Phoenix Job Fair at the Holiday Inn & Suites Phoenix
This career fair will allow you to learn about the businesses that are hiring and what their hiring needs are.
read moreThis career fair will allow you to learn about the businesses that are hiring and what their hiring needs are.
read moreFeel the beat of your life and the rhythms of London's changing history. Meet In front of St Paul's Cathedral by the white statue of Queen Anne to enjoy fine architecture and discover a new way of looking at an old Roman city. Let lavish love poetry roll out through the centuries of London's history around this glorious and breathtaking dome and give you a fresh place to stand. Come and explore a London of changing fortunes and daring romances starting outside St Paul's Cathedral on a poetry walking tour. Live out your love affair of a place once thought to be paved with gold. Bring umbrellas, raincoats and some chocolate treats to enjoy the morning discovering treasures and the secrets of famous figures such as Samuel Johnson, Jane Austen walking near London’s most stunning and magnificent buildings with their memories and its shadows. Read out your own lines or let the work of others capture you. “There is nothing more beautiful than light”. Sir Christopher Wren, the architect of London’s crowning glory. As featured in Conde Nast Traveller 2019 Enjoy snippets on instagram
read moreA increasing number of people have recently asked at events or via email to join an events mailing list for the events and exhibitions LSE Library run. In order to set one up we need people to actively request to be on one and so we have created this event so you can actively sign up with only your name and email. If enough people sign up, we'll send a termly events and exhibitions newsletter via Mailchimp with updates when new events are added, so about 2-3 emails a term maximum.
read moreCourse Description: The ITAM Foundations Course with optional Certified Asset Management Professional (CAMP) Certification is designed to impart an extensive overview of IT Asset Management (ITAM) Best Practices and Processes as well as ways to embrace multiple organizational frameworks such as ITAM & IT Service Management (ITSM). Course Topics: ● Introductions ● ITAM Code of Ethics ● Overview of the ITAM Program ● ITAM Key Process Areas ● Communication and Education ● Policies and Procedures ● Core Functional Areas ● Key Process Areas ● Question from Day 1 Instruction ● Question from Day 1 Instruction ● KPA Indicators ● ITAM and ITSM: Embracing Two Organizational Frameworks ● ITAM Best Practice Model ● Roles and Responsibilities ● Question and answer Period Before end of Class Learning Goals: ● Conduct responsibilities and tasks in support of the CITAM ● Maintain visibility into IT asset Processes and understand the controls for assets lifecycle Management to uncover more savings and value ● Develop, implement and promote Policies, Processes and procedures for ITAM program ● Understand employee awareness of asset Management and ensure that all parties understand and adhere to legal Requirements for using IT assets ● Provide strategic direction to the creation and maintenance of an effective Vendor Management program ● Empower and support all assigned asset Management personnel ● Build and nurture productive relationships with all other business units, both those that have interaction with the IT business functions and those that are customers ● Encourage and maintain executive Management support for all IT related endeavors ● Employ thought leadership between ITAM and ITSM disciplines Course Agenda: Day 1 ● Introductions ● ITAM Code of Ethics ● Overview of the ITAM Program ● ITAM Key Process Areas ● Communication and Education ● Policies and Procedures ● Core Functional Areas ● Key Process Areas ● Question from Day 1 Instruction Day 2 ● Question from Day 1 Instruction ● KPA Indicators ● ITAM and ITSM: Embracing Two Organizational Frameworks ● ITAM Best Practice Model ● Roles and Responsibilities ● Question and answer Period Before end of Class Who can Attend? The ITAM Foundations Course and subsequent CAMP certification in either mode of instruction is designed for those individuals with minimal experience in the field of IT Asset Management. This Course is an essential Learning tool for those beginning their educational journey in Asset Managers and others involved in supporting asset Management, resource budgeting, finance, software licensing, contract Management, strategic planners, and IT service delivery. Although there are no prerequisites to this Course, some experience in the organization’s operations is recommended. A CAMP certification test is available upon completion of the Course for those who wish to become certified.
read moreThe Box Office accepts Visa, Mastercard, Discover & American Express. (816) 920-9400 The Box Office hours are as follows: Monday through Friday - 8:30AM to 5PM Saturday (during Chiefs season) - 9AM to 1 PM - Home Game weekends only Saturday and Sunday - Closed
read moreCash, American Express, Mastercard, & Visa. Will Call is located at the Box Office. Box Office Telephone: 323-468-1770 The Pantages Box Office opens daily at 10am. NO ONE UNDER THE AGE OF 5 ADMITTED There is no elevator in the Pantages Theatre. Disabled seating is reserved for the exclusive use of the disabled patron and their companion. The purchase or use of disabled seating locations by non-disabled individuals is strictly prohibited and may result in ejection and/or forfeiture of the ticket price.
read moreDurata: 3 ore Requisiti: nessuno Descrizione: La Croce Rossa Italiana si occupa di formazione e di educazione alla Salute promuovendo su tutto il territorio nazionale percorsi informativi e/o formativi, in base alle linee guida internazionali. Il corso monotematico sui malori improvvisi e le perdite di coscienza è volto ad approfondire le cause principali che possano portare alla perdita della funzione vitale della coscienza e le lesioni provocate dal caldo e dal freddo (ustioni e congelamenti) al fine di poter intervenire con manovre di primo soccorso in caso di bisogno. Grande attenzione sarà anche dedicato alla prevenzione e al supporto delle funzioni vitali. Il corso “Malori improvvisi, perdite di coscienza – malori da cause ambientali – lesioni da caldo e da freddo” è parte del corso di primo soccorso che si completa con gli altri corsi monotematici: o Basic Life Support - BLS o Sistema Nervoso e Apparato Locomotore: come è fatto, disturbi, traumi cranici e vertebrali, lesioni muscolo scheletriche e traumi osteoarticolari o Le ferite e altre lesioni della pelle, emorragie e shock o Educazione Alimentare: l’apparato digerente, nutrienti e corretto stile di vita, disturbi ed urgenze Frequentando singolarmente i cinque corsi monotematici nell’arco dello stesso anno solare si avrà la possibilità di ricevere lo “European First Aid Certificated” (EFAC- Brevetto Europeo di Primo Soccorso). Obiettivo: Informare, educare ed aiutare ciascun individuo o gruppi di persone ad acquisire e saper eseguire azioni e modificare i propri comportamenti per mantenere e/o migliorare la salute. Programma: Perdite di coscienza transitorie: lipotimia e sincope Perdite di coscienza profonde: stati di coma (cenni) Urgenze cerebro-vascolari e cardio-vascolari: ictus e attacco cardiaco Urgenze respiratorie: edema polmonare acuto, enfisema polmonare e crisi asmatica Disturbi e patologie del sistema nervoso: convulsioni ed epilessia Disturbi provocati da agenti fisici: elettricità Danni da agenti biologici o chimici di origine esogena: avvelenamenti (alimentari/chimici) Disturbi provocati da abuso o astinenza di sostanza: alcolici, farmaci e droghe Alterazioni del metabolismo: diabete (coma ipo/iper glicemico), insufficienza epatica e renale Malori da cause ambientali: colpo di sole, colpo di calore e assideramento Lesioni da caldo e da freddo: ustioni (termiche, da radiazioni, elettriche e chimiche) e congelamenti Attestato: Si, di “Partecipazione”
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