Parenting our Children - Session 5 REWIRING
Parenting our Children is Adoption UK's therapeutic parenting programme that supports adoptive parents, foster and kinship carers in understanding developmental trauma and parenting care experienced children. It is suitable for parents and carers at any stage of their parenting journey. This is the fifth work shop of 6 and focusses particularly on parenting approaches. We will discuss the interpretation of behaviour and developing parenting approaches. This work shop is free to adoptive parents and foster/kinship carers who reside in Western Edinburgh, that is the DRUM BRAE, GYLE, CORSTORPHINE and MURRAYFIELD areas due to funding from Edinburgh City Council's Western Edinburgh Neighbourhood Partnership. Tickets for parents/carers outwith these areas are £10 for members of Adoption UK and £15 for non members. Refreshments and a light lunch are provided. FAQs How can I contact the organiser with any questions? Contact Adoption UK Scotland on 0131 322 8501 or email Can I update my registration information? Yes. Is my registration fee or ticket transferrable? You may transfer your ticket to another person who cares for your child, for example, spouse, partner, grand parent etc. BUT please contact us to confirm. Is it ok if the name on my ticket or registration doesn't match the person who attends? Yes, but please let us know if dietary or access requirements change.
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