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Free STEM Events for Middle School Girls! TechGirlz Workshops in Chicago!

TechGirlz is a non-profit that provides free, hands-on technology workshops for middle school girls. We want to inspire girls to explore the possibilities of technology and hope to eventually lessen the gender disparity in the tech professions.  Visit to register for these events and more! All registration must be done through the TechGirlz website to ensure your daughter's spot at our workshops. Click on the links for workshop locations and more information: 12/07/2019 Introduction to JavaScript - In this course, you will learn the basic concepts of JavaScript, learn to talk directly to your website, and create your own JavaScript program using Chrome Developer Tools (DevTools) or Launchbox! 12/07/2019 Python Programming - Students will learn how to program using Python starting with simple data types, including numbers, letters and strings, and lists. Students will also explore comparisons, if-statements, and loops. Finally, students will use what they learned to create their own game. Please check back or sign up for our monthly newsletter for upcoming events! Interested in hosting a workshop? Please click here for more information!

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“Ciò che sei urla così forte che non riesco ad ascoltare ciò che dici!” Ralph Waldo Emerson Il linguaggio del corpo è una vera e propria lingua, che tutti parliamo ma che solo il 2% della popolazione riesce a capire correttamente (fonte: Paul Ekman).Uno sguardo, un toccamento, grattarsi il naso, spolverarsi la giacca, stringere le labbra… tutto ha un significato, e saperlo leggere correttamente ci può aiutare nel migliorare la nostra comunicazione. Il corpo si esprime sempre e comunque, anche senza il nostro permesso; e laddove cerchiamo di controllarlo, lui trova il modo di esprimersi e di esprimere anche il suo dissenso verso il nostro controllo.Ma il rischio di interpretare male i segnali del corpo altrui, o di inviare messaggi errati e incongruenti è molto alto. Anzi, spesso chi si occupa di CNV tende a interpretare troppo e tutto, perdendo le sfumature veramente significative del Linguaggio del Corpo. Per questo è fondamentale conoscere e studiare la Comunicazione Non Verbale con un approccio scientifico e libero da smanie di voler “sgamare” gli altri. Conoscere il Linguaggio del Corpo e le Microespressioni ci permette di capire veramente bene gli altri, le loro emozioni, i loro stati mentali ed entrare ancora più semplicemente in empatia e sintonia con loro. Inoltre, ci permette di migliorare la nostra Comunicazione, rendendola più Efficace, più Efficiente, più Elegante, più Persuasiva e più d’Impatto.Ovviamente, i campi di applicazione della CNV e del Linguaggio del Corpo sono tanti quante sono le attività che richiedono delle interazioni umane: dalla vendita alla genitorialità, dalla gestione delle risorse umane alle attività investigative, dalla didattica alla sicurezza, dalle attività sanitarie a tutte le relazioni di aiuto.Il corso non svela segreti o tecniche magiche, ma fornisce “nuovi occhi” con cui osservare scientificamente il comportamento e la gestualità altrui, oltre a modelli di osservazione strategica.   “Chi sospetta un inganno dovrebbe fare più attenzione alla voce e al corpo” Paul Ekman   PROGRAMMA:- I falsi miti della Comunicazione Non Verbale- Neurologia della CNV - Premesse Metodlogiche: CIC, TTT e tempi della CNV- Prossemica: le 4 distanze- Postura e Portamento- Segnali di Gradimento- Segnali di Tensione- Segnali di Rifiuto- Le (Micro)Espressioni Universali- La Respirazione- Il ParaVerbale- Gli indicatori di Incongruenza- Il contatto oculare - Il contatto fisico - Psicogeografia degli ambienti e degli uffici Formula di EFFICACIA FYM: 60% teoria e studio della CNV 40% pratica interattiva (video ed esercitazioni pratiche) Quota d'iscrizione: 590€ + iva La quota comprende: - corso (2 giornate - 14 ore);- materiali didattici cartacei; - materiali didattici digitali;- attestato di partecipazione; - rifrequenza gratuita del corso. BROCHURE DEL CORSO BIBLIOGRAFIA DEL CORSO NUMERO VERDE GRATUITO: 800.14.87.37  

