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Memphis Grizzlies vs. Toronto Raptors

American Express, MasterCard, Visa, Discover, Cash and Money Order. Will call is located at the main FedExForum Box Office and is open the day of the event during regular business hours. 901-205-2640 901-888-HOOP (4667) - Memphis Grizzlies Monday - Friday 10:00am - 5:30pm This is an accessible venue.

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UKCC Level 1: Coaching Children Rugby Union - BT Murrayfield

Working with Children in Rugby Union is a rewarding experience, and this qualification course offers guidance on developing the whole child through the game. It will qualify you to coach and referee (game coaching) children in Rugby Union; through your work you will be better able to develop core skills and core values in young players in an active, purposeful, enjoyable and safe environment.  Dates Monday 10th Feb (9am-5pm), Tuesday 11th Feb (9am-5pm) Aims On completion coaches will be able to: Demonstrate equitable qualities appropriate to the role and responsibilities of rugby union coach of children Understand the principles of coaching Know how to plan, establish and maintain a safe coaching environment Understand how to plan and support the delivery of activities that are age and stage appropriate for all players Understand how to develop own coaching practice Outline This course is organised by approved coaching centres and delivered by SRU accredited coach educators. It will last approximately 19 hours (14 hours on course, 5 hours home study) and coaches must attend the full course to receive the final qualification Assessment This course is competence based and involves on-course appraisal. It involves both classroom and outdoor practical activities, where coaches will be expected to participate fully in all sessions. 

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Disney On Ice presents Dream Big

Visa, MasterCard, Amex, Discover, Cash TICKETS PURCHASED IN ADVANCE : Tickets may be picked up in advance beginning 48 hours AFTER THE PURCHASE at the Box Office(hours are Monday - Saturday 10am-5pm). - OR - Beginning 2 hours prior to show time tickets may be picked-up at the Box Office. --------------------------------------------------------- TICKETS PURCHASED ON THE DAY OF THE EVENT : Tickets purchased on the DAY OF THE EVENT may only be picked-up beginning 2 hours prior to show time at the Box Office. Please bring the actual credit card use to purchase the tickets, the confirmation number and valid photo ID. American Airlines Center charges a $5.00 per envelope fee for outside will call. This fee will be charged for all third party events. The fee will not be charged for Dallas Mavericks or Dallas Stars, suite holders or Platinum Club members. Box Office: 214.665.4797 Mavericks Group Sales (20 or more): 214.747.MAVS Event Line: 214.665.4200 Parking Hotline: 214.665.4700 Dallas Mavericks: 214.747.6287 Dallas Stars: 214-467.8277 The Box Office is located on the North-East corner of the building (across from The Lexus Parking Garage): Open for normal business hours Monday-Saturday 10:00am-5:00pm Closed on non event Sundays Box Office visitors should park in The Lexus Parking Garage during non-event hours. American Airlines Center Box Office Policy: Concert tickets are not available for purchase at the American Airlines Center box office on the public on-sale. Tickets for such non-team events may be purchased by the general public on the first day of ticket sales online at or by phone at 800-745-3000. Remaining available tickets for any concert/event following the first day of general public ticket sales will be available for purchase at the American Airlines Center box office on the next business day that the box office is open.

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Workshop Basic Awareness ISO 14001:2015

