Surely Edinburgh's most accomplished Hogmanay ceilidh: enthusiastic, relentless traditional dancing with the HotScotch Ceilidh Band. A lively event with a strong core of experienced ceilidh dancers ready to lead the newbies and a seriously competent, enthusiastic, fast-paced band.
Visa, Mastercard, American Express, & Discover. PNC Arena is 100% cashless.
PNC Arena Ticket Office presented by 919.861.2323 PNC Arena and Carolina Hurricanes Business Office: 919.861.2300
PNC Arena Ticket Office hours: Tuesday through Thursday, 10AM to 4PM. Closed Friday through Monday, unless an event is taking place the Ticket Office will open at 12PM. On event days, the Ticket Office will be open through the start of the event. PNC Arena Ticket Office is located at the south end of the building, directly across from Carter Finley Stadium.
Wheelchair accessible seating and mobility impaired seating are available in all levels of the arena and at all price levels. Lower level seating is located along sides and ends, club level seating is located along ends, and upper level seating is located along sides, corners, and ends. Sight and hearing impaired seating is available in the lower level corners.
There is an invitation to play amazing transformation game Leela Chakra where you will be able to determine your true desires and goals, understand the right direction to move further and analyze the actions or qualities which help you to achieve or realize your intentions.
This game is a powerful tool for changing the existing stereotypes, preparing our mind to change the patterns of behaviour. The game reveals obstacles that block your way to achieving a goal and helps to overcome them.
General Information:
The number of players from 1 to 6.
Duration: 2- 2,5 hours
Price: 250 RMB /per person group session (include drinks)
700 RMB/ per private session for 1-2 people (include drinks)
The groups form on weekdays and weekends:
(possible to organise the other day and time *on request)
Saturday/Sunday afternoon 2 PM/ 5PM
Monday morning/afternoon - 10 AM/2 PM
Thursday evening - 7 PM
*Possible to organise the online sessions
Registration and more info:
WeChat ID: DariaNalimova
Course Details
Fee per student: SGD $2500 (including Certification Fees)
Duration: 3 days
Government subsidies available. More details below.
Course Description
The Certified Scrum Product Owner (CSPO) certification is offered by Scrum Alliance, a non-profit membership organization that supports the adoption and effective use of Scrum. There are over 30,000 CSPOs worldwide.
This course is for someone who is comfortable with the “business side” of projects, they are probably the right person to aim for a Certified Scrum Product Owner® (CSPO®) certification, as a CSPO, you create a product Strategy, Vision, Management of Requirements, Managements of Stakeholders while closely working with Product Development Teams in order to make sure the best possible job is done to delight the customer.
The course illustrates how Scrum and agile product management practices are applied by Product Owner and Scrum teams to validate ideas, evolve requirements, and deliver potentially shippable products in frequent, time-boxed iterations.
The course uses a combination of lectures, role-plays and exercises to impart understanding on the roles and activities the Product Owner and his/her team. The Scrum framework is applied in a mini-project simulation where the concepts of user stories, agile estimation, and release planning are practiced.
Certified Scrum Product Owner Course Overview
Becoming Agile is a lifelong journey. Incorporating Scrum values and Agile principles into your world of work takes diligence, patience, and a commitment to continuous improvement. CSPO® course offers a deep dive into the product owner role based on the internationally recognized Scrum Guide and the learning objectives of the Scrum Alliance.
CSPO® course is designed to be highly practical in its focus and format. It offers a unique opportunity to gain knowledge and experience at an accelerated rate. By exploring real-world case studies and effectively applied real-world solutions the trainee gains insight that might otherwise take years to achieve.
CSPO® course focuses on an approach using the lens of a Product Owner to all aspects of Scrum. Techniques are explored to improve communication skills, particularly with non-Scrum Team stakeholders, and methods are explored to build deeper understanding and empathy.
