The Box Office accepts MasterCard, Visa, Discover, American Express, and Cash.
Box Office Phone Number: (313) 471-7929
The box office is currently closed due to Covid-19 restrictions. Anticipated date for re-opening is on or before June 1, 2021. The box office will be open on event days from 11:00am until 30 minutes after scheduled show time.
Visa, MasterCard, American Express, Discover
Day Of Show: Location - EverBank Stadium Ticket Office Hours - Varies per time of event The customer must present actual credit card, photo I.D., and Ticketmaster account confirmation number.
(904) 633-2000 - Jacksonville Jaguars
HOURS FOR JACKSONVILLE JAGUARS In Advance: Location - EverBank Stadium Hours - Monday - Friday 9am-5pm. Day Of Show: EverBank Stadium Hours - varies per time of event FOR ALL OTHER EVENTS: Jacksonville Veterans Memorial Stadium opens Mon-Fri 10am-5pm.
The stadium is an accessible venue.
cash, visa, mc, amex & discover - no checks
TO PICK UP Will Call -- you must present your confirmation number, a picture ID and the credit card used to purchase your tickets. You must wait 48 hours after ordering to pick up your tickets.
For NRG Stadium information 832-667-1400.
Monday-Friday 10am-5pm Saturday 10am-2pm. Hours subject to change.
We are offering training in-house on billing High Costs Cases
The training can cover:
Civil and/or Family
What's included?
A discussion with you to understand and identify any particular issues you would like addressed in the training.
A morning or afternoon in-house training session, with as many people as you like, specifically covering both the pitfalls and key areas for fee earners to be aware of and the process of how to get the different types of cases paid through CCMS.
The training includes:
A Power Point presentation at your office,
An overview of high costs cases, the schemes and rates available and how to avoid writing off costs
Ring binder of guides and our examples,
Our own practical training notes,
Flow charts and step by step guides,
Samples of best practice for drafting each type of case plan
We also include a free costs clinic for one hour following the training to discuss any problem files you would like our advice on.
If you would like any additional topics covering, just let us know. We also offer training on areas such as legal help billing, high costs cases, managing legal aid cases, maximising costs and costs advice clinics.
Ann Henderson, Director and Joint Head of the Processing and High Costs Teams
Client testimonial: “Ann Henderson is fantastic. Her knowledge of the Legal Aid Agency’s procedure, rules and guidelines is second to none. She has a huge amount of experience and as a result there doesn’t seem to be a legal aid related scenario she hasn’t come across” Abbie Huxley of Burke Niazi Solicitors
Rebecca Bidwell, Director and Joint Head of the Processing and High Costs Teams
Client testimonial: “I wish some of your speakers had been able to speak much longer, there was some really useful information and Rebecca’s High Costs Case topic could have run all afternoon”
Elizabeth Smith – Ramsdens Solicitors LLP
Gemma Vallance, High Costs Co-ordinator
Client testimonial: Gemma is always available to assist and completely reliable. A pleasure to work with. Aqueela Hafeez – Goodman Ray Solicitors
Contact details:
For further information or a copy of our free proposal document please contact at Bidwell Henderson Costs Consultants Ltd or telephone 03333 441 654 to speak to Rebecca Bidwell.
Feedback from some of our recent training attendees:
"Just wanted to compliment you on an excellent seminar yesterday. The speakers were excellent as was the venue"
Tracey Jack - BG Solicitors LLP
"I very much enjoyed your seminar yesterday and left feeling very reassured"
Angela Ward - Howells LLP
If you would like any additional topics covering, just let us know. We also offer training on areas such as:
Legal Help billing
Processing and managing legal aid cases,
Maximising legal aid costs
Costs advice clinics
Legal cashiering
We also offer discounts for booking multiple topics.
Bidwell Henderson Costs Consultants Ltd
T: 03333 441 654
Hast Du Dich schon einmal gefragt, warum einige Menschen finanziell auf der Überholspur sind, während andere auf dem Seitenstreifen zu stehen scheinen?
