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BOUNCE Bon Jovi Tributeband
BOUNCE ist zweifelsohne die authentischste BON JOVI Tribute Band Europas! In den mehr als 10 Jahren ihres Bestehens hat die Band in so ziemlich jedem angesagten Club, jeder Konzerthalle, bei einschlägigen Festivals sowie auf Open Air Shows alles „abgeräumt“: Die Herzen der Zuschauer, zufriedene Gesichter, ekstatische Fangesänge - sprich: Ein restlos begeistertes Publikum... und das in beständiger Besetzung! Dreh- und Angelpunkt dieser energiegeladenen Show ist der charismatische Sänger und Frontmann Olli Henrich. Er steht dem Original in nichts nach und wurde wegen seiner unglaublichen Stimme von der Presse sogar schon als „der bessere Bon Jovi“ gehandelt („so echt klingt noch nicht mal der wirkliche Jon Bon Jovi...“) Der Band geht es nicht darum, als “Double“ oder “Look-alike“ aufzutreten. BOUNCE bringen mit eigener Note und trotzdem originalgetreuen Sounds und Arrangements das nahezu unerschöpfl iche Repertoire aus fast 30 Jahren BON JOVI auf die Bühne: Welthits, die Rockgeschichte geschrieben haben, Rocksongs, die an Power nicht zu überbieten sind, und Balladen, bei denen nahezu jeder Musikliebhaber dahin schmilzt. Vom ersten Hit „Runaway“ über All-Time-Favourites wie “You Give Love A Bad Name”, “Livin’ On A Prayer”, “Keep The Faith”, “Bed Of Roses”, “It’s My Life” oder “Have A Nice Day” bis hin zu aktuelleren Songs wie “We Weren’t Born to Follow” wird wirklich nichts ausgelassen! Mit viel Liebe zum Detail, typischen Posen - die niemals aufgesetzt wirken - und unzähligen Originalinstrumenten erspielen sich BOUNCE nach wie vor einen immer größer werdenden Kreis an Fans, die mitunter mehrere 100 Kilometer Fahrt auf sich nehmen, um die spektakulären Shows von BOUNCE zu erleben. Nicht nur eingefl eischte Bon Jovi Fans attestieren BOUNCE, die “No. 1 Bon Jovi Tribute Band“ zu sein. Viele sind erst wegen BOUNCE zum Bon Jovi Fan geworden...! LINK: BOUNCE LINK: Südbahnhof Musiklokal !!! ACHTUNG - Keine SITZPLATZGARANTIE !!!
read moreCodemotion Amsterdam 2020 Tech Conference
Codemotion is planning to return to Amsterdam by 2020. Don't miss the opportunity to reserve your seat in advance with a super blind ticket! CONFERENCE DATE TO BE DEFINED
read moreLos Angeles Lakers vs. Golden State Warriors Arena does not accept Will Call drop off. Alternate Will Call Procedure (Alternate Pick Up) If a person (other than the person ordering and paying for the tickets) is picking up a Will Call order, the Alternate Pick-Up's name MUST be on the account. To add the name of an alternate pick-up to the account, the original purchaser must contact Ticketmaster Customer Service at 1-800-745-3000, verify their account information and request the addition an alternate pick-up. 213-742-7340 Box office is located on North side of building at 11th and South Figueroa. Box office hours are 10am to 6pm, Monday through Saturday. It is open extended hours on event day. Phone: 213-742-7340 SUMMER HOURS Closed Saturdays and Sundays unless there is an event, the box office will open at 9am on Saturdays or 10am on Sundays only if there is an event. The box office will have extended hours on all event days.
read more2021 2nd Asia Education Technology Symposium (AETS 2021)
Publication: For papers submitted to AETS 2021, submissions will be reviewed by both the conference committees and IJIET editorial board, and accepted papers of AETS will be published into in the International Journal of Information and Education Technology as a special issue, which will be indexed by Scopus (Since 2019), EI (INSPEC, IET), Electronic Journals Library, Google Scholar, Crossref, etc.
read moreHamilton (NY)
Cash, AmEx, Visa, MC Pick up tickets one hour prior to the show. Customers must present the actual credit card used to place the order and a photo ID. (212) 221-1211 Monday - Saturday 10am - 8pm Sunday 12pm - 6pm
read moreWest Conf Finals: Round 3 Home Game 2 - Lakers v Denver Nuggets Arena does not accept Will Call drop off. Alternate Will Call Procedure (Alternate Pick Up) If a person (other than the person ordering and paying for the tickets) is picking up a Will Call order, the Alternate Pick-Up's name MUST be on the account. To add the name of an alternate pick-up to the account, the original purchaser must contact Ticketmaster Customer Service at 1-800-745-3000, verify their account information and request the addition an alternate pick-up. 213-742-7340 Box office is located on North side of building at 11th and South Figueroa. Box office hours are 10am to 6pm, Monday through Saturday. It is open extended hours on event day. Phone: 213-742-7340 SUMMER HOURS Closed Saturdays and Sundays unless there is an event, the box office will open at 9am on Saturdays or 10am on Sundays only if there is an event. The box office will have extended hours on all event days.