Certified Scrum Product Owner Course Outcomes
On completion of the course, the students would be able to:
Expand career opportunities across all industry sectors adopting Agile practices
Understand the principles underlying agile methodologies and how to apply them in a team context
Create a viable project vision, release forecast and visualise progress for an agile project. Discover how documentation, governance and reporting differ between a PMI and an agile project
Experience the product definition process, from visioning to user stories using such tools as Lean Product Canvas and User Story Mapping
Practice estimating value and using the Business Value Game for managing conflicting stakeholder priorities
Learn how to create a release forecast without defining each and every requirement at the outset. Understand agile product discovery and the power of iterative methods for risk management
Learn through doing, building an actual product vision, release forecast and backlog from start to finish
Understand how to make progress visible and how to facilitate successful delivery of a project to fixed date and/or fixed time
Attending the entire course qualifies you to receive the Certified Scrum Product Owner certification from Scrum Alliance
Why Learn About Scrum Product Owner?
Digital disruption has changed the business landscape and made it imperative for every organisation to on-board the digital transformation approach in an accelerated pace. It has become essential for those leading the organisation to be prepared and equipped with the knowledge and skills necessary to champion such a journey, and ensure that the business survives and stays ahead of its competition. This course presents the opportunity for organisations to prepare themselves for this journey, as it offers approaches, frameworks and best practices to enable required skills in the digital era.
Course Trainers for Certified Scrum Product Owner Course
Stuart Mitchell
SCRUM ALLIANCE Certified Scrum MasterFormer Global Head of Agile at HSBC Bank
He is passionate about the understanding of Agile Corporate Governance, the application of Agile frameworks in non-software environments and the education of Agile to the next generation. He has written papers, lectured at World leading Universities and when not helping Agile teams reach their goals he is working with local charities and social enterprise businesses on applying Agile to have a direct benefit in the community (currently OzHarvest).
Stuart Turner
Certified Enterprise Scrum Trainer and Certified Enterprise Scrum CoachAdjunct lecturer at the National University of Singapore (Business Agility and Scaling Agile)
Stuart is a Certified Professional Co-Active Coach ® (CPCC) with CTI and an ACC with the International Coaching Federation (ICF), the most recognised professional coaching standard globally. He is a Certified Enterprise Scrum Trainer and Certified Enterprise Scrum Coach for Enterprise Scrum Inc. and an OpenSpace Agility Trainer and contributor to the OpenSpace Agility framework.
Who Should Attend
Product owners
Product managers
Business analysts (BAs)
Business stakeholders
Representatives looking to apply the Agile/Scrum principles and practices.
Upon successful completion of this course, you will receive a Certificate of Completion from Theanthropy and CSPO certificate from Scrum Alliance.
Post Course Advisory Service
At the end of the course, you can request a free advisory service on either career or organisation improvements. The duration of the advisory service will be conducted by Theanthropy and will be capped at 1 hour for an individual and 3 hours for an organisation, with a validity period 3 months from the course completion date.
Course Subsidies
CITREP+ supports local professionals in keeping pace with technology shifts through continuous and proactive training.
Participants are also eligible for course subsidies under the CITREP+ framework. Subsidies range from 70% to 100% depending on which tier you fall under.
Singapore citizens and PRs who are working professionals will be eligible for up to 70-90% subsidy of the course fee and Singapore citizens who are students will be eligible for up to 100% subsidy of the course fee.
Terms and conditions apply. Please visit for full details.
For international students or corporate and group discounts, you can contact us for a special rate.
Orders placed through Ticketmaster have standard delivery options available, including mobile delivery, standard and UPS mail. Will Call pickup is available day of event only. Please bring valid, corresponding ID with you for collection. *Please note that Print-at-Home is not be available as a delivery option for this venue.