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Hamilton (Touring)

Cash, American Express, Discover Card, MasterCard and Visa. Checks are accepted up to 21 days prior to the event. Will Call tickets are available at the DeVos Performance Hall beginning 1 1/2 hours prior to showtime. Customer must have their Confirmation Number and Photo Identification. For information about events at the DeVos Performance Hall, please call: *Broadway Grand Rapids: 616-235-6285 *Grand Rapids Ballet: 616-454-4771 *Grand Rapids Symphony: 616-454-9451 *Opera Grand Rapids: 616-451-2741 *DeVos Performance Hall: 616-742-6500 The DeVos Performance Hall Box Office opens 3 hours prior to events. Tickets for events at DeVos Performance Hall can be purchased at the DeVos Place Box Office or the Van Andel Arena Box Office Monday through Friday 10:00 AM to 5:00 PM. Customers needing special seating arrangements may purchase tickets online at, by calling Ticketmaster at 1-800-745-3000, or by visiting the DeVos Box Office prior to the event. Accessible Seating Terms: Wheelchair Accessible: seating location in which there are no stairs that allows for wheelchair or scooter usage. Companion Seat: seating for individuals that are attending an event with someone who requires wheelchair or semi-ambulatory seats. Semi-Ambulatory: seating reserved for those with limited mobility that may require walking a few incline/decline stairs.

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Dubai Schools & Childcare Show 2020

DESCRIPTION  As a parent, there is nothing more important than giving your child the best start in life! The Dubai Schools & Childcare Show is your chance to find out more about Dubai’s most outstanding schools, nurseries, afterschool clubs and international schools. It gives you the opportunity to make an informed choice, and give your child the best possible education! Schools & Childcare show is the leading annual one-stop-shop education event that has participants from all over Dubai, and other reputable international entities that will be there to present their education systems, curriculum, facilities, and costs.  Attending the Schools & Childcare Show will not only give you the chance to meet with parents and potential students, but it will also help you engage with them through the various event activities which include keynote sessions, seminars, play areas and stage entertainment acts.   WHY SHOULD YOU ATTEND? To look for a schools or education provider that best suit the needs of your children. To interact face to face with representatives from some of the finest institutes. To seek on spot admissions guidance and counselling To find out information about after school programs. To search and sign up your children for an after-school club or activities group. To meet and listen to keynote educational leaders. To understand more about current and relevant education related topics in UAE. To find out about educational banking and savings schemes to plan your child’s future. To seek further information regarding education insurance plans in UAE. To learn more about study abroad opportunities. To obtain details about UAE school tours or summer camp programs abroad Join us at the Dubai World Trade Centre on the 7th – 8th of February 2020 from 10:00 am until 18:00 pm. Special offers and Discounts will be provided Exclusively to Visitors Only. For more information please visit: Follow on Twitter Like us on Facebook  

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LG LIVE TV at Super Bowl 54

Be a part of a Live audience, taping events on location in the city of Miami Super Bowl weekend Day 1 Opening day Day 2 touring Miami Day 3 at Stadium

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Event Marketing School [Training]

FREE Training: How To Triple Your Revenue Through Event Marketing There’s no denying that events drive massive business deals. This training teaches the best strategies for tripling your revenue and 10x your ROI with the fastest growing marketing channel… event marketing. What we’ll cover in this training: How to Run a Profitable In Person Event From Scratch Get 10k+ Attendees to an Event Like SaaStr Advanced Event Pricing Strategies Growth Hacks for Securing Massive Email Lists From Partners How to Grow A Webinar to 20K Listeners in a Competitive Niche Virtual Summit Mastery Training Event Marketing Growth Stack For Hacking Attendance How Startup Socials Built a Community of 100,000+ Tech Entrepreneurs and Marketers --

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