A hilarious Christmas story in the Botanic Garden this December: Elfis and Elvin the Elves have been sent to Australia to make preparations for Santa’s visit but things don’t go to plan… These two cheeky elves will have you laughing and singing as they battle the harsh Aussie environment to make sure Christmas happens!
To reach Barclays Center, please call 917-618-6100 or visit barclayscenter.com and use the chat feature.
Barclays Center provides wheelchair and companion seating with appropriate sight lines on all levels. Barclays Center team members can guide guests with mobility challenges to their seating location and to other amenities. Be advised that Center personnel reserve the right to take appropriate legal action against individuals who fraudulently obtain wheelchair & companion seats.
Cash, AmEx, Visa, MC
Pick up tickets one hour prior to the show. Customers must present the actual credit card used to place the order and a photo ID.
(212) 221-1211
Monday - Saturday 10am - 8pm Sunday 12pm - 6pm
Cash, AmEx, Visa, MC
Pick up tickets one hour prior to the show. Customers must present the actual credit card used to place the order and a photo ID.
(212) 221-1211
Monday - Saturday 10am - 8pm Sunday 12pm - 6pm
American Express, Visa, Mastercard & Discover
No public Will Call
M-F 12-6pm; Sat 12-4pm; Sun Closed (Hours may differ due to events)
Subject to availability, tickets for accessible seating may be purchased online for each event through Ticketmaster. Please refer all questions to the Barclays Center Disabled Services A to Z Guide: https://www.barclayscenter.com/center-info/disabled-a-to-z-guide ENTRY: All entrances at Barclays Center are ADA accessible. Re-entry is not permitted. All guests wishing to enter Barclays Center are subject to the established venue/NBA screening guidelines. INTERPRETING SERVICES: Patrons requiring sign language interpretation services for any events at Barclays Center should contact our Guest Services Department at least one week in advance of the event, by emailing guestservices@barclayscenter.com. MOBILITY DEVICE STORAGE & MEDICAL BAGS: Storage is available at Guest Services located at Section 112 on the Main Concourse and Section 212 on the Upper Concourse. SERVICE ANIMALS: Service animals are welcome at Barclays Center. In keeping with ADA regulations. Please contact our Guest Services Department if any accommodations are required, by emailing guestservices@barclayscenter.com.
Informacion General
Una de las grandes riquezas de Venezuela, ha sido y será siempre su gente.
TU HUELLA POR VENEZUELA, es una experiencia inolvidable que busca fomentar la concientización del cambio que requiere el país, y reforzar el vínculo del venezolano que vive fuera con su:
Buscamos rescatar el golpeado orgullo nacional, y lograr el compromiso de la comunidad de venezolanos en el exterior, en los esfuerzos por la re construcción de Venezuela.
A través de un Número 800, se recibirán donativos para las 3 ONGs participantes.
El donante escoge la organización que desea apoyar, y el monto aprobado, se deposita directamente en las cuentas de la organización deseada.
Los embajadores impulsarán la participación de los asistentes y la comunidad en general, a través de sus redes sociales.
Objetivos Especificos
TU HUELLA POR VENEZUELA, se convierte en el puente entre la ayuda humanitaria donada por los participantes y las Fundaciones sin fines de lucro, previamente escogidas y certificadas por el comité organizador. Dos actividades serán desarrolladas para este objetivo:
Recaudación de más de 2000 insumos de medicinay alimentos no perecederos siendo tres ONGs directamente beneficiadas
Recaudación monetaria telefónica: durante 10 horas, a través de un call center y 20 embajadores impulsando la colaboración
Todo el dinero recaudado por las donaciones, será depositado directamente en las cuentas de las organizaciones sin fines de lucro participantes.
Los esperamos
Pagina web del congreso : www.congresosporvenezuela.com , www.tuhuellaporvenezuela.com
Pagina web de la organizacion: www.despiertavenezuela.org
Ph: 786.306.56.77
E: info@despiertavenezuela.org
It's time to enjoy the holiday season and end of the year with a fun-filled cabaret. This amazing show features a very talented group of singers, musicians, and actors to bring you a variety of music, song, dance, and comedy. A great way to end our season and bring in the new year. Seniors (60+) - $18.00 General Admission - $20.00