read moreTraining Lead Auditor ISO 27001 - WQA Training Center
Training Lead Auditor ISO 27001 Pelatihan selama lima hari untuk advance auditor ini ideal bagi siapa saja yang ingin mengembangkan kemampuan auditnya dalam perencanaan, pelaksanaan, dan pelaporan audit yang efektif dibidang manajemen keamanan informasi ISO 27001. Pelatihan ini teregistrasi di International Register of Certificated Auditors (IRCA). Trainer kami akan memandu Anda melalui pengenalan ISMS, implikasi komersial dan hukum, standar saat ini, dan bagaimana Anda bisa mendapatkan sertifikasi dan mempertahankan akreditasi bisnis. Dari sana Anda akan membangun pemahaman tentang merancang dan mengelola sistem penilaian risiko cocok untuk bisnis Anda dan bagaimana mengukur keberhasilannya. Jadwal Training Lead Auditor ISO 27001 Tahun 2019 Jakarta, 11 – 15 Maret 2019 Jakarta, 9 – 13 September 2019 Konten Training Lead Auditor ISO 27001 : Definisi ISMS dan persyaratan ISO 27001 Kebijakan Mendefinisikan Keamanan Informasi Mengidentifikasi Aset Informasi Melakukan penilaian risiko Manajemen risiko tujuan pengendalian ISO 27001 bimbingan Sertifikasi Sistem manajemen pendekatan untuk mengidentifikasi dan mengelola risiko keamanan informasi ISMS pendekatan audit tertentu Siapakah yang seharusnya mengikuti Training Lead Auditor ISO 27001 Owner Petugas Chief Information ( CIO ) Chief Information Security Officer ( CISO ) Petugas Chief Technology ( CTO ) IS Komite Pengarah / IT Komite Audit IT Senior Manager Informasi Security Manager Risk Manager Senior Audit Senior Manager IT & Staff Audit IT Staf Keamanan Staf Manajemen Risiko Fasilitator Training Lead Auditor ISO 27001 : Penyaji dari Training Lead Auditor ISO 27001 ini adalah tenaga pengajar dengan kualifikasi dan latar belakang dibidang sistem manajemen keamanan informasi , terdaftar dan berpengalaman sebagai auditor. Mereka telah memiliki pengetahuan yang luas diberbagai sektor termasuk manufaktur, keuangan, farmasi, baik lokal maupun pemerintahan nasional. Pelatihan di pimpin oleh professional Trainer dan Auditor yang sudah terdaftar dari IRCA. Sertifikasi Training Lead Auditor ISO 27001 : Bagi seluruh peserta yang telah mengikuti pelatihan hingga selesai, termasuk ujiannya, dan dinyatakan lulus akan mendapatkan penghargaan sertifikat IRCA. Investasi Training Lead Auditor ISO 27001 : Rp 13.990.000 / peserta. Diskon 5% untuk perusahaan yang mengirim dua peserta. Diskon 10% untuk perusahaan yang mengirim 3 peserta atau labih Diskon 5% untuk early bird (mendaftar 1 bulan sebelum pelaksanaan) Diskon 5% untuk WQA Client Investasi ini termasuk : Lunch and 2X Coffee Break Training Material Seminar Kit Certificate (Certified by IRCA) Lokasi Training Lead Auditor ISO 27001 Hotel bintang 4 di Jakarta atau WQA Training Center INFORMASI & REGISTRASI WQA APAC Graha ISKA 5th Floor, Jl Pramuka Raya No. 165 Central Jakarta, 10570 Indonesia Phone : +6221 – 4260769 Hotline +628111496821 (Whatsapp) Email :,
read moreBoston Bruins vs. Ottawa Senators
Cash; Check up to $100.00 w/Mass. Driver License; AMEX; Visa; MC; Discover; Diners Club Pick up tickets starting 2 hours prior to event time. Customer must present the actual credit card used to place order and a photo I.D. General Info Number:(617) 624-1000 Group Sales (only!): (617) 624-1805/1806 Bruins (617) 624-BEAR (Groups = 25+) Celtics (617) 523-3030 (Groups = 20+) Please do not contact Group Sales regarding sold out games! TD Garden - Boston | Tickets, Schedule, Seating Chart, Directions ( The box office will open 2 hours prior to an event and remain open until one hour after the event begins. Please note the TD Garden Box Office does not sell tickets at the public on sale. All tickets should be purchased via *Hours subject to change This is an accessible venue.
read moreHamilton (Touring)
Visa, Mastercard, Discover, American Express, and Cash. No checks. WHEN: 2 hours prior to showtime WHERE: Will Call window - West side of building Customers must have actual credit card used to purchase the tickets, a photo ID and their Ticketmaster confirmation/order number. Box Office: (317) 231-0000 Due to the ongoing global pandemic, and to protect the health and safety of our guests and venue staff members, the box office will be open on-day-of-show only. If you’d like to purchase tickets, please visit us at If you’re looking to obtain a refund for a show that was either canceled, postponed or rescheduled, please visit us at for more information. We look forward to seeing you at our next show. Accessible Seating is available for purchase at the Box Office and all Ticketmaster points of purchase.
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