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ROMA #02 Bridge Marathon 2020 - Get to know us!

    Una maratona delle soft skill Allenarsi, mettersi alla prova, crescere. In un mondo del lavoro dove il mantra è il cambiamento, appendere le scarpe al chiodo significa restare ingessati ai blocchi di partenza. Rinvigorire i muscoli, oliare i tessuti, stimolare la mente è doveroso, come lo è allenare alcune tra le capacità manageriali più utili: negoziare e comunicare con efficacia. Un set di competenze per vivere al meglio le sfide della maratona del lavoro. La Marathon è una giornata dedicata alla pratica di alcuni degli strumenti più efficaci dei tre percorsi formativi di Bridge Partners®: NegoPro®, Think on Your Feet® e Writing Dynamics™. La II edizione della Bridge Marathon 2020, ti aspetta il 27 febbraio a Roma. Get to know us! AGENDA 09:15 – 11:20  La negoziazione e dintorni 11:20 – 11:40  Pausa caffè e networking 11:40 – 13:30  Comunicare con efficacia e gestire le obiezioni 13:30 – 14:30  Pranzo e networking 14:30 – 16:45  Il business writing nell'era digitale 16:45 – 17:15 Sintesi, domande e premiazione N.B. Per chi acquista la partecipazione a uno dei nostri corsi - NegoPro®, Think on Your Feet® o Writing Dynamics™ - entro 6 mesi dalla Marathon è riservato il 10% di sconto.  Per chi acquista uno o più Bridge Assessment entro 6 mesi dalla Marathon è riservato il 50% di sconto.SEDE Da definiremappa Distanze Aeroporto di Roma ??Uscita Tangenziale/Autostrada ??Centro di Roma ??Stazione FS ?? Come arrivare In Auto In Treno In Bus In Aereo F.A.Q • Materiale Ogni partecipante riceverà una cartellina con fogli appunti e biro. • Qual è la politica di rimborso? I biglietti non sono rimborsabili, se non in caso di annullamento dell'evento da parte di Bridge Partners® • Contatti Hai domande? Contatta Bridge Partners®:

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Cash and All Major Credit Cards MUST HAVE PHOTO I.D. & CREDIT CARD USED TO PURCHASE TICKETS WHEN PICKING UP WILL CALL TICKETS 702-693-6143 1-855-234-7469 Group Sales (20+) Opens one hour prior to the first show and closes a half hour after the last show. Each person must have a ticket. To better accommodate your needs the box office has requested that special seating accommodations be solicited through their representatives.

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Menopause The Musical

Cash and All Major Credit Cards MUST HAVE PHOTO I.D. & CREDIT CARD USED TO PURCHASE TICKETS WHEN PICKING UP WILL CALL TICKETS 702-693-6143 1-855-234-7469 Group Sales (20+) Opens one hour prior to the first show and closes a half hour after the last show. To better accommodate your needs the box office has requested that special seating accommodations be solicited through their representatives

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Menopause The Musical

Cash and All Major Credit Cards MUST HAVE PHOTO I.D. & CREDIT CARD USED TO PURCHASE TICKETS WHEN PICKING UP WILL CALL TICKETS 702-693-6143 1-855-234-7469 Group Sales (20+) Opens one hour prior to the first show and closes a half hour after the last show. To better accommodate your needs the box office has requested that special seating accommodations be solicited through their representatives

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Boston Celtics vs. Milwaukee Bucks

Cash; Check up to $100.00 w/Mass. Driver License; AMEX; Visa; MC; Discover; Diners Club Pick up tickets starting 2 hours prior to event time. Customer must present the actual credit card used to place order and a photo I.D. General Info Number:(617) 624-1000 Group Sales (only!): (617) 624-1805/1806 Bruins (617) 624-BEAR (Groups = 25+) Celtics (617) 523-3030 (Groups = 20+) Please do not contact Group Sales regarding sold out games! TD Garden - Boston | Tickets, Schedule, Seating Chart, Directions ( The box office will open 2 hours prior to an event and remain open until one hour after the event begins. Please note the TD Garden Box Office does not sell tickets at the public on sale. All tickets should be purchased via *Hours subject to change This is an accessible venue.

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The UK Bass Guitar Show 2020

The UK Bass Guitar Show debuts at Manchester Central on the 28th and 29th March 2020. New for 2020, a brand new show, dedicated wholly for championing all things low-end heads to Manchester. With a wide variety of products, along with a fanstastic lineup of top bass players taking to the main stage, plus clinics and all the latest gear for the bass community to try and buy! Get your tickets booked today and get it in the diary - a Bass Players weekend not to be missed!

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Hamilton (NY)

Cash, AmEx, Visa, MC Pick up tickets one hour prior to the show. Customers must present the actual credit card used to place the order and a photo ID. (212) 221-1211 Monday - Saturday 10am - 8pm Sunday 12pm - 6pm

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Panthers VIP Tailgate - Chargers

Advance sales - Cash, Visa, MCGame days - Cash only Open 4 hours prior to game time. Located at box office-southeast corner PLEASE BRING A PICTURE ID, THE ACTUAL CREDIT CARD USED TO PURCHASE THE TICKETS, AND YOUR ORDER NUMBER. Carolina Panthers box office - (704) 358-7800 Open Mon-Fri 8:30am-5:30pm Opens 2 Hours Prior To Game Time Located at the Southeast corner between South and East Gates This venue is accessible.

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