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L'arte del PROBLEM SOLVING - Roma
“Tutta la vita consiste nel risolvere problemi.”Karl Popper Il Problem Solving è l’arte di risolvere problemi apparentemente non risolvibili o difficili da risolvere. La storia dell’uomo è costellata di eroi “problem solver” e di soluzioni che hanno permesso la nostra evoluzione. Il Problem Solving, con le sue metodologie e i suoi protocolli apparentemente “bizzarri” ci insegna a trovare soluzioni mai pensate prima e a diventare abili nell’affrontare le problematiche che spesso noi stessi abbiamo generato e/o alimentato. Il Problem Solving è un’abilità sempre più richiesta e in tutti i campi delle attività umane. Conoscerne le tecniche, i protocolli, le strategie e i vari orientamenti, ci permette di diventare abili problem solver e creativi innovatori. Spesso il Problem Solving viene banalizzato nel semplice “pensa ad una soluzione”. Non è così. Anzi, spesso questo atteggiamento aumenta la frustrazione e alimenta l’incapacità a trovare soluzioni efficaci. Capita di frequente che il voler risolvere un problema, senza strumenti pratici e concreti, lo alimenta, peggiorando la situazione e riducendo le possibilità e le capacità di soluzione: l’insidiosa trappola della Tentata Soluzione. Col nostro corso scoprirai che esistono protocolli rigorosi e tecniche contro-intuitive che permettono di accedere a risorse che consentono di avere nuovi punti di vista e nuove soluzioni, innovative, efficaci, efficienti ed eleganti. Non basta voler risolvere, tantomeno dire di voler risolvere, ma serve una metodologia pratica, efficace, scientifica, sperimentata e comprovata. Scopriremo i modelli Problem oriented, quelli Solution oriented e quelli Action oriented, integrati in una metodologia sperimentata da decenni. Questo è il PROBLEM SOLVING: non si parla di soluzioni, ma si agiscono soluzioni! Il corso si concentrerà sul Problem Solving applicato al COACHING, come strumento di superamento dei “blocchi di performance”, in ambito professionale, sportivo e personale. “Ci troviamo continuamente di fronte a una serie di grandi opportunità brillantemente travestite da problemi insolubili.”J. W. Gardner SCARICA LA BROCHURE DEL CORSO SCARICA LA BIBLIOGRAFIA DEL CORSO
read moreWe love MMA •54• 14.03.2020 Kleine Olympiahalle München
DER EINLASS IST AB 18 JAHREN ! Längst sind die „WE LOVE MMA“-Wettkämpfe nicht mehr aus der deutschlandweiten MMA-Szene wegzudenken. Mixed Martial Arts (MMA, Gemischte Kampfkünste) ist ein Vollkontaktkampfsport, der ein breites Spektrum von Kampftechniken erlaubt, von einer Mischung traditioneller bis hin zu nichttraditionellen Wettkampftechniken. Dabei bedienen sich die Kämpfer von Tritt-und Schlagtechniken aus verschiedenen Kampfsportarten. Karte-, Kickbox-und Ringertechniken sind dabei nur eine kleine Auswahl der Sportarten, welche in der „WE LOVE MMA“-Serie vertreten sind. Weitere Informationen gibt es auf und FAQs Muss ich mich am Einlass ausweisen oder gibt es eine Altersbeschränkung für das Event? Der Einlass ist ab 18 Jahren. Bitte Lichtbildausweis bereithalten. Ist mein Ticket übertragbar? Ja. Wie sehen die Rückerstattungsbedingungen aus? Eine Rückerstattung der Tickets ist ausgeschlossen. Fightcard Die Änderung der Fightcard ist jederzeit möglich. Muss ich das ausgedruckte Ticket mitbringen? Das Ticket kann sowohl auf dem Smartphone als auch ausgedruckt vorgelegt werden. Gibt es besondere Plätze für Rollstuhlfahrer? Ja, gibt es. Tickets für Rollstuhlfahrer und Begleitpersinen können Mo. - So. 8 bis 20 Uhr unter 01806-570 070 (0,20 €/Anruf inkl. MwSt., Mobilfunkpreise max. 0,60 €/Anruf inkl. MwSt.) bestellt werden. Sonstiges : Es gilt die Olympiapark-Verordnung. Keine Haftung des Veranstalters bei leichter Fahrlässigkeit außer bei Verletzung von Leben, Körper und Gesundheit.
read moreMicrosoft BI: Introduction to the Power platform
During this one-day training, you will learn how to work with the components of the Microsoft Power platform.
read moreEvil Dead: The Musical
Third time's the charm, baby. ALL SEATS ARE IN THE SPLATTER ZONE! THE VENUE DOORS ONLY OPEN 30 MINUTES PRIOR TO SHOWTIME. IF YOU ARRIVE EARLIER, YOU WILL HAVE TO LINE UP AND WAIT OUTSIDE. The Mansfield's SELL-OUT SMASH of 2017 AND 2019 returns to the city that loved it SO BLOODY MUCH for the SECOND CONSECUTIVE SMASH YEAR! Zac Mansfield returns as director! Performances begin August 14th, 2020. Booking thru October 31st, 2020. Every FRIDAY and SATURDAY at 7:30PM! All tickets $40 + s/c. This hilarious show takes all the elements of the cult classic films The Evil Dead, Evil Dead 2 and Army of Darkness and combines them into one of the craziest theatrical experiences of all time. Five college students go to an abandoned cabin in the woods and accidentally unleash an evil force that turns them all into demons. It's all up to Ash (a housewares employee turned demon-killing hero) and his trusty chainsaw to save the day. Blood flies. Limbs are dismembered. Demons tell bad jokes ... and all to music. The songs in the show are completely off the wall. Titles like "All the Men in My Life Keep Getting Killed by Candarian Demons" and "What the F**k Was That?" will have audiences rolling in their seats and screaming for more and more blood. This show has fun with the horror genre and, in doing so, appeals to a wide audience. It's the only show with a "Splatter Zone"a section of the audience that gets covered in fake blood. And with this combination of blood, jokes, cheesy effects and awesome musical numbers, Evil Dead The Musical is unlike any show you've ever seen. While the Evil Dead films are the definition of cult movies, as a stage show, Evil Dead: The Musical has become a cult sensation of its own. The show played off-Broadway in New York, has broken records in Toronto, has won awards in Korea and has had more than 200 productions mounted across the globe! Recommended for ages 16+ (strong language, adult humour). Viewer discretion is advised. *While the fake blood will wash off skin, we make no guarantee and take no responsibility that it will wash out of all fabrics. Wear a white shirt (some will be for sale at the show) to have some fun and create a lasting memory! Complimentary coat check will be provided for those in the Splatter Zones.* ALL SALES FINAL. NO EXCHANGES OR REFUNDS.
The Office! A Musical Parody
Cash, Mastercard, Visa and Amex (no checks) Pick up tickets starting one hour prior to show. Customer must present the actual credit card used to place the order, a photo I.D., and the order number. (212) 921-7862 Monday, Thursday and Friday: 10:00am - 8:30pm Tuesday and Wednesday: 10:00am - 6:00pm Saturday: 9:00am - 8:30pm Sunday: 10:00am - 7:30pm Elevators: Entrance is located at 210 W. 50th Street Escalators: NO
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