To speak to a customer representative for the Fiserv Forum Ticket Office, call (414) 227-0511. Representatives are available Monday-Friday 9AM to 5:30PM. Alternatively, you can email at and a Ticket Office representative will get back to you within 1 business day. To book ADA seating for all events at Fiserv Forum, click the ADA icon on the event page on If you need further assistance with ADA Seating, please call Ticketmaster at 1-800-877-7575 to speak to an Accessible Seating Fan Support Specialist. For General Assistance with Ticketmaster tickets call 1-800-653-8000 to speak with Ticketmaster Customer Service
The Ticket Office is open on event days from 12:00pm (or 3 hours prior to event, whichever is earliest) until approximately 1 hour into the event, and on Saturdays from 12:00pm until 4:00pm. The Ticket Office is closed on non-event weekdays. The Ticket Office is located next to the main entrance to the arena, adjacent to the plaza (Vel R Phillips and Juneau). Any questions can be directed to our main line (414 227-0504 from 10AM-4PM.)
To book ADA seating for all events at Fiserv Forum, click the ADA icon on the event page on If you need further assistance, please call Ticketmaster at 1-800-877-7575 to speak to an Accessible Seating Fan Support Specialist or 1-800-653-8000 to speak with Ticketmaster Customer Service.
Cash; Check up to $100.00 w/Mass. Driver License; AMEX; Visa; MC; Discover; Diners Club
Pick up tickets starting 2 hours prior to event time. Customer must present the actual credit card used to place order and a photo I.D.
General Info Number:(617) 624-1000 Group Sales (only!): (617) 624-1805/1806 Bruins (617) 624-BEAR (Groups = 25+) Celtics (617) 523-3030 (Groups = 20+) Please do not contact Group Sales regarding sold out games!
Fall, Winter and Spring: Monday - Friday 10:00AM -6:00PM Saturday - Sunday: Closed unless there is an event. Box Office opens 3 hours prior to event start time. (closed Thanksgiving & Christmas) Summer: Monday - Thursday 10:00AM - 5:00PM Friday 10:00AM - 2:00PM Saturday - Sunday: Closed unless there is an event. Box Office opens 3 hours prior to event start time.
This is an accessible venue.
Visa – Mastercard – American Express – Discover – Cash
Will call is not available for all events. Mobile tickets should be forwarded to guests. When available, will call is located at the Box Office windows in the KeyBank Center pavilion.
Monday through Friday 9:00AM-5:00PM Saturday 10:00AM - 2:00PM (October - March) Monday through Saturday Event days 9:00AM through the end of the event Sunday EVENT DAYS ONLY 10:00AM through the end of the event
Available through Ticketmaster and Box Office, subject to availability.
Actualités en droit pénal et exécution des peines
Sous la coordination de Christine Guillain, Professeure à l’Université Saint-Louis – Bruxelles et Franklin Kuty, Chargé de cours à l’ULB et l’UMons, juge au tribunal de première instance de Liège
Si le projet de nouveau Code pénal n’a pu aboutir au cours de la législature 2014-2019, le Parlement n’en a pas moins voté diverses lois qui modifient la matière pénale et qui sont abordées au cours de ce module. Ainsi, en matière de droit pénal général, une nouvelle forme de récidive légale de crime sur délit a été introduite dans le Code pénal ; l’article 61 dudit Code, concernant le concours d’infractions, a été supprimé et les peinesdites alternatives sont favorisées en matière de racisme, de xénophobie et de discrimination. En matière de droit pénal spécial, de nombreuses modifications doivent également être relevées, qu’il s’agisse d’incriminations de nouveaux comportements, de modifications des éléments constitutifs, de déplacements d’infractions pénales ou de modifications des peines, tant dans le livre II du Code pénal que dans les lois particulières. Concernantl’exécution des peines, la loi du 5 mai 2019 a induit un changement fondamental dans l’exécution des peines de prison inférieures ou égales à trois ans, en modifiant la loi du 17 mai 2006 sur ce point, en vue de la faire entrer en vigueur le 1er octobre 2020. La nouvelle modalité de placement en maison de transition est égalementanalysée. Enfin, une quatrième contribution est consacrée à l’exigence de proportionnalité de la peine telle qu’elle est prévue tant par la loi, en ce qu’elle confère aux juridictions un pouvoir d’appréciation lors de la détermination de la répression, que par le droit international, qui leur permet d’écarter l’application d’unelégislation comminant une peine qui s’avère disproportionnée.