Jadwal Workshop Basic Awareness ISO 14001:2015 jakarta, 14 Mei 2019 Jakarta, 30 Juli 2019 Jakarta, 24 September 2019 Jakarta, 12 November 2019 Sebagai Badan Sertifikasi kami menyadari pentingnya peranan kompetensi dari orang atau karyawan untuk dapat menjalankan ISO 14001:2015 atau Sistem manajemen lingkungan dengan baik.Untuk dapat menjalankan system ISO 14001:2015, dibutuhkan pengertian & pemahaman yang baik mengenai management system itu sendiri.Dalam hal ini WQA mengadakan WORKSHOP ISO 14001:2015 untuk meningkatkan pemahaman dan kompetensi bagi para penyelenggara sistem manajemen lingkungan.Manfaat Workshop 14001:2015Workshop ISO 14001 ini dirancang untuk memberikan pemahaman yang lebih luas lagi tentang rancangan dan implementasi sistem manajemen lingkungan. Workshop ini juga sangat berharga bagi mereka yang memiliki tanggung jawab utama untuk penerapan dan pemeliharaan sistem manajemen lingkungan di perusahaanya,Pelatihan ini membantu peserta untuk memahami prinsip-prinsip Pengelolaan Lingkungan yang baik dan untuk mengembangkan pengetahuan mereka tentang standar pengelolaan lingkungan.Pokok Bahasan :     Perkenalan ISO     Pengenalan tentang sistem manajemen lingkungan.     Prinsip – prinsip ISO 14001:2014     Manfaat ISO 14001:2015 Bagi Perusahaan     Pemahaman Mutu dan ISO 14001:2015     Alasan terjadinya perubahan ke edisi 2015     Prinsip Manajement Mutu versi ISO 14001:2015     Pemikiran Berdasarkan Resiko     Pemahaman Persyaratan ISO     Implementasi ISO 14001:2015     Persiapan Audit ISO 14001:2015 Fasilitator :Pelatihan ini akan difasilitasi oleh tenaga pengajar yang memiliki kompetensi dalam menerapkan sistem manajemen mutu dan berpengalaman sebagai auditor. Memiliki pengetahuan yang luas dibeberapa sektor. Dan sudah menjadi Lead Auditor untuk ISO 14001:2015 yang diakreditasi oleh IEMA.Sertifikasi WorkshopBagi seluruh peserta yang telah mengikuti Workshop hingga selesai, mendapatkan penghargaan sertifikat dari WQA ASIA PACIFIC.Investasi Workshop WQA ISO 14001:2015Rp. 200.000/pesertaInvestasi ini termasuk : Coffee Break  Training Material  Seminar Kit  Certificate (Certified by WQA ASIA PACIFIC) PembayaranTransfer ke BCA No Rek. 217 3126 069 A/N PT. INTRA ASIA WORLDWIDEPembayaran paling lambat 3 hari sebelum acara di laksanakan,untuk konfirmasi pembayaran bisa mengirimkan bukti transfer ke hubungi Hotline/Whatsapp +628111496821Tempat Acara :WQA OFFICEGraha ISKA 5th Floor, Jl Pramuka Raya No. 165Central Jakarta, 10570 IndonesiaFor Information Call/Whatsapp +628111496821Website :

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Corso BLS (Basic Life Support)

Durata: 5 oreEsercitazioni pratiche: siRequisiti: Nessuno Obiettivi: il secondo anello della catena della sopravvivenza è rappresentato dal supporto di base delle funzioni vitali o BLS  (Basic Life Support,) L'obiettivo del BLS è quello di rallentare i meccanismi che portano a danni irreversibili al cuore e al cervello, per consentire al trattamento definitivo (defibrillazione e trattamento medico) di ottenere i risultati migliori. Inoltre la ossigenazione del muscolo cardiaco tramite il BLS rende più efficace la defibrillazione. Per supportare le funzioni vitali di base si eseguono iniziando il più tempestivamente possibile compressioni toraciche esterne, per mantenere la circolazione del sangue e  la respirazione artificiale per ossigenare il sangue. Se viene eseguita una adeguata RCP il flusso di sangue che ossigena il cuore consente di mantenere più a lungo il cuore stesso in fibrillazione ventricolare e quindi di allungare il tempo entro il quale erogare la defibrillazione. In questo modo, una volta ripresa l'attività cardiaca spontanea, si avrà anche il ripristino del flusso di sangue ed ossigeno al cervello. Programma: la "catena della sopravvivenza". Importanza del Primo Soccorritore Valutazione della dinamica dell'evento. Autoprotezione. Attivazione precoce del sistema Emergenza-Urgenza 118. Il B.L.S. (Basic Life Support = Supporto vitale di base). Valutazione dello stato di coscienza. L’infortunato incosciente: apertura delle vie aeree, controllo della respirazione. L’infortunato incosciente che respira: Posizione Laterale di Sicurezza. Esercitazioni pratiche. L’infortunato incosciente che non respira o non respira normalmente: Rianimazione Cardio-Polmonare. B.L.S. in caso di arresto cardiaco primario. B.L.S. in caso di arresto respiratorio primario. L'infarto del miocardio: sintomi e segni. La morte improvvisa. Cause di arresto respiratorio: ostruzione delle vie aeree da corpo estraneo (manovre di disostruzione: esercitazioni pratiche); annegamento; trauma; folgorazione; intossicazione da farmaci, alcool, droghe; alterazione nella composizione dell’aria inspirata (eccesso di CO2); presenza di gas tossici; arresto respiratorio conseguente ad arresto cardiaco primario. Cenni sulla defibrillazione precoce. Aspetti medico-legali del B.L.S. Attestato: si, di partecipazione

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Elton John

There are no ticket sales available from Box Office. All bookings must be done online. Can be collected on the day of the event. The credit card holder MUST collect and sign for the tickets in person, and present both the card and Ticketmaster reference number. Letters of authorisation are NOT accepted under any circumstances. Any person collecting a ticket from The SSE Arena, Belfast Box Office must present: 1/ The card used to make the purchase OR if this is not possible. 2/ Valid government issued photo ID eg Driving License or Passport Failure to present staff with either of the above will mean that tickets will NOT be issued THERE ARE NO EXCEPTIONS UNDER ANY CIRCUMSTANCES Box Office will open 1 hour before doors on the day of an event (excluding Belfast Giants games) All main entrances to the building are accessible via flat or gently sloping pathways. Vertical access is provided principally by 3 twelve person lifts. The seating is contiguous, however as availability is limited these spaces are for one wheelchair user and one companion only to allow other wheelchair users access to these sections.

