket office.
General Info - 215.463.2500 Ticket Office - 215.463.5500 Accessible Seating - 215.463.5500
Monday - Friday 9am - 5pm Event Day - Remote ticket booth located 11th st. side of main parking lot. Non event day:Headhouse
Accessible seating is available in all levels. Limited accessible seating through Ticketmaster. Please call 215.463.5500 for accessible procedures.
Create the next B I G Thing
Google Maps, WhatsApp, Instagram have become our everyday essential apps and your child may be the creator of the next B I G thing that you will use in your life. We nurture future leaders in technology by allowing students to explore the path of mobile app development. The MIT App Inventor 2 Platform help students to create fully functional mobile apps that can be launched into the app store!
With an intuitive, visual drag-and-drop programming like Scratch but equipped with greater capabilities, the App Inventor allows students to apply computational thinking and creativity to design their own apps and put them to test immediately on their phones. They can build simple fun apps such as Countdown Timer, Racing Game, Robot Shooter Game and more!
App Inventor 1’s goal is to introduce mobile app programming, instill confidence and an adventurous spirit for students to continue exploring to become little app creators. Want to find out more? Check out our FAQs.
"I have enjoyed this lesson and learn how to program. I realized that learning new things is very fun and I can share them with my friends." - Enoch, 11
On October 20th, we are hosting an art experience and tasting with Puravegan Cafe.
Experience the place based healing station and enjoy the ambiance. There will be meditative sounds and the arts installation.
On October 21st, we are meeting at the Mary Meachum Crossing to erect a place based fiber installation.
Throughout the day on October 21st, stop by the Pura Vegan Yoga Studio for the Opening Healing Station.
Healing the Blues is a multdimensional attempt at tackling the "Winter Blues." The term "winter blues" is known as seasonal affective disorder. It is strongly studied in the mental health profession and is commonly discussed in the public, community and family culture.
The American "Blues" culture in music is rooted in the Delta of the Mississippi. The Mississippi River is the connector of Saint Louis and the rest of the American South. What would happen if we sent the healing intention to the river, across the river and down the river?