La proportionnalité des peines, Franklin Kuty, Chargé de cours à l’ULB et l’UMons, membre du Centre de recherches en droit pénal de l’ULB, juge au tribunal de première instance de Liège
Actualités en droit pénal général, Christine Guillain, Professeure à l’Université Saint-Louis – Bruxelles, responsable du GREPEC (Groupe de recherche en matière pénale et criminelle) de l’USL-B
Actualités en droit pénal spécial, Laurent Kennes, Chargé de cours à l’ULB et l’UMons, membre du Centre de recherches en droit pénal de l’ULB, avocat au barreau de Bruxelles
Actualités en droit de l’exécution des peines, Olivia Nederlandt, Chercheuse FRS-FNRS à l’Université Saint-Louis – Bruxelles, membre du GREPEC de l’USL-B
Renseignements pratiques:
Quand ? Lundi 27 avril 2020, de 17h à 20h.
Où ? ULB - Auditoire R42.5.503 (bâtiment R42, 5e étage, local 503), Avenue Franklin D. Roosevelt, 42 (coin de l’avenue Jeanne), 1050 Bruxelles
Clôture des inscriptions : 27 avril 2020, à midi.
Remarque: dans la mesure du possible, et afin que vos points de formation puissent être directement encodés dans votre dossier sur la nouvelle plateforme qui sera prochainement mise en place par l'OBFG, nous vous remercions de vous inscrire à cette formation avec votre adresse mail
3 points de formation juridique.
Remarque importante concernant la prise en charge des frais dinscription des magistrats professionnels, stagiaires judiciaires et membres du personnel de l’ordre judiciaire par l'IFJ: L’Institut de formation judiciaire ne prend pas en charge les frais éventuels des personnes qui s’inscrivent mais ne sont pas effectivement présentes. Il est toutefois permis de se faire remplacer par un collègue qui signe la liste de présence mentionnant son nom et sa fonction à côté du nom du collègue remplacé.
The holiday season continues. Join Cakewalk Chicago in a sweet celebration of the Nguzo Saba (7 Principals of Kwanzaa) as we make delicious Zawadi ((Gifts) for your Karamu (Feast). 12+.
On the menu. Caramel Pecan Turtles, Mendiants, Suckers and more. You will take home beautifully hand crafted candy ready for gift giving.
Cash, AmEx, Visa, MC
Pick up tickets one hour prior to the show. Customers must present the actual credit card used to place the order and a photo ID.
(212) 221-1211
Monday - Saturday 10am - 8pm Sunday 12pm - 6pm
Create the next B I G Thing
Google Maps, WhatsApp, Instagram have become our everyday essential apps and your child may be the creator of the next B I G thing that you will use in your life. We nurture future leaders in technology by allowing students to explore the path of mobile app development. The MIT App Inventor 2 Platform help students to create fully functional mobile apps that can be launched into the app store!
With an intuitive, visual drag-and-drop programming like Scratch but equipped with greater capabilities, the App Inventor allows students to apply computational thinking and creativity to design their own apps and put them to test immediately on their phones. They can build simple fun apps such as Countdown Timer, Racing Game, Robot Shooter Game and more!
App Inventor 1’s goal is to introduce mobile app programming, instill confidence and an adventurous spirit for students to continue exploring to become little app creators. Want to find out more? Check out our FAQs.
"I have enjoyed this lesson and learn how to program. I realized that learning new things is very fun and I can share them with my friends." - Enoch, 11