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Electronic Music Production - Intensivkurs (noisy Academy Berlin)

24 Sessions, 3 Stunden pro Woche!Das sind die Hardfacts dieses 6 monatigen Electronic Music Production Intensivkurs in der noisy Academy Berlin.Wenn Du professionell und praxisnah lernen willst, wie elektronische Musik produziert wird, worauf es ankommt und was es unbedingt zu beachten gilt, dann bist Du in diesem Kurs bestens aufgehoben. Von der Einführung in die DAW (Ableton), Beatprogramming, den Umgang mit Synthesizern, Plug Ins, Effekten und Kompressoren über Harmonielehre bis hin zu Arrangement, Mixdown und Mastering erfährst Du hier alles, was nötig ist um einen amtlichen elektronischen Track zu produzieren.Lerne Deine Ideen umzusetzen, fokussiert zu arbeiten, verstehe Funktion und Arbeitsweise eines Synthesizers und kreiere Deinen individuellen Sound jenseits der gängigen Presets und Sample Libraries. Projektbezogene praktische Übungen helfen Dir hierbei, das Gelernte direkt anzuwenden! Nutze den sozialen Moment des Kurses mit anderen Teilnehmern in Kontakt zu treten und profitiere von der Professionalität und langjährigen Erfahrung Deiner Coaches, die Dir entgegen einem Youtube Tutorial unmittelbar und direkt zur Hand stehen. Jederzeit! Sessionübersicht:  17.09.2019 - 19:00 - 22:0024.09.2019 - 19:00 - 22:0001.10.2019 - 19:00 - 22:0008.10.2019 - 19:00 - 22:0015.10.2019 - 19:00 - 22:0022.10.2019 - 19:00 - 22:0029.10.2019 - 19:00 - 22:0005.11.2019 - 19:00 - 22:0012.11.2019 - 19:00 - 22:0019.11.2019 - 19:00 - 22:0026.11.2019 - 19:00 - 22:0003.12.2019 - 19:00 - 22:0010.12.2019 - 19:00 - 22:0017.12.2019 - 19:00 - 22:0007.01.2020 - 19:00 - 22:0014.01.2020 - 19:00 - 22:0021.01.2020 - 19:00 - 22:0028.01.2020 - 19:00 - 22:0004.02.2020 - 19:00 - 22:0011.02.2020 - 19:00 - 22:0018.02.2020 - 19:00 - 22:0025.02.2020 - 19:00 - 22:0003.03.2020 - 19:00 - 22:0010.03.2020 - 19:00 - 22:00

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Global Agensi Imigrasi Imigrasi (U.S and EU)

Iklan ads and GII Global Investment Immigration has offering presentation of  the agency for partnership to join for global invesment immigration opportunity Top reasons for migration: Education and future of children Safety of women & children Lifestyle Fear of Government Ownership of property The GII has a three years and one year contract for partnership to help high end client for global investment immigration The contract  individual agencies is 3 year is $US1500 and for One year is $US700. Please join us as soon as possible as we have selected the best candidate. You can transfer to BCA  Indrajana a.n: 2533989870 for Rp 3,750,000 write text for one year subcription for passive member Yours Advisor GII M. Indrajana  

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Colorado Avalanche vs. Washington Capitals

All sales must be done in advance online. WILL CALL is no longer accepted at the Box Office. All tickets are digital and must be managed that way. For more information you can also go to Ball Arena website, The Box Office will open 90 minutes prior to the event start time. Ball Arena is committed to providing every Guest with a comfortable and enjoyable experience in the arena, including Guests with disabilities. Wheelchair and accessible seating tickets and companion seating is available for purchase in each of the wheelchair seating sections.

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Colorado Avalanche vs. Detroit Red Wings

All sales must be done in advance online. WILL CALL is no longer accepted at the Box Office. All tickets are digital and must be managed that way. For more information you can also go to Ball Arena website, The Box Office will open 90 minutes prior to the event start time. Ball Arena is committed to providing every Guest with a comfortable and enjoyable experience in the arena, including Guests with disabilities. Wheelchair and accessible seating tickets and companion seating is available for purchase in each of the wheelchair seating sections.

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