Die Antwort liegt oft in ihren Glaubenssätzen und der Einstellung zu Geld. Außerdem in der Bereitschaft, sich die nötigen Strategien anzueignen, um wirklich finanziell frei zu werden.
Das bringt Dir dieses Seminar
Du findest einen Weg, der Dir Sicherheit und Unabhängigkeit garantiert.
Du erkennst, wie sich Deine Glaubenssätze auf Deinen finanziellen Erfolg auswirken. Du siehst den wahren Wert des Geldes und lernst, wie Du Geld aufbaust und Gutes bewirkst.
Du gewinnst mehr Sicherheit und Selbstbewusstsein, wenn es um Dein Geld geht: Das wirkt sich sofort positiv im Beruf und im Privatleben aus, weil Du Sorgen ums Geld vergessen kannst.
Du weißt, wie Du systematisch Dein Einkommen erhöhst. Du kannst Dir und Deiner Familie Träume erfüllen.
Du lernst, wie Du Dir die finanziellen Voraussetzungen für Deine Träume schaffst.
Du hast es in der Hand: Verankere Dein finanzielles Wissen dauerhaft in Deinem Leben!
Erlebe ein sehr tiefes und gleichzeitig äußerst emotionales Seminar. Lass Dich nicht mehr von Deinem Weg in die finanzielle Freiheit abbringen.
Du beschäftigst Dich zwei Tage lang ausschließlich mit Deinem Geld und bringst Ordnung in Deine finanzielle Situation.
Du legst das sichere Fundament für Deinen Durchbruch zum finanziellen Erfolg.
Über Ludger Quante
Ludger Quante ist Finanzkoryphäe mit 20 Jahren Erfahrung und berät in Frankfurt die “Oberen Zehntausend” in allen Belangen, die mit dem Thema Geld zu tun haben. Sein Anspruch ist es, seinen Kunden nicht nur gute und sinnvolle Lösungen im Bereich der Finanzplanung anzubieten, sondern maßgeschneiderte Strategien für die verschiedenen, individuellen Lebenssituationen seiner Klienten zu finden.
Ticket zzgl. Verpflegung und Unterkunft
The International Research Conference Aims and Objectives
The International Research Conference is a federated organization dedicated to bringing together a significant number of diverse scholarly events for presentation within the conference program. Events will run over a span of time during the conference depending on the number and length of the presentations. With its high quality, it provides an exceptional value for students, academics and industry researchers.
ICTRPR 2020: 14. International Conference on Theology, Religion and Philosophy of Religion aims to bring together leading academic scientists, researchers and research scholars to exchange and share their experiences and research results on all aspects of Theology, Religion and Philosophy of Religion. It also provides a premier interdisciplinary platform for researchers, practitioners and educators to present and discuss the most recent innovations, trends, and concerns as well as practical challenges encountered and solutions adopted in the fields of Theology, Religion and Philosophy of Religion
Cash; Check up to $100.00 w/Mass. Driver License; AMEX; Visa; MC; Discover; Diners Club
Pick up tickets starting 2 hours prior to event time. Customer must present the actual credit card used to place order and a photo I.D.
General Info Number:(617) 624-1000 Group Sales (only!): (617) 624-1805/1806 Bruins (617) 624-BEAR (Groups = 25+) Celtics (617) 523-3030 (Groups = 20+) Please do not contact Group Sales regarding sold out games!
TD Garden - Boston | Tickets, Schedule, Seating Chart, Directions ( The box office will open 2 hours prior to an event and remain open until one hour after the event begins. Please note the TD Garden Box Office does not sell tickets at the public on sale. All tickets should be purchased via *Hours subject to change
This is an accessible venue.
Cash, AmEx, Visa, MC
Pick up tickets one hour prior to the show. Customers must present the actual credit card used to place the order and a photo ID.
(212) 221-1211
Monday - Saturday 10am - 8pm Sunday 12pm